# Blue-Bend KSplash/ML Theme

[KSplash Theme: blue-bend]
Name = Blue-Bend KDE Splash Theme
Description = Load Blue-Bend KDE KSplash theme.
Version = 1.0
Author = Everaldo Coelho <everaldo@everaldo.com>
Homepage = http://www.everaldo.com

# Theme behavior settings.
Engine = Default

# Should icons blink ala KDE, or not?
Icons Flashing = true

# Configurable Messages.  You may specify messages in as many
# languages as you prefer.  Messages may be copied verbatim from
# this file, if you wish to maintain the default settings.
#Message1 = Please wait, starting KDE...
#Message1[es] = Por favor escuchar, estarto KDE...
#Message2 = Loading ...