#include <tqlayout.h> #include <tqlabel.h> #include <tqcombobox.h> #include <tqtabwidget.h> #include <tqvgroupbox.h> #include <tqpushbutton.h> #include <tqlistview.h> #include <tqheader.h> #include <tqwhatsthis.h> #include <tqcheckbox.h> #include <tqradiobutton.h> #include <tqlineedit.h> #include <tqlistview.h> #include <tqbuttongroup.h> #include <tqspinbox.h> #include <kkeydialog.h> #include <kglobal.h> #include <kconfig.h> #include <klocale.h> #include <kstandarddirs.h> #include <kdebug.h> #include <kapplication.h> #include <kiconloader.h> #include "extension.h" #include "kxkbconfig.h" #include "rules.h" #include "pixmap.h" #include "kcmmisc.h" #include "kcmlayoutwidget.h" #include "kcmlayout.h" #include "kcmlayout.moc" enum { LAYOUT_COLUMN_FLAG = 0, LAYOUT_COLUMN_NAME = 1, LAYOUT_COLUMN_MAP = 2, LAYOUT_COLUMN_VARIANT = 3, LAYOUT_COLUMN_INCLUDE = 4, LAYOUT_COLUMN_DISPLAY_NAME = 5, SRC_LAYOUT_COLUMN_COUNT = 3, DST_LAYOUT_COLUMN_COUNT = 6 }; static const TQString DEFAULT_VARIANT_NAME("<default>"); class OptionListItem : public TQCheckListItem { public: OptionListItem( OptionListItem *parent, const TQString &text, Type tt, const TQString &optionName ); OptionListItem( TQListView *parent, const TQString &text, Type tt, const TQString &optionName ); ~OptionListItem() {} TQString optionName() const { return m_OptionName; } OptionListItem *findChildItem( const TQString& text ); protected: TQString m_OptionName; }; static TQString lookupLocalized(const TQDict<char> &dict, const TQString& text) { TQDictIterator<char> it(dict); while (it.current()) { if ( i18n(it.current()) == text ) return it.currentKey(); ++it; } return TQString::null; } static TQListViewItem* copyLVI(const TQListViewItem* src, TQListView* parent) { TQListViewItem* ret = new TQListViewItem(parent); for(int i = 0; i < SRC_LAYOUT_COLUMN_COUNT; i++) { ret->setText(i, src->text(i)); if ( src->pixmap(i) ) ret->setPixmap(i, *src->pixmap(i)); } return ret; } LayoutConfig::LayoutConfig(TQWidget *parent, const char *name) : KCModule(parent, name), m_rules(NULL) { TQVBoxLayout *main = new TQVBoxLayout(this, 0, KDialog::spacingHint()); widget = new LayoutConfigWidget(this, "widget"); main->addWidget(TQT_TQWIDGET(widget)); connect( TQT_TQOBJECT(widget->chkEnable), TQT_SIGNAL( toggled( bool )), TQT_TQOBJECT(this), TQT_SLOT(changed())); connect( TQT_TQOBJECT(widget->chkShowSingle), TQT_SIGNAL( toggled( bool )), TQT_TQOBJECT(this), TQT_SLOT(changed())); connect( TQT_TQOBJECT(widget->chkShowFlag), TQT_SIGNAL( toggled( bool )), TQT_TQOBJECT(this), TQT_SLOT(changed())); connect( TQT_TQOBJECT(widget->comboModel), TQT_SIGNAL(activated(int)), TQT_TQOBJECT(this), TQT_SLOT(changed())); connect( TQT_TQOBJECT(widget->listLayoutsSrc), TQT_SIGNAL(doubleClicked(TQListViewItem*,const TQPoint&, int)), TQT_TQOBJECT(this), TQT_SLOT(add())); connect( TQT_TQOBJECT(widget->btnAdd), TQT_SIGNAL(clicked()), TQT_TQOBJECT(this), TQT_SLOT(add())); connect( TQT_TQOBJECT(widget->btnRemove), TQT_SIGNAL(clicked()), TQT_TQOBJECT(this), TQT_SLOT(remove())); connect( TQT_TQOBJECT(widget->comboVariant), TQT_SIGNAL(activated(int)), TQT_TQOBJECT(this), TQT_SLOT(changed())); connect( TQT_TQOBJECT(widget->comboVariant), TQT_SIGNAL(activated(int)), TQT_TQOBJECT(this), TQT_SLOT(variantChanged())); connect( TQT_TQOBJECT(widget->listLayoutsDst), TQT_SIGNAL(selectionChanged(TQListViewItem *)), TQT_TQOBJECT(this), TQT_SLOT(layoutSelChanged(TQListViewItem *))); connect( widget->editDisplayName, TQT_SIGNAL(textChanged(const TQString&)), TQT_TQOBJECT(this), TQT_SLOT(displayNameChanged(const