/***************************************************************** KWin - the KDE window manager This file is part of the KDE project. Copyright (C) 2004 Lubos Lunak <l.lunak@kde.org> You can Freely distribute this program under the GNU General Public License. See the file "COPYING" for the exact licensing terms. ******************************************************************/ #ifndef KWIN_RULES_H #define KWIN_RULES_H #include <tqstring.h> #include <netwm_def.h> #include <tqrect.h> #include <tqvaluevector.h> #include <kdebug.h> #include "placement.h" #include "lib/kdecoration.h" #include "options.h" #include "utils.h" class KConfig; namespace KWinInternal { class Client; class Rules; #ifndef KCMRULES // only for kwin core class WindowRules : public KDecorationDefines { public: WindowRules( const TQValueVector< Rules* >& rules ); WindowRules(); void update( Client* ); void discardTemporary(); bool contains( const Rules* rule ) const; void remove( Rules* rule ); Placement::Policy checkPlacement( Placement::Policy placement ) const; TQRect checkGeometry( TQRect rect, bool init = false ) const; // use 'invalidPoint' with checkPosition, unlike TQSize() and TQRect(), TQPoint() is a valid point TQPoint checkPosition( TQPoint pos, bool init = false ) const; TQSize checkSize( TQSize s, bool init = false ) const; TQSize checkMinSize( TQSize s ) const; TQSize checkMaxSize( TQSize s ) const; int checkOpacityActive(int s) const; int checkOpacityInactive(int s) const; bool checkIgnoreGeometry( bool ignore ) const; int checkDesktop( int desktop, bool init = false ) const; NET::WindowType checkType( NET::WindowType type ) const; MaximizeMode checkMaximize( MaximizeMode mode, bool init = false ) const; bool checkMinimize( bool minimized, bool init = false ) const; ShadeMode checkShade( ShadeMode shade, bool init = false ) const; bool checkSkipTaskbar( bool skip, bool init = false ) const; bool checkSkipPager( bool skip, bool init = false ) const; bool checkKeepAbove( bool above, bool init = false ) const; bool checkKeepBelow( bool below, bool init = false ) const; bool checkFullScreen( bool fs, bool init = false ) const; bool checkNoBorder( bool noborder, bool init = false ) const; int checkFSP( int fsp ) const; bool checkAcceptFocus( bool focus ) const; Options::MoveResizeMode checkMoveResizeMode( Options::MoveResizeMode mode ) const; bool checkCloseable( bool closeable ) const; bool checkStrictGeometry( bool strict ) const; TQString checkShortcut( TQString s, bool init = false ) const; bool checkDisableGlobalShortcuts( bool disable ) const; bool checkIgnorePosition( bool ignore ) const; // obsolete private: MaximizeMode checkMaximizeVert( MaximizeMode mode, bool init ) const; MaximizeMode checkMaximizeHoriz( MaximizeMode mode, bool init ) const; TQValueVector< Rules* > rules; }; #endif class Rules : public KDecorationDefines { public: Rules(); Rules( KConfig& ); Rules( const TQString&, bool temporary ); void write( KConfig& ) const; bool isEmpty() const; #ifndef KCMRULES void discardUsed( bool withdrawn ); bool match( const Client* c ) const; bool update( Client* ); bool isTemporary() const; bool discardTemporary( bool force ); // removes if temporary and forced or too old bool applyPlacement( Placement::Policy& placement ) const; bool applyGeometry( TQRect& rect, bool init ) const; // use 'invalidPoint' with applyPosition, unlike TQSize() and TQRect(), TQPoint() is a valid point bool applyPosition( TQPoint& pos, bool init ) const; bool applySize( TQSize& s, bool init ) const; bool applyMinSize( TQSize& s ) const; bool applyMaxSize( TQSize& s ) const; bool applyOpacityActive(int& s) const; bool applyOpacityInactive(int& s) const; bool applyIgnoreGeometry( bool& ignore ) const; bool applyDesktop( int& desktop, bool init ) const; bool applyType( NET::WindowType& type ) const; bool applyMaximizeVert( MaximizeMode& mode, bool init ) const; bool applyMaximizeHoriz( MaximizeMode& mode, bool init ) const; bool applyMinimize( bool& minimized, bool init ) const; bool applyShade( ShadeMode& shade, bool init ) const; bool applySkipTaskbar( bool& skip, bool init ) const; bool applySkipPager( bool& skip, bool init ) const; bool applyKeepAbove( bool& above, bool init ) const; bool applyKeepBelow( bool& below, bool init ) const; bool applyFullScreen( bool& fs, bool init ) const; bool applyNoBorder( bool& noborder, bool init ) const; bool applyFSP( int& fsp ) const; bool applyAcceptFocus( bool& focus ) const; bool applyMoveResizeMode( Options::MoveResizeMode& mode ) const; bool applyCloseable( bool& closeable ) const; bool