#include <string.h> #include <errno.h> #include <tqstring.h> #include <tqmap.h> #include <tqfile.h> #include <tqdir.h> #include <kdebug.h> #include <kstandarddirs.h> #include <kprocess.h> #include <X11/Xatom.h> #include <X11/Xos.h> #include <X11/Xlib.h> #include <X11/XKBlib.h> #include <X11/extensions/XKBfile.h> #include <X11/extensions/XKBgeom.h> #include <X11/extensions/XKM.h> #include "extension.h" TQMap<TQString, FILE*> XKBExtension::fileCache; //TODO: move to class? static TQString getLayoutKey(const TQString& layout, const TQString& variant) { return layout + "." + variant; } TQString XKBExtension::getPrecompiledLayoutFilename(const TQString& layoutKey) { TQString compiledLayoutFileName = m_tempDir + layoutKey + ".xkm"; return compiledLayoutFileName; } XKBExtension::XKBExtension(Display *d) { if ( d == NULL ) d = qt_xdisplay(); m_dpy = d; // TQStringList dirs = KGlobal::dirs()->findDirs ( "tmp", "" ); // m_tempDir = dirs.count() == 0 ? "/tmp/" : dirs[0]; m_tempDir = locateLocal("tmp", ""); } bool XKBExtension::init() { // Verify the Xlib has matching XKB extension. int major = XkbMajorVersion; int minor = XkbMinorVersion; if (!XkbLibraryVersion(&major, &minor)) { kdError() << "Xlib XKB extension " << major << '.' << minor << " != " << XkbMajorVersion << '.' << XkbMinorVersion << endl; return false; } // Verify the X server has matching XKB extension. int opcode_rtrn; int error_rtrn; int xkb_opcode; if (!XkbQueryExtension(m_dpy, &opcode_rtrn, &xkb_opcode, &error_rtrn, &major, &minor)) { kdError() << "X server XKB extension " << major << '.' << minor << " != " << XkbMajorVersion << '.' << XkbMinorVersion << endl; return false; } // Do it, or face horrible memory corrupting bugs ::XkbInitAtoms(NULL); return true; } void XKBExtension::reset() { for(TQMap<TQString, FILE*>::ConstIterator it = fileCache.begin(); it != fileCache.end(); it++) { fclose(*it); // remove( TQFile::encodeName(getPrecompiledLayoutFileName(*it)) ); } fileCache.clear(); } XKBExtension::~XKBExtension() { /* if( m_compiledLayoutFileNames.isEmpty() == false ) deletePrecompiledLayouts();*/ } bool XKBExtension::setXkbOptions(const TQString& options, bool resetOld) { if (options.isEmpty()) return true; TQString exe = KGlobal::dirs()->findExe("setxkbmap"); if (exe.isEmpty()) return false; KProcess p; p << exe; if( resetOld ) p << "-option"; p << "-option" << options; p.start(KProcess::Block); return p.normalExit() && (p.exitStatus() == 0); } bool XKBExtension::setLayout(const TQString& model, const TQString& layout, const TQString& variant, const TQString& includeGroup, bool useCompiledLayouts) { if( useCompiledLayouts == false ) { return setLayoutInternal( model, layout, variant, includeGroup ); } const TQString layoutKey = getLayoutKey(layout, variant); bool res; if( fileCache.tqcontains(layoutKey) ) { res = setCompiledLayout( layoutKey ); kdDebug() << "setCompiledLayout " << layoutKey << ": " << res << endl; if( res ) return res; } // else { res = setLayoutInternal( model, layout, variant, includeGroup ); kdDebug() << "setRawLayout " << layoutKey << ": " << res << endl; if( res ) compileCurrentLayout( layoutKey ); // } return res; } // private bool XKBExtension::setLayoutInternal(const TQString& model, const TQString& layout, const TQString& variant, const TQString& includeGroup) { if ( layout.isEmpty() ) return false; TQString exe = KGlobal::dirs()->findExe("setxkbmap"); if( exe.isEmpty() ) { kdError() << "Can't find setxkbmap" << endl; return false; } TQString fullLayout = layout; TQString fullVariant = variant; if( includeGroup.isEmpty() == false ) { fullLayout = includeGroup; fullLayout += ","; fullLayout += layout; // fullVariant = baseVar; fullVariant = ","; fullVariant += variant; } KProcess p; p << exe; // p << "-rules" << rule; if( model.isEmpty() == false ) p << "-model" << model; p << "-layout" << fullLayout; if( !fullVariant.isNull() && !fullVariant.isEmpty() ) p << "-variant" << fullVariant; p.start(KProcess::Block); // reload system-wide hotkey-setup keycode -> keysym maps if ( TQFile::exists( "/opt/trinity/share/apps/kxkb/system.xmodmap" ) ) { KProcess pXmodmap; pXmodmap << "xmodmap" << "/opt/trinity/share/apps/kxkb/system.xmodmap"; pXmodmap.start(KProcess::Block); } if ( TQFile::exists( TQDir::home().path() + "/.Xmodmap" ) ) { KProcess pXmodmapHome; pXmodmapHome << "xmodmap" << TQDir::home().path() + "/.Xmodmap"; pXmodmapHome.start(KProcess::Block); } return p.normalExit() && (p.exitStatus() == 0); } bool XKBExtension::setGroup(unsigned int group) { kdDebug() << "Setting group " << group << endl; return XkbLockGroup( m_dpy, XkbUseCoreKbd, group ); } unsigned int XKBExtension::getGroup() const { XkbStateRec xkbState; XkbGetState( m_dpy, XkbUseCoreKbd, &xkbState ); return xkbState.group; } /** * @brief Gets the current layout in its binary compiled form * and write it to the file specified by 'fileName' * @param[in] fileName file to store compiled layout to * @return true if no problem, false otherwise */ bool XKBExtension::compileCurrentLayout(const TQString &layoutKey) { XkbFileInfo result; memset(&result, 0, sizeof(result)); result.type = XkmKeymapFile; XkbReadFromServer(m_dpy, XkbAllMapComponentsMask, XkbAllMapComponentsMask, &result); const TQString fileName = getPrecompiledLayoutFilename(layoutKey); kdDebug() << "compiling layout " << this << " cache size: " << fileCache.count() << endl; if( fileCache.tqcontains(layoutKey) ) { kdDebug() << "trashing old compiled layout for " << fileName << endl; if( fileCache[ layoutKey ] != NULL ) fclose( fileCache[ layoutKey ] ); // recompiling - trash the old file fileCache.remove(fileName); } FILE *output = fopen(TQFile::encodeName(fileName), "w"); if ( output == NULL ) { kdWarning() << "Could not open " << fileName << " to precompile: " << strerror(errno) << endl; XkbFreeKeyboard(result.xkb, XkbAllControlsMask, True); return false; } if( !XkbWriteXKMFile(output, &result) ) { kdWarning() << "Could not write compiled layout to " << fileName << endl; fclose(output); return false; } fclose(output); // TODO: can we change mode w/out reopening? FILE *input = fopen(TQFile::encodeName(fileName), "r"); fileCache[ layoutKey ] = input; XkbFreeKeyboard(result.xkb, XkbAllControlsMask, True); return true; } /** * @brief takes layout from its compiled binary snapshot in file * and sets it as current * TODO: cache layout in memory rather than in file */ bool XKBExtension::setCompiledLayout(const TQString &layoutKey) { FILE *input = NULL; if( fileCache.tqcontains(layoutKey) ) { input = fileCache[ layoutKey ]; } if( input == NULL ) { kdWarning() << "setCompiledLayout trying to reopen xkb file" << endl; // should never happen const TQString fileName = getPrecompiledLayoutFilename(layoutKey); input = fopen(TQFile::encodeName(fileName), "r"); // FILE *input = fopen(TQFile::encodeName(fileName), "r"); if ( input == NULL ) { kdDebug() << "Unable to open " << fileName << ": " << strerror(errno) << endl; fileCache.remove(layoutKey); return false; } } else { rewind(input); } XkbFileInfo result; memset(&result, 0, sizeof(result)); if ((result.xkb = XkbAllocKeyboard())==NULL) { kdWarning() << "Unable to allocate memory for keyboard description" << endl; // fclose(input); // fileCache.remove(layoutKey); return false; } unsigned retVal = XkmReadFile(input, 0, XkmKeymapLegal, &result); if (retVal == XkmKeymapLegal) { // this means reading the Xkm didn't manage to read any section kdWarning() << "Unable to load map from file" << endl; XkbFreeKeyboard(result.xkb, XkbAllControlsMask, True); fclose(input); fileCache.remove(layoutKey); return false; } // fclose(input); // don't close - goes in cache if (XkbChangeKbdDisplay(m_dpy, &result) == Success) { if (!XkbWriteToServer(&result)) { kdWarning() << "Unable to write the keyboard layout to X display" << endl; XkbFreeKeyboard(result.xkb, XkbAllControlsMask, True); return false; } } else { kdWarning() << "Unable prepare the keyboard layout for X display" << endl; } XkbFreeKeyboard(result.xkb, XkbAllControlsMask, True); return true; } // Deletes the precompiled layouts stored in temporary files // void XKBExtension::deletePrecompiledLayouts() // { // TQMapConstIterator<LayoutUnit, TQString> it, end; // end = m_compiledLayoutFileNames.end(); // for (it = m_compiledLayoutFileNames.begin(); it != end; ++it) // { // unlink(TQFile::encodeName(it.data())); // } // m_compiledLayoutFileNames.clear(); // }