Article 3073 of comp.terminals:
From: (Lars Johanson)
Newsgroups: comp.terminals
Subject: vt102 escape codes
Date: 24 Oct 1994 16:29:21 GMT
Organization: Haukeland Sykehus
Lines: 399
Message-ID: <38gnd1$>
X-Newsreader: WinVN 0.92.6+


I have seen some people asking for escape sequencies for the 
vt100-terminal. I asked the DIGITAL company in Sweden, and 
received this (hopefully not copyrighted). It is a vt102 terminal, 
but there seems to be little difference. I've tried to mark 
functions special to vt102 with:		// Not in vt100

Here you are:

Escape codes for vt102 terminal. 

All numbers below are octal.<n> means numeric value,<c> means character string.
If <n> is missing it is 0 or in cursor movements 1.
Reset and set modes
  Set Modes
    Esc  [ <c> ; ... ; <c> h
    033 133   073   073   150
  Reset Modes
    Esc  [ <c> ; ... ; <c> l
    033 133   073   073   154
  Where <c> is
    '2'= Lock keyboard (set); Unlock keyboard (reset)
    '4'= Insert mode (set); Replace mode (reset)
   '12'= Echo on (set); Echo off (reset)
   '20'= Return = CR+LF (set); Return = CR (reset)
   '?1'= Cursorkeys application (set); Cursorkeys normal (reset)
   '?2'= Ansi (set); VT52 (reset)
   '?3'= 132 char/row (set); 80 char/row (reset)
   '?4'= Jump scroll (set); Smooth scroll (reset)
   '?5'= Reverse screen (set); Normal screen (reset)
   '?6'= Sets relative coordinates (set); Sets absolute coordinates (reset)
   '?7'= Auto wrap (set); Auto wrap off (reset)
   '?8'= Auto repeat on (set); Auto repeat off (reset)
  '?18'= Send FF to printer after print screen (set); No char after PS (reset)
  '?19'= Print screen prints full screen (set); PS prints scroll region (reset)
  '?25'= Cursor on (set); Cursor off (reset) 
Set scrolling region (n1=upper,n2=lower)
  Esc  [ <n1> ; <n2> r
  033 133    073    162
Cursor movement (<n>=how many chars or lines), cursor stop at margin.
    Esc  [ <n> A
    033 133   101
    Esc  [ <n> B
    033 133   102
    Esc  [ <n> C
    033 133   103
    Esc  [  n  D
    033 133   104
  Cursor position  (<n1>=y,<n2>=x, from top of screen or scroll region)
       Esc  [ <n1> ; <n2> H
       033 133    073    110
    Or Esc  [ <n1> ; <n2> f
       033 133    073    146
  Index (cursor down with scroll up when at margin)
    Esc  D
    033 104
  Reverse index (cursor up with scroll down when at margin)
    Esc  M
    033 115
  Next line (CR+Index)
    Esc  E
    033 105
  Save cursor and attribute
    Esc  7
    033 067
  Restore cursor and attribute
    Esc  8
    033 070
Keybad character selection
  Application keypad mode
    Esc  =
    033 075
  Numeric keypad mode
    Esc  >
    033 076
  Keypadkeys codes generated
                  Numeric      Application                VT52 Application
    0             0 (060)      Esc O p (033 117 160)      Esc ? p (033 077 160)
    1             1 (061)      Esc O q (033 117 161)      Esc ? q (033 077 161)
    2             2 (062)      Esc O r (033 117 162)      Esc ? r (033 077 162)
    3             3 (063)      Esc O s (033 117 163)      Esc ? s (033 077 163)
    4             4 (064)      Esc O t (033 117 164)      Esc ? t (033 077 164)
    5             5 (065)      Esc O u (033 117 165)      Esc ? u (033 077 165)
    6             6 (066)      Esc O v (033 117 166)      Esc ? v (033 077 166)
    7             7 (067)      Esc O w (033 117 167)      Esc ? w (033 077 167)
    8             8 (070)      Esc O x (033 117 170)      Esc ? x (033 077 170)
    9             9 (071)      Esc O y (033 117 171)      Esc ? y (033 077 171)
    - (minus)     - (055)      Esc O m (033 117 155)      Esc ? m (033 077 155)
    , (comma)     , (054)      Esc O l (033 117 154)      Esc ? l (033 077 154)
    . (period)    . (056)      Esc O n (033 117 156)      Esc ? n (033 077 156)
