/***************************************************************** ksmserver - the KDE session management server Copyright (C) 2012 Serghei Amelian <serghei.amelian@gmail.com> Copyright (C) 2010 Timothy Pearson <kb9vqf@pearsoncomputing.net> Copyright (C) 2000 Matthias Ettrich <ettrich@kde.org> ******************************************************************/ #include "shutdowndlg.h" #include <tqapplication.h> #include <tqlayout.h> #include <tqgroupbox.h> #include <tqvbuttongroup.h> #include <tqlabel.h> #include <tqvbox.h> #include <tqtimer.h> #include <tqstyle.h> #include <tqcombobox.h> #include <tqcursor.h> #include <tqmessagebox.h> #include <tqbuttongroup.h> #include <tqiconset.h> #include <tqpixmap.h> #include <tqpopupmenu.h> #include <tqtooltip.h> #include <tqimage.h> #include <tqpainter.h> #include <tqfontmetrics.h> #include <tqregexp.h> #include <tqeventloop.h> #include <tdelocale.h> #include <tdeconfig.h> #include <tdeapplication.h> #ifdef __TDE_HAVE_TDEHWLIB #include <tdehardwaredevices.h> #endif #include <kdebug.h> #include <kpushbutton.h> #include <kstdguiitem.h> #include <kguiitem.h> #include <kiconloader.h> #include <tdeglobalsettings.h> #include <twin.h> #include <kuser.h> #include <kpixmap.h> #include <kimageeffect.h> #include <kdialog.h> #include <kseparator.h> #include <tdeconfig.h> #include <dcopclient.h> #include <dcopref.h> #include <sys/types.h> #include <sys/utsname.h> #include <unistd.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <math.h> #include <dmctl.h> #include <tdeaction.h> #include <netwm.h> #include <X11/Xlib.h> #include "shutdowndlg.moc" KSMShutdownFeedback * KSMShutdownFeedback::s_pSelf = 0L; KSMShutdownFeedback::KSMShutdownFeedback() : TQWidget( 0L, "feedbackwidget", WType_Popup ), m_currentY( 0 ), m_grayOpacity( 0.0f ), m_compensation( 0.0f ), m_fadeBackwards( FALSE ), m_unfadedImage(), m_grayImage(), m_fadeTime(), m_pmio(), m_greyImageCreated( FALSE ) { if (kapp->isX11CompositionAvailable()) { m_grayImage = TQImage( TQApplication::desktop()->width(), TQApplication::desktop()->height(), 32 ); m_grayImage = m_grayImage.convertDepth(32); m_grayImage.setAlphaBuffer(false); m_grayImage.fill(0); // Set the alpha buffer to 0 (fully transparent) m_grayImage.setAlphaBuffer(true); // Signal that we want a greyscale filter on the transparency Atom kde_wm_transparent_greyscale_filter; kde_wm_transparent_greyscale_filter = XInternAtom(tqt_xdisplay(), "_TDE_TRANSPARENCY_FILTER_GREYSCALE_BLEND", False); XChangeProperty(tqt_xdisplay(), winId(), kde_wm_transparent_greyscale_filter, XA_INTEGER, 32, PropModeReplace, (unsigned char *) "TRUE", 1L); } else { // The hacks below aren't needed any more because Qt3 supports true transparency for the fading logout screen when composition is available DCOPRef("kicker", "KMenu").call("hideMenu"); // Make sure the TDE Menu is completely removed from the screen before taking a snapshot... m_grayImage = TQPixmap(TQPixmap::grabWindow(tqt_xrootwin(), 0, 0, TQApplication::desktop()->width(), TQApplication::desktop()->height())).convertToImage(); } m_unfadedImage = m_grayImage; resize(0, 0); setShown(true); TQTimer::singleShot( 500, this, TQT_SLOT( slotPaintEffect() ) ); } // called after stopping shutdown-feedback -> smooth fade-back to color-mode void KSMShutdownFeedback::fadeBack( void ) { m_fadeTime.restart(); m_fadeBackwards = TRUE; // its possible that we have to fade back, before all is completely gray, so we cannot start // with completely gray when fading back... m_compensation = 1.0f - m_grayOpacity; // wait until we're completely back in color-mode... while ( m_grayOpacity > 0.0f ) slotPaintEffect(); } void KSMShutdownFeedback::slotPaintEffect() { // determine which fade to use if ( (TDEConfigGroup(TDEGlobal::config(), "Logout").readBoolEntry("doFadeaway", true)) && (TDEConfigGroup(TDEGlobal::config(), "Logout").readBoolEntry("doFancyLogout", true)) ) { // fancy logout fade float doFancyLogoutAdditionalDarkness = (float)TDEConfigGroup(TDEGlobal::config(), "Logout").readDoubleNumEntry("doFancyLogoutAdditionalDarkness", 0.6); float doFancyLogoutFadeTime = (float)TDEConfigGroup(TDEGlobal::config(), "Logout").readDoubleNumEntry("doFancyLogoutFadeTime", 4000); float doFancyLogoutFadeBackTime = (float)TDEConfigGroup(TDEGlobal::config(), "Logout").readDoubleNumEntry("doFancyLogoutFadeBackTime", 1000); if (kapp->isX11CompositionAvailable()) { // We can do this in a different (simpler) manner because we have compositing support! // if slotPaintEffect() is called first time, we have to initialize the gray image // we also could do that in the constructor, but then the displaying of the // logout-UI would be too much delayed... if ( m_greyImageCreated == false ) { m_greyImageCreated = true; // eliminate nasty flicker on first show m_root.resize( width(), height() ); TQImage blendedImage = m_grayImage; TQPainter p; p.begin( &m_root ); blendedImage.setAlphaBuffer(false); p.drawImage( 0, 0, blendedImage ); p.end(); setBackgroundPixmap( m_root ); setGeometry( TQApplication::desktop()->geometry() ); setBackgroundMode( TQWidget::NoBackground ); m_unfadedImage = m_grayImage.copy(); register uchar * r = m_grayImage.bits(); uchar * end = m_grayImage.bits() + m_grayImage.numBytes(); while ( r != end ) { *reinterpret_cast<TQRgb*>(r) = tqRgba(0, 0, 0, 255); r += 4; } // start timer which is used for cpu-speed-independent fading m_fadeTime.start(); m_rowsDone = 0; } // return if fading is completely done... if ( ( m_grayOpacity >= 1.0f && m_fadeBackwards == FALSE ) || ( m_grayOpacity <= 0.0f && m_fadeBackwards == TRUE ) ) return; if ( m_fadeBackwards == FALSE ) { m_grayOpacity = m_fadeTime.elapsed() / doFancyLogoutFadeTime; if ( m_grayOpacity > 1.0f ) m_grayOpacity = 1.0f; } else { m_grayOpacity = 1.0f - m_fadeTime.elapsed() / doFancyLogoutFadeBackTime - m_compensation; if ( m_grayOpacity < 0.0f ) m_grayOpacity = 0.0f; } const int imgWidth = m_unfadedImage.width(); int imgHeight = m_unfadedImage.height(); int heightUnit = imgHeight / 3; if( heightUnit < 1 ) heightUnit = 1; int y1 = static_cast<int>( imgHeight*m_grayOpacity - heightUnit + m_grayOpacity*heightUnit*2.0f ); if( y1 > imgHeight ) y1 = imgHeight; int y2 = y1+heightUnit; if( y2 > imgHeight ) y2 = imgHeight; if( m_fadeBackwards == FALSE ) { if( y1 > 0 && y1 < imgHeight && y1-m_rowsDone > 0 && m_rowsDone < imgHeight ) { TQImage img( imgWidth, y1-m_rowsDone, 32 ); memcpy( img.bits(), m_grayImage.scanLine( m_rowsDone ), imgWidth*(y1-m_rowsDone)*4 ); bitBlt( this, 0, m_rowsDone, &img ); m_rowsDone = y1; } } else { // when fading back we have to blit area which isnt gray anymore to unfaded image if( y2 > 0 && y2 < imgHeight && m_rowsDone > y2 ) { TQImage img( imgWidth, m_rowsDone-y2, 32 ); memcpy( img.bits(), m_unfadedImage.scanLine( y2 ), imgWidth*(m_rowsDone-y2)*4 ); bitBlt( this, 0, y2, &img ); m_rowsDone = y2; } } int start_y1 = y1; if( start_y1 < 0 ) start_y1 = 0; if( y2 > start_y1 ) { TQImage img( imgWidth, y2-start_y1, 32 ); memcpy( img.bits(), m_grayImage.scanLine( start_y1 ), ( y2-start_y1 ) * imgWidth * 4 ); register uchar * rd = img.bits(); for( int y = start_y1; y < y2; ++y ) { // linear gradients look bad, so use cos-function short int opac = static_cast<short int>( 128 - cosf( M_PI*(y-y1)/heightUnit )*128.0f ); for( short int x = 0; x < imgWidth; ++x ) { *reinterpret_cast<TQRgb*>(rd) = tqRgba(0, 0, 0, ((255.0-opac))); rd += 4; } } bitBlt( this, 0, start_y1, &img ); } TQTimer::singleShot( 5, this, TQT_SLOT( slotPaintEffect() ) ); } else { // if slotPaintEffect() is called first time, we have to initialize the gray image // we also could do that in the constructor, but then the displaying of the // logout-UI would be too much delayed... if ( m_greyImageCreated == false ) { m_greyImageCreated = true; setBackgroundMode( TQWidget::NoBackground ); setGeometry( TQApplication::desktop()->geometry() ); m_root.resize( width(), height() ); // for the default logout m_unfadedImage = m_grayImage.copy(); register uchar * r = m_grayImage.bits(); register uchar * g = m_grayImage.bits() + 1; register uchar * b = m_grayImage.bits() + 2; uchar * end = m_grayImage.bits() + m_grayImage.numBytes(); while ( r != end ) { *r = *g = *b = (uchar) ( ( (*r)*11 + ((*g)<<4) + (*b)*5 ) * doFancyLogoutAdditionalDarkness / 32.0f ); r += 4; g += 4; b += 4; } // start timer which is used for cpu-speed-independent fading m_fadeTime.start(); m_rowsDone = 0; } // return if fading is completely done... if ( ( m_grayOpacity >= 1.0f && m_fadeBackwards == FALSE ) || ( m_grayOpacity <= 0.0f && m_fadeBackwards == TRUE ) ) return; if ( m_fadeBackwards == FALSE ) { m_grayOpacity = m_fadeTime.elapsed() / doFancyLogoutFadeTime; if ( m_grayOpacity > 1.0f ) m_grayOpacity = 1.0f; } else { m_grayOpacity = 1.0f - m_fadeTime.elapsed() / doFancyLogoutFadeBackTime - m_compensation; if ( m_grayOpacity < 0.0f ) m_grayOpacity = 0.0f; } const int imgWidth = m_unfadedImage.width(); int imgHeight = m_unfadedImage.height(); int heightUnit = imgHeight / 3; if( heightUnit < 1 ) heightUnit = 1; int y1 = static_cast<int>( imgHeight*m_grayOpacity - heightUnit + m_grayOpacity*heightUnit*2.0f ); if( y1 > imgHeight ) y1 = imgHeight; int y2 = y1+heightUnit; if( y2 > imgHeight ) y2 = imgHeight; if( m_fadeBackwards == FALSE ) { if( y1 > 0 && y1 < imgHeight && y1-m_rowsDone > 0 && m_rowsDone < imgHeight ) { TQImage img( imgWidth, y1-m_rowsDone, 32 ); memcpy( img.bits(), m_grayImage.scanLine( m_rowsDone ), imgWidth*(y1-m_rowsDone)*4 ); // conversion is slow as hell if desktop-depth != 24bpp... //Pixmap pm = m_pmio.convertToPixmap( img ); //bitBlt( this, 0, m_rowsDone, &pm ); //TQImage pm = m_pmio.convertToImage( img ); bitBlt( this, 0, m_rowsDone, &img ); m_rowsDone = y1; } } else { // when fading back we have to blit area which isnt gray anymore to unfaded image if( y2 > 0 && y2 < imgHeight && m_rowsDone > y2 ) { TQImage img( imgWidth, m_rowsDone-y2, 32 ); memcpy( img.bits(), m_unfadedImage.scanLine( y2 ), imgWidth*(m_rowsDone-y2)*4 ); // conversion is slow as hell if desktop-depth != 24bpp... //TQPixmap pm = m_pmio.convertToPixmap( img ); //bitBlt( this, 0, y2, &pm ); bitBlt( this, 0, y2, &img ); m_rowsDone = y2; } } int start_y1 = y1; if( start_y1 < 0 ) start_y1 = 0; if( y2 > start_y1 ) { TQImage img( imgWidth, y2-start_y1, 32 ); memcpy( img.bits(), m_grayImage.scanLine( start_y1 ), ( y2-start_y1 ) * imgWidth * 4 ); register uchar * rs = m_unfadedImage.scanLine( start_y1 ); register uchar * gs = rs + 1; register uchar * bs = gs + 1; register uchar * rd = img.bits(); register uchar * gd = rd + 1; register uchar * bd = gd + 1; for( int y = start_y1; y < y2; ++y ) { // linear gradients look bad, so use cos-function short int opac = static_cast<short int>( 128 - cosf( M_PI*(y-y1)/heightUnit )*128.0f ); for( short int x = 0; x < imgWidth; ++x ) { *rd += ( ( ( *rs - *rd ) * opac ) >> 8 ); rs += 4; rd += 4; *gd += ( ( ( *gs - *gd ) * opac ) >> 8 ); gs += 4; gd += 4; *bd += ( ( ( *bs - *bd ) * opac ) >> 8 ); bs += 4; bd += 4; } } // conversion is slow as hell if desktop-depth != 24bpp... //TQPixmap pm = m_pmio.convertToPixmap( img ); //bitBlt( this, 0, start_y1, &pm ); bitBlt( this, 0, start_y1, &img ); } TQTimer::singleShot( 5, this, TQT_SLOT( slotPaintEffect() ) ); } } else { if (TDEConfigGroup(TDEGlobal::config(), "Logout").readBoolEntry("doFadeaway", true)) { // standard logout fade if (kapp->isX11CompositionAvailable()) { // We can do this in a different (simpler) manner because we have compositing support! // The end effect will be very similar to the old style logout float doFancyLogoutFadeTime = 1000; float doFancyLogoutFadeBackTime = 0; if ( m_greyImageCreated == false ) { m_greyImageCreated = true; // eliminate nasty flicker on first show m_root.resize( width(), height() ); TQImage blendedImage = m_grayImage; TQPainter p; p.begin( &m_root ); blendedImage.setAlphaBuffer(false); p.drawImage( 0, 0, blendedImage ); p.end(); setBackgroundPixmap( m_root ); setGeometry( TQApplication::desktop()->geometry() ); setBackgroundMode( TQWidget::NoBackground ); m_unfadedImage = m_grayImage.copy(); register uchar * r = m_grayImage.bits(); uchar * end = m_grayImage.bits() + m_grayImage.numBytes(); while ( r != end ) { *reinterpret_cast<TQRgb*>(r) = tqRgba(0, 0, 0, 107); r += 4; } // start timer which is used for cpu-speed-independent fading m_fadeTime.start(); m_rowsDone = 0; } // return if fading is completely done... if ( ( m_grayOpacity >= 1.0f && m_fadeBackwards == FALSE ) || ( m_grayOpacity <= 0.0f && m_fadeBackwards == TRUE ) ) { return; } if ( m_fadeBackwards == FALSE ) { m_grayOpacity = m_fadeTime.elapsed() / doFancyLogoutFadeTime; if ( m_grayOpacity > 1.0f ) m_grayOpacity = 1.0f; } else { m_grayOpacity = 1.0f - m_fadeTime.elapsed() / doFancyLogoutFadeBackTime - m_compensation; if ( m_grayOpacity < 0.0f ) m_grayOpacity = 0.0f; } const int imgWidth = m_unfadedImage.width(); int imgHeight = m_unfadedImage.height(); int heightUnit = imgHeight / 3; if( heightUnit < 1 ) heightUnit = 1; int y1 = static_cast<int>( imgHeight*m_grayOpacity - heightUnit + m_grayOpacity*heightUnit*2.0f ); if( y1 > imgHeight ) { y1 = imgHeight; } int y2 = y1+heightUnit; if( y2 > imgHeight ) { y2 = imgHeight; } if( m_fadeBackwards == FALSE ) { if( y1 > 0 && y1 < imgHeight && y1-m_rowsDone > 0 && m_rowsDone < imgHeight ) { TQImage img( imgWidth, y1-m_rowsDone, 32 ); memcpy( img.bits(), m_grayImage.scanLine( m_rowsDone ), imgWidth*(y1-m_rowsDone)*4 ); bitBlt( this, 0, m_rowsDone, &img ); m_rowsDone = y1; } } else { // when fading back we have to blit area which isnt gray anymore to unfaded image if( y2 > 0 && y2 < imgHeight && m_rowsDone > y2 ) { TQImage img( imgWidth, m_rowsDone-y2, 32 ); memcpy( img.bits(), m_unfadedImage.scanLine( y2 ), imgWidth*(m_rowsDone-y2)*4 ); bitBlt( this, 0, y2, &img ); m_rowsDone = y2; } } int start_y1 = y1; if( start_y1 < 0 ) { start_y1 = 0; } if( y2 > start_y1 ) { TQImage img( imgWidth, y2-start_y1, 32 ); memcpy( img.bits(), m_grayImage.scanLine( start_y1 ), ( y2-start_y1 ) * imgWidth * 4 ); register uchar * rs = m_unfadedImage.scanLine( start_y1 ); register uchar * rd = img.bits(); for( int y = start_y1; y < y2; ++y ) { // linear gradients look bad, so use cos-function for( short int x = 0; x < imgWidth; ++x ) { *reinterpret_cast<TQRgb*>(rd) = tqRgba(0, 0, 0, 107); rs += 4; rd += 4; } } bitBlt( this, 0, start_y1, &img ); } TQTimer::singleShot( 1, this, TQT_SLOT( slotPaintEffect() ) ); } else { if ( m_currentY >= height() ) { if ( backgroundMode() == TQWidget::NoBackground ) { setBackgroundMode( TQWidget::NoBackground ); setBackgroundPixmap( m_root ); } return; } if ( m_currentY == 0 ) { setBackgroundMode( TQWidget::NoBackground ); setGeometry( TQApplication::desktop()->geometry() ); m_root.resize( width(), height() ); // for the default logout KPixmap pixmap; pixmap = TQPixmap(TQPixmap::grabWindow( tqt_xrootwin(), 0, 0, width(), height() )); bitBlt( this, 0, 0, &pixmap ); bitBlt( &m_root, 0, 0, &pixmap ); } KPixmap pixmap; pixmap = TQPixmap(TQPixmap::grabWindow( tqt_xrootwin(), 0, m_currentY, width(), 10 )); TQImage image = pixmap.convertToImage(); KImageEffect::blend( Qt::black, image, 0.4 ); KImageEffect::toGray( image, true ); pixmap.convertFromImage( image ); bitBlt( this, 0, m_currentY, &pixmap ); bitBlt( &m_root, 0, m_currentY, &pixmap ); m_currentY += 10; TQTimer::singleShot( 1, this, TQT_SLOT( slotPaintEffect() ) ); } } } } ////// KSMShutdownIPFeedback * KSMShutdownIPFeedback::s_pSelf = 0L; KSMShutdownIPFeedback::KSMShutdownIPFeedback() : TQWidget( 0L, "systemmodaldialogclass", Qt::WStyle_Customize | Qt::WStyle_NoBorder | Qt::WStyle_StaysOnTop ), m_timeout(0), m_isPainted(false), m_paintedFromSharedRootPixmap(false), m_sharedRootPixmap(NULL), mPixmapTimeout(0) { setShown(false); hide(); enableExports(); m_sharedRootPixmap = new KRootPixmap(this); m_sharedRootPixmap->setCustomPainting(true); connect(m_sharedRootPixmap, TQT_SIGNAL(backgroundUpdated(const TQPixmap &)), this, TQT_SLOT(slotSetBackgroundPixmap(const TQPixmap &))); if (TQPaintDevice::x11AppDepth() == 32) { // The shared pixmap is 24 bits, but we are 32 bits // Therefore our only option is to use a 24-bit Xorg application to dump the shared pixmap in a common (png) format for loading later TQString filename = getenv("USER"); filename.prepend("/tmp/tde-"); filename.append("/krootbacking.png"); remove(filename.ascii()); system("krootbacking &"); } m_screenGeometry = TQApplication::desktop()->geometry(); // eliminate nasty flicker on first show m_root.resize(m_screenGeometry.width(), m_screenGeometry.height()); TQPainter p; p.begin( &m_root ); p.fillRect( 0, 0, m_root.width(), m_root.height(), TQBrush(tqRgba(0, 0, 0, 0)) ); p.end(); setBackgroundPixmap( m_root ); setGeometry( m_screenGeometry ); setBackgroundMode( TQWidget::NoBackground ); } void KSMShutdownIPFeedback::showNow() { setShown(true); if (!m_isPainted) { setGeometry( TQApplication::desktop()->geometry() ); TQTimer::singleShot( 0, this, SLOT(slotPaintEffect()) ); } } void KSMShutdownIPFeedback::enableExports() { #ifdef Q_WS_X11 kdDebug(270) << k_lineinfo << "activating background exports.