/***************************************************************** KWin - the KDE window manager This file is part of the KDE project. Copyright (C) 1999, 2000 Matthias Ettrich <ettrich@kde.org> Copyright (C) 2003 Lubos Lunak <l.lunak@kde.org> You can Freely distribute this program under the GNU General Public License. See the file "COPYING" for the exact licensing terms. ******************************************************************/ // SELI zmenit doc /* This file contains things relevant to stacking order and layers. Design: Normal unconstrained stacking order, as requested by the user (by clicking on windows to raise them, etc.), is in Workspace::unconstrained_stacking_order. That list shouldn't be used at all, except for building Workspace::stacking_order. The building is done in Workspace::constrainedStackingOrder(). Only Workspace::stackingOrder() should be used to get the stacking order, because it also checks the stacking order is up to date. All clients are also stored in Workspace::clients (except for isDesktop() clients, as those are very special, and are stored in Workspace::desktops), in the order the clients were created. Every window has one layer assigned in which it is. There are 6 layers, from bottom : DesktopLayer, BelowLayer, NormalLayer, DockLayer, AboveLayer and ActiveLayer (see also NETWM sect.7.10.). The layer a window is in depends on the window type, and on other things like whether the window is active. NET::Splash clients belong to the Normal layer. NET::TopMenu clients belong to Dock layer. Clients that are both NET::Dock and NET::KeepBelow are in the Normal layer in order to keep the 'allow window to cover the panel' Kicker setting to work as intended (this may look like a slight spec violation, but a) I have no better idea, b) the spec allows adjusting the stacking order if the WM thinks it's a good idea . We put all NET::KeepAbove above all Docks too, even though the spec suggests putting them in the same layer. Most transients are in the same layer as their mainwindow, see Workspace::constrainedStackingOrder(), they may also be in higher layers, but they should never be below their mainwindow. When some client attribute changes (above/below flag, transiency...), Workspace::updateClientLayer() should be called in order to make sure it's moved to the appropriate layer ClientList if needed. Currently the things that affect client in which layer a client belongs: KeepAbove/Keep Below flags, window type, fullscreen state and whether the client is active, mainclient (transiency). Make sure updateStackingOrder() is called in order to make Workspace::stackingOrder() up to date and propagated to the world. Using Workspace::blockStackingUpdates() (or the StackingUpdatesBlocker helper class) it's possible to temporarily disable updates and the stacking order will be updated once after it's allowed again. */ #include <assert.h> #include <kdebug.h> #include "utils.h" #include "client.h" #include "workspace.h" #include "tabbox.h" #include "group.h" #include "rules.h" extern Time qt_x_time; namespace KWinInternal { //******************************* // Workspace //******************************* void Workspace::updateClientLayer( Client* c ) { if( c == NULL ) return; if( c->layer() == c->belongsToLayer()) return; StackingUpdatesBlocker blocker( this ); c->invalidateLayer(); // invalidate, will be updated when doing restacking for( ClientList::ConstIterator it = c->transients().begin(); it != c->transients().end(); ++it ) updateClientLayer( *it ); } void Workspace::updateStackingOrder( bool propagate_new_clients ) { if( block_stacking_updates > 0 ) { blocked_propagating_new_clients = blocked_propagating_new_clients || propagate_new_clients; return; } ClientList new_stacking_order = constrainedStackingOrder(); bool changed = ( new_stacking_order != stacking_order ); stacking_order = new_stacking_order; #if 0 kdDebug() << "stacking:" << changed << endl; if( changed || propagate_new_clients ) { for( ClientList::ConstIterator it = stacking_order.begin(); it != stacking_order.end(); ++it ) kdDebug() << (void*)(*it) << *it << ":" << (*it)->layer() << endl; } #endif if( changed || propagate_new_clients ) { propagateClients( propagate_new_clients ); if( active_client ) active_client->updateMouseGrab(); } } /*! Propagates the managed clients to the world. Called ONLY from updateStackingOrder(). */ void Workspace::propagateClients( bool propagate_new_clients ) { Window *cl; // MW we should not assume WId and Window to be compatible // when passig pointers around. // restack the windows according to the stacking order #if 0 Window* new_stack = new Window[ stacking_order.count() + 2 ]; int pos = 0; #endif NET::WindowType t; Window shadow; Window *dock_shadow_stack, *window_stack; int i, numDocks, pos, topmenu_space_pos; dock_shadow_stack = new Window[ stacking_order.count() * 2 ]; window_stack = new Window[ stacking_order.count() * 2 + 2 ]; i = 0; pos = 0; topmenu_space_pos = 1; // not 0, that's supportWindow !!! // Stack all windows under the support window. The support window is // not used for anything (besides the NETWM property), and it's not shown, // but it was lowered after kwin startup. Stacking all clients below // it ensures that no client will be ever shown above override-redirect // windows (e.g. popups). #if 0 new_stack[ pos++ ] = supportWindow->winId(); int topmenu_space_pos = 1; // not 0, that's supportWindow !!! #endif window_stack[pos++] = supportWindow->winId(); for( ClientList::ConstIterator it = stacking_order.fromLast(); it != stacking_order.end(); --it ) { #if 0 new_stack[ pos++ ] = (*it)->frameId(); if( (*it)->belongsToLayer() >= DockLayer ) topmenu_space_pos = pos; #endif t = (*it)->windowType(); switch (t) { case NET::Dock: window_stack[pos++] = (*it)->frameId(); if ((shadow = (*it)->shadowId()) != None) dock_shadow_stack[i++] = shadow; break; case NET::Desktop: numDocks = i; for (i = 0; i < numDocks; i++) // Shadows for dock windows go just above the desktop window_stack[pos++] = dock_shadow_stack[i]; window_stack[pos++] = (*it)->frameId(); break; case NET::TopMenu: topmenu_space_pos = pos; // fall through default: window_stack[pos++] = (*it)->frameId(); if ((shadow = (*it)->shadowId()) != None) // If the current window also has a shadow, place it // immediately under the current window window_stack[pos++] = shadow; } } if( topmenu_space != NULL ) { // make sure the topmenu space is below all topmenus, fullscreens, etc. for( int i = pos; i > topmenu_space_pos; --i ) #if 0 new_stack[ i ] = new_stack[ i - 1 ]; new_stack[ topmenu_space_pos ] = topmenu_space->winId(); #endif window_stack[ i ] = window_stack[ i - 1 ]; window_stack[ topmenu_space_pos ] = topmenu_space->winId(); ++pos; } #if 0 // TODO isn't it too inefficient to restart always all clients? // TODO don't restack not visible windows? assert( new_stack[ 0 ] = supportWindow->winId()); #endif #if 0 XRestackWindows(qt_xdisplay(), new_stack, pos); delete [] new_stack; #endif XRestackWindows(qt_xdisplay(), window_stack, pos); delete [] dock_shadow_stack; delete [] window_stack; if ( propagate_new_clients ) { cl = new Window[ desktops.count() + clients.count()]; pos = 0; // TODO this is still not completely in the map order for ( ClientList::ConstIterator it = desktops.begin(); it != desktops.end(); ++it ) cl[pos++] = (*it)->window(); for ( ClientList::ConstIterator it = clients.begin(); it != clients.end(); ++it ) cl[pos++] = (*it)->window(); rootInfo->setClientList( cl, pos ); delete [] cl; } cl = new Window[ stacking_order.count()]; pos = 0; for ( ClientList::ConstIterator it = stacking_order.begin(); it != stacking_order.end(); ++it) cl[pos++] = (*it)->window(); rootInfo->setClientListStacking( cl, pos ); delete [] cl; } /*! Returns