    Enter         CR (015)*    Esc O M (033 117 115)      Esc ? M (033 077 115)
    PF1           Esc O P      Esc O P (033 117 120)      Esc P (033 120)
    PF2           Esc O Q      Esc O Q (033 117 121)      Esc Q (033 121)
    PF3           Esc O R      Esc O R (033 117 122)      Esc R (033 122)
    PF4           Esc O S      Esc O S (033 117 123)      Esc S (033 123)
  * Or CR+LF (015 012)
  Cursorkeys codes generated (changed by set and reset modes '?1')
          normal         application
    Up    Esc  [   A     Esc  O   A
          033 133 101    033 117 101
    Down  Esc  [   B     Esc  O   B
          033 133 102    033 117 102
    Right Esc  [   C     Esc  O   C
          033 133 103    033 117 103
    Left  Esc  [   D     Esc  O   D
          033 133 104    033 117 104
Select character set
  UK as G0
    Esc  (   A
    033 050 101
  US as G0
    Esc  (   B
    033 050 102
  Special characters and line drawing character set as G0
    Esc  (   0
    033 050 060
  Alternate ROM as G0					// Not in vt100
    Esc  (   1
    033 050 061
  Alternate ROM special characters character set as G0	// Not in vt100
    Esc  (   2
    033 050 062
  UK as G1
    Esc  )   A
    033 051 101
  US as G1
    Esc  )   B
    033 051 102
  Special characters and line drawing character set as G1
    Esc  )   0
    033 051 060
  Alternate ROM as G1					// Not in vt100
    Esc  )   1
    033 051 061
  Alternate ROM special characters character set as G1	// Not in vt100
    Esc  )   2
    033 051 062
  Selects G2 for one character				// Not in vt100
    Esc  N
    033 115
  Selects G3 for one character				// Not in vt100
    Esc  O
    033 117
Set graphic rendition
  Esc  [ <n> ; <n> m
  033 133   073   156
  Where <n> is
   0 = Turn off attributes
   1 = Bold (Full)
   2 = Half				// Not in vt100
   4 = Underline
   5 = Blink
   7 = Reverse
  21 = Normal intensity
  22 = Normal intensity
  24 = Cancel underlined
  25 = Cancel blinking
  27 = Cancel reverse
Tab stops
  Set horizontal tab
    Esc  H
    033 110
  Clear horizontal tab
       Esc  [   g
       033 133 147
    Or Esc  [   0   g
       033 133 060 147
  Clear all horizontal tabs
    Esc  [   3   g
    033 133 063 147
Line attributes
    Top half
      Esc  #   3
      033 043 063
    Bottom half
      Esc  #   4
      033 043 064
  Single-width, single-height
    Esc  #   5
    033 043 065
    Esc  #   6
    033 043 066
  Erase in line
    End of line (including cursor position)
         Esc  [   K
         033 133 113
      Or Esc  [   0   K
         033 133 060 113
    Beginning of line (including cursor position)
      Esc  [   1   K
      033 133 061 113
    Complete line
      Esc  [   2   K
      033 133 062 113
  Erase in display
    End of screen (including cursor position)
         Esc  [   J
         033 133 112
      Or Esc  [   0   J
         033 133 060 112
    Beginning of screen (including cursor position)
      Esc  [   1   J
      033 133 061 112
    Complete display
      Esc  [   2   J
      033 133 062 112
Computer editing
  Delete characters (<n> characters right from cursor
    Esc  [ <n> P
    033 133   120
  Insert line (<n> lines)
    Esc  [ <n> L
    033 133   114
  Delete line (<n> lines)
    Esc  [ <n> M
    033 133   115
  Esc  [ <c> i
  033 133    151
  Where <c> is
      ''= Same as '0'
     '0'= Prints screen (full or scroll region)
     '4'= Printer controller off
     '5'= Printer controller on (Print all received chars to printer)
    '?1'= Print cursor line
    '?4'= Auto print off
    '?5'= Auto print on (Prints line to printer when you exit from it)
  Device status
    Esc  [ <c> n
    033 133   156
  Where <c> is
      '0'=Response Ready, no malfunctions detected
      '3'=Malfunction, error in self-test.
