/************************************************************************** desktop.cpp - KPager's desktop Copyright (C) 2000 Antonio Larrosa Jimenez Matthias Ettrich Matthias Elter This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. Send comments and bug fixes to larrosa@kde.org ***************************************************************************/ #include "kpager.h" #include <dcopobject.h> #include <dcopclient.h> #include <kdatastream.h> #include <tdeapplication.h> #include <tdeglobalsettings.h> #include <twinmodule.h> #include <twin.h> #include <tdeconfig.h> #include <tdeglobal.h> #include <kdebug.h> #include <ksharedpixmap.h> #include <kpixmapio.h> #include <tdepopupmenu.h> #include <netwm.h> #include <tqcstring.h> #include <tqpixmap.h> #include <tqpainter.h> #include <tqdrawutil.h> #include <tqpoint.h> #include "desktop.h" #include "config.h" #include "windowdrag.h" Desktop::Desktop( int desk, TQString desktopName, TQWidget *parent, const char *name): TQWidget(parent,name) { m_desk = desk; m_name = desktopName; m_bgSmallPixmap=0L; m_bgCommonSmallPixmap=0L; m_bgPixmap = 0L; m_bgDirty=true; m_grabWindows=false; setAcceptDrops(TRUE); setBackgroundMode(NoBackground); if (m_desk==1) Desktop::m_windowPixmaps.setAutoDelete(true); TDEConfig *cfg= TDEGlobal::config(); m_transparentMode=static_cast<WindowTransparentMode> (cfg->readNumEntry("windowTransparentMode", c_defWindowTransparentMode)); resize(67, 50); } Desktop::~Desktop() { delete m_bgPixmap; delete m_bgSmallPixmap; } void Desktop::mouseMoveEvent( TQMouseEvent *ev ) { if ( !KPagerConfigDialog::m_windowDragging ) return; if ( (ev->state() & TQt::LeftButton) == 0 ) return; TQPoint p( ev->pos() - pressPos ); if ( p.manhattanLength() >= tqApp->startDragDistance() ) startDrag( pressPos ); } void Desktop::mousePressEvent( TQMouseEvent * ev) { bool showWindows= KPagerConfigDialog::m_showWindows; if (ev->button()==TQt::LeftButton){ pressPos = ev->pos(); } else if ((ev->button()==TQt::MidButton)&&(showWindows)) startDrag(ev->pos()); else if (ev->button()==TQt::RightButton) { TQPoint pos; KWin::WindowInfo *info = windowAtPosition(ev->pos(), &pos); if ( info && showWindows ) pager()->showPopupMenu(info->win(), mapToGlobal(ev->pos())); else pager()->showPopupMenu(0, mapToGlobal(ev->pos())); } } void Desktop::mouseReleaseEvent( TQMouseEvent *ev ) { /** Note that mouseReleaseEvent is not called when releasing the mouse to drop a window in this desktop */ if (ev->button()==TQt::LeftButton) { bool showWindows= KPagerConfigDialog::m_showWindows; TQPoint pos; KWin::setCurrentDesktop(m_desk); if (showWindows) { KWin::WindowInfo *info = windowAtPosition(ev->pos(), &pos); if (info) { KWin::forceActiveWindow(info->win()); // if ( static_cast<WindowDrawMode>( KPagerConfigDialog::m_windowDrawMode ) == Pixmap ) // m_windowPixmapsDirty.replace(info->win,true); } } } } KWin::WindowInfo *Desktop::windowAtPosition(const TQPoint &p, TQPoint *internalpos) { TQRect r; const TQValueList<WId> &list(pager()->twin()->stackingOrder()); if (list.count() <= 0) return 0L; for (TQValueList<WId>::ConstIterator it = list.fromLast(); ; --it) { KWin::WindowInfo* info = pager()->info( *it ); if (shouldPaintWindow(info)) { r=info->geometry(); convertRectS2P(r); if (r.contains(p)) { if (internalpos) { internalpos->setX(p.x()-r.x()); internalpos->setY(p.y()-r.y()); } return