\n"; DCOPClient *client = kapp->dcopClient(); if (!client->isAttached()) { client->attach(); } TQByteArray data; TQDataStream args( data, IO_WriteOnly ); args << 1; TQCString appname( "kdesktop" ); int screen_number = DefaultScreen(tqt_xdisplay()); if ( screen_number ) appname.sprintf("kdesktop-screen-%d", screen_number ); client->send( appname, "KBackgroundIface", "setExport(int)", data ); #endif } KSMShutdownIPFeedback::~KSMShutdownIPFeedback() { if (m_sharedRootPixmap) { m_sharedRootPixmap->stop(); delete m_sharedRootPixmap; m_sharedRootPixmap = NULL; } } void KSMShutdownIPFeedback::fadeBack( void ) { // } void KSMShutdownIPFeedback::resizeEvent(TQResizeEvent* re) { if (m_isPainted) { // Resist all attempts to change size setGeometry( m_screenGeometry ); } } void KSMShutdownIPFeedback::slotSetBackgroundPixmap(const TQPixmap &rpm) { m_rootPixmap = rpm; } void KSMShutdownIPFeedback::slotPaintEffect() { if (m_isPainted && m_paintedFromSharedRootPixmap) { return; } TQPixmap pm = m_rootPixmap; if (mPixmapTimeout == 0) { if (TQPaintDevice::x11AppDepth() != 32) { m_sharedRootPixmap->start(); } TQTimer::singleShot( 100, this, SLOT(slotPaintEffect()) ); mPixmapTimeout++; return; } if (TQPaintDevice::x11AppDepth() == 32) { TQString filename = getenv("USER"); filename.prepend("/tmp/tde-"); filename.append("/krootbacking.png"); bool success = pm.load(filename, "PNG"); if (!success) { pm = TQPixmap(); } } if ((pm.isNull()) || (pm.width() != kapp->desktop()->width()) || (pm.height() != kapp->desktop()->height())) { if (mPixmapTimeout < 10) { TQTimer::singleShot( 100, this, SLOT(slotPaintEffect()) ); mPixmapTimeout++; return; } else { pm = TQPixmap(kapp->desktop()->width(), kapp->desktop()->height()); pm.fill(Qt::black); m_paintedFromSharedRootPixmap = false; } } else { m_paintedFromSharedRootPixmap = true; if (m_sharedRootPixmap) { m_sharedRootPixmap->stop(); delete m_sharedRootPixmap; m_sharedRootPixmap = NULL; } } if (TQPaintDevice::x11AppDepth() == 32) { // Remove the alpha components from the image TQImage correctedImage = pm.convertToImage(); correctedImage = correctedImage.convertDepth(32); correctedImage.setAlphaBuffer(true); int w = correctedImage.width(); int h = correctedImage.height(); for (int y = 0; y < h; ++y) { TQRgb *ls = (TQRgb *)correctedImage.scanLine( y ); for (int x = 0; x < w; ++x) { TQRgb l = ls[x]; int r = int( tqRed( l ) ); int g = int( tqGreen( l ) ); int b = int( tqBlue( l ) ); int a = int( 255 ); ls[x] = tqRgba( r, g, b, a ); } } pm.convertFromImage(correctedImage); } setBackgroundPixmap( pm ); move(0,0); setWindowState(WindowFullScreen); m_screenGeometry = TQApplication::desktop()->geometry(); setGeometry( m_screenGeometry ); repaint(true); tqApp->flushX(); m_isPainted = true; } ////// KSMShutdownDlg::KSMShutdownDlg( TQWidget* parent, bool maysd, bool mayrb, TDEApplication::ShutdownType sdtype, int* selection ) : TQDialog( parent, 0, TRUE, (WFlags)WType_Popup ), targets(0), m_selection(selection) // this is a WType_Popup on purpose. Do not change that! Not // having a popup here has severe side effects. { TQVBoxLayout* vbox = new TQVBoxLayout( this ); if (m_selection) { *m_selection = SuspendType::NotSpecified; } TQFrame* frame = new TQFrame( this ); frame->setFrameStyle( TQFrame::StyledPanel | TQFrame::Raised ); frame->setLineWidth( style().pixelMetric( TQStyle::PM_DefaultFrameWidth, frame ) ); // we need to set the minimum size for the logout box, since it // gets too small if there isn't all options available frame->setMinimumWidth(400); vbox->addWidget( frame ); vbox = new TQVBoxLayout( frame, 2 * KDialog::marginHint(), 2 * KDialog::spacingHint() ); // default factor bool doUbuntuLogout = TDEConfigGroup(TDEGlobal::config(), "Logout").readBoolEntry("doUbuntuLogout", false); // slighty more space for the new logout int factor = 2; if(doUbuntuLogout) { factor = 8; } else { TQLabel* label = new TQLabel( i18n("End Session for \"%1\"").arg(KUser().loginName()), frame ); TQFont fnt = label->font(); fnt.setBold( true ); fnt.setPointSize( fnt.pointSize() * 3 / 2 ); label->setFont( fnt ); vbox->addWidget( label, 0, AlignHCenter ); } // for the basic layout, within this box either the ubuntu dialog or // standard konqy+buttons will be placed. TQHBoxLayout* hbox = new TQHBoxLayout( vbox, factor * KDialog::spacingHint() ); // from here on we have to adapt to the two different dialogs TQFrame* lfrm; TQVBoxLayout* buttonlay; TQHBoxLayout* hbuttonbox; TQFont btnFont; if(doUbuntuLogout) { // first line of buttons hbuttonbox = new TQHBoxLayout( hbox, factor * KDialog::spacingHint() ); hbuttonbox->setAlignment( Qt::AlignHCenter ); // End session FlatButton* btnLogout = new FlatButton( frame ); btnLogout->setTextLabel( TQString("&") + i18n("Log out"), false ); btnLogout->setPixmap( DesktopIcon( "back") ); TQToolTip::add( btnLogout, i18n( "<qt><p>Log out of the current session to login as a different user.</p></qt>" ) ); int i = btnLogout->textLabel().find( TQRegExp("\\&"), 0 ); // i == 1 btnLogout->setAccel( "ALT+" + btnLogout->textLabel().lower()[i+1] ) ; hbuttonbox->addWidget ( btnLogout ); connect(btnLogout, TQT_SIGNAL(clicked()), TQT_SLOT(slotLogout())); } else { // konqy lfrm = new TQFrame( frame ); lfrm->setFrameStyle( TQFrame::Panel | TQFrame::Sunken ); hbox->addWidget( lfrm, AlignCenter ); buttonlay = new TQVBoxLayout( hbox, factor * KDialog::spacingHint() ); buttonlay->setAlignment( Qt::AlignHCenter ); TQLabel* icon = new TQLabel( lfrm ); if (TDEConfigGroup(TDEGlobal::config(), "Logout").readBoolEntry("doNotUseKonqyPicture", false)) { icon->setPixmap( UserIcon( "shutdown" ) ); } else { icon->setPixmap( UserIcon( "shutdownkonq" ) ); } lfrm->setFixedSize( icon->sizeHint()); icon->setFixedSize( icon->sizeHint()); buttonlay->addStretch( 1 ); // End session KPushButton* btnLogout = new KPushButton( KGuiItem( i18n("&Log out"), "edit-undo"), frame ); TQToolTip::add( btnLogout, i18n( "<qt><p>Log out of the current session to login as a different user.