TQString&))); connect( widget->chkLatin, TQT_SIGNAL(clicked()), TQT_TQOBJECT(this), TQT_SLOT(changed())); connect( widget->chkLatin, TQT_SIGNAL(clicked()), TQT_TQOBJECT(this), TQT_SLOT(latinChanged())); widget->btnUp->setIconSet(SmallIconSet("1uparrow")); connect( widget->btnUp, TQT_SIGNAL(clicked()), TQT_TQOBJECT(this), TQT_SLOT(changed())); connect( widget->btnUp, TQT_SIGNAL(clicked()), TQT_TQOBJECT(this), TQT_SLOT(moveUp())); widget->btnDown->setIconSet(SmallIconSet("1downarrow")); connect( widget->btnDown, TQT_SIGNAL(clicked()), TQT_TQOBJECT(this), TQT_SLOT(changed())); connect( widget->btnDown, TQT_SIGNAL(clicked()), TQT_TQOBJECT(this), TQT_SLOT(moveDown())); connect( widget->grpSwitching, TQT_SIGNAL( clicked( int ) ), TQT_SLOT(changed())); connect( widget->chkEnableSticky, TQT_SIGNAL(toggled(bool)), TQT_TQOBJECT(this), TQT_SLOT(changed())); connect( widget->spinStickyDepth, TQT_SIGNAL(valueChanged(int)), TQT_TQOBJECT(this), TQT_SLOT(changed())); widget->listLayoutsSrc->setColumnText(LAYOUT_COLUMN_FLAG, ""); widget->listLayoutsDst->setColumnText(LAYOUT_COLUMN_FLAG, ""); widget->listLayoutsDst->setColumnText(LAYOUT_COLUMN_INCLUDE, ""); // widget->listLayoutsDst->setColumnText(LAYOUT_COLUMN_DISPLAY_NAME, ""); widget->listLayoutsSrc->setColumnWidth(LAYOUT_COLUMN_FLAG, 28); widget->listLayoutsDst->setColumnWidth(LAYOUT_COLUMN_FLAG, 28); widget->listLayoutsDst->header()->setResizeEnabled(FALSE, LAYOUT_COLUMN_INCLUDE); widget->listLayoutsDst->header()->setResizeEnabled(FALSE, LAYOUT_COLUMN_DISPLAY_NAME); widget->listLayoutsDst->setColumnWidthMode(LAYOUT_COLUMN_INCLUDE, TQListView::Manual); widget->listLayoutsDst->setColumnWidth(LAYOUT_COLUMN_INCLUDE, 0); // widget->listLayoutsDst->setColumnWidth(LAYOUT_COLUMN_DISPLAY_NAME, 0); widget->listLayoutsDst->setSorting(-1); #if 0 widget->listLayoutsDst->setResizeMode(TQListView::LastColumn); widget->listLayoutsSrc->setResizeMode(TQListView::LastColumn); #endif widget->listLayoutsDst->setResizeMode(TQListView::LastColumn); //Read rules - we _must_ read _before_ creating xkb-options comboboxes loadRules(); makeOptionsTab(); load(); } LayoutConfig::~LayoutConfig() { delete m_rules; } void LayoutConfig::load() { m_kxkbConfig.load(KxkbConfig::LOAD_ALL); initUI(); } void LayoutConfig::initUI() { const char* modelName = m_rules->models()[m_kxkbConfig.m_model]; if( modelName == NULL ) modelName = DEFAULT_MODEL; widget->comboModel->setCurrentText(i18n(modelName)); TQValueList<LayoutUnit> otherLayouts = m_kxkbConfig.m_layouts; widget->listLayoutsDst->clear(); // to optimize we should have gone from it.end to it.begin TQValueList<LayoutUnit>::ConstIterator it; for (it = otherLayouts.begin(); it != otherLayouts.end(); ++it ) { TQListViewItemIterator src_it( widget->listLayoutsSrc ); LayoutUnit layoutUnit = *it; for ( ; src_it.current(); ++src_it ) { TQListViewItem* srcItem = src_it.current(); if ( layoutUnit.layout == src_it.current()->text(LAYOUT_COLUMN_MAP) ) { // check if current config knows about this layout TQListViewItem* newItem = copyLVI(srcItem, widget->listLayoutsDst); newItem->setText(LAYOUT_COLUMN_VARIANT, layoutUnit.variant); newItem->setText(LAYOUT_COLUMN_INCLUDE, layoutUnit.includeGroup); newItem->setText(LAYOUT_COLUMN_DISPLAY_NAME, layoutUnit.displayName); widget->listLayoutsDst->insertItem(newItem); newItem->moveItem(widget->listLayoutsDst->lastItem()); break; } } } // display KXKB switching options widget->chkShowSingle->setChecked(m_kxkbConfig.m_showSingle); widget->chkShowFlag->setChecked(m_kxkbConfig.m_showFlag); widget->chkEnableOptions->setChecked( m_kxkbConfig.m_enableXkbOptions ); widget->checkResetOld->setChecked(m_kxkbConfig.m_resetOldOptions); switch( m_kxkbConfig.m_switchingPolicy ) { default: case SWITCH_POLICY_GLOBAL: widget->grpSwitching->setButton(0); break; case SWITCH_POLICY_WIN_CLASS: widget->grpSwitching->setButton(1); break; case SWITCH_POLICY_WINDOW: