/*************************************************************************** kpersonalizer.cpp - description ------------------- begin : Die Mai 22 17:24:18 CEST 2001 copyright : (C) 2001 by Ralf Nolden email : nolden@kde.org ***************************************************************************/ /*************************************************************************** * * * This program is free software; you can redistribute and/or modify * * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * * (at your option) any later version. * * * ***************************************************************************/ #include <unistd.h> #include <tqpushbutton.h> #include <tqlabel.h> #include <tqstring.h> #include <tqstringlist.h> #include <tqfile.h> #include <tqtimer.h> #include <tqcursor.h> #include <ksimpleconfig.h> #include <kglobal.h> #include <kglobalsettings.h> #include <kstandarddirs.h> #include <klocale.h> #include <kapplication.h> #include <tdelistview.h> #include <krun.h> #include <kmessagebox.h> #include <tdeconfig.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <kdebug.h> #include "kcountrypage.h" #include "kospage.h" #include "keyecandypage.h" #include "kstylepage.h" #include "krefinepage.h" #include "kpersonalizer.h" #include "kpersonalizer.moc" bool KPersonalizer::before_session = false; KPersonalizer::KPersonalizer(TQWidget *parent, const char *name) : KWizard(parent, name, true) { // first, reset the startup from true (see desktop file in share/autostart) to false setCaption(kapp->caption()); kapp->config()->setGroup("General"); os_dirty = eye_dirty = style_dirty=false; kapp->config()->writeEntry("FirstLogin", false); kapp->config()->sync(); countrypage= new KCountryPage(this); addPage( countrypage, i18n( "Step 1: Introduction" ) ); setHelpEnabled(TQWizard::page(0), false); ospage= new KOSPage(this); addPage(ospage, i18n( "Step 2: I want it my Way..." ) ); setHelpEnabled(TQWizard::page(1), false); eyecandy= new KEyeCandyPage(this); addPage( eyecandy, i18n( "Step 3: Eyecandy-O-Meter" ) ); setHelpEnabled(TQWizard::page(2), false); stylepage= new TDEStylePage(this); addPage( stylepage, i18n( "Step 4: Everybody loves Themes" ) ); setHelpEnabled(TQWizard::page(3), false); refinepage=new KRefinePage(this); addPage( refinepage, i18n( "Step 5: Time to Refine" ) ); setHelpEnabled(TQWizard::page(4), false); cancelButton()->setText(i18n("S&kip Wizard")); setFinishEnabled(TQWizard::page(4), true); locale = new TDELocale("kpersonalizer"); locale->setLanguage(TDELocale::defaultLanguage()); connect(ospage, TQT_SIGNAL(selectedOS(const TQString&)), stylepage, TQT_SLOT(presetStyle(const TQString&))); connect(ospage, TQT_SIGNAL(selectedOS(const TQString&)), eyecandy, TQT_SLOT(slotPresetSlider(const TQString&))); connect(refinepage->pb_kcontrol, TQT_SIGNAL(clicked()), this, TQT_SLOT(accept())); setPosition(); /* hide the detail-box on eyecandypage. we need to call it from here, to be able, to call it at last. Else we would run into layout-problems later. */ eyecandy->klv_features->hide(); } KPersonalizer::~KPersonalizer() { } void KPersonalizer::next() { if(currentPage()==countrypage) { // only restart kp, if the new language is different from the one selected in main.cpp // and none of the later pages is dirty if ( (countrypage->b_startedLanguageChanged) && !(os_dirty || eye_dirty || style_dirty) ) { if ( countrypage->save(countrypage->cb_country, countrypage->cb_language) ) delayedRestart(); } else { (void)countrypage->save(countrypage->cb_country, countrypage->cb_language); TQWizard::next(); } } else if(currentPage()==ospage){ os_dirty=true; // set the dirty flag, changes done that need reverting ospage->save(); TQWizard::next(); } else if(currentPage()==eyecandy){ eye_dirty=true; // set the dirty flag, changes done that need reverting eyecandy->save(); TQTimer::singleShot(0, this, TQT_SLOT(slotNext())); } else if(currentPage()==stylepage){ style_dirty=true; // set the dirty flag, changes done that need reverting stylepage->save(); TQWizard::next(); } if(currentPage()==refinepage) { finishButton()->setFocus(); } } void KPersonalizer::slotNext() { TQWizard::next(); stylepage->switchPrevStyle(); // We need to update the preview-widget, after the page changed } void KPersonalizer::back() { TQWizard::back(); } bool KPersonalizer::askClose(){ TQString text; if (currentPage()==countrypage) { text = i18n("<p>Are you sure you want to quit the Desktop Settings Wizard?