applyStrictGeometry( bool& strict ) const; bool applyShortcut( TQString& shortcut, bool init ) const; bool applyDisableGlobalShortcuts( bool& disable ) const; bool applyIgnorePosition( bool& ignore ) const; // obsolete private: #endif bool matchType( NET::WindowType match_type ) const; bool matchWMClass( const TQCString& match_class, const TQCString& match_name ) const; bool matchRole( const TQCString& match_role ) const; bool matchTitle( const TQString& match_title ) const; bool matchClientMachine( const TQCString& match_machine ) const; // All these values are saved to the cfg file, and are also used in kstart! enum { Unused = 0, DontAffect, // use the default value Force, // force the given value Apply, // apply only after initial mapping Remember, // like apply, and remember the value when the window is withdrawn ApplyNow, // apply immediatelly, then forget the setting ForceTemporarily // apply and force until the window is withdrawn }; enum SetRule { UnusedSetRule = Unused, SetRuleDummy = 256 // so that it's at least short int }; enum ForceRule { UnusedForceRule = Unused, ForceRuleDummy = 256 // so that it's at least short int }; enum StringMatch { FirstStringMatch, UnimportantMatch = FirstStringMatch, ExactMatch, SubstringMatch, RegExpMatch, LastStringMatch = RegExpMatch }; void readFromCfg( KConfig& cfg ); static SetRule readSetRule( KConfig&, const TQString& key ); static ForceRule readForceRule( KConfig&, const TQString& key ); static NET::WindowType readType( KConfig&, const TQString& key ); #ifndef KCMRULES static bool checkSetRule( SetRule rule, bool init ); static bool checkForceRule( ForceRule rule ); static bool checkSetStop( SetRule rule ); static bool checkForceStop( ForceRule rule ); #endif int temporary_state; // e.g. for kstart TQString description; TQCString wmclass; StringMatch wmclassmatch; bool wmclasscomplete; TQCString windowrole; StringMatch windowrolematch; TQString title; // TODO "caption" ? StringMatch titlematch; TQCString extrarole; StringMatch extrarolematch; TQCString clientmachine; StringMatch clientmachinematch; unsigned long types; // types for matching Placement::Policy placement; ForceRule placementrule; TQPoint position; SetRule positionrule; TQSize size; SetRule sizerule; TQSize minsize; ForceRule minsizerule; TQSize maxsize; ForceRule maxsizerule; int opacityactive; ForceRule opacityactiverule; int opacityinactive; ForceRule opacityinactiverule; bool ignoreposition; ForceRule ignorepositionrule; int desktop; SetRule desktoprule; NET::WindowType type; // type for setting ForceRule typerule; bool maximizevert; SetRule maximizevertrule; bool maximizehoriz; SetRule maximizehorizrule; bool minimize; SetRule minimizerule; bool shade; SetRule shaderule; bool skiptaskbar; SetRule skiptaskbarrule; bool skippager; SetRule skippagerrule; bool above; SetRule aboverule; bool below; SetRule belowrule; bool fullscreen; SetRule fullscreenrule; bool noborder; SetRule noborderrule; int fsplevel; ForceRule fsplevelrule; bool acceptfocus; ForceRule acceptfocusrule; Options::MoveResizeMode moveresizemode; ForceRule moveresizemoderule; bool closeable; ForceRule closeablerule; bool strictgeometry; ForceRule strictgeometryrule; TQString shortcut; SetRule shortcutrule; bool disableglobalshortcuts; ForceRule disableglobalshortcutsrule; friend kdbgstream& operator<<( kdbgstream& stream, const Rules* ); }; #ifndef KCMRULES inline bool Rules::checkSetRule( SetRule rule, bool init ) { if( rule > ( SetRule )DontAffect) // Unused or DontAffect { if( rule == ( SetRule )Force || rule == ( SetRule ) ApplyNow || rule == ( SetRule ) ForceTemporarily || init ) return true; } return false; } inline bool Rules::checkForceRule( ForceRule rule ) { return rule == ( ForceRule )Force || rule == ( ForceRule ) ForceTemporarily; } inline bool Rules::checkSetStop( SetRule rule ) { return rule != UnusedSetRule; } inline bool Rules::checkForceStop( ForceRule rule ) { return rule != UnusedForceRule; } inline WindowRules::WindowRules( const TQValueVector< Rules* >& r ) : rules( r ) { } inline WindowRules::WindowRules() { } inline bool WindowRules::contains( const Rules* rule ) const { return qFind( rules.begin(), rules.end(), rule ) != rules.end(); } inline void WindowRules::remove( Rules* rule ) { TQValueVector< Rules* >::Iterator pos = qFind( rules.begin(), rules.end(), rule ); if( pos != rules.end()) rules.erase( pos ); } #endif #ifdef NDEBUG inline kndbgstream& operator<<( kndbgstream& stream, const Rules* ) { return stream; } #else kdbgstream& operator<<( kdbgstream& stream, const Rules* ); #endif } // namespace #endif