</p></qt>" ) ); btnFont = btnLogout->font(); buttonlay->addWidget( btnLogout ); connect(btnLogout, TQT_SIGNAL(clicked()), TQT_SLOT(slotLogout())); } #ifdef COMPILE_HALBACKEND m_halCtx = NULL; #endif if ((maysd) || (mayrb)) { // respect lock on resume & disable suspend/hibernate settings // from power-manager TDEConfig config("power-managerrc"); bool disableSuspend = config.readBoolEntry("disableSuspend", false); bool disableHibernate = config.readBoolEntry("disableHibernate", false); m_lockOnResume = config.readBoolEntry("lockOnResume", true); bool canFreeze = false; bool canSuspend = false; bool canHibernate = false; bool canHybridSuspend = false; #if defined(COMPILE_HALBACKEND) // Query HAL for suspend/resume support m_halCtx = libhal_ctx_new(); DBusError error; dbus_error_init(&error); m_dbusConn = dbus_connection_open_private(DBUS_SYSTEM_BUS, &error); if (!m_dbusConn) { dbus_error_free(&error); libhal_ctx_free(m_halCtx); m_halCtx = NULL; } else { dbus_bus_register(m_dbusConn, &error); if (dbus_error_is_set(&error)) { dbus_error_free(&error); libhal_ctx_free(m_halCtx); m_dbusConn = NULL; m_halCtx = NULL; } else { libhal_ctx_set_dbus_connection(m_halCtx, m_dbusConn); if (!libhal_ctx_init(m_halCtx, &error)) { if (dbus_error_is_set(&error)) dbus_error_free(&error); libhal_ctx_free(m_halCtx); m_dbusConn = NULL; m_halCtx = NULL; } } } if (m_halCtx) { if (libhal_device_get_property_bool(m_halCtx, "/org/freedesktop/Hal/devices/computer", "power_management.can_suspend", NULL)) { canSuspend = true; } if (libhal_device_get_property_bool(m_halCtx, "/org/freedesktop/Hal/devices/computer", "power_management.can_hibernate", NULL)) { canHibernate = true; } if (libhal_device_get_property_bool(m_halCtx, "/org/freedesktop/Hal/devices/computer", "power_management.can_suspend_hybrid", NULL)) { canHybridSuspend = true; } } #elif defined(__TDE_HAVE_TDEHWLIB) // COMPILE_HALBACKEND TDERootSystemDevice* rootDevice = TDEGlobal::hardwareDevices()->rootSystemDevice(); if (rootDevice) { canFreeze = rootDevice->canFreeze(); canSuspend = rootDevice->canSuspend(); canHibernate = rootDevice->canHibernate(); canHybridSuspend = rootDevice->canHybridSuspend(); } else { canFreeze = false; canSuspend = false; canHibernate = false; canHybridSuspend = false; } #endif // COMPILE_HALBACKEND if(doUbuntuLogout) { // Ubuntu style logout window if (canFreeze && !disableSuspend) { // Freeze FlatButton* btnFreeze = new FlatButton( frame ); btnFreeze->setTextLabel( i18n("&Freeze"), false ); btnFreeze->setPixmap( DesktopIcon( "suspend") ); TQToolTip::add(btnFreeze, i18n("<qt><p>Put the computer in software idle mode," " allowing for some powersaving. The system can be reactivated in a really short time," " almost instantly.</p><p>This correspond to ACPI S0 mode.</p></qt>")); int i = btnFreeze->textLabel().find( TQRegExp("\\&"), 0 ); // i == 1 btnFreeze->setAccel( "ALT+" + btnFreeze->textLabel().lower()[i+1] ) ; hbuttonbox->addWidget ( btnFreeze ); connect(btnFreeze, TQT_SIGNAL(clicked()), TQT_SLOT(slotFreeze())); } if (canSuspend && !disableSuspend) { // Suspend FlatButton* btnSuspend = new FlatButton( frame ); btnSuspend->setTextLabel( i18n("&Suspend"), false ); btnSuspend->setPixmap( DesktopIcon( "suspend") ); TQToolTip::add(btnSuspend, i18n("<qt><p>Put the computer in suspend-to-memory mode." " The system is stopped and its state saved to memory.</p><p> This allows more powersaving than 'Freeze'" " but requires longer time to reactivate the system.</p><p>This correspond to ACPI S3 mode.</p>" "<p>Also known as Suspend-to-RAM mode.</p></qt>")); int i = btnSuspend->textLabel().find( TQRegExp("\\&"), 0 ); // i == 1 btnSuspend->setAccel( "ALT+" + btnSuspend->textLabel().lower()[i+1] ) ; hbuttonbox->addWidget ( btnSuspend ); connect(btnSuspend, TQT_SIGNAL(clicked()), TQT_SLOT(slotSuspend())); } if (canHibernate && !disableHibernate) { // Hibernate FlatButton* btnHibernate = new FlatButton( frame ); btnHibernate->setTextLabel( i18n("&Hibernate"), false ); btnHibernate->setPixmap( DesktopIcon( "hibernate") ); TQToolTip::add(btnHibernate, i18n("<qt><p>Put the computer in suspend-to-disk mode." " The system is stopped and its state saved to disk.</p><p>This offers the greatest powersaving but" " considerable time is required to reactivate the system again.</p><p>This correspond to ACPI S4 mode.</p><p>Also known as Suspend-to-Disk mode.</p></qt>")); int i = btnHibernate->textLabel().find( TQRegExp("\\&"), 0 ); // i == 1 btnHibernate->setAccel( "ALT+" + btnHibernate->textLabel().lower()[i+1] ) ; hbuttonbox->addWidget ( btnHibernate ); connect(btnHibernate, TQT_SIGNAL(clicked()), TQT_SLOT(slotHibernate())); } if (canHybridSuspend && !disableSuspend && !disableHibernate) { // Hybrid suspend FlatButton* btnHybridSuspend = new FlatButton( frame ); btnHybridSuspend->setTextLabel( i18n("H&ybrid Suspend"), false ); btnHybridSuspend->setPixmap( DesktopIcon( "hibernate") ); TQToolTip::add(btnHybridSuspend, i18n("<qt><p>Put the computer in both suspend-to-memory and" " suspend-to-disk mode. The system is stopped and its state saved to memory and to disk.</p>" "<p>This offers the best of both 'Suspend' and 'Hibernate' modes combined together. The system is" " de facto in 'Suspend' mode but if power is lost, work can still be resumed as if the system" " had been hibernated, preventing any data loss.</p><p>This correspond to ACPI S3+S4 mode.