info; } } if (it == list.begin()) break; } return 0L; } void Desktop::convertRectS2P(TQRect &r) { TQRect tmp(r); r.setRect(deskX()+tmp.x()*deskWidth()/tdeApp->desktop()->width(), deskY()+tmp.y()*deskHeight()/tdeApp->desktop()->height(), tmp.width()*deskWidth()/tdeApp->desktop()->width(), tmp.height()*deskHeight()/tdeApp->desktop()->height()); } void Desktop::convertCoordP2S(int &x, int &y) { x=(x-deskX())*(tdeApp->desktop()->width())/deskWidth(); y=(y-deskY())*(tdeApp->desktop()->height())/deskHeight(); } TQPixmap scalePixmap(const TQPixmap &pixmap, int width, int height) { if (pixmap.width()>100) { KPixmapIO io; TQImage img(io.convertToImage(pixmap)); return io.convertToPixmap(img.smoothScale(width,height)); } TQImage img(TQImage(pixmap.convertToImage()).smoothScale(width,height)); TQPixmap pix; pix.convertFromImage(img); return pix; } TQPixmap fastScalePixmap(const TQPixmap &pixmap, int width, int height) { TQWMatrix m; m.scale(width/(double)pixmap.width(), height/(double)pixmap.height()); return pixmap.xForm(m); } void Desktop::loadBgPixmap(void) { bool retval; // if (!m_bgDirty) return; DCOPClient *client = tdeApp->dcopClient(); if (!client->isAttached()) client->attach(); TQByteArray data, data2, replyData; TQCString replyType; if (client->call("kdesktop", "KBackgroundIface", "isCommon()", data, replyType, replyData)) { TQDataStream reply(replyData, IO_ReadOnly); if (replyType == "bool") { reply >> m_isCommon; } } if ( m_isCommon && m_desk!=1 ) return; /* TQDataStream args2( data2, IO_WriteOnly ); args2 << m_desk-1 << 0 << 0 << -1 << -1 << 200 << 150 ; if (client->call("kdesktop", "KBackgroundIface", "wallpaper(int,int,int,int,int,int,int)", data2, replyType, replyData)) { TQDataStream reply(replyData, IO_ReadOnly); if (replyType == "TQPixmap") { TQPixmap pixmap; reply >> pixmap; if (!pixmap.isNull()) { kdDebug() << "getting small bg through dcop\n"; if (m_isCommon) { if (m_bgSmallPixmap) { delete m_bgSmallPixmap; m_bgSmallPixmap=0L; } if (!m_bgCommonSmallPixmap) m_bgCommonSmallPixmap=new TQPixmap(pixmap); else *m_bgCommonSmallPixmap=pixmap; } else { if (m_bgCommonSmallPixmap) { delete m_bgCommonSmallPixmap; m_bgCommonSmallPixmap=0L; } if (!m_bgSmallPixmap) m_bgSmallPixmap=new TQPixmap(pixmap); else *m_bgSmallPixmap=pixmap; } return; } } } kdDebug() << "getting whole bg through shpixmap\n"; */ if (!m_bgPixmap) { m_bgPixmap = new TDESharedPixmap; connect(m_bgPixmap, TQ_SIGNAL(done(bool)), TQ_SLOT(backgroundLoaded(bool))); } retval = m_bgPixmap->loadFromShared(TQString("DESKTOP%1").arg(m_isCommon?1:m_desk)); if (retval == false) { TQDataStream args( data, IO_WriteOnly ); args << 1; // Argument is 1 (true) client->send("kdesktop", "KBackgroundIface", "setExport(int)", data); retval = m_bgPixmap->loadFromShared(TQString("DESKTOP%1").arg(m_isCommon?1:m_desk)); } } void Desktop::paintWindow(TQPainter &p, const KWin::WindowInfo *info, bool onDesktop) { switch (static_cast<WindowDrawMode>(KPagerConfigDialog::m_windowDrawMode ) ) { case (Plain) : paintWindowPlain (p, info, onDesktop);break; case (Icon) : paintWindowIcon (p, info, onDesktop);break; case (Pixmap) : paintWindowPixmap(p, info, onDesktop);break; } } TQPixmap *Desktop::paintNewWindow(const KWin::WindowInfo *info) { TQRect r = info->frameGeometry(); int dw = TQApplication::desktop()->width(); int