      '5'=Status report request
      '6'=Request cursor position.
    '?10'=Response to printer status request, All ok.
    '?11'=Response to printer status request, Printer is not ready.
    '?13'=Response to printer status request, No printer.
    '?15'=Status report request from printer
  Cursor position raport (Response to request cursor position)
    Esc  [ <n1> ; <n2> R
    033 133    073    122
  Request terminal to identify itself (esc Z may not be supported in future)
    Esc  [   c
    033 133 143
    Esc  [   0   c
    033 133 060 143
    Esc  Z
    033 132
  Response to terminal identify (VT102)
    Esc  [   ?   6   c
    033 133 077 066 143
Reset to initial state
  Esc  c
  033 143
  Invoke confidence test
    Esc  [   2   ; <n> y
    033 133 062 073   171
  Where <n> is
     '1'= Power-up test
     '2'= Data loopback test
     '4'= EIA loopback test
     '9'= Power-up tests (continuously)
    '10'= Data loopback tests (continuously)
    '12'= EIA loopback tests (continuously)
    '16'= Printer loopback test
    '24'= Printer loopback tests (continuously)
Screen adjustments
  Esc  #   8
  033 043 070
Keyboard indicator
  Led L1 off
    Esc  [   0   q
    033 133 060 181
  Led L1 on
    Esc  [   1   q
    033 133 061 181
VT52 sequences
  Ansi mode
    Esc  <
    033 074
  Cursor positioning
    Up    Esc  A
          033 101
    Down  Esc  B
          033 102
    Right Esc  C
          033 103
    Left  Esc  D
          033 104
    Home  Esc  H
          033 110
    Direct cursor address
      Esc  Y  <line+040> <columns+040>
      033 131
    Reverse linefeed       Esc  I
                           033 111
    Erase to end of line   Esc  K
                           033 113
    Erase to end of screen Esc  J
                           033 112
    Auto print on          Esc  ^
                           033 136
    Auto print off         Esc   
                           033 137
    Printer controller on  Esc  W
                           033 127
    Printer controller off Esc  X
                           033 130
    Print cursor line      Esc  V
                           033 135
    Print screen           Esc  ]
                           033 135
    Indentify request      Esc  Z
                           033 132
    Response to indetify   Esc  /   Z
     request (VT52)        033 057 132
    Special charset (same  Esc  F
     as line draw in VT102 033 106
    Normal char set        Esc  G
                           033 107
Control characters
  000 = Null (fill character)
  003 = ETX (Can be selected half-duplex turnaround char)
  004 = EOT (Can be turnaround or disconnect char, if turn, then DLE-EOT=disc.)
  005 = ENQ (Transmits answerback message)
  007 = BEL (Generates bell tone)
  010 = BS  (Moves cursor left)
  011 = HT  (Moves cursor to next tab)
  012 = LF  (Linefeed or New line operation)
  013 = VT  (Processed as LF)
  014 = FF  (Processed as LF, can be selected turnaround char)
  015 = CR  (Moves cursor to left margin, can be turnaround char)
  016 = SO  (Selects G1 charset)
  017 = SI  (Selects G0 charset)
  021 = DC1 (XON, causes terminal to continue transmit)
  023 = DC3 (XOFF, causes terminal to stop transmitting)
  030 = CAN (Cancels escape sequence)
  032 = SUB (Processed as CAN)
  033 = ESC (Processed as sequence indicator)