</p>" "<p>Also known as Suspend-to-RAM + Suspend-to-Disk mode.</p></qt>")); int i = btnHybridSuspend->textLabel().find( TQRegExp("\\&"), 0 ); // i == 1 btnHybridSuspend->setAccel( "ALT+" + btnHybridSuspend->textLabel().lower()[i+1] ) ; hbuttonbox->addWidget ( btnHybridSuspend ); connect(btnHybridSuspend, TQT_SIGNAL(clicked()), TQT_SLOT(slotHybridSuspend())); } // Separator (within buttonlay) vbox->addWidget( new KSeparator( frame ) ); // bottom buttons TQHBoxLayout* hbuttonbox2 = new TQHBoxLayout( vbox, factor * KDialog::spacingHint() ); hbuttonbox2->setAlignment( Qt::AlignHCenter ); if (mayrb) { // Reboot FlatButton* btnReboot = new FlatButton( frame ); btnReboot->setTextLabel( i18n("&Restart"), false ); btnReboot->setPixmap( DesktopIcon( "reload") ); TQToolTip::add( btnReboot, i18n( "<qt><p>Log out of the current session and restart the computer.</p></qt>" ) ); int i = btnReboot->textLabel().find( TQRegExp("\\&"), 0 ); // i == 1 btnReboot->setAccel( "ALT+" + btnReboot->textLabel().lower()[i+1] ) ; hbuttonbox2->addWidget ( btnReboot); connect(btnReboot, TQT_SIGNAL(clicked()), TQT_SLOT(slotReboot())); if ( sdtype == TDEApplication::ShutdownTypeReboot ) { btnReboot->setFocus(); } // BAD KARMA .. this code is copied line by line from standard konqy dialog int def, cur; if ( DM().bootOptions( rebootOptions, def, cur ) ) { btnReboot->setPopupDelay(300); // visually add dropdown targets = new TQPopupMenu( frame ); if ( cur == -1 ) { cur = def; } int index = 0; for (TQStringList::ConstIterator it = rebootOptions.begin(); it != rebootOptions.end(); ++it, ++index) { TQString label = (*it); label=label.replace('&',"&&"); if (index == cur) { targets->insertItem( label + i18n("current option in boot loader", " (current)"), index); } else { targets->insertItem( label, index ); } } btnReboot->setPopup(targets); connect( targets, TQT_SIGNAL(activated(int)), TQT_SLOT(slotReboot(int)) ); } // BAD KARMA .. this code is copied line by line from standard konqy dialog [EOF] } if (maysd) { // Shutdown FlatButton* btnHalt = new FlatButton( frame ); btnHalt->setTextLabel( i18n("&Shutdown"), false ); btnHalt->setPixmap( DesktopIcon( "system-log-out") ); TQToolTip::add( btnHalt, i18n( "<qt><p>Log out of the current session and turn off the computer.</p></qt>" ) ); int i = btnHalt->textLabel().find( TQRegExp("\\&"), 0 ); // i == 1 btnHalt->setAccel( "ALT+" + btnHalt->textLabel().lower()[i+1] ) ; hbuttonbox2->addWidget ( btnHalt ); connect(btnHalt, TQT_SIGNAL(clicked()), TQT_SLOT(slotHalt())); if ( sdtype == TDEApplication::ShutdownTypeHalt ) { btnHalt->setFocus(); } } // cancel buttonbox TQHBoxLayout* hbuttonbox3 = new TQHBoxLayout( vbox, factor * KDialog::spacingHint() ); hbuttonbox3->setAlignment( Qt::AlignRight ); // Back to Desktop KSMPushButton* btnBack = new KSMPushButton( KStdGuiItem::cancel(), frame ); hbuttonbox3->addWidget( btnBack ); connect(btnBack, TQT_SIGNAL(clicked()), TQT_SLOT(reject())); } else { // Standard style logout window if (maysd) { // Shutdown KPushButton* btnHalt = new KPushButton( KGuiItem( i18n("&Shutdown"), "system-log-out"), frame ); TQToolTip::add( btnHalt, i18n( "<qt><p>Log out of the current session and turn off the computer.</p></qt>" ) ); btnHalt->setFont( btnFont ); buttonlay->addWidget( btnHalt ); connect(btnHalt, TQT_SIGNAL(clicked()), TQT_SLOT(slotHalt())); if ( sdtype == TDEApplication::ShutdownTypeHalt || getenv("TDM_AUTOLOGIN") ) { btnHalt->setFocus(); } } if (mayrb) { // Reboot KSMDelayedPushButton* btnReboot = new KSMDelayedPushButton( KGuiItem( i18n("&Restart"), "reload"), frame ); TQToolTip::add( btnReboot, i18n( "<qt><p>Log out of the current session and restart the computer.</p></qt>" ) ); btnReboot->setFont( btnFont ); buttonlay->addWidget( btnReboot ); connect(btnReboot, TQT_SIGNAL(clicked()), TQT_SLOT(slotReboot())); if ( sdtype == TDEApplication::ShutdownTypeReboot ) { btnReboot->setFocus(); } // this section is copied as-is into ubuntulogout as well int def, cur; if ( DM().bootOptions( rebootOptions, def, cur ) ) { targets = new TQPopupMenu( frame ); if ( cur == -1 ) { cur = def; } int index = 0; for (TQStringList::ConstIterator it = rebootOptions.begin(); it != rebootOptions.end(); ++it, ++index) { TQString label = (*it); label=label.replace('&',"&&"); if (index == cur) { targets->insertItem( label + i18n("current option in boot loader", " (current)"), index); } else { targets->insertItem( label, index ); } } btnReboot->setPopup(targets); connect( targets, TQT_SIGNAL(activated(int)), TQT_SLOT(slotReboot(int)) ); } } if (canFreeze && !disableSuspend) { KPushButton* btnFreeze = new KPushButton( KGuiItem( i18n("&Freeze"), "suspend"), frame ); TQToolTip::add(btnFreeze, i18n("<qt><p>Put the computer in software idle mode," " allowing for some powersaving. The system can be reactivated in a really short time," " almost instantly.</p><p>This correspond to ACPI S0 mode.</p></qt>")); btnFreeze->setFont( btnFont ); buttonlay->addWidget( btnFreeze ); connect(btnFreeze, TQT_SIGNAL(clicked()), TQT_SLOT(slotFreeze())); } if (canSuspend && !disableSuspend) { KPushButton* btnSuspend = new KPushButton( KGuiItem( i18n("&Suspend"), "suspend"), frame ); TQToolTip::add(btnSuspend, i18n("<qt><p>Put the computer in suspend-to-memory mode." " The system is stopped and its state saved to memory.</p><p> This allows more powersaving than 'Freeze'" " but requires longer time to reactivate the system.</p><p>This correspond to ACPI S3 mode.</p>" "<p>Also known as Suspend-to-RAM mode.