/*************************************************************************** * Copyright Brian Ledbetter 2001-2003 <brian@shadowcom.net> * * Copyright Ravikiran Rajagopal 2003 <ravi@kde.org> * * * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License (version 2) as * * published by the Free Software Foundation. (The original KSplash/ML * * codebase (upto version 0.95.3) is BSD-licensed.) * * * ***************************************************************************/ #include <tdeapplication.h> #include <tdeconfig.h> #include <kdebug.h> #include <kgenericfactory.h> #include <kglobalsettings.h> #include <klocale.h> #include <kstandarddirs.h> #include <kprogress.h> #include <tqcheckbox.h> #include <tqdesktopwidget.h> #include <tqlabel.h> #include <tqpainter.h> #include <tqpixmap.h> #include <tqwidget.h> #include <tqtimer.h> #include "objkstheme.h" #include "themeengine.h" #include "themelegacy.h" #include "themelegacy.moc" DefaultConfig::DefaultConfig( TQWidget *parent, TDEConfig *config ) :ThemeEngineConfig( parent, config ) { mConfig->setGroup( TQString("KSplash Theme: Default") ); TQVBox *hbox = new TQVBox( this ); mFlash = new TQCheckBox( i18n("Icons flash while they are starting"), hbox ); mFlash->setChecked( mConfig->readBoolEntry("Icons Flashing",true) ); mAlwaysShow = new TQCheckBox( i18n("Always show progress bar"), hbox ); mAlwaysShow->setChecked( mConfig->readBoolEntry("Always Show Progress",true) ); } void DefaultConfig::save() { kdDebug() << "DefaultConfig::save()" << endl; mConfig->setGroup( TQString("KSplash Theme: Default") ); mConfig->writeEntry( "Icons Flashing", mFlash->isChecked() ); mConfig->writeEntry( "Always Show Progress", mAlwaysShow->isChecked() ); mConfig->sync(); } #define BIDI 0 ThemeDefault::ThemeDefault( TQWidget *parent, const char *name, const TQStringList &args ) :ThemeEngine( parent, name, args ) { mActivePixmap = mInactivePixmap = 0L; mState = 0; _readSettings(); _initUi(); if( mIconsFlashing ) { mFlashTimer = new TQTimer( this ); connect( mFlashTimer, TQT_SIGNAL(timeout()), this, TQT_SLOT(flash()) ); mFlashPixmap1 = new TQPixmap(); mFlashPixmap2 = new TQPixmap(); } else { mFlashTimer = 0L; mFlashPixmap1 = 0L; mFlashPixmap2 = 0L; } } ThemeDefault::~ThemeDefault() { delete mFlashPixmap1; delete mFlashPixmap2; } void ThemeDefault::_initUi() { TQString resource_prefix; TQVBox *vbox = new TQVBox( this ); vbox->setBackgroundMode(NoBackground); TQString activePix, inactivePix; #if BIDI if ( TQApplication::reverseLayout() ) { activePix = _findPicture(TQString("splash_active_bar_bidi.png")); inactivePix = _findPicture(TQString("splash_inactive_bar_bidi.png")); } else #endif { activePix = _findPicture(TQString("splash_active_bar.png")); inactivePix = _findPicture(TQString("splash_inactive_bar.png")); } kdDebug() << "Inactive pixmap: " << inactivePix << endl; kdDebug() << "Active pixmap: " << activePix << endl; mActivePixmap = new TQPixmap( activePix ); mInactivePixmap = new TQPixmap( inactivePix ); if (mActivePixmap->isNull()) { mActivePixmap->resize(200,100); mActivePixmap->fill(Qt::blue); } if (mInactivePixmap->isNull()) { mInactivePixmap->resize(200,100); mInactivePixmap->fill(Qt::black); } TQPixmap tlimage( _findPicture(TQString("splash_top.png")) ); if (tlimage.isNull()) { tlimage.resize(200,100); tlimage.fill(Qt::blue); } TQLabel *top_label = new TQLabel( vbox ); top_label->setPixmap( tlimage ); top_label->setFixedSize( tlimage.width(), tlimage.height() ); top_label->setBackgroundMode(NoBackground); mBarLabel = new TQLabel( vbox ); mBarLabel->setPixmap(*mInactivePixmap); mBarLabel->setBackgroundMode(NoBackground); TQPixmap blimage( _findPicture(TQString("splash_bottom.png")) ); if (blimage.isNull()) { blimage.resize(200,100); blimage.fill(Qt::black); } TQLabel *bottom_label = new TQLabel( vbox ); bottom_label->setPaletteBackgroundPixmap( blimage ); mLabel = new TQLabel( bottom_label ); mLabel->setBackgroundOrigin( TQWidget::ParentOrigin ); mLabel->setPaletteForegroundColor( mLabelForeground ); mLabel->setPaletteBackgroundPixmap( blimage ); TQFont f(mLabel->font()); f.setBold(TRUE); mLabel->setFont(f); mProgressBar = new KProgress( mLabel ); int h, s, v; mLabelForeground.getHsv( &h, &s, &v ); mProgressBar->setPalette( TQPalette( v > 128 ? black : white )); mProgressBar->setBackgroundOrigin( TQWidget::ParentOrigin ); mProgressBar->setPaletteBackgroundPixmap( blimage ); bottom_label->setFixedWidth( QMAX(blimage.width(),tlimage.width()) ); bottom_label->setFixedHeight( mLabel->sizeHint().height()+4 ); // 3 pixels of whitespace between the label and the progressbar. mLabel->resize( bottom_label->width(), bottom_label->height() ); mProgressBar->setFixedSize( 120, mLabel->height() ); if (TQApplication::reverseLayout()){ mProgressBar->move( 2, 0 ); // mLabel->move( mProgressBar->width() + 4, 0); } else{ mProgressBar->move( bottom_label->width() - mProgressBar->width() - 4, 0); mLabel->move( 2, 0 ); } mProgressBar->hide(); setFixedWidth( mInactivePixmap->width() ); setFixedHeight( mInactivePixmap->height() + top_label->height() + bottom_label->height() ); const TQRect rect = kapp->desktop()->screenGeometry( mTheme->xineramaScreen() ); // TDEGlobalSettings::splashScreenDesktopGeometry(); cannot be used here. // kdDebug() << "ThemeDefault::_initUi" << rect << endl; move( rect.x() + (rect.width() - size().width())/2, rect.y() + (rect.height() - size().height())/2 ); } // Attempt to find overrides elsewhere? void ThemeDefault::_readSettings() { if( !mTheme ) return; TDEConfig *cfg = mTheme->themeConfig(); if( !cfg ) return; cfg->setGroup( TQString("KSplash Theme: %1").arg(mTheme->theme()) ); mIconsFlashing = cfg->readBoolEntry( "Icons Flashing", true ); TQColor df(Qt::white); mLabelForeground = cfg->readColorEntry( "Label Foreground", &df ); } /* * ThemeDefault::slotUpdateState(): IF in Default mode, THEN adjust the bar * pixmap label. Whee, phun! * * A similar method exists in the old KSplash. */ void ThemeDefault::slotUpdateState() { if( mState > 8 ) mState = 8; if( mIconsFlashing ) { *mFlashPixmap1 = updateBarPixmap( mState ); *mFlashPixmap2 = updateBarPixmap( mState+1 ); mBarLabel->setPixmap(*mFlashPixmap2); mFlashTimer->stop(); if( mState < 8 ) mFlashTimer->start(400); } else mBarLabel->setPixmap( updateBarPixmap( mState ) ); mState++; } /* * ThemeDefault::updateBarPixmap(): IF in Default mode, THEN adjust the * bar pixmap to reflect the current state. WARNING! KSplash Default * does NOT support our "Restoring Session..." state. We will need * to reflect that somehow. */ TQPixmap ThemeDefault::updateBarPixmap( int state ) { int offs; TQPixmap x; if( !mActivePixmap ) return( x ); #if BIDI if( TQApplication::reverseLayout() ) { if ( state > 7 ) return ( x ); } #endif offs = state * 58; if (state == 3) offs += 8; else if (state == 6) offs -= 8; TQPixmap tmp(*mActivePixmap); TQPainter p(&tmp); #if BIDI if ( TQApplication::reverseLayout() ) p.drawPixmap(0, 0, *mInactivePixmap, 0, 0, tmp.width()-offs ); else #endif p.drawPixmap(offs, 0, *mInactivePixmap, offs, 0); return tmp ; } void ThemeDefault::flash() { if( !mIconsFlashing ) return; TQPixmap *swap = mFlashPixmap1; mFlashPixmap1 = mFlashPixmap2; mFlashPixmap2 = swap; mBarLabel->setPixmap(*mFlashPixmap2); } TQString ThemeDefault::_findPicture( const TQString &pic ) { // Don't use ObjKsTheme::locateThemeData here for compatibility reasons. TQString f = pic; if (mTheme->loColor()) f = TQString("locolor/")+f; //kdDebug() << "Searching for " << f << endl; //kdDebug() << "Theme directory: " << mTheme->themeDir() << endl; //kdDebug() << "Theme name: " << mTheme->theme() << endl; TQString p = TQString::null; if ((p = locate("appdata",mTheme->themeDir()+f)).isEmpty()) if ((p = locate("appdata",mTheme->themeDir()+"pics/"+f)).isEmpty()) if ((p = locate("appdata", TQString("pics/")+mTheme->theme()+"/"+f)).isEmpty()) if ((p = locate("appdata",f)).isEmpty()) if ((p = locate("appdata",TQString("pics/")+f)).isEmpty()) if ((p = locate("data",TQString("pics/")+f)).isEmpty()) { ; // No more places to search } return p; }