widget->grpSwitching->setButton(2); break; } widget->chkEnableSticky->setChecked(m_kxkbConfig.m_stickySwitching); widget->spinStickyDepth->setEnabled(m_kxkbConfig.m_stickySwitching); widget->spinStickyDepth->setValue( m_kxkbConfig.m_stickySwitchingDepth); updateStickyLimit(); widget->chkEnable->setChecked( m_kxkbConfig.m_useKxkb ); widget->grpLayouts->setEnabled( m_kxkbConfig.m_useKxkb ); widget->optionsFrame->setEnabled( m_kxkbConfig.m_useKxkb ); // display xkb options TQStringList options = TQStringList::split(',', m_kxkbConfig.m_options); for (TQStringList::ConstIterator it = options.begin(); it != options.end(); ++it) { TQString option = *it; TQString optionKey = option.mid(0, option.find(':')); TQString optionName = m_rules->options()[option]; OptionListItem *item = m_optionGroups[i18n(optionKey.latin1())]; if (item != NULL) { OptionListItem *child = item->findChildItem( option ); if ( child ) child->setState( TQCheckListItem::On ); else kdDebug() << "load: Unknown option: " << option << endl; } else { kdDebug() << "load: Unknown option group: " << optionKey << " of " << option << endl; } } updateOptionsCommand(); emit KCModule::changed( false ); } void LayoutConfig::save() { TQString model = lookupLocalized(m_rules->models(), widget->comboModel->currentText()); m_kxkbConfig.m_model = model; m_kxkbConfig.m_enableXkbOptions = widget->chkEnableOptions->isChecked(); m_kxkbConfig.m_resetOldOptions = widget->checkResetOld->isChecked(); m_kxkbConfig.m_options = createOptionString(); TQListViewItem *item = widget->listLayoutsDst->firstChild(); TQValueList<LayoutUnit> layouts; while (item) { TQString layout = item->text(LAYOUT_COLUMN_MAP); TQString variant = item->text(LAYOUT_COLUMN_VARIANT); TQString includes = item->text(LAYOUT_COLUMN_INCLUDE); TQString displayName = item->text(LAYOUT_COLUMN_DISPLAY_NAME); LayoutUnit layoutUnit(layout, variant); layoutUnit.includeGroup = includes; layoutUnit.displayName = displayName; layouts.append( layoutUnit ); item = item->nextSibling(); kdDebug() << "To save: layout " << layoutUnit.toPair() << ", inc: " << layoutUnit.includeGroup << ", disp: " << layoutUnit.displayName << endl; } m_kxkbConfig.m_layouts = layouts; if( m_kxkbConfig.m_layouts.count() == 0 ) { m_kxkbConfig.m_layouts.append(LayoutUnit(DEFAULT_LAYOUT_UNIT)); widget->chkEnable->setChecked(false); } m_kxkbConfig.m_useKxkb = widget->chkEnable->isChecked(); m_kxkbConfig.m_showSingle = widget->chkShowSingle->isChecked(); m_kxkbConfig.m_showFlag = widget->chkShowFlag->isChecked(); int modeId = widget->grpSwitching->id(widget->grpSwitching->selected()); switch( modeId ) { default: case 0: m_kxkbConfig.m_switchingPolicy = SWITCH_POLICY_GLOBAL; break; case 1: m_kxkbConfig.m_switchingPolicy = SWITCH_POLICY_WIN_CLASS; break; case 2: m_kxkbConfig.m_switchingPolicy = SWITCH_POLICY_WINDOW; break; } m_kxkbConfig.m_stickySwitching = widget->chkEnableSticky->isChecked(); m_kxkbConfig.m_stickySwitchingDepth = widget->spinStickyDepth->value(); m_kxkbConfig.save(); kapp->kdeinitExec("kxkb"); emit KCModule::changed( false ); } void LayoutConfig::updateStickyLimit() { int layoutsCnt = widget->listLayoutsDst->childCount(); int maxDepth = layoutsCnt - 1; if( maxDepth < 2 ) { maxDepth = 2; } widget->spinStickyDepth->setMaxValue(maxDepth); /* if( value > maxDepth ) setValue(maxDepth);*/ } void LayoutConfig::add() { TQListViewItem* sel = widget->listLayoutsSrc->selectedItem(); if( sel == 0 ) return; // Create a copy of the sel widget, as one might add the same layout more // than one time, with different variants. TQListViewItem* toadd = copyLVI(sel, widget->listLayoutsDst); // Turn on "Include Latin layout" for new language by default (bnc:204402) toadd->setText(LAYOUT_COLUMN_INCLUDE, "us"); widget->listLayoutsDst->insertItem(toadd); if( widget->listLayoutsDst->childCount() > 1 ) toadd->moveItem(widget->listLayoutsDst->lastItem()); // disabling temporary: does not work reliable in Qt :( // widget->listLayoutsDst->setSelected(sel, true); // layoutSelChanged(sel); updateStickyLimit(); changed(); } void LayoutConfig::remove() { TQListViewItem* sel = widget->listLayoutsDst->selectedItem(); TQListViewItem* newSel = 0; if( sel == 0 ) return; if( sel->itemBelow() ) newSel = sel->itemBelow(); else if( sel->itemAbove() ) newSel = sel->itemAbove(); delete sel; if( newSel ) widget->listLayoutsSrc->setSelected(newSel, true); layoutSelChanged(newSel); updateStickyLimit(); changed(); } void LayoutConfig::moveUp() { TQListViewItem* sel = widget->listLayoutsDst->selectedItem(); if( sel == 0 || sel->itemAbove() == 0 ) return; if( sel->itemAbove()->itemAbove() == 0 ) { widget->listLayoutsDst->takeItem(sel); widget->listLayoutsDst->insertItem(sel); widget->listLayoutsDst->setSelected(sel, true); } else sel->moveItem(sel->itemAbove()->itemAbove()); } void LayoutConfig::moveDown() { TQListViewItem* sel = widget->listLayoutsDst->selectedItem(); if( sel == 0 || sel->itemBelow() == 0 ) return; sel->moveItem(sel->itemBelow()); } void LayoutConfig::variantChanged() { TQListViewItem* selLayout = widget->listLayoutsDst->selectedItem(); if( selLayout == NULL ) { widget->comboVariant->clear(); widget->comboVariant->setEnabled(false); return; } TQString selectedVariant = widget->comboVariant->currentText(); if( selectedVariant == DEFAULT_VARIANT_NAME ) selectedVariant = ""; selLayout->setText(LAYOUT_COLUMN_VARIANT, selectedVariant); } // helper LayoutUnit LayoutConfig::getLayoutUnitKey(TQListViewItem *sel) { TQString kbdLayout = sel->text(LAYOUT_COLUMN_MAP); TQString kbdVariant = sel->text(LAYOUT_COLUMN_VARIANT); return LayoutUnit(kbdLayout, kbdVariant); } void LayoutConfig::displayNameChanged(const TQString& newDisplayName) { TQListViewItem* selLayout = widget->listLayoutsDst->selectedItem(); if( selLayout == NULL ) return; const LayoutUnit layoutUnitKey = getLayoutUnitKey( selLayout ); LayoutUnit& layoutUnit = *m_kxkbConfig.m_layouts.find(layoutUnitKey); TQString oldName = selLayout->text(LAYOUT_COLUMN_DISPLAY_NAME); if( oldName.isEmpty() ) oldName = KxkbConfig::getDefaultDisplayName( layoutUnit ); if( oldName != newDisplayName ) { kdDebug() << "setting label for " << layoutUnit.toPair() << " : " << newDisplayName << endl; selLayout->setText(LAYOUT_COLUMN_DISPLAY_NAME, newDisplayName); updateIndicator(selLayout); emit changed(); } } /** will update flag with label if layout label has been edited */ void LayoutConfig::updateIndicator(TQListViewItem* selLayout) { } void LayoutConfig::latinChanged() { TQListViewItem* selLayout = widget->listLayoutsDst->selectedItem(); if ( !selLayout ) { widget->chkLatin->setChecked( false ); widget->chkLatin->setEnabled( false ); return; } TQString include; if( widget->chkLatin->isChecked() ) include = "us"; else include = ""; selLayout->setText(LAYOUT_COLUMN_INCLUDE, include); LayoutUnit layoutUnitKey = getLayoutUnitKey(selLayout); kdDebug() << "layout " << layoutUnitKey.toPair() << ", inc: " << include << endl; } void LayoutConfig::layoutSelChanged(TQListViewItem *sel) { widget->comboVariant->clear(); widget->comboVariant->setEnabled( sel != NULL ); widget->chkLatin->setChecked( false ); widget->chkLatin->setEnabled( sel != NULL ); if( sel == NULL ) { updateLayoutCommand(); return; } LayoutUnit layoutUnitKey = getLayoutUnitKey(sel); TQString kbdLayout = layoutUnitKey.layout; // TODO: need better algorithm here for determining if needs us group if ( ! m_rules->isSingleGroup(kbdLayout) || kbdLayout.startsWith("us") || kbdLayout.startsWith("en") ) { widget->chkLatin->setEnabled( false ); } else { TQString inc = sel->text(LAYOUT_COLUMN_INCLUDE); if ( inc.startsWith("us") || inc.startsWith("en") ) { widget->chkLatin->setChecked(true); } else { widget->chkLatin->setChecked(false); } } TQStringList vars = m_rules->getAvailableVariants(kbdLayout); kdDebug() << "layout " << kbdLayout << " has " << vars.count() << " variants" << endl; if( vars.count() > 0 ) { vars.prepend(DEFAULT_VARIANT_NAME); widget->comboVariant->insertStringList(vars); TQString variant = sel->text(LAYOUT_COLUMN_VARIANT); if( variant != NULL && variant.isEmpty() == false ) { widget->comboVariant->setCurrentText(variant); } else { widget->comboVariant->setCurrentItem(0); } } updateLayoutCommand(); } TQWidget* LayoutConfig::makeOptionsTab() { TQListView *listView = widget->listOptions; listView->setMinimumHeight(150); listView->setSortColumn( -1 ); listView->setColumnText( 0, i18n( "Options" ) ); listView->clear(); connect(listView, TQT_SIGNAL(clicked(TQListViewItem *)), TQT_SLOT(changed())); connect(listView, TQT_SIGNAL(clicked(TQListViewItem *)), TQT_SLOT(updateOptionsCommand())); connect(widget->chkEnableOptions, TQT_SIGNAL(toggled(bool)), TQT_SLOT(changed())); connect(widget->checkResetOld, TQT_SIGNAL(toggled(bool)), TQT_SLOT(changed())); connect(widget->checkResetOld, TQT_SIGNAL(toggled(bool)), TQT_SLOT(updateOptionsCommand())); //Create controllers for all options TQDictIterator<char> it(m_rules->options()); OptionListItem *parent; for (; it.current(); ++it) { if (!it.currentKey().contains(':')) { if( it.currentKey() == "ctrl" || it.currentKey() == "caps" || it.currentKey() == "altwin" ) { parent = new OptionListItem(listView, i18n( it.current() ), TQCheckListItem::RadioButtonController, it.currentKey()); OptionListItem *item = new OptionListItem(parent, i18n( "None" ), TQCheckListItem::RadioButton, "none"); item->setState(TQCheckListItem::On); } else { parent = new OptionListItem(listView, i18n( it.current() ), TQCheckListItem::CheckBoxController, it.currentKey()); } parent->setOpen(true); m_optionGroups.insert(i18n(it.currentKey().local8Bit()), parent); } } it.toFirst(); for( ; it.current(); ++it) { TQString key = it.currentKey(); int pos = key.find(':'); if (pos >= 0) { OptionListItem *parent = m_optionGroups[key.left(pos)]; if (parent == NULL ) parent = m_optionGroups["misc"]; if (parent != NULL) { // workaroung for mistake in rules file for xkb options in XFree 4.2.0 TQString text(it.current()); text = text.replace( "Cap$", "Caps." ); if( parent->type() == TQCheckListItem::RadioButtonController ) new OptionListItem(parent, i18n(text.utf8()), TQCheckListItem::RadioButton, key); else new OptionListItem(parent, i18n(text.utf8()), TQCheckListItem::CheckBox, key); } } } //scroll->setMinimumSize(450, 330); return listView; } void LayoutConfig::updateOptionsCommand() { TQString setxkbmap; TQString options = createOptionString(); if( !options.isEmpty() ) { setxkbmap = "setxkbmap -option "; //-rules " + m_rule if( widget->checkResetOld->isChecked() ) setxkbmap += "-option "; setxkbmap += options; } widget->editCmdLineOpt->setText(setxkbmap); } void LayoutConfig::updateLayoutCommand() { TQString setxkbmap; TQString layoutDisplayName; TQListViewItem* sel = widget->listLayoutsDst->selectedItem(); if( sel != NULL ) { TQString kbdLayout = sel->text(LAYOUT_COLUMN_MAP); TQString variant = widget->comboVariant->currentText(); if( variant == DEFAULT_VARIANT_NAME ) variant = ""; setxkbmap = "setxkbmap"; //-rules " + m_rule setxkbmap += " -model " + lookupLocalized(m_rules->models(), widget->comboModel->currentText()) + " -layout "; setxkbmap += kbdLayout; if( widget->chkLatin->isChecked() ) setxkbmap += ",us"; /* LayoutUnit layoutUnitKey = getLayoutUnitKey(sel); layoutDisplayName = m_kxkbConfig.getLayoutDisplayName( *m_kxkbConfig.m_layouts.find(layoutUnitKey) );*/ layoutDisplayName = sel->text(LAYOUT_COLUMN_DISPLAY_NAME); if( layoutDisplayName.isEmpty() ) { int count = 0; TQListViewItem *item = widget->listLayoutsDst->firstChild(); while (item) { TQString layout_ = item->text(LAYOUT_COLUMN_MAP); if( layout_ == kbdLayout ) ++count; item = item->nextSibling(); } bool single = count < 2; layoutDisplayName = m_kxkbConfig.getDefaultDisplayName(LayoutUnit(kbdLayout, variant), single); } kdDebug() << "disp: '" << layoutDisplayName << "'" << endl; if( !variant.isEmpty() ) { setxkbmap += " -variant "; if( widget->chkLatin->isChecked() ) setxkbmap += ","; setxkbmap += variant; } } widget->editCmdLine->setText(setxkbmap); widget->editDisplayName->setEnabled( sel != NULL ); widget->editDisplayName->setText(layoutDisplayName); } void LayoutConfig::changed() { updateLayoutCommand(); emit KCModule::changed( true ); } void LayoutConfig::loadRules() { // do we need this ? // this could obly be used if rules are changed and 'Defaults' is pressed delete m_rules; m_rules = new XkbRules(); TQStringList modelsList; TQDictIterator<char> it(m_rules->models()); while (it.current()) { modelsList.append(i18n(it.current())); ++it; } modelsList.sort(); widget->comboModel->clear(); widget->comboModel->insertStringList(modelsList); widget->comboModel->setCurrentItem(0); // fill in the additional layouts widget->listLayoutsSrc->clear(); widget->listLayoutsDst->clear(); TQDictIterator<char> it2(m_rules->layouts()); while (it2.current()) { TQString layout = it2.currentKey(); TQString layoutName = it2.current(); TQListViewItem *item = new TQListViewItem(widget->listLayoutsSrc); item->setPixmap(LAYOUT_COLUMN_FLAG, LayoutIcon::getInstance().findPixmap(layout, true)); item->setText(LAYOUT_COLUMN_NAME, i18n(layoutName.latin1())); item->setText(LAYOUT_COLUMN_MAP, layout); ++it2; } widget->listLayoutsSrc->setSorting(LAYOUT_COLUMN_NAME); // from Qt3 TQListView sorts by language //TODO: reset options and xkb options } TQString LayoutConfig::createOptionString() { TQString options; for (TQDictIterator<char> it(m_rules->options()); it.current(); ++it) { TQString option(it.currentKey()); if (option.contains(':')) { TQString optionKey = option.mid(0, option.find(':')); OptionListItem *item = m_optionGroups[optionKey]; if( !item ) { kdDebug() << "WARNING: skipping empty group for " << it.currentKey() << endl; continue; } OptionListItem *child = item->findChildItem( option ); if ( child ) { if ( child->state() == TQCheckListItem::On ) { TQString selectedName = child->optionName(); if ( !selectedName.isEmpty() && selectedName != "none" ) { if (!options.isEmpty()) options.append(','); options.append(selectedName); } } } else kdDebug() << "Empty option button for group " << it.currentKey() << endl; } } return options; } void LayoutConfig::defaults() { loadRules(); m_kxkbConfig.setDefaults(); initUI(); emit KCModule::changed( true ); } OptionListItem::OptionListItem( OptionListItem *parent, const TQString &text, Type tt, const TQString &optionName ) : TQCheckListItem( parent, text, tt ), m_OptionName( optionName ) { } OptionListItem::OptionListItem( TQListView *parent, const TQString &text, Type tt, const TQString &optionName ) : TQCheckListItem( parent, text, tt ), m_OptionName( optionName ) { } OptionListItem * OptionListItem::findChildItem( const TQString& optionName ) { OptionListItem *child = static_cast<OptionListItem *>( firstChild() ); while ( child ) { if ( child->optionName() == optionName ) break; child = static_cast<OptionListItem *>( child->nextSibling() ); } return child; } extern "C" { KDE_EXPORT KCModule *create_keyboard_layout(TQWidget *parent, const char *) { return new LayoutConfig(parent, "kcmlayout"); } KDE_EXPORT KCModule *create_keyboard(TQWidget *parent, const char *) { return new KeyboardConfig(parent, "kcmlayout"); } KDE_EXPORT void init_keyboard() { KeyboardConfig::init_keyboard(); KxkbConfig m_kxkbConfig; m_kxkbConfig.load(KxkbConfig::LOAD_INIT_OPTIONS); if( m_kxkbConfig.m_useKxkb == true ) { kapp->startServiceByDesktopName("kxkb"); } else { // Even if the layouts have been disabled we still want to set Xkb options // user can always switch them off now in the "Options" tab if( m_kxkbConfig.m_enableXkbOptions ) { if( !XKBExtension::setXkbOptions(m_kxkbConfig.m_options, m_kxkbConfig.m_resetOldOptions) ) { kdDebug() << "Setting XKB options failed!" << endl; } } } } } #if 0// do not remove! // please don't change/fix messages below // they're taken from XFree86 as is and should stay the same I18N_NOOP("Brazilian ABNT2"); I18N_NOOP("Dell 101-key PC"); I18N_NOOP("Everex STEPnote"); I18N_NOOP("Generic 101-key PC"); I18N_NOOP("Generic 102-key (Intl) PC"); I18N_NOOP("Generic 104-key PC"); I18N_NOOP("Generic 105-key (Intl) PC"); I18N_NOOP("Japanese 106-key"); I18N_NOOP("Microsoft Natural"); I18N_NOOP("Northgate OmniKey 101"); I18N_NOOP("Keytronic FlexPro"); I18N_NOOP("Winbook Model XP5"); // These options are from XFree 4.1.0 I18N_NOOP("Group Shift/Lock behavior"); I18N_NOOP("R-Alt switches group while pressed"); I18N_NOOP("Right Alt key changes group"); I18N_NOOP("Caps Lock key changes group"); I18N_NOOP("Menu key changes group"); I18N_NOOP("Both Shift keys together change group"); I18N_NOOP("Control+Shift changes group"); I18N_NOOP("Alt+Control changes group"); I18N_NOOP("Alt+Shift changes group"); I18N_NOOP("Control Key Position"); I18N_NOOP("Make CapsLock an additional Control"); I18N_NOOP("Swap Control and Caps Lock"); I18N_NOOP("Control key at left of 'A'"); I18N_NOOP("Control key at bottom left"); I18N_NOOP("Use keyboard LED to show alternative group"); I18N_NOOP("Num_Lock LED shows alternative group"); I18N_NOOP("Caps_Lock LED shows alternative group"); I18N_NOOP("Scroll_Lock LED shows alternative group"); //these seem to be new in XFree86 4.2.0 I18N_NOOP("Left Win-key switches group while pressed"); I18N_NOOP("Right Win-key switches group while pressed"); I18N_NOOP("Both Win-keys switch group while pressed"); I18N_NOOP("Left Win-key changes group"); I18N_NOOP("Right Win-key changes group"); I18N_NOOP("Third level choosers"); I18N_NOOP("Press Right Control to choose 3rd level"); I18N_NOOP("Press Menu key to choose 3rd level"); I18N_NOOP("Press any of Win-keys to choose 3rd level"); I18N_NOOP("Press Left Win-key to choose 3rd level"); I18N_NOOP("Press Right Win-key to choose 3rd level"); I18N_NOOP("CapsLock key behavior"); I18N_NOOP("uses internal capitalization. Shift cancels Caps."); I18N_NOOP("uses internal capitalization. Shift doesn't cancel Caps."); I18N_NOOP("acts as Shift with locking. Shift cancels Caps."); I18N_NOOP("acts as Shift with locking. Shift doesn't cancel Caps."); I18N_NOOP("Alt/Win key behavior"); I18N_NOOP("Add the standard behavior to Menu key."); I18N_NOOP("Alt and Meta on the Alt keys (default)."); I18N_NOOP("Meta is mapped to the Win-keys."); I18N_NOOP("Meta is mapped to the left Win-key."); I18N_NOOP("Super is mapped to the Win-keys (default)."); I18N_NOOP("Hyper is mapped to the Win-keys."); I18N_NOOP("Right Alt is Compose"); I18N_NOOP("Right Win-key is Compose"); I18N_NOOP("Menu is Compose"); //these seem to be new in XFree86 4.3.0 I18N_NOOP( "Both Ctrl keys together change group" ); I18N_NOOP( "Both Alt keys together change group" ); I18N_NOOP( "Left Shift key changes group" ); I18N_NOOP( "Right Shift key changes group" ); I18N_NOOP( "Right