topmost visible client. Windows on the dock, the desktop or of any other special kind are excluded. Also if the window doesn't accept focus it's excluded. */ // TODO misleading name for this method Client* Workspace::topClientOnDesktop( int desktop, bool unconstrained, bool only_normal ) const { // TODO Q_ASSERT( block_stacking_updates == 0 ); ClientList::ConstIterator begin, end; if( !unconstrained ) { begin = stacking_order.fromLast(); end = stacking_order.end(); } else { begin = unconstrained_stacking_order.fromLast(); end = unconstrained_stacking_order.end(); } for( ClientList::ConstIterator it = begin; it != end; --it ) { if( (*it)->isOnDesktop( desktop ) && (*it)->isShown( false )) { if( !only_normal ) return *it; if( (*it)->wantsTabFocus() && !(*it)->isSpecialWindow()) return *it; } } return 0; } Client* Workspace::findDesktop( bool topmost, int desktop ) const { // TODO Q_ASSERT( block_stacking_updates == 0 ); if( topmost ) { for ( ClientList::ConstIterator it = stacking_order.fromLast(); it != stacking_order.end(); --it) { if ( (*it)->isOnDesktop( desktop ) && (*it)->isDesktop() && (*it)->isShown( true )) return *it; } } else // bottom-most { for ( ClientList::ConstIterator it = stacking_order.begin(); it != stacking_order.end(); ++it) { if ( (*it)->isOnDesktop( desktop ) && (*it)->isDesktop() && (*it)->isShown( true )) return *it; } } return NULL; } void Workspace::raiseOrLowerClient( Client *c) { if (!c) return; Client* topmost = NULL; // TODO Q_ASSERT( block_stacking_updates == 0 ); if ( most_recently_raised && stacking_order.contains( most_recently_raised ) && most_recently_raised->isShown( true ) && c->isOnCurrentDesktop()) topmost = most_recently_raised; else topmost = topClientOnDesktop( c->isOnAllDesktops() ? currentDesktop() : c->desktop()); if( c == topmost) lowerClient(c); else raiseClient(c); } void Workspace::lowerClient( Client* c ) { if ( !c ) return; if( c->isTopMenu()) return; c->cancelAutoRaise(); StackingUpdatesBlocker blocker( this ); unconstrained_stacking_order.remove( c ); unconstrained_stacking_order.prepend( c ); if( c->isTransient()) { // lower also mainclients, in their reversed stacking order ClientList mainclients = ensureStackingOrder( c->mainClients()); for( ClientList::ConstIterator it = mainclients.fromLast(); it != mainclients.end(); ++it ) lowerClient( *it ); } if ( c == most_recently_raised ) most_recently_raised = 0; } void Workspace::lowerClientWithinApplication( Client* c ) { if ( !c ) return; if( c->isTopMenu()) return; c->cancelAutoRaise(); StackingUpdatesBlocker blocker( this ); unconstrained_stacking_order.remove( c ); bool lowered = false; // first try to put it below the bottom-most window of the application for( ClientList::Iterator it = unconstrained_stacking_order.begin(); it != unconstrained_stacking_order.end(); ++it ) if( Client::belongToSameApplication( *it, c )) { unconstrained_stacking_order.insert( it, c ); lowered = true; break; } if( !lowered ) unconstrained_stacking_order.prepend( c ); // ignore mainwindows } void Workspace::raiseClient( Client* c ) { if ( !c ) return; if( c->isTopMenu()) return; c->cancelAutoRaise(); StackingUpdatesBlocker blocker( this ); if( c->isTransient()) { ClientList mainclients = ensureStackingOrder( c->mainClients()); for( ClientList::ConstIterator it = mainclients.begin(); it != mainclients.end(); ++it ) raiseClient( *it ); } unconstrained_stacking_order.remove( c ); unconstrained_stacking_order.append( c ); if (options->shadowEnabled(c->isActive())) { c->removeShadow(); c->drawDelayedShadow(); } if( !c->isSpecialWindow()) { most_recently_raised = c; pending_take_activity = NULL; } } void Workspace::raiseClientWithinApplication( Client* c ) { if ( !c ) return; if( c->isTopMenu()) return; c->cancelAutoRaise(); StackingUpdatesBlocker blocker( this ); // ignore mainwindows // first try to put it above the top-most window