dh = TQApplication::desktop()->height(); r = TQRect( r.x() * width() / dw, 2 + r.y() * height() / dh, r.width() * width() / dw, r.height() * height() / dh ); r.moveTopLeft(TQPoint(0,0)); TQPixmap *pixmap=new TQPixmap(r.width(),r.height()); TQPainter p; p.begin(pixmap); p.setFont(font()); p.fillRect( r, colorGroup().brush(TQColorGroup::Dark)); paintWindow(p, info, false); p.end(); return pixmap; } void Desktop::startDrag(const TQPoint &p) { TQPoint dragpos; KWin::WindowInfo *info=windowAtPosition(p,&dragpos); if ( (!info)/* || (info->state & NET::Max)*/ ) return; TQPixmap *pixmap=paintNewWindow(info); int deltax=dragpos.x(); int deltay=dragpos.y(); PagerWindowDrag *wdrag= new PagerWindowDrag( info->win(), deltax, deltay, m_desk, this); wdrag->setPixmap( *pixmap, TQPoint( deltax, deltay) ); delete pixmap; wdrag->dragCopy(); } void Desktop::dragEnterEvent(TQDragEnterEvent *ev) { if (PagerWindowDrag::canDecode( ev )) ev->accept(); } void Desktop::dragMoveEvent(TQDragMoveEvent *) { // TODO Moving the window while dragging would be cool, wouldn't it ? // Matthias: No, is way to slow on low end machines. // Antonio:Ok, I'll make it configurable after 2.0 (it would add a string) } void Desktop::dropEvent(TQDropEvent *ev) { WId win=0; int deltax,deltay; int origdesk; if (!PagerWindowDrag::decode(ev,win,deltax,deltay,origdesk)) return; int x=ev->pos().x()-deltax; int y=ev->pos().y()-deltay; /* * x and y now contain the position (in local coordinates) which * has the origin of the window */ convertCoordP2S(x,y); // kdDebug() << "moving window " << win << "d from " << origdesk << " to " << m_desk << endl; // NETWinInfo NETinfo( tqt_xdisplay(), win, tqt_xrootwin(), NET::Client | NET::WMDesktop); if (m_desk==0) { /* * The next line moves the window to the active desktop. This is done * because in other case, kwm raises the window when it's in a semi * changed state and doesn't work well with kpager. Let's see how well * KWin behaves. * if (activedesktop!=KWM::desktop(w)) * KWM::moveToDesktop(w,activedesktop); */ // KWin::setState(win, NET::Sticky); KWin::setOnAllDesktops(win, true); } else { if (origdesk==0) KWin::setOnAllDesktops(win, false); KWin::WindowInfo *info = pager()->info(win); if (!info->onAllDesktops()) KWin::setOnDesktop(win, m_desk); } XMoveWindow(x11Display(), win, x, y ); } bool Desktop::shouldPaintWindow( KWin::WindowInfo *info ) { if (!info) return false; // if (info->mappingState != NET::Visible) // return false; NET::WindowType type = info->windowType( NET::NormalMask | NET::DesktopMask | NET::DockMask | NET::ToolbarMask | NET::MenuMask | NET::DialogMask | NET::OverrideMask | NET::TopMenuMask | NET::UtilityMask | NET::SplashMask ); if (type == NET::Desktop || type == NET::Dock || type == NET::TopMenu) return false; if (!info->isOnDesktop(m_desk)) return false; if (info->state() & NET::SkipPager || info->state() & NET::Shaded ) return false; if (info->win() == pager()->winId()) return false; if ( info->isMinimized() ) return false; return true; } void Desktop::paintFrame(bool active) { TQPainter p(this); if ( active ) p.setPen(yellow); else p.setPen(TQColorGroup::Base); p.drawRect(rect()); p.end(); } void Desktop::paintEvent( TQPaintEvent * ) { TQPixmap pixmap(width(),height()); TQPainter p; p.begin(&pixmap); // p.setFont(font()); // p.fillRect(rect(), colorGroup().brush(TQColorGroup::Dark)); // p.setPen(TQt::black); // p.drawRect(rect()); if (KPagerConfigDialog::m_showBackground ) { if ( ( !m_isCommon && !m_bgSmallPixmap ) || (m_isCommon && !m_bgCommonSmallPixmap) ) loadBgPixmap(); if ( ( !m_isCommon && m_bgSmallPixmap && !m_bgSmallPixmap->isNull() ) || ( m_isCommon && m_bgCommonSmallPixmap && !m_bgCommonSmallPixmap->isNull() ) ) { TQPixmap tmp; if ( m_isCommon ) tmp=fastScalePixmap(*m_bgCommonSmallPixmap, width(),height()); else tmp=fastScalePixmap(*m_bgSmallPixmap, width(),height()); p.drawPixmap(0,0,tmp); } else pixmap.fill(TQt::gray); } else p.fillRect(rect(), colorGroup().brush(TQColorGroup::Mid)); // set in/active pen if (isCurrent()) p.setPen(yellow); else p.setPen(TQColorGroup::Base); // paint number & name bool sname=KPagerConfigDialog::m_showName; bool snumber=KPagerConfigDialog::m_showNumber; if ( sname || snumber ) { TQString txt; // set font if (sname) { TQFont f(TDEGlobalSettings::generalFont().family(), 10, TQFont::Bold); p.setFont(f); } else { TQFont f(TDEGlobalSettings::generalFont().family(), 12, TQFont::Bold); p.setFont(f); } // draw text if ( sname && snumber ) txt=TQString("%1. %2").arg(m_desk).arg(pager()->twin()->desktopName( m_desk )); else if ( sname ) txt=pager()->twin()->desktopName( m_desk ); else if ( snumber ) txt=TQString::number( m_desk ); p.drawText(2, 0, width()-4, height(), AlignCenter, txt ); } // paint windows if ( KPagerConfigDialog::m_showWindows ) { TQValueList<WId>::ConstIterator it; for ( it = pager()->twin()->stackingOrder().begin(); it != pager()->twin()->stackingOrder().end(); ++it ) { KWin::WindowInfo* info = pager()->info( *it ); if (shouldPaintWindow(info)) paintWindow(p,info); } } // paint border rectangle p.drawRect(rect()); p.end(); // blit pixmap to widget p.begin(this); p.drawPixmap(0,0,pixmap); p.end(); m_grabWindows=false; } void Desktop::paintWindowPlain(TQPainter &p, const KWin::WindowInfo *info, bool onDesktop) { TQRect r = info->frameGeometry(); int dw = TQApplication::desktop()->width(); int dh = TQApplication::desktop()->height(); r = TQRect( r.x() * width() / dw, 2 + r.y() * height() / dh, r.width() * width() / dw, r.height() * height() / dh ); if ( !onDesktop ) r.moveTopLeft(TQPoint(0,0)); bool isActive=(pager()->twin()->activeWindow() == info->win()); TQBrush brush; if ( isActive ) brush=colorGroup().brush( TQColorGroup::Highlight ); else brush=colorGroup().brush( TQColorGroup::Button ); if ( m_transparentMode==AllWindows || (m_transparentMode==MaximizedWindows && ( info->state() & NET::Max )) ) brush.setStyle(TQt::Dense4Pattern); if ( isActive ) { qDrawShadeRect( &p, r, colorGroup(), false, 1, 0, &brush ); } else { p.fillRect( r, brush ); qDrawShadeRect( &p, r, colorGroup(), true, 1, 0 ); } } void Desktop::paintWindowIcon(TQPainter &p, const KWin::WindowInfo *info, bool onDesktop) { TQRect r = info->frameGeometry(); int dw = TQApplication::desktop()->width(); int dh = TQApplication::desktop()->height(); r = TQRect( r.x() * width() / dw, 2 + r.y() * height() / dh, r.width() * width() / dw, r.height() * height() / dh ); TQPixmap icon=KWin::icon( info->win(), int(r.width()*0.8), int(r.height()*0.8), true); NET::WindowType type = info->windowType( NET::NormalMask | NET::DesktopMask | NET::DockMask | NET::ToolbarMask | NET::MenuMask | NET::DialogMask | NET::OverrideMask | NET::TopMenuMask | NET::UtilityMask | NET::SplashMask ); if ( icon.isNull() || type!