    KSysGuard, the KDE System Guard
    Copyright (c) 1999 - 2001 Chris Schlaeger <cs@kde.org>
    This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
    modify it under the terms of version 2 of the GNU General Public
    License as published by the Free Software Foundation.

    This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
    GNU General Public License for more details.

    You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
    along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
    Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301, USA.

    KSysGuard is currently maintained by Chris Schlaeger <cs@kde.org>.
    Please do not commit any changes without consulting me first. Thanks!


#include <tqcombobox.h>
#include <tqlabel.h>
#include <tqpushbutton.h>
#include <tqradiobutton.h>
#include <tqspinbox.h>

#include <kapplication.h>
#include <kdebug.h>
#include <klocale.h>

#include "HostConnector.h"
#include "SensorShellAgent.h"
#include "SensorSocketAgent.h"

#include "SensorManager.h"

using namespace KSGRD;

SensorManager* KSGRD::SensorMgr;

  mAgents.setAutoDelete( true );
  mDict.setAutoDelete( true );

  // Fill the sensor description dictionary.
  mDict.insert( "cpu", new TQString( i18n( "CPU Load" ) ) );
  mDict.insert( "idle", new TQString( i18n( "Idle Load" ) ) );
  mDict.insert( "sys", new TQString( i18n( "System Load" ) ) );
  mDict.insert( "nice", new TQString( i18n( "Nice Load" ) ) );
  mDict.insert( "user", new TQString( i18n( "User Load" ) ) );
  mDict.insert( "mem", new TQString( i18n( "Memory" ) ) );
  mDict.insert( "physical", new TQString( i18n( "Physical Memory" ) ) );
  mDict.insert( "swap", new TQString( i18n( "Swap Memory" ) ) );
  mDict.insert( "cached", new TQString( i18n( "Cached Memory" ) ) );
  mDict.insert( "buf", new TQString( i18n( "Buffered Memory" ) ) );
  mDict.insert( "used", new TQString( i18n( "Used Memory" ) ) );
  mDict.insert( "application", new TQString( i18n( "Application Memory" ) ) );
  mDict.insert( "free", new TQString( i18n( "Free Memory" ) ) );
  mDict.insert( "pscount", new TQString( i18n( "Process Count" ) ) );
  mDict.insert( "ps", new TQString( i18n( "Process Controller" ) ) );
  mDict.insert( "disk", new TQString( i18n( "Disk Throughput" ) ) );
  mDict.insert( "load", new TQString( i18n( "CPU Load", "Load" ) ) );
  mDict.insert( "total", new TQString( i18n( "Total Accesses" ) ) );
  mDict.insert( "rio", new TQString( i18n( "Read Accesses" ) ) );
  mDict.insert( "wio", new TQString( i18n( "Write Accesses" ) ) );
  mDict.insert( "rblk", new TQString( i18n( "Read Data" ) ) );
  mDict.insert( "wblk", new TQString( i18n( "Write Data" ) ) );
  mDict.insert( "pageIn", new TQString( i18n( "Pages In" ) ) );