Ctrl key changes group" ); I18N_NOOP( "Left Alt key changes group" ); I18N_NOOP( "Left Ctrl key changes group" ); I18N_NOOP( "Compose Key" ); //these seem to be new in XFree86 4.4.0 I18N_NOOP("Shift with numpad keys works as in MS Windows."); I18N_NOOP("Special keys (Ctrl+Alt+<key>) handled in a server."); I18N_NOOP("Miscellaneous compatibility options"); I18N_NOOP("Right Control key works as Right Alt"); //these seem to be in x.org and Debian XFree86 4.3 I18N_NOOP("Right Alt key switches group while pressed"); I18N_NOOP("Left Alt key switches group while pressed"); I18N_NOOP("Press Right Alt-key to choose 3rd level"); //new in Xorg 6.9 I18N_NOOP("R-Alt switches group while pressed."); I18N_NOOP("Left Alt key switches group while pressed."); I18N_NOOP("Left Win-key switches group while pressed."); I18N_NOOP("Right Win-key switches group while pressed."); I18N_NOOP("Both Win-keys switch group while pressed."); I18N_NOOP("Right Ctrl key switches group while pressed."); I18N_NOOP("Right Alt key changes group."); I18N_NOOP("Left Alt key changes group."); I18N_NOOP("CapsLock key changes group."); I18N_NOOP("Shift+CapsLock changes group."); I18N_NOOP("Both Shift keys together change group."); I18N_NOOP("Both Alt keys together change group."); I18N_NOOP("Both Ctrl keys together change group."); I18N_NOOP("Ctrl+Shift changes group."); I18N_NOOP("Alt+Ctrl changes group."); I18N_NOOP("Alt+Shift changes group."); I18N_NOOP("Menu key changes group."); I18N_NOOP("Left Win-key changes group."); I18N_NOOP("Right Win-key changes group."); I18N_NOOP("Left Shift key changes group."); I18N_NOOP("Right Shift key changes group."); I18N_NOOP("Left Ctrl key changes group."); I18N_NOOP("Right Ctrl key changes group."); I18N_NOOP("Press Right Ctrl to choose 3rd level."); I18N_NOOP("Press Menu key to choose 3rd level."); I18N_NOOP("Press any of Win-keys to choose 3rd level."); I18N_NOOP("Press Left Win-key to choose 3rd level."); I18N_NOOP("Press Right Win-key to choose 3rd level."); I18N_NOOP("Press any of Alt keys to choose 3rd level."); I18N_NOOP("Press Left Alt key to choose 3rd level."); I18N_NOOP("Press Right Alt key to choose 3rd level."); I18N_NOOP("Ctrl key position"); I18N_NOOP("Make CapsLock an additional Ctrl."); I18N_NOOP("Swap Ctrl and CapsLock."); I18N_NOOP("Ctrl key at left of 'A'"); I18N_NOOP("Ctrl key at bottom left"); I18N_NOOP("Right Ctrl key works as Right Alt."); I18N_NOOP("Use keyboard LED to show alternative group."); I18N_NOOP("NumLock LED shows alternative group."); I18N_NOOP("CapsLock LED shows alternative group."); I18N_NOOP("ScrollLock LED shows alternative group."); I18N_NOOP("CapsLock uses internal capitalization. Shift cancels CapsLock."); I18N_NOOP("CapsLock uses internal capitalization. Shift doesn't cancel CapsLock."); I18N_NOOP("CapsLock acts as Shift with locking. Shift cancels CapsLock."); I18N_NOOP("CapsLock acts as Shift with locking. Shift doesn't cancel CapsLock."); I18N_NOOP("CapsLock just locks the Shift modifier."); I18N_NOOP("CapsLock toggles normal capitalization of alphabetic characters."); I18N_NOOP("CapsLock toggles Shift so all keys are affected."); I18N_NOOP("Alt and Meta are on the Alt keys (default)."); I18N_NOOP("Alt is mapped to the right Win-key and Super to Menu."); I18N_NOOP("Compose key position"); I18N_NOOP("Right Alt is Compose."); I18N_NOOP("Right Win-key is Compose."); I18N_NOOP("Menu is Compose."); I18N_NOOP("Right Ctrl is Compose."); I18N_NOOP("Caps Lock is Compose."); I18N_NOOP("Special keys (Ctrl+Alt+<key>) handled in a server."); I18N_NOOP("Adding the EuroSign to certain keys"); I18N_NOOP("Add the EuroSign to the E key."); I18N_NOOP("Add the EuroSign to the 5 key."); I18N_NOOP("Add the EuroSign to the 2 key."); #endif