</p></qt>")); btnSuspend->setFont( btnFont ); buttonlay->addWidget( btnSuspend ); connect(btnSuspend, TQT_SIGNAL(clicked()), TQT_SLOT(slotSuspend())); } if (canHibernate && !disableHibernate) { KPushButton* btnHibernate = new KPushButton( KGuiItem( i18n("&Hibernate"), "hibernate"), frame ); TQToolTip::add(btnHibernate, i18n("<qt><p>Put the computer in suspend-to-disk mode." " The system is stopped and its state saved to disk.</p><p>This offers the greatest powersaving but" " considerable time is required to reactivate the system again.</p><p>This correspond to ACPI S4 mode.</p><p>Also known as Suspend-to-Disk mode.</p></qt>")); btnHibernate->setFont( btnFont ); buttonlay->addWidget( btnHibernate ); connect(btnHibernate, TQT_SIGNAL(clicked()), TQT_SLOT(slotHibernate())); } if (canHybridSuspend && !disableSuspend && !disableHibernate) { KPushButton* btnHybridSuspend = new KPushButton( KGuiItem( i18n("H&ybrid Suspend"), "hibernate"), frame ); TQToolTip::add(btnHybridSuspend, i18n("<qt><p>Put the computer in both suspend-to-memory and" " suspend-to-disk mode. The system is stopped and its state saved to memory and to disk.</p>" "<p>This offers the best of both 'Suspend' and 'Hibernate' modes combined together. The system is" " de facto in 'Suspend' mode but if power is lost, work can still be resumed as if the system" " had been hibernated, preventing any data loss.</p><p>This correspond to ACPI S3+S4 mode.</p>" "<p>Also known as Suspend-to-RAM + Suspend-to-Disk mode.</p></qt>")); btnHybridSuspend->setFont( btnFont ); buttonlay->addWidget( btnHybridSuspend ); connect(btnHybridSuspend, TQT_SIGNAL(clicked()), TQT_SLOT(slotHybridSuspend())); } buttonlay->addStretch( 1 ); // Separator buttonlay->addWidget( new KSeparator( frame ) ); // Back to Desktop KPushButton* btnBack = new KPushButton( KStdGuiItem::cancel(), frame ); buttonlay->addWidget( btnBack ); connect(btnBack, TQT_SIGNAL(clicked()), TQT_SLOT(reject())); } } else { // finish the dialog correctly if(doUbuntuLogout) { // cancel buttonbox TQHBoxLayout* hbuttonbox3 = new TQHBoxLayout( vbox, factor * KDialog::spacingHint() ); hbuttonbox3->setAlignment( Qt::AlignRight ); // Back to Desktop KSMPushButton* btnBack = new KSMPushButton( KStdGuiItem::cancel(), frame ); hbuttonbox3->addWidget( btnBack ); connect(btnBack, TQT_SIGNAL(clicked()), TQT_SLOT(reject())); } else { // Separator buttonlay->addWidget( new KSeparator( frame ) ); // Back to Desktop KPushButton* btnBack = new KPushButton( KStdGuiItem::cancel(), frame ); buttonlay->addWidget( btnBack ); connect(btnBack, TQT_SIGNAL(clicked()), TQT_SLOT(reject())); } } } KSMShutdownDlg::~KSMShutdownDlg() { #ifdef COMPILE_HALBACKEND if (m_halCtx) { DBusError error; dbus_error_init(&error); libhal_ctx_shutdown(m_halCtx, &error); libhal_ctx_free(m_halCtx); } #endif } void KSMShutdownDlg::slotLogout() { m_shutdownType = TDEApplication::ShutdownTypeNone; accept(); } void KSMShutdownDlg::slotReboot() { // no boot option selected -> current m_bootOption = TQString::null; m_shutdownType = TDEApplication::ShutdownTypeReboot; accept(); } void KSMShutdownDlg::slotReboot(int opt) { if (int(rebootOptions.size()) > opt) m_bootOption = rebootOptions[opt]; m_shutdownType = TDEApplication::ShutdownTypeReboot; accept(); } void KSMShutdownDlg::slotHalt() { m_bootOption = TQString::null; m_shutdownType = TDEApplication::ShutdownTypeHalt; accept(); } void KSMShutdownDlg::slotSuspend() { #ifndef COMPILE_HALBACKEND *m_selection = SuspendType::Suspend; #else if (m_dbusConn) { DBusMessage *msg = dbus_message_new_method_call( "org.freedesktop.Hal", "/org/freedesktop/Hal/devices/computer", "org.freedesktop.Hal.Device.SystemPowerManagement", "Suspend"); int wakeup=0; dbus_message_append_args(msg, DBUS_TYPE_INT32, &wakeup, DBUS_TYPE_INVALID); dbus_connection_send(m_dbusConn, msg, NULL); dbus_message_unref(msg); } #endif reject(); // continue on resume } void KSMShutdownDlg::slotHibernate() { #ifndef COMPILE_HALBACKEND *m_selection = SuspendType::Hibernate; #else if (m_dbusConn) { DBusMessage *msg = dbus_message_new_method_call( "org.freedesktop.Hal", "/org/freedesktop/Hal/devices/computer", "org.freedesktop.Hal.Device.SystemPowerManagement", "Hibernate"); dbus_connection_send(m_dbusConn, msg, NULL); dbus_message_unref(msg); } #endif reject(); // continue on resume } void KSMShutdownDlg::slotFreeze() { *m_selection = SuspendType::Freeze; reject(); // continue on resume } void KSMShutdownDlg::slotHybridSuspend() { #ifndef COMPILE_HALBACKEND *m_selection = SuspendType::HybridSuspend; #else if (m_dbusConn) { DBusMessage *msg = dbus_message_new_method_call( "org.freedesktop.Hal", "/org/freedesktop/Hal/devices/computer", "org.freedesktop.Hal.Device.SystemPowerManagement", "SuspendHybrid"); dbus_connection_send(m_dbusConn, msg, NULL); dbus_message_unref(msg); } #endif reject(); // continue on resume } bool KSMShutdownDlg::confirmShutdown( bool maysd, bool mayrb, TDEApplication::ShutdownType& sdtype, TQString& bootOption, int* selection ) { kapp->enableStyles(); KSMShutdownDlg* l = new KSMShutdownDlg( 0 /*KSMShutdownFeedback::self()*/, maysd, mayrb, sdtype, selection ); // Show dialog (will save the background in showEvent) TQSize sh = l->sizeHint(); TQRect rect = TDEGlobalSettings::desktopGeometry(TQCursor::pos()); l->move(rect.x() + (rect.width() - sh.width())/2, rect.y() + (rect.height() - sh.height())/2); bool result = l->exec(); sdtype = l->m_shutdownType; bootOption = l->m_bootOption; delete l; kapp->disableStyles(); return result; } TQWidget* KSMShutdownIPDlg::showShutdownIP() { kapp->enableStyles(); KSMShutdownIPDlg* l = new KSMShutdownIPDlg( 0 ); kapp->disableStyles(); return l; } void KSMShutdownIPDlg::showNotificationActionButtons() { m_button1->show(); m_button2->show(); m_buttonframe->show(); m_gridlayout->invalidate(); } void