=NET::Override ) paintWindowPlain(p,info,onDesktop); if ( !onDesktop ) r.moveTopLeft(TQPoint(0,0)); p.drawPixmap( r.topLeft()+ TQPoint(int(r.width()*0.1),int(r.height()*0.1)), icon ); } void Desktop::paintWindowPixmap(TQPainter &p, const KWin::WindowInfo *info, bool onDesktop) { const int knDefaultPixmapWd = 100; const int knDefaultPixmapHg = 75; TQRect rSmall, r = info->frameGeometry(); int dw = TQApplication::desktop()->width(); int dh = TQApplication::desktop()->height(); rSmall = TQRect( r.x() * width() / dw, 2 + r.y() * height() / dh, r.width() * width() / dw, r.height() * height() / dh ); TQPixmap *pixmap=m_windowPixmaps[info->win()]; bool isDirty=m_windowPixmapsDirty[info->win()]; if ( !pixmap || isDirty || m_grabWindows ) { if ( isCurrent() ) { TQPixmap tmp=TQPixmap::grabWindow(info->win(), 0,0,r.width(),r.height()); if (!tmp.isNull() && tmp.width() > 0 && tmp.height() > 0) { tmp.setOptimization(TQPixmap::BestOptim); int nWd, nHg; if (rSmall.width() > knDefaultPixmapWd || rSmall.height() > knDefaultPixmapHg) { nWd = knDefaultPixmapWd; nHg = knDefaultPixmapHg; } else { nWd = rSmall.width(); nHg = rSmall.height(); } pixmap=new TQPixmap(fastScalePixmap(tmp, nWd, nHg)); m_windowPixmaps.replace(info->win(),pixmap); m_windowPixmapsDirty.replace(info->win(),false); } } // It was impossible to get the pixmap, let's fallback to the icon mode. if ( !pixmap || pixmap->isNull() ) { paintWindowIcon(p, info, onDesktop); return; } } if ( !onDesktop ) rSmall.moveTopLeft(TQPoint(0,0)); if (rSmall.width() != pixmap->width() || rSmall.height() != pixmap->height()) { TQPixmap pixmapSmall(fastScalePixmap(*pixmap,rSmall.width(),rSmall.height())); p.drawPixmap( rSmall.topLeft(), pixmapSmall ); } else { p.drawPixmap( rSmall.topLeft(), *pixmap); } } KPager *Desktop::pager() const { return reinterpret_cast<KPager *>(parent()); } bool Desktop::isCurrent() const { return pager()->twin()->currentDesktop()==m_desk; } void Desktop::backgroundLoaded(bool b) { if (b) { if (m_isCommon) { if (m_bgSmallPixmap) { delete m_bgSmallPixmap; m_bgSmallPixmap=0L ; }; if (!m_bgCommonSmallPixmap) m_bgCommonSmallPixmap=new TQPixmap; *m_bgCommonSmallPixmap=scalePixmap(*m_bgPixmap,200,150); } else { if (m_bgCommonSmallPixmap) { delete m_bgCommonSmallPixmap; m_bgCommonSmallPixmap=0L ; }; if (!m_bgSmallPixmap) m_bgSmallPixmap=new TQPixmap; *m_bgSmallPixmap=fastScalePixmap(*m_bgPixmap,200,150); } delete m_bgPixmap; m_bgPixmap=0L; if (m_isCommon) pager()->redrawDesktops(); else update(); } else kdDebug() << "Error getting the background\n"; } TQSize Desktop::sizeHint() const { return TQSize(67,50); } TQPixmap *Desktop::m_bgCommonSmallPixmap=0L; bool Desktop::m_isCommon=false; TQIntDict<TQPixmap> Desktop::m_windowPixmaps; TQMap<int,bool> Desktop::m_windowPixmapsDirty; // Default Configuration ------------------------------------------------- const bool Desktop::c_defShowName=false; const bool Desktop::c_defShowNumber=false; const bool Desktop::c_defShowWindows=true; const bool Desktop::c_defShowBackground=true; const bool Desktop::c_defWindowDragging=true; const Desktop::WindowDrawMode Desktop::c_defWindowDrawMode=Desktop::Icon; const Desktop::WindowTransparentMode Desktop::c_defWindowTransparentMode=Desktop::AllWindows; #include "desktop.moc"