  mDict.insert( "pageOut", new TQString( i18n( "Pages Out" ) ) );
  mDict.insert( "context", new TQString( i18n( "Context Switches" ) ) );
  mDict.insert( "network", new TQString( i18n( "Network" ) ) );
  mDict.insert( "interfaces", new TQString( i18n( "Interfaces" ) ) );
  mDict.insert( "receiver", new TQString( i18n( "Receiver" ) ) );
  mDict.insert( "transmitter", new TQString( i18n( "Transmitter" ) ) );
  mDict.insert( "data", new TQString( i18n( "Data" ) ) );
  mDict.insert( "compressed", new TQString( i18n( "Compressed Packets" ) ) );
  mDict.insert( "drops", new TQString( i18n( "Dropped Packets" ) ) );
  mDict.insert( "errors", new TQString( i18n( "Errors" ) ) );
  mDict.insert( "fifo", new TQString( i18n( "FIFO Overruns" ) ) );
  mDict.insert( "frame", new TQString( i18n( "Frame Errors" ) ) );
  mDict.insert( "multicast", new TQString( i18n( "Multicast" ) ) );
  mDict.insert( "packets", new TQString( i18n( "Packets" ) ) );
  mDict.insert( "carrier", new TQString( i18n( "Carrier" ) ) );
  mDict.insert( "collisions", new TQString( i18n( "Collisions" ) ) );
  mDict.insert( "sockets", new TQString( i18n( "Sockets" ) ) );
  mDict.insert( "count", new TQString( i18n( "Total Number" ) ) );
  mDict.insert( "list", new TQString( i18n( "Table" ) ) );
  mDict.insert( "apm", new TQString( i18n( "Advanced Power Management" ) ) );
  mDict.insert( "acpi", new TQString( i18n( "ACPI" ) ) );
  mDict.insert( "thermal_zone", new TQString( i18n( "Thermal Zone" ) ) );
  mDict.insert( "temperature", new TQString( i18n( "Temperature" ) ) );
  mDict.insert( "fan", new TQString( i18n( "Fan" ) ) );
  mDict.insert( "state", new TQString( i18n( "State" ) ) );
  mDict.insert( "battery", new TQString( i18n( "Battery" ) ) );
  mDict.insert( "batterycharge", new TQString( i18n( "Battery Charge" ) ) );
  mDict.insert( "batteryusage", new TQString( i18n( "Battery Usage" ) ) );
  mDict.insert( "remainingtime", new TQString( i18n( "Remaining Time" ) ) );
  mDict.insert( "interrupts", new TQString( i18n( "Interrupts" ) ) );
  mDict.insert( "loadavg1", new TQString( i18n( "Load Average (1 min)" ) ) );
  mDict.insert( "loadavg5", new TQString( i18n( "Load Average (5 min)" ) ) );
  mDict.insert( "loadavg15", new TQString( i18n( "Load Average (15 min)" ) ) );
  mDict.insert( "clock", new TQString( i18n( "Clock Frequency" ) ) );
  mDict.insert( "lmsensors", new TQString( i18n( "Hardware Sensors" ) ) );
  mDict.insert( "partitions", new TQString( i18n( "Partition Usage" ) ) );
  mDict.insert( "usedspace", new TQString( i18n( "Used Space" ) ) );
  mDict.insert( "freespace", new TQString( i18n( "Free Space" ) ) );
  mDict.insert( "filllevel", new TQString( i18n( "Fill Level" ) ) );

