/* This file is part of the KDE project
   Copyright (C) 2000 David Faure <faure@kde.org>
                 2000 Carsten Pfeiffer <pfeiffer@kde.org>

   This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
   modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public
   License version 2 as published by the Free Software Foundation.

   This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
   but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
   Library General Public License for more details.

   You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License
   along with this library; see the file COPYING.LIB.  If not, write to
   the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor,
   Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.

#ifndef konq_tree_h
#define konq_tree_h

#include <tdelistview.h>
#include "konq_sidebartreetoplevelitem.h"
#include "konqsidebar_tree.h"
#include <kdirnotify.h>
#include <tqmap.h>
#include <tqpoint.h>
#include <tqstrlist.h>
#include <tqtooltip.h>

class KonqSidebarTreeModule;
class KonqSidebarTreeItem;
class TDEActionCollection;

class TQTimer;

class KonqSidebarTree_Internal;

#define VIRT_Link 0
#define VIRT_Folder 1 // A directory which is parsed for .desktop files

typedef KonqSidebarTreeModule*(*getModule)(KonqSidebarTree*, const bool); 

typedef struct DirTreeConfigData_
  KURL dir;
  int type;
  TQString relDir;
} DirTreeConfigData;

class KonqSidebarTreeToolTip : public TQToolTip
    KonqSidebarTreeToolTip( TQListView *view ) : TQToolTip( view->viewport() ), m_view( view ) {}

    virtual void maybeTip( const TQPoint & );

    TQListView *m_view;

typedef enum {
    SidebarTreeMode, // used if the drop is accepted by a KonqSidebarTreeItem. otherwise
    TDEListViewMode    // use TDEListView's dnd implementation. accepts mime types set with setDropFormats()
} DropAcceptType;

 * The multi-purpose tree (listview)
 * It parses its configuration (desktop files), each one corresponding to
 * a toplevel item, and creates the modules that will handle the contents
 * of those items.
class KonqSidebarTree : public TDEListView, public KDirNotify
    KonqSidebarTree( KonqSidebar_Tree *parent, TQWidget *parentWidget, int virt, const TQString& path );
    virtual ~KonqSidebarTree();

    void followURL( const KURL &url );

     * @return the current (i.e. selected) item
    KonqSidebarTreeItem * currentItem() const;

    void startAnimation( KonqSidebarTreeItem * item, const char * iconBaseName = "trinity", uint iconCount = 6, const TQPixmap * originalPixmap = 0L );
    void stopAnimation( KonqSidebarTreeItem * item );

    // Reimplemented from KDirNotify
    void FilesAdded( const KURL & dir );
    void FilesRemoved( const KURL::List & urls );
    void FilesChanged( const KURL::List & urls );

    KonqSidebarPlugin * part() { return m_part; }

    void lockScrolling( bool lock ) { m_scrollingLocked = lock; }

    bool isOpeningFirstChild() const { return m_bOpeningFirstChild; }
    void enableActions( bool copy, bool cut, bool paste,
                        bool trash, bool del, bool rename = false );

    void itemDestructed( KonqSidebarTreeItem *item );

    void setDropFormats( const TQStringList &formats ); // used in TDEListView mode
    // Show context menu for toplevel items
    void showToplevelContextMenu();

    // Add an URL
    void addURL(KonqSidebarTreeTopLevelItem* item, const KURL&url);

    // If we can use dcop to open tabs
    bool tabSupport();

public slots:
    virtual void setContentsPos( int x, int y );

    virtual void contentsDragEnterEvent( TQDragEnterEvent *e );
    virtual void contentsDragMoveEvent( TQDragMoveEvent *e );
    virtual void contentsDragLeaveEvent( TQDragLeaveEvent *e );
    virtual void contentsDropEvent( TQDropEvent *ev );
    virtual bool acceptDrag(TQDropEvent* e) const; // used in TDEListView mode

    virtual void leaveEvent( TQEvent * );

    virtual TQDragObject* dragObject();

private slots:
    void slotDoubleClicked( TQListViewItem *item );
    void slotExecuted( TQListViewItem *item );
    void slotMouseButtonPressed(int _button, TQListViewItem* _item, const TQPoint&, int col);
    void slotSidebarMouseButtonClicked(int _button, TQListViewItem* _item, const TQPoint&, int col);
    void slotSelectionChanged();

    void slotAnimation();

    void slotAutoOpenFolder();

    void rescanConfiguration();

    void slotItemRenamed(TQListViewItem*, const TQString &, int);

    void slotCreateFolder();
    void slotDelete();
    void slotRename();
    void slotProperties();
    void slotOpenNewWindow();
    void slotOpenTab();
    void slotCopyLocation();

    void clearTree();
    void scanDir( KonqSidebarTreeItem *parent, const TQString &path, bool isRoot = false );
    void loadTopLevelGroup( KonqSidebarTreeItem *parent, const TQString &path );
    void loadTopLevelItem( KonqSidebarTreeItem *parent, const TQString &filename );

    void loadModuleFactories();

    TQPtrList<KonqSidebarTreeTopLevelItem> m_topLevelItems;
    KonqSidebarTreeTopLevelItem *m_currentTopLevelItem;

    TQPtrList<KonqSidebarTreeModule> m_lstModules;

    KonqSidebarPlugin  *m_part;

    struct AnimationInfo
        AnimationInfo( const char * _iconBaseName, uint _iconCount, const TQPixmap & _originalPixmap )
            : iconBaseName(_iconBaseName), iconCount(_iconCount), iconNumber(1), originalPixmap(_originalPixmap) {}
        AnimationInfo() : iconCount(0) {}
        TQCString iconBaseName;
        uint iconCount;
        uint iconNumber;
        TQPixmap originalPixmap;
    typedef TQMap<KonqSidebarTreeItem *, AnimationInfo> MapCurrentOpeningFolders;
    MapCurrentOpeningFolders m_mapCurrentOpeningFolders;

    TQTimer *m_animationTimer;

    TQListViewItem *m_currentBeforeDropItem; // The item that was current before the drag-enter event happened
    TQListViewItem *m_dropItem; // The item we are moving the mouse over (during a drag)
    TQStrList m_lstDropFormats;

    TQTimer *m_autoOpenTimer;

    // The base URL for our configuration directory
    //KURL m_dirtreeDir;
    DirTreeConfigData m_dirtreeDir;

    KonqSidebarTreeToolTip m_toolTip;
    bool m_scrollingLocked;

    getModule getPluginFactory(TQString name);
    TQMap<TQString, TQString>   pluginInfo;
    TQMap<TQString, getModule> pluginFactories;

    bool m_bOpeningFirstChild;
    TDEActionCollection *m_collection;

    KonqSidebarTree_Internal *d;

#undef signals
#define signals public
#undef signals
#define signals protected
    void openURLRequest( const KURL &url, const KParts::URLArgs &args = KParts::URLArgs() );
    void createNewWindow( const KURL &url, const KParts::URLArgs &args = KParts::URLArgs() );
    void popupMenu( const TQPoint &global, const KURL &url,
         const TQString &mimeType, mode_t mode = (mode_t)-1 );
    void popupMenu( const TQPoint &global, const KFileItemList &items );
    void enableAction( const char * name, bool enabled );
