/*************************************************************************** * Copyright Ravikiran Rajagopal 2003 * * ravi@ee.eng.ohio-state.edu * * Copyright (c) 1998 Stefan Taferner <taferner@kde.org> * * * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License (version 2) as * * published by the Free Software Foundation. * * * ***************************************************************************/ #include <unistd.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <tqdir.h> #include <tqlabel.h> #include <tqlayout.h> #include <tqtextedit.h> #include "installer.h" #include <kdebug.h> #include <kfiledialog.h> #include <kglobalsettings.h> #include <klocale.h> #include <kmessagebox.h> #include <kprocess.h> #include <kpushbutton.h> #include <kstandarddirs.h> #include <ktar.h> #include <ktrader.h> #include <kurldrag.h> #include <kio/netaccess.h> ThemeListBox::ThemeListBox(TQWidget *parent) : KListBox(parent) { setAcceptDrops(true); connect(this, TQT_SIGNAL(mouseButtonPressed(int, TQListBoxItem *, const TQPoint &)), this, TQT_SLOT(slotMouseButtonPressed(int, TQListBoxItem *, const TQPoint &))); } void ThemeListBox::dragEnterEvent(TQDragEnterEvent* event) { event->accept((event->source() != this) && KURLDrag::canDecode(event)); } void ThemeListBox::dropEvent(TQDropEvent* event) { KURL::List urls; if (KURLDrag::decode(event, urls)) { emit filesDropped(urls); } } void ThemeListBox::slotMouseButtonPressed(int button, TQListBoxItem *item, const TQPoint &p) { if ((button & Qt::LeftButton) == 0) return; mOldPos = p; mDragFile = TQString::null; int cur = index(item); if (cur >= 0) mDragFile = text2path[text(cur)]; } void ThemeListBox::mouseMoveEvent(TQMouseEvent *e) { if (((e->state() & Qt::LeftButton) != 0) && !mDragFile.isEmpty()) { int delay = TDEGlobalSettings::dndEventDelay(); TQPoint newPos = e->globalPos(); if(newPos.x() > mOldPos.x()+delay || newPos.x() < mOldPos.x()-delay || newPos.y() > mOldPos.y()+delay || newPos.y() < mOldPos.y()-delay) { KURL url; url.setPath(mDragFile); KURL::List urls; urls.append(url); KURLDrag *d = new KURLDrag(urls, this); d->dragCopy(); } } KListBox::mouseMoveEvent(e); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- SplashInstaller::SplashInstaller (TQWidget *aParent, const char *aName, bool aInit) : TQWidget(aParent, aName), mGui(!aInit) { TDEGlobal::dirs()->addResourceType("ksplashthemes", KStandardDirs::kde_default("data") + "ksplash/Themes"); if (!mGui) return; TQHBoxLayout* hbox = new TQHBoxLayout( this, 0, KDialog::spacingHint() ); TQVBoxLayout* leftbox = new TQVBoxLayout( hbox, KDialog::spacingHint() ); hbox->setStretchFactor( leftbox, 1 ); mThemesList = new ThemeListBox(this); mThemesList->setSizePolicy( TQSizePolicy::Preferred, TQSizePolicy::Expanding ); connect(mThemesList, TQT_SIGNAL(highlighted(int)), TQT_SLOT(slotSetTheme(int))); connect(mThemesList, TQT_SIGNAL(filesDropped(const KURL::List&)), TQT_SLOT(slotFilesDropped(const KURL::List&))); leftbox->addWidget(mThemesList); mBtnAdd = new KPushButton( i18n("Add..."), this ); leftbox->addWidget( mBtnAdd ); connect(mBtnAdd, TQT_SIGNAL(clicked()), TQT_SLOT(slotAdd())); mBtnRemove = new KPushButton( i18n("Remove"), this ); leftbox->addWidget( mBtnRemove ); connect(mBtnRemove, TQT_SIGNAL(clicked()), TQT_SLOT(slotRemove())); mBtnTest = new KPushButton( i18n("Test"), this ); leftbox->addWidget( mBtnTest ); connect(mBtnTest, TQT_SIGNAL(clicked()), TQT_SLOT(slotTest())); TQVBoxLayout* rightbox = new TQVBoxLayout( hbox, KDialog::spacingHint() ); hbox->setStretchFactor( rightbox, 3 ); mPreview = new TQLabel(this); mPreview->setSizePolicy( TQSizePolicy::Expanding, TQSizePolicy::Expanding ); mPreview->setFrameStyle(TQFrame::Panel|TQFrame::Sunken); mPreview->setMinimumSize(TQSize(320,240)); mPreview->setAlignment(Qt::AlignHCenter|Qt::AlignVCenter); rightbox->addWidget(mPreview); rightbox->setStretchFactor( mPreview, 3 ); mText = new TQTextEdit(this); mText->setSizePolicy( TQSizePolicy::Expanding, TQSizePolicy::Preferred ); mText->setMinimumSize(mText->sizeHint()); mText->setReadOnly(true); rightbox->addWidget(mText); rightbox->setStretchFactor( mText, 1 ); readThemesList(); load(); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- SplashInstaller::~SplashInstaller() { } int SplashInstaller::addTheme(const TQString &path, const TQString &name) { //kdDebug() << "SplashInstaller::addTheme: " << path << " " << name << endl; TQString tmp(i18n( name.utf8() )); int i = mThemesList->count(); while((i > 0) && (mThemesList->text(i-1) > tmp)) i--; if ((i > 0) && (mThemesList->text(i-1) == tmp)) return i-1; mThemesList->insertItem(tmp, i); mThemesList->text2path.insert( tmp, path+"/"+name ); return i; } // Copy theme package into themes directory void SplashInstaller::addNewTheme(const KURL &srcURL) { TQString dir = TDEGlobal::dirs()->saveLocation("ksplashthemes"); KURL url; TQString filename = srcURL.fileName(); int i = filename.findRev('.'); // Convert extension to lower case. if (i >= 0) filename = filename.left(i)+filename.mid(i).lower(); url.setPath(locateLocal("tmp",filename)); // Remove file from temporary directory if it aleady exists - usually the result of a failed install. if ( TDEIO::NetAccess::exists( url, true, 0 ) ) TDEIO::NetAccess::del( url, 0 ); bool rc = TDEIO::NetAccess::copy(srcURL, url, 0); if (!rc) { kdWarning() << "Failed to copy theme " << srcURL.fileName() << " into temporary directory " << url.path() << endl; return; } // Extract into theme directory: we may have multiple themes in one tarball! KTar tarFile(url.path()); if (!tarFile.open(IO_ReadOnly)) { kdDebug() << "Unable to open archive: " << url.path() << endl; return; } KArchiveDirectory const *ad = tarFile.directory(); // Find first directory entry. TQStringList entries = ad->entries(); TQString themeName( entries.first() ); #if 0 // The isDirectory() call always returns false; why? for ( TQStringList::Iterator it = entries.begin(); it != entries.end(); ++it ) { if ( ad->entry( *it )->isDirectory() ) { themeName = *it; break; } } #endif // TODO: Make sure we put the entries into a subdirectory if the tarball does not. // TODO: Warn the user if we overwrite something. ad->copyTo(locateLocal("ksplashthemes","/")); tarFile.close(); TDEIO::NetAccess::del( url, 0 ); // TODO: Update only the entries from this installation. readThemesList(); mThemesList->setCurrentItem(findTheme(themeName)); mThemesList->setSelected(mThemesList->currentItem(), true); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void SplashInstaller::readThemesList() { mThemesList->clear(); // Read local themes TQStringList entryList = TDEGlobal::dirs()->resourceDirs("ksplashthemes"); //kdDebug() << "readThemesList: " << entryList << endl; TQDir dir; TQStringList subdirs; TQStringList::ConstIterator name; for(name = entryList.begin(); name != entryList.end(); name++) { dir = *name; if (!dir.exists()) continue; subdirs = dir.entryList( TQDir::Dirs ); // kdDebug() << "readThemesList: " << subdirs << endl; // TODO: Make sure it contains a *.rc file. for (TQStringList::Iterator l = subdirs.begin(); l != subdirs.end(); l++ ) if ( !