  for ( int i = 0; i < 32; i++ ) {
    mDict.insert( "cpu" + TQString::number( i ),
                 new TQString( TQString( i18n( "CPU%1" ) ).arg( i ) ) );
    mDict.insert( "disk" + TQString::number( i ),
                 new TQString( TQString( i18n( "Disk%1" ) ).arg( i ) ) );

  for ( int i = 0; i < 6; i++) {
    mDict.insert( "fan" + TQString::number( i ),
                 new TQString( TQString( i18n( "Fan%1" ) ).arg( i ) ) );
    mDict.insert( "temp" + TQString::number( i ),
                 new TQString( TQString( i18n( "Temperature%1" ) ).arg( i ) ) );

  mDict.insert( "int00", new TQString( i18n( "Total" ) ) );

  TQString num;
  for ( int i = 1; i < 25; i++ ) {
    num.sprintf( "%.2d", i );
		mDict.insert( "int" + num,
                 new TQString( TQString( i18n( "Int%1" ) ).arg( i - 1, 3 ) ) );

  mDescriptions.setAutoDelete( true );
  // TODO: translated descriptions not yet implemented.

  mUnits.setAutoDelete( true );
  mUnits.insert( "1/s", new TQString( i18n( "the unit 1 per second", "1/s" ) ) );
  mUnits.insert( "kBytes", new TQString( i18n( "kBytes" ) ) );
  mUnits.insert( "min", new TQString( i18n( "the unit minutes", "min" ) ) );
  mUnits.insert( "MHz", new TQString( i18n( "the frequency unit", "MHz" ) ) );

  mTypes.setAutoDelete( true );
  mTypes.insert( "integer", new TQString( i18n( "Integer Value" ) ) );
  mTypes.insert( "float", new TQString( i18n( "Floating Point Value" ) ) );
  mTypes.insert( "table", new TQString( i18n( "Process Controller" ) ) );
  mTypes.insert( "listview", new TQString( i18n( "Table" ) ) );

  mBroadcaster = 0;

  mHostConnector = new HostConnector( 0 );

  delete mHostConnector;

bool SensorManager::engageHost( const TQString &hostName )
  bool retVal = true;

  if ( hostName.isEmpty() || mAgents.tqfind( hostName ) == 0 ) {
    if(hostName == "localhost") {
      //There was a bug where the xml file would end up not specifying to connect to localhost.
      //This work around makes sure we always connect to localhost
      return engage( "localhost", "", "ksysguardd", -1);
    mHostConnector->setCurrentHostName( hostName );

    if ( mHostConnector->exec() ) {
      TQString shell = "";
      TQString command = "";
      int port = -1;

      /* Check which radio button is selected and set parameters
       * appropriately. */
      if ( mHostConnector->useSsh() )
        shell = "ssh";
      else if ( mHostConnector->useRsh() )
        shell = "rsh";
      else if ( mHostConnector->useDaemon() )
        port = mHostConnector->port();
        command = mHostConnector->currentCommand();

      if ( hostName.isEmpty() )
        retVal = engage( mHostConnector->currentHostName(), shell,
                         command, port );
        retVal = engage( hostName, shell, command, port );

  return retVal;

bool SensorManager::engage( const TQString &hostName, const TQString &shell,
                            const TQString &command, int port )
  SensorAgent *agent;

  if ( ( agent = mAgents.tqfind( hostName ) ) == 0 ) {
    if ( port == -1 )
      agent = new SensorShellAgent( this );
      agent = new SensorSocketAgent( this );

    if ( !agent->start( hostName.ascii(), shell, command, port ) ) {
      delete agent;
      return false;

    mAgents.insert( hostName, agent );
    connect( agent, TQT_SIGNAL( reconfigure( const SensorAgent* ) ),
             TQT_SLOT( reconfigure( const SensorAgent* ) ) );

		emit update();
    return true;

  return false;

void SensorManager::requestDisengage( const SensorAgent *agent )
	/* When a sensor agent becomes disfunctional it calls this function
	 * to request that it is being removed from the SensorManager. It must
	 * not call disengage() directly since it would trigger ~SensorAgent()
	 * while we are still in a SensorAgent member function.
	 * So we have to post an event which is later caught by
	 * SensorManger::customEvent(). */
  TQCustomEvent* event = new TQCustomEvent( TQEvent::User, (void*)agent );
  kapp->postEvent( this, event );

bool SensorManager::disengage( const SensorAgent *agent )
  TQDictIterator<SensorAgent> it( mAgents );

  for ( ; it.current(); ++it )
    if ( it.current() == agent ) {
      mAgents.remove( it.currentKey() );
      emit update();
      return true;

  return false;

bool SensorManager::disengage( const TQString &hostName )
  SensorAgent *agent;
  if ( ( agent = mAgents.tqfind( hostName ) ) != 0 ) {
    mAgents.remove( hostName );
    emit update();
    return true;

  return false;

bool SensorManager::resynchronize( const TQString &hostName )
  SensorAgent *agent;

  if ( ( agent = mAgents.tqfind( hostName ) ) == 0 )
    return false;