</p>" "<p>The Desktop Settings Wizard helps you to configure the Trinity desktop to your personal liking.</p>" "<p>Click <b>Cancel</b> to return and finish your setup.</p>"); } else { text = i18n("<p>Are you sure you want to quit the Desktop Settings Wizard?</p>" "<p>If yes, click <b>Quit</b> and all changes will be lost." "<br>If not, click <b>Cancel</b> to return and finish your setup.</p>"); } int status = KMessageBox::warningContinueCancel(this, text, i18n("All Changes Will Be Lost"), KStdGuiItem::quit()); if(status==KMessageBox::Continue){ setDefaults(); return true; } else { return false; } } /** the cancel button is connected to the reject() slot of TQDialog, * so we have to reimplement this here to add a dialogbox to ask if we * really want to quit the wizard. */ void KPersonalizer::reject(){ if (askClose()){ exit(0); } } void KPersonalizer::closeEvent(TQCloseEvent* e){ if ( askClose() ) exit(0); else e->ignore(); } /** maybe call a dialog that the wizard has finished. */ void KPersonalizer::accept(){ exit(0); } /** calls all save functions after resetting all features/ OS/ theme selections to Trinity default */ void KPersonalizer::setDefaults(){ // KCountryPage: The user may need his native language anyway if(os_dirty) ospage->save(false); if(eye_dirty) eyecandy->save(false); if(style_dirty) stylepage->save(false); } /** restart kpersonalizer */ void KPersonalizer::slotRestart() { delete countrypage; countrypage = 0; delete ospage; ospage = 0; delete eyecandy; eyecandy = 0; delete stylepage; stylepage = 0; delete refinepage; refinepage = 0; if( !beforeSession() ) KRun::runCommand("kpersonalizer -r", "kpersonalizer", "kpersonalizer"); exit(1); // exit with value 1 } void KPersonalizer::delayedRestart() { TQTimer::singleShot(0, this, TQT_SLOT(slotRestart())); } /** this session is restarted, so we want to start with ospage */ void KPersonalizer::restarted(){ showPage(ospage); } /** when kpersonalizer is started before Trinity session, it doesn't offer a button for starting KControl, it also doesn't restart itself automatically and only exits with exitcode 1 */ void KPersonalizer::setBeforeSession(){ before_session = true; } /** there seems to be a bug in TQWizard, that makes this evil hack necessary */ void KPersonalizer::setPosition() { TQSize hint = countrypage->sizeHint(); TQSize os_size = ospage->sizeHint(); TQSize candy_size = eyecandy->sizeHint(); TQSize style_size = stylepage->sizeHint(); TQSize refine_size = refinepage->sizeHint(); // get the width of the broadest child-widget if ( hint.width() < os_size.width() ) hint.setWidth(os_size.width()); if ( hint.width() < candy_size.width() ) hint.setWidth(candy_size.width()); if ( hint.width() < style_size.width() ) hint.setWidth(style_size.width()); if ( hint.width() < refine_size.width() ) hint.setWidth(refine_size.width()); // get the height of the highest child-widget if ( hint.height() < os_size.height() ) hint.setHeight(os_size.height()); if ( hint.height() < candy_size.height() ) hint.setHeight(candy_size.height()); if ( hint.height() < style_size.height() ) hint.setHeight(style_size.height()); if ( hint.height() < refine_size.height() ) hint.setHeight(refine_size.height()); // set the position TQRect rect = TDEGlobalSettings::desktopGeometry(TQCursor::pos()); int w = rect.x() + (rect.width() - hint.width())/2 - 9; int h = rect.y() + (rect.height() - hint.height())/2; move(w, h); }