/* This file is part of the KDE project Copyright (C) 2000 David Faure <faure@kde.org> This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public License version 2 as published by the Free Software Foundation. This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Library General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License along with this library; see the file COPYING.LIB. If not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. */ //#include "konq_treepart.h" #include "konq_sidebartreemodule.h" #include <kdebug.h> #include <kdirnotify_stub.h> #include <tdeio/paste.h> #include <konq_operations.h> #include <kprotocolinfo.h> #include <kurldrag.h> #include <kmimetype.h> #include <tqapplication.h> #include <tqclipboard.h> #include <tqcursor.h> #include <konq_drag.h> void KonqSidebarTreeTopLevelItem::init() { TQString desktopFile = m_path; if ( isTopLevelGroup() ) desktopFile += "/.directory"; KSimpleConfig cfg( desktopFile, true ); cfg.setDesktopGroup(); m_comment = cfg.readEntry( "Comment" ); } void KonqSidebarTreeTopLevelItem::setOpen( bool open ) { if (open && module()) module()->openTopLevelItem( this ); KonqSidebarTreeItem::setOpen( open ); } void KonqSidebarTreeTopLevelItem::itemSelected() { kdDebug() << "KonqSidebarTreeTopLevelItem::itemSelected" << endl; TQMimeSource *data = TQApplication::clipboard()->data(); bool paste = m_bTopLevelGroup && data->provides("text/uri-list"); tree()->enableActions( true, true, paste, true, true, true /*rename*/ ); } bool KonqSidebarTreeTopLevelItem::acceptsDrops( const TQStrList & formats ) { return formats.contains("text/uri-list") && ( m_bTopLevelGroup || !externalURL().isEmpty() ); } void KonqSidebarTreeTopLevelItem::drop( TQDropEvent * ev ) { if ( m_bTopLevelGroup ) { // When dropping something to "Network" or its subdirs, we want to create // a desktop link, not to move/copy/link - except for .desktop files :-} KURL::List lst; if ( KURLDrag::decode( ev, lst ) && !lst.isEmpty() ) // Are they urls ? { KURL::List::Iterator it = lst.begin(); for ( ; it != lst.end() ; it++ ) { tree()->addURL(this, *it); } } else kdError(1202) << "No URL !? " << endl; } else // Top level item, not group { if ( !externalURL().isEmpty() ) KonqOperations::doDrop( 0L, externalURL(), ev, tree() ); } } TQDragObject * KonqSidebarTreeTopLevelItem::dragObject( TQWidget * parent, bool move ) { // 100% duplicated from KonqDirTreeItem::dragObject :( KURL::List lst; KURL url; url.setPath( path() ); lst.append( url ); KonqDrag * drag = KonqDrag::newDrag( lst, false, parent ); const TQPixmap * pix = pixmap(0); if (pix) { TQPoint hotspot( pix->width() / 2, pix->height() / 2 ); drag->setPixmap( *pix, hotspot ); } drag->setMoveSelection( move ); return drag; } void KonqSidebarTreeTopLevelItem::middleButtonClicked() { if ( !m_bTopLevelGroup ) emit tree()->createNewWindow( m_externalURL ); // Do nothing for toplevel groups } void KonqSidebarTreeTopLevelItem::rightButtonPressed() { KURL url; url.setPath( m_path ); // We don't show "edit file type" (useless here) and "properties" (shows the wrong name, // i.e. the filename instead of the Name field). There's the Rename item for that. // Only missing thing is changing the URL of a link. Hmm... if ( !module() || !module()->handleTopLevelContextMenu( this, TQCursor::pos() ) ) { tree()->showToplevelContextMenu(); } } void KonqSidebarTreeTopLevelItem::trash() { delOperation( KonqOperations::TRASH ); } void KonqSidebarTreeTopLevelItem::del() { delOperation( KonqOperations::DEL ); } void KonqSidebarTreeTopLevelItem::shred() { delOperation( KonqOperations::SHRED ); } void KonqSidebarTreeTopLevelItem::delOperation( int method ) { KURL url; url.setPath( m_path ); KURL::List lst; lst.append(url); KonqOperations::del(tree(), method, lst); } void KonqSidebarTreeTopLevelItem::paste() { // move or not move ? bool move = false; TQMimeSource *data = TQApplication::clipboard()->data(); if ( data->provides( "application/x-tde-cutselection" ) ) { move = KonqDrag::decodeIsCutSelection( data ); kdDebug(1201) << "move (from clipboard data) = " << move << endl; } KURL destURL; if ( m_bTopLevelGroup ) destURL.setPath( m_path ); else destURL = m_externalURL; TDEIO::pasteClipboard( destURL, move ); } void KonqSidebarTreeTopLevelItem::rename() { tree()->rename( this, 0 ); } void KonqSidebarTreeTopLevelItem::rename( const TQString & name ) { KURL url; url.setPath( m_path ); // Well, it's not really the file we want to rename, it's the Name field // of the .directory or desktop file //KonqOperations::rename( tree(), url, name ); TQString desktopFile = m_path; if ( isTopLevelGroup() ) desktopFile += "/.directory"; KSimpleConfig cfg( desktopFile ); cfg.setDesktopGroup(); cfg.writeEntry( "Name", name ); cfg.sync(); // Notify about the change KURL::List lst; lst.append(url); KDirNotify_stub allDirNotify("*", "KDirNotify*"); allDirNotify.FilesChanged( lst ); } TQString KonqSidebarTreeTopLevelItem::toolTipText() const { return m_comment; }