# linux color schema for konsole

title Transparent Konsole

transparency 0.35 0 0 0

# The flaw in this schema is that "blick" comes out on the
# Linux console as intensive background, really.
# Since this is not used in clients you'll hardly notice
# it in practice.

# foreground colors

# note that the default background color is flagged
# to become transparent when an image is present.

#   slot    transparent bold
#      | red grn blu  | |
#      V V--color--V  V V

color  0 178 178 178  0 0  # regular   foreground color (White)
color  1   0   0   0  1 0  # regular   background color (Black)

color  2   0   0   0  0 0  # regular   color 0 Black
color  3 178  24  24  0 0  # regular   color 1 Red
color  4  24 178  24  0 0  # regular   color 2 Green
color  5 178 104  24  0 0  # regular   color 3 Yellow
color  6  24  24 178  0 0  # regular   color 4 Blue
color  7 178  24 178  0 0  # regular   color 5 Magenta
color  8  24 178 178  0 0  # regular   color 6 Cyan
color  9 178 178 178  0 0  # regular   color 7 White

# intensive colors

# instead of changing the colors, we've flaged the text to become bold

color 10 255 255 255  0 0  # intensive foreground color
color 11 104 104 104  1 0  # intensive background color

color 12 104 104 104  0 0  # intensive color 0
color 13 255  84  84  0 0  # intensive color 1
color 14  84 255  84  0 0  # intensive color 2
color 15 255 255  84  0 0  # intensive color 3
color 16  84  84 255  0 0  # intensive color 4
color 17 255  84 255  0 0  # intensive color 5
color 18  84 255 255  0 0  # intensive color 6
color 19 255 255 255  0 0  # intensive color 7