(*l).startsWith(TQString(".")) ) { mThemesList->blockSignals( true ); // Don't activate any theme until all themes are loaded. addTheme(dir.path(),*l); mThemesList->blockSignals( false ); } } } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void SplashInstaller::defaults() { load( true ); } void SplashInstaller::load() { load( false ); } void SplashInstaller::load( bool useDefaults ) { TDEConfig cnf("ksplashrc"); cnf.setReadDefaults( useDefaults ); cnf.setGroup("KSplash"); TQString curTheme = cnf.readEntry("Theme","Default"); mThemesList->setCurrentItem(findTheme(curTheme)); emit changed( useDefaults ); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void SplashInstaller::save() { TDEConfig cnf("ksplashrc"); cnf.setGroup("KSplash"); int cur = mThemesList->currentItem(); if (cur < 0) return; TQString path = mThemesList->text(cur); if ( mThemesList->text2path.contains( path ) ) path = mThemesList->text2path[path]; cur = path.findRev('/'); cnf.writeEntry("Theme", path.mid(cur+1) ); cnf.sync(); emit changed( false ); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void SplashInstaller::slotRemove() { int cur = mThemesList->currentItem(); if (cur < 0) return; bool rc = false; TQString themeName = mThemesList->text(cur); TQString themeDir = mThemesList->text2path[themeName]; if (!themeDir.isEmpty()) { KURL url; url.setPath(themeDir); if (KMessageBox::warningContinueCancel(this,i18n("Delete folder %1 and its contents?").arg(themeDir),"",KGuiItem(i18n("&Delete"),"editdelete"))==KMessageBox::Continue) rc = TDEIO::NetAccess::del(url,this); else return; } if (!rc) { KMessageBox::sorry(this, i18n("Failed to remove theme '%1'").arg(themeName)); return; } //mThemesList->removeItem(cur); readThemesList(); cur = ((unsigned int)cur >= mThemesList->count())?mThemesList->count()-1:cur; mThemesList->setCurrentItem(cur); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void SplashInstaller::slotSetTheme(int id) { bool enabled; TQString path(TQString::null); TQString infoTxt; if (id < 0) { mPreview->setText(TQString::null); mText->setText(TQString::null); enabled = false; } else { TQString error = i18n("(Could not load theme)"); path = mThemesList->text(id); if ( mThemesList->text2path.contains( path ) ) path = mThemesList->text2path[path]; enabled = false; KURL url; TQString themeName; if (!path.isEmpty()) { // Make sure the correct plugin is installed. int i = path.findRev('/'); if (i >= 0) themeName = path.mid(i+1); url.setPath( path + "/Theme.rc" ); if (!TDEIO::NetAccess::exists(url, true, 0)) { url.setPath( path + "/Theme.RC" ); if (!TDEIO::NetAccess::exists(url, true, 0)) { url.setPath( path + "/theme.rc" ); if (!TDEIO::NetAccess::exists(url, true, 0)) url.setPath( path + "/" + themeName + ".rc" ); } } if (TDEIO::NetAccess::exists(url, true, 0)) { TDEConfig cnf(url.path()); cnf.setGroup( TQString("KSplash Theme: %1").arg(themeName) ); // Get theme information. infoTxt = "<qt>"; if ( cnf.hasKey( "Name" ) ) infoTxt += i18n( "<b>Name:</b> %1<br>" ).arg( cnf.readEntry( "Name", i18n( "Unknown" ) ) ); if ( cnf.hasKey( "Description" ) ) infoTxt += i18n( "<b>Description:</b> %1<br>" ).arg( cnf.readEntry( "Description", i18n( "Unknown" ) ) ); if ( cnf.hasKey( "Version" ) ) infoTxt += i18n( "<b>Version:</b> %1<br>" ).arg( cnf.readEntry( "Version", i18n( "Unknown" ) ) ); if ( cnf.hasKey( "Author" ) ) infoTxt += i18n( "<b>Author:</b> %1<br>" ).arg( cnf.readEntry( "Author", i18n( "Unknown" ) ) ); if ( cnf.hasKey( "Homepage" ) ) infoTxt += i18n( "<b>Homepage:</b> %1<br>" ).arg( cnf.readEntry( "Homepage", i18n( "Unknown" ) ) ); infoTxt += "</qt>"; TQString pluginName( cnf.readEntry( "Engine", "Default" ) ); // Perhaps no default is better? if ((KTrader::self()->query("KSplash/Plugin", TQString("[X-KSplash-PluginName] == '%1'").arg(pluginName))).isEmpty()) { enabled = false; error = i18n("This theme requires the plugin %1 which is not installed.").arg(pluginName); } else enabled = true; // Hooray, there is at least one plugin which can handle this theme. } else { error = i18n("Could not load theme configuration file."); } } mBtnTest->setEnabled(enabled && themeName != "None" ); mText->setText(infoTxt); if (!enabled) { url.setPath( path + "/" + "Preview.png" ); if (TDEIO::NetAccess::exists(url, true, 0)) mPreview->setPixmap(TQPixmap(url.path())); else mPreview->setText(i18n("(Could not load theme)")); KMessageBox::sorry(this, error); } else { url.setPath( path + "/" + "Preview.png" ); if (TDEIO::NetAccess::exists(url, true, 0)) mPreview->setPixmap(TQPixmap(url.path())); else mPreview->setText(i18n("No preview available.")); emit changed(true); } } mBtnRemove->setEnabled( !path.isEmpty() && TQFileInfo(path).isWritable()); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void SplashInstaller::slotAdd() { static TQString path; if (path.isEmpty()) path = TQDir::homeDirPath(); KFileDialog dlg(path, "*.tgz *.tar.gz *.tar.bz2|" + i18n( "KSplash Theme Files" ), 0, 0, true); dlg.setCaption(i18n("Add Theme")); if (!dlg.exec()) return; path = dlg.baseURL().url(); addNewTheme(dlg.selectedURL()); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void SplashInstaller::slotFilesDropped(const KURL::List &urls) { for(KURL::List::ConstIterator it = urls.begin(); it != urls.end(); ++it) addNewTheme(*it); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- int SplashInstaller::findTheme( const TQString &theme ) { // theme is untranslated, but the listbox contains translated items TQString tmp(i18n( theme.utf8() )); int id = mThemesList->count()-1; while (id >= 0) { if (mThemesList->text(id) == tmp) return id; id--; } return 0; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void SplashInstaller::slotTest() { int i = mThemesList->currentItem(); if (i < 0) return; TQString themeName = mThemesList->text2path[mThemesList->text(i)]; int r = themeName.findRev('/'); if (r >= 0) themeName = themeName.mid(r+1); // special handling for none and simple splashscreens if( themeName == "None" ) return; if( themeName == "Simple" ) { TDEProcess proc; proc << "ksplashsimple" << "--test"; if (!proc.start(TDEProcess::Block)) KMessageBox::error(this,i18n("Unable to start ksplashsimple.")); return; } TDEProcess proc; proc << "ksplash" << "--test" << "--theme" << themeName; if (!proc.start(TDEProcess::Block)) KMessageBox::error(this,i18n("Unable to start ksplash.")); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- #include "installer.moc"