of the application for( ClientList::Iterator it = unconstrained_stacking_order.fromLast(); it != unconstrained_stacking_order.end(); --it ) { if( *it == c ) // don't lower it just because it asked to be raised return; if( Client::belongToSameApplication( *it, c )) { unconstrained_stacking_order.remove( c ); ++it; // insert after the found one unconstrained_stacking_order.insert( it, c ); return; } } } void Workspace::raiseClientRequest( Client* c, NET::RequestSource src, Time timestamp ) { if( src == NET::FromTool || allowFullClientRaising( c, timestamp )) raiseClient( c ); else { raiseClientWithinApplication( c ); c->demandAttention(); } } void Workspace::lowerClientRequest( Client* c, NET::RequestSource src, Time /*timestamp*/ ) { // If the client has support for all this focus stealing prevention stuff, // do only lowering within the application, as that's the more logical // variant of lowering when application requests it. // No demanding of attention here of course. if( src == NET::FromTool || !c->hasUserTimeSupport()) lowerClient( c ); else lowerClientWithinApplication( c ); } void Workspace::restackClientUnderActive( Client* c ) { if( c->isTopMenu()) return; if( !active_client || active_client == c ) { raiseClient( c ); return; } assert( unconstrained_stacking_order.contains( active_client )); if( Client::belongToSameApplication( active_client, c )) { // put it below the active window if it's the same app unconstrained_stacking_order.remove( c ); unconstrained_stacking_order.insert( unconstrained_stacking_order.find( active_client ), c ); } else { // put in the stacking order below _all_ windows belonging to the active application for( ClientList::Iterator it = unconstrained_stacking_order.begin(); it != unconstrained_stacking_order.end(); ++it ) { // TODO ignore topmenus? if( Client::belongToSameApplication( active_client, *it )) { if( *it != c ) { unconstrained_stacking_order.remove( c ); unconstrained_stacking_order.insert( it, c ); } break; } } } assert( unconstrained_stacking_order.contains( c )); for( int desktop = 1; desktop <= numberOfDesktops(); ++desktop ) { // do for every virtual desktop to handle the case of onalldesktop windows if( c->wantsTabFocus() && c->isOnDesktop( desktop ) && focus_chain[ desktop ].contains( active_client )) { if( Client::belongToSameApplication( active_client, c )) { // put it after the active window if it's the same app focus_chain[ desktop ].remove( c ); focus_chain[ desktop ].insert( focus_chain[ desktop ].find( active_client ), c ); } else { // put it in focus_chain[currentDesktop()] after all windows belonging to the active applicationa focus_chain[ desktop ].remove( c ); for( ClientList::Iterator it = focus_chain[ desktop ].fromLast(); it != focus_chain[ desktop ].end(); --it ) { if( Client::belongToSameApplication( active_client, *it )) { focus_chain[ desktop ].insert( it, c ); break; } } } } } // the same for global_focus_chain if( c->wantsTabFocus() && global_focus_chain.contains( active_client )) { if( Client::belongToSameApplication( active_client, c )) { global_focus_chain.remove( c ); global_focus_chain.insert( global_focus_chain.find( active_client ), c ); } else { global_focus_chain.remove( c ); for( ClientList::Iterator it = global_focus_chain.fromLast(); it != global_focus_chain.end(); --it ) { if( Client::belongToSameApplication( active_client, *it )) { global_focus_chain.insert( it, c ); break; } } } } updateStackingOrder(); } void Workspace::circulateDesktopApplications() { if ( desktops.count() > 1 ) { bool change_active = activeClient()->isDesktop(); raiseClient( findDesktop( false, currentDesktop())); if( change_active ) // if the previously topmost Desktop was active, activate this new one activateClient( findDesktop( true, currentDesktop())); } // if there's no active client, make desktop the active one if( desktops.count() > 0 && activeClient() == NULL && should_get_focus.count() == 0 ) activateClient( findDesktop( true, currentDesktop())); } /*! Returns a stacking order based upon \a list that fulfills certain contained. */ ClientList Workspace::constrainedStackingOrder() { ClientList layer[ NumLayers ]; #if 0 kdDebug() << "stacking1:" << endl; #endif // build the order from layers TQMap< Group*, Layer > minimum_layer; for( ClientList::ConstIterator it = unconstrained_stacking_order.begin(); it != unconstrained_stacking_order.end(); ++it ) { Layer l = (*it)->layer(); // If a window is raised above some other window in the same window group // which is in the ActiveLayer (i.e. it's fulscreened), make sure it stays // above that window (see #95731). if( minimum_layer.contains( (*it)->group()) && minimum_layer[ (*it)->group() ] == ActiveLayer && ( l == NormalLayer || l == AboveLayer )) { l = minimum_layer[ (*it)->group() ]; } minimum_layer[ (*it)->group() ] = l; layer[ l ].append( *it ); } ClientList stacking; for( Layer lay = FirstLayer; lay < NumLayers; ++lay ) stacking += layer[ lay ]; #if 0 kdDebug() << "stacking2:" << endl; for( ClientList::ConstIterator it = stacking.begin(); it != stacking.end(); ++it ) kdDebug() << (void*)(*it) << *it << ":" << (*it)->layer() << endl; #endif // now keep transients above their mainwindows // TODO this could(?) use some optimization for( ClientList::Iterator it = stacking.fromLast(); it != stacking.end(); ) { if( !(*it)->isTransient()) { --it; continue; } ClientList::Iterator it2 = stacking.end(); if( (*it)->groupTransient()) { if( (*it)->group()->members().count() > 0 ) { // find topmost client this one is transient for for( it2 = stacking.fromLast(); it2 != stacking.end(); --it2 ) { if( *it2 == *it ) { it2 = stacking.end(); // don't reorder break; } if( (*it2)->hasTransient( *it, true ) && keepTransientAbove( *it2, *it )) break; } } // else it2 remains pointing at stacking.end() } else { for( it2 = stacking.fromLast(); it2 != stacking.end(); --it2 ) { if( *it2 == *it ) { it2 = stacking.end(); // don't reorder break; } if( *it2 == (*it)->transientFor() && keepTransientAbove( *it2, *it )) break; } } // kdDebug() << "STACK:" << (*it) << ":" << ( it2 == stacking.end() ? ((Client*)0) : (*it2)) << endl; if( it2 == stacking.end()) { --it; continue; } Client* current = *it; ClientList::Iterator remove_it = it; --it; stacking.remove( remove_it ); if( !current->transients().isEmpty()) // this one now can be possibly above its transients, it = it2; // so go again higher in the stack order and possibly move those transients again ++it2; // insert after the mainwindow, it's ok if it2 is now stacking.end() stacking.insert( it2, current ); } #if 0 kdDebug() << "stacking3:" << endl; for( ClientList::ConstIterator it = stacking.begin(); it != stacking.end(); ++it ) kdDebug() << (void*)(*it) << *it << ":" << (*it)->layer() << endl; kdDebug() << "\n\n" << endl; #endif return stacking; } void Workspace::blockStackingUpdates( bool block ) { if( block ) { if( block_stacking_updates == 0 ) blocked_propagating_new_clients = false; ++block_stacking_updates; } else // !block if( --block_stacking_updates == 0 ) updateStackingOrder( blocked_propagating_new_clients ); } // Ensure list is in stacking order ClientList Workspace::ensureStackingOrder( const ClientList& list ) const { // TODO Q_ASSERT( block_stacking_updates == 0 ); if( list.count() < 2 ) return list; // TODO is this worth optimizing? ClientList result = list; for( ClientList::ConstIterator it = stacking_order.begin(); it != stacking_order.end(); ++it ) if( result.remove( *it ) != 0 ) result.append( *it ); return result; } // check whether a transient should be actually kept above its mainwindow // there may be some special cases where this rule shouldn't be enfored bool Workspace::keepTransientAbove( const Client* mainwindow, const Client* transient ) { // When topmenu's