KSMShutdownIPDlg::hideNotificationActionButtons() { m_button1->hide(); m_button2->hide(); m_buttonframe->hide(); m_gridlayout->invalidate(); } void KSMShutdownIPDlg::setNotificationActionButtonsSkipText(TQString text) { m_button1->setText(text); } void KSMShutdownIPDlg::setProgressBarTotalSteps(int total_steps) { m_progressbar->setTotalSteps(total_steps); } void KSMShutdownIPDlg::setProgressBarProgress(int step) { m_progressbar->setProgress(step); } KSMShutdownIPDlg::KSMShutdownIPDlg(TQWidget* parent) : KSMModalDialog( parent ) { m_progressbar = new TQProgressBar(this); m_progressbar->show(); m_gridlayout->expand(4,3); m_gridlayout->remove(m_buttonframe); m_gridlayout->addMultiCellWidget( m_progressbar, 3, 3, 0, 2); m_gridlayout->addMultiCellWidget( m_buttonframe, 4, 4, 0, 2, 0 ); m_gridlayout->invalidate(); setFixedSize(sizeHint()); setStatusMessage(i18n("Saving your settings...")); setNotificationActionButtonsSkipText(i18n("Skip Notification")); m_button2->setText(i18n("Abort Logout")); connect(m_button1, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SIGNAL(skipNotificationClicked())); connect(m_button2, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SIGNAL(abortLogoutClicked())); show(); setActiveWindow(); // KWin::setOnAllDesktops( winId(), true ); } KSMShutdownIPDlg::~KSMShutdownIPDlg() { } KSMDelayedPushButton::KSMDelayedPushButton( const KGuiItem &item, TQWidget *parent, const char *name) : KPushButton( item, parent, name), pop(0), popt(0) { connect(this, TQT_SIGNAL(pressed()), TQT_SLOT(slotPressed())); connect(this, TQT_SIGNAL(released()), TQT_SLOT(slotReleased())); popt = new TQTimer(this); connect(popt, TQT_SIGNAL(timeout()), TQT_SLOT(slotTimeout())); } void KSMDelayedPushButton::setPopup(TQPopupMenu *p) { pop = p; setIsMenuButton(p != 0); } void KSMDelayedPushButton::slotPressed() { if (pop) popt->start(TQApplication::startDragTime()); } void KSMDelayedPushButton::slotReleased() { popt->stop(); } void KSMDelayedPushButton::slotTimeout() { TQPoint bl = mapToGlobal(rect().bottomLeft()); pop->popup( bl ); popt->stop(); setDown(false); } KSMDelayedMessageBox::KSMDelayedMessageBox( TDEApplication::ShutdownType sdtype, const TQString &bootOption, int confirmDelay ) : TimedLogoutDlg( 0, 0, true, (WFlags)WType_Popup ), m_remaining(confirmDelay) { if ( sdtype == TDEApplication::ShutdownTypeHalt ) { m_title->setText( i18n( "Would you like to turn off your computer?" ) ); m_template = i18n( "This computer will turn off automatically\n" "after %1 seconds." ); m_logo->setPixmap( BarIcon( "system-log-out", 48 ) ); } else if ( sdtype == TDEApplication::ShutdownTypeReboot ) { if (bootOption.isEmpty()) m_title->setText( i18n( "Would you like to reboot your computer?" ) ); else m_title->setText( i18n( "Would you like to reboot to \"%1\"?" ).arg(bootOption) ); m_template = i18n( "This computer will reboot automatically\n" "after %1 seconds." ); m_logo->setPixmap( BarIcon( "reload", 48 ) ); } else { m_title->setText( i18n( "Would you like to end your current session?" ) ); m_template = i18n( "This session will end\n" "after %1 seconds automatically." ); m_logo->setPixmap( BarIcon( "go-previous", 48 ) ); } updateText(); adjustSize(); if ( double( height() ) / width() < 0.25 ) { setFixedHeight( tqRound( width() * 0.3 ) ); adjustSize(); } TQTimer *timer = new TQTimer( this ); timer->start( 1000 ); connect( timer, TQT_SIGNAL( timeout() ), TQT_SLOT( updateText() ) ); KDialog::centerOnScreen(this); } void KSMDelayedMessageBox::updateText() { m_remaining--; if ( m_remaining == 0 ) { accept(); return; } m_text->setText( m_template.arg( m_remaining ) ); } bool KSMDelayedMessageBox::showTicker( TDEApplication::ShutdownType sdtype, const TQString &bootOption, int confirmDelay ) { kapp->enableStyles(); KSMDelayedMessageBox msg( sdtype, bootOption, confirmDelay ); TQSize sh = msg.sizeHint(); TQRect rect = TDEGlobalSettings::desktopGeometry(TQCursor::pos()); msg.move(rect.x() + (rect.width() - sh.width())/2, rect.y() + (rect.height() - sh.height())/2); bool result = msg.exec(); kapp->disableStyles(); return result; } KSMPushButton::KSMPushButton( const KGuiItem &item, TQWidget *parent, const char *name) : KPushButton( item, parent, name), m_pressed(false) { setDefault( false ); setAutoDefault ( false ); } void KSMPushButton::keyPressEvent( TQKeyEvent* e ) { switch ( e->key() ) { case Key_Enter: case Key_Return: case Key_Space: m_pressed = TRUE; setDown(true); emit pressed(); break; case Key_Escape: e->ignore(); break; default: e->ignore(); } TQPushButton::keyPressEvent(e); } void KSMPushButton::keyReleaseEvent( TQKeyEvent* e ) { switch ( e->key() ) { case Key_Space: case Key_Enter: case Key_Return: if ( m_pressed ) { setDown(false); m_pressed = FALSE; emit released(); emit clicked(); } break; case Key_Escape: e->ignore(); break; default: e->ignore(); } } FlatButton::FlatButton( TQWidget *parent, const char *name ) : TQToolButton( parent, name/*, TQt::WNoAutoErase*/ ), m_pressed(false) { init(); } FlatButton::~FlatButton() {} void FlatButton::init() { setUsesTextLabel(true); setUsesBigPixmap(true); setAutoRaise(true); setTextPosition( TQToolButton::Under ); setFocusPolicy(TQ_StrongFocus); } void FlatButton::keyPressEvent( TQKeyEvent* e ) { switch ( e->key() ) { case Key_Enter: case Key_Return: case Key_Space: m_pressed = TRUE; setDown(true); emit pressed(); break; case Key_Escape: e->ignore(); break; default: e->ignore(); } TQToolButton::keyPressEvent(e); } void FlatButton::keyReleaseEvent( TQKeyEvent* e ) { switch ( e->key() ) { case Key_Space: case Key_Enter: case Key_Return: if ( m_pressed ) { setDown(false); m_pressed = FALSE; emit released(); emit clicked(); } break; case Key_Escape: e->ignore(); break; default: e->ignore(); } }