  TQString shell, command;
  int port;
  hostInfo( hostName, shell, command, port );

  disengage( hostName );

	kdDebug (1215) << "Re-synchronizing connection to " << hostName << endl;

  return engage( hostName, shell, command );

void SensorManager::hostLost( const SensorAgent *agent )
  emit hostConnectionLost( agent->hostName() );

  if ( mBroadcaster ) {
    TQCustomEvent *event = new TQCustomEvent( TQEvent::User );
    event->setData( new TQString( i18n( "Connection to %1 has been lost." )
                    .arg( agent->hostName() ) ) );
    kapp->postEvent( mBroadcaster, event );

void SensorManager::notify( const TQString &msg ) const
  /* This function relays text messages to the toplevel widget that
   * displays the message in a pop-up box. It must be used for objects
   * that might have been deleted before the pop-up box is closed. */
  if ( mBroadcaster ) {
    TQCustomEvent *event = new TQCustomEvent( TQEvent::User );
    event->setData( new TQString( msg ) );
    kapp->postEvent( mBroadcaster, event );

void SensorManager::setBroadcaster( TQWidget *wdg )
  mBroadcaster = wdg;

void SensorManager::reconfigure( const SensorAgent* )
  emit update();

bool SensorManager::event( TQEvent *event )
  if ( event->type() == TQEvent::User ) {
    disengage( (const SensorAgent*)((TQCustomEvent*)event)->data() );
    return true;

  return false;

bool SensorManager::sendRequest( const TQString &hostName, const TQString &req,
                                 SensorClient *client, int id )
  SensorAgent *agent = mAgents.tqfind( hostName );
  if( !agent && hostName == "localhost") {
     //we should always be able to reconnect to localhost
     engage("localhost", "", "ksysguardd", -1);
     agent = mAgents.tqfind( hostName );
  if ( agent ) {
    agent->sendRequest( req, client, id );
    return true;

  return false;

const TQString SensorManager::hostName( const SensorAgent *agent) const
  TQDictIterator<SensorAgent> it( mAgents );
  while ( it.current() ) {
    if ( it.current() == agent )
      return it.currentKey();

  return TQString::null;

bool SensorManager::hostInfo( const TQString &hostName, TQString &shell,
                              TQString &command, int &port )
  SensorAgent *agent;
  if ( ( agent = mAgents.tqfind( hostName ) ) != 0 ) {
    agent->hostInfo( shell, command, port );
    return true;

  return false;

const TQString &SensorManager::translateUnit( const TQString &unit ) const
  if ( !unit.isEmpty() && mUnits[ unit ] )
    return *mUnits[ unit ];
    return unit;

const TQString &SensorManager::translateSensorPath( const TQString &path ) const
  if ( !path.isEmpty() && mDict[ path ] )
    return *mDict[ path ];
    return path;
const TQString &SensorManager::translateSensorType( const TQString &type ) const
  if ( !type.isEmpty() && mTypes[ type ] )
    return *mTypes[ type ];
    return type;

TQString SensorManager::translateSensor( const TQString &sensor ) const
  TQString token, out;
  int start = 0, end = 0;
  for ( ; ; ) {
    end = sensor.tqfind( '/', start );
    if ( end > 0 )
      out += translateSensorPath( sensor.mid( start, end - start ) ) + "/";
    else {
      out += translateSensorPath( sensor.right( sensor.length() - start ) );
    start = end + 1;

  return out;

void SensorManager::readProperties( KConfig *cfg )
  mHostConnector->setHostNames( cfg->readListEntry( "HostList" ) );
  mHostConnector->setCommands( cfg->readListEntry( "CommandList" ) );

SensorManager::saveProperties( KConfig *cfg )
  cfg->writeEntry( "HostList", mHostConnector->hostNames() );
  cfg->writeEntry( "CommandList", mHostConnector->commands() );

void SensorManager::disconnectClient( SensorClient *client )
  TQDictIterator<SensorAgent> it( mAgents );

  for ( ; it.current(); ++it)
    it.current()->disconnectClient( client );

#include "SensorManager.moc"