mainwindow becomes active, topmenu is raised and shown. // They also belong to the Dock layer. This makes them to be very high. // Therefore don't keep group transients above them, otherwise this would move // group transients way too high. if( mainwindow->isTopMenu() && transient->groupTransient()) return false; // #93832 - don't keep splashscreens above dialogs if( transient->isSplash() && mainwindow->isDialog()) return false; // This is rather a hack for #76026. Don't keep non-modal dialogs above // the mainwindow, but only if they're group transient (since only such dialogs // have taskbar entry in Kicker). A proper way of doing this (both kwin and kicker) // needs to be found. if( transient->isDialog() && !transient->isModal() && transient->groupTransient()) return false; // #63223 - don't keep transients above docks, because the dock is kept high, // and e.g. dialogs for them would be too high too if( mainwindow->isDock()) return false; return true; } //******************************* // Client //******************************* void Client::restackWindow( Window /*above TODO */, int detail, NET::RequestSource src, Time timestamp, bool send_event ) { switch ( detail ) { case Above: case TopIf: workspace()->raiseClientRequest( this, src, timestamp ); break; case Below: case BottomIf: workspace()->lowerClientRequest( this, src, timestamp ); break; case Opposite: default: break; } if( send_event ) sendSyntheticConfigureNotify(); } void Client::setKeepAbove( bool b ) { b = rules()->checkKeepAbove( b ); if( b && !rules()->checkKeepBelow( false )) setKeepBelow( false ); if ( b == keepAbove()) { // force hint change if different if( bool( info->state() & NET::KeepAbove ) != keepAbove()) info->setState( keepAbove() ? NET::KeepAbove : 0, NET::KeepAbove ); return; } keep_above = b; info->setState( keepAbove() ? NET::KeepAbove : 0, NET::KeepAbove ); if( decoration != NULL ) decoration->emitKeepAboveChanged( keepAbove()); workspace()->updateClientLayer( this ); updateWindowRules(); } void Client::setKeepBelow( bool b ) { b = rules()->checkKeepBelow( b ); if( b && !rules()->checkKeepAbove( false )) setKeepAbove( false ); if ( b == keepBelow()) { // force hint change if different if( bool( info->state() & NET::KeepBelow ) != keepBelow()) info->setState( keepBelow() ? NET::KeepBelow : 0, NET::KeepBelow ); return; } keep_below = b; info->setState( keepBelow() ? NET::KeepBelow : 0, NET::KeepBelow ); if( decoration != NULL ) decoration->emitKeepBelowChanged( keepBelow()); workspace()->updateClientLayer( this ); updateWindowRules(); } Layer Client::layer() const { if( in_layer == UnknownLayer ) const_cast< Client* >( this )->in_layer = belongsToLayer(); return in_layer; } Layer Client::belongsToLayer() const { if( isDesktop()) return DesktopLayer; if( isSplash()) // no damn annoying splashscreens return NormalLayer; // getting in the way of everything else if( isDock() && keepBelow()) // slight hack for the 'allow window to cover panel' Kicker setting // don't move keepbelow docks below normal window, but only to the same // layer, so that both may be raised to cover the other return NormalLayer; if( keepBelow()) return BelowLayer; if( isDock() && !keepBelow()) return DockLayer; if( isTopMenu()) return DockLayer; // only raise fullscreen above docks if it's the topmost window in unconstrained stacking order, // i.e. the window set to be topmost by the user (also includes transients of the fullscreen window) const Client* ac = workspace()->mostRecentlyActivatedClient(); // instead of activeClient() - avoids flicker const Client* top = workspace()->topClientOnDesktop( desktop(), true, false ); if( isFullScreen() && ac != NULL && top != NULL && ( ac == this || this->group() == ac->group()) && ( top == this || this->group() == top->group())) return ActiveLayer; if( keepAbove()) return AboveLayer; return NormalLayer; } } // namespace