LayoutConfigWidget LayoutConfigWidget 0 0 700 600 7 7 0 0 700 600 unnamed tabWidget 600 500 tabLayout Layout unnamed chkEnable &Enable keyboard layouts true grpLayouts <h1>Keyboard Layout</h1> Here you can choose your keyboard layout and model. The 'model' refers to the type of keyboard that is connected to your computer, while the keyboard layout defines "which key does what" and may be different for different countries. unnamed textLabel1_4 Available layouts: labelLayouts Active layouts: labelModel Keyboard &model: comboModel comboModel 7 0 0 0 Here you can choose a keyboard model. This setting is independent of your keyboard layout and refers to the "hardware" model, i.e. the way your keyboard is manufactured. Modern keyboards that come with your computer usually have two extra keys and are referred to as "104-key" models, which is probably what you want if you do not know what kind of keyboard you have. 1 false false Layout false true Keymap false true Variant false true Label false false listLayoutsDst true If more than one layout is present in this list, the TDE panel will offer a docked flag. By clicking on this flag you can easily switch between layouts. The first layout will be default one. layout10 unnamed btnAdd Add >> btnRemove << Remove btnUp 0 0 0 0 btnDown 0 0 0 0 textLabel1_3 Command: editCmdLine false false Layout false true Keymap false true listLayoutsSrc 260 0 true This is the list of available keyboard layouts in your system. You can add layout to the active list by selecting it and pressing "Add" button. editCmdLine true This is the command which is executed when switching to the selected layout. It may help you if you want to debug layout switching, or if you want to switch layouts without the help of TDE. textLabel1_6 Label: editDisplayName editDisplayName false 3 textLabel1 Layout variant: comboVariant comboVariant Here you can choose a variant of selected keyboard layout. Layout variants usually represent different key maps for the same language. For example, Ukrainian layout might have four variants: basic, winkeys (as in Windows), typewriter (as in typewriters) and phonetic (each Ukrainian letter is placed on a transliterated latin one). spacer3 Horizontal Expanding 210 20 spacer2 Horizontal Expanding 210 20 tabShortcuts Keyboard Shortcuts labelHotkey <qt><b>Key combination to switch layout (X11):</b></qt> comboHotkey comboHotkey 7 0 0 0 Here you can choose the key combination you want to use to switch to the next layout. This list includes only the most common variants. If you choose "Other...", then you will be redirected to the "Options" tab where you can pick from all the available variants. Note that if you have selected Append Mode in the Xkb Options tab this option is not available; you have to use the Xkb Options tab instead. switchingGrpSeparator labelHotkey <qt><b>TDE shortcuts to switch layout:</b></qt> comboHotkey tab Switching Options swOptsFrame StyledPanel Raised 0 grpSwitching Switching Policy true If you select "Application" or "Window" switching policy, changing the keyboard layout will only affect the current application or window. unnamed radioButton1 &Global true radioButton1_3 Application radioButton1_2 &Window grpBoxStickySwitching Sticky Switching unnamed chkEnableSticky Enable sticky switching If you have more than two layouts and turn this option on, switching with the keyboard shortcut or clicking on the kxkb indicator will only cycle through the last few layouts. You can specify the number of layouts to rotate below. You can still access all layouts by right-clicking on the kxkb indicator. spacer2 Horizontal Fixed 20 20 spacer2 Horizontal Expanding 20 20 textLabel1_5 false Number of layouts to rotate: spinBox1 spinStickyDepth false 10 2 5 0 0 0 grpBoxNotifications Notifications unnamed chkEnableNotify Enable keyboard layout notification If this option is enabled, a little notification will pop up on the screen displaying the name of the currently selected layout whenever it changes. chkNotifyUseKMilo Use KMilo for notifications, if available If this option is enabled and KMilo is available, it will be used to display the notifications instead of the standard notification system. If KMilo is not available, notifications will be showed via the standard TDE notification system. spacer2 Vertical Expanding 20 40 tab Indicator Options indOptsFrame StyledPanel Raised 0 grpStyle Indicator Style true Here you can choose the way your keyboard layout indicator will look. unnamed radFlagLabel &Both Flag and Label true radFlagOnly &Flag Only radLabelOnly &Label Only grpLabel Label Style Here you can choose the way the label of your keyboard layout indicator will be displayed. These options are relevant even when labels are disabled, for locales where the flag is missing. radLabelUseTheme Use &theme colors false radLabelUseCustom Use