    KSysGuard, the KDE System Guard

	Copyright (c) 1999 Chris Schlaeger <cs@kde.org>

    This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
    it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
    the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
    (at your option) any later version.

    This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
    GNU General Public License for more details.

    You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
    along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
    Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301, USA.


#include <osreldate.h>

#include <sys/types.h>
#if defined(__DragonFly__)
#include <sys/param.h>
#include <kinfo.h>
#elif __FreeBSD_version < 500101
	#include <sys/dkstat.h>
	#include <sys/resource.h>
#include <sys/sysctl.h>

#include <devstat.h>
#include <fcntl.h>
#include <nlist.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>

#include "CPU.h"
#include "Command.h"
#include "ksysguardd.h"

#if defined(__DragonFly__)
static void	cputime_percentages(int[4], struct kinfo_cputime *,
            			    struct kinfo_cputime *);
static struct kinfo_cputime cp_time, cp_old;

#define	CPUSTATES	4
#define	CP_USER		0
#define	CP_NICE		1
#define	CP_SYS		2
#define	CP_IDLE		3

long percentages(int cnt, int *out, long *new, long *old, long *diffs);

unsigned long cp_time_offset;

long cp_time[CPUSTATES];
long cp_old[CPUSTATES];
long cp_diff[CPUSTATES];

int cpu_states[CPUSTATES];

initCpuInfo(struct SensorModul* sm)
	/* Total CPU load */
	registerMonitor("cpu/user", "integer", printCPUUser,
			printCPUUserInfo, sm);
	registerMonitor("cpu/nice", "integer", printCPUNice,
			printCPUNiceInfo, sm);
	registerMonitor("cpu/sys", "integer", printCPUSys,
			printCPUSysInfo, sm);
	registerMonitor("cpu/idle", "integer", printCPUIdle,
			printCPUIdleInfo, sm);



#if defined(__DragonFly__)
	cputime_percentages(cpu_states, &cp_time, &cp_old);
	size_t len = sizeof(cp_time);
        sysctlbyname("kern.cp_time", &cp_time, &len, NULL, 0);
        percentages(CPUSTATES, cpu_states, cp_time, cp_old, cp_diff);
	return (0);

printCPUUser(const char* cmd)
	fprintf(CurrentClient, "%d\n", cpu_states[CP_USER]/10);

printCPUUserInfo(const char* cmd)
	fprintf(CurrentClient, "CPU User Load\t0\t100\t%%\n");

printCPUNice(const char* cmd)
	fprintf(CurrentClient, "%d\n", cpu_states[CP_NICE]/10);

printCPUNiceInfo(const char* cmd)
	fprintf(CurrentClient, "CPU Nice Load\t0\t100\t%%\n");

printCPUSys(const char* cmd)
	fprintf(CurrentClient, "%d\n", cpu_states[CP_SYS]/10);

printCPUSysInfo(const char* cmd)
	fprintf(CurrentClient, "CPU System Load\t0\t100\t%%\n");

printCPUIdle(const char* cmd)
	fprintf(CurrentClient, "%d\n", cpu_states[CP_IDLE]/10);

printCPUIdleInfo(const char* cmd)
	fprintf(CurrentClient, "CPU Idle Load\t0\t100\t%%\n");

/* The part ripped from top... */
 *  Top users/processes display for Unix
 *  Version 3
 *  This program may be freely redistributed,
 *  but this entire comment MUST remain intact.
 *  Copyright (c) 1984, 1989, William LeFebvre, Rice University
 *  Copyright (c) 1989, 1990, 1992, William LeFebvre, Northwestern University

 *  percentages(cnt, out, new, old, diffs) - calculate percentage change
 *	between array "old" and "new", putting the percentages i "out".
 *	"cnt" is size of each array and "diffs" is used for scratch space.
 *	The array "old" is updated on each call.
 *	The routine assumes modulo arithmetic.  This function is especially
 *	useful on BSD mchines for calculating cpu state percentages.
#if defined(__DragonFly__)
static void
cputime_percentages(int out[4], struct kinfo_cputime *new, struct kinfo_cputime * old)
        struct kinfo_cputime diffs;
        int i;
        uint64_t total_change, half_total;

        /* initialization */
        total_change = 0;

        diffs.cp_user = new->cp_user - old->cp_user;
        diffs.cp_nice = new->cp_nice - old->cp_nice;
        diffs.cp_sys = new->cp_sys - old->cp_sys;
        diffs.cp_intr = new->cp_intr - old->cp_intr;
        diffs.cp_idle = new->cp_idle - old->cp_idle;
        total_change = diffs.cp_user + diffs.cp_nice + diffs.cp_sys +
            diffs.cp_intr + diffs.cp_idle;
        old->cp_user = new->cp_user;
        old->cp_nice = new->cp_nice;
        old->cp_sys = new->cp_sys;
        old->cp_intr = new->cp_intr;
        old->cp_idle = new->cp_idle;

        /* avoid divide by zero potential */
        if (total_change == 0)
                total_change = 1;

        /* calculate percentages based on overall change, rounding up */
        half_total = total_change >> 1;

        out[0] = ((diffs.cp_user * 1000LL + half_total) / total_change);
        out[1] = ((diffs.cp_nice * 1000LL + half_total) / total_change);
        out[2] = (((diffs.cp_sys + diffs.cp_intr) * 1000LL + half_total) / total_change);
        out[4] = ((diffs.cp_idle * 1000LL + half_total) / total_change);

long percentages(cnt, out, new, old, diffs)

int cnt;
int *out;
register long *new;
register long *old;
long *diffs;

    register int i;
    register long change;
    register long total_change;
    register long *dp;
    long half_total;

    /* initialization */
    total_change = 0;
    dp = diffs;

    /* calculate changes for each state and the overall change */
    for (i = 0; i < cnt; i++)
	if ((change = *new - *old) < 0)
	    /* this only happens when the counter wraps */
	    change = (int)
		((unsigned long)*new-(unsigned long)*old);
	total_change += (*dp++ = change);
	*old++ = *new++;

    /* avoid divide by zero potential */
    if (total_change == 0)
	total_change = 1;

    /* calculate percentages based on overall change, rounding up */
    half_total = total_change / 2l;

    /* Do not divide by 0. Causes Floating point exception */
    if(total_change) {
        for (i = 0; i < cnt; i++)
          *out++ = (int)((*diffs++ * 1000 + half_total) / total_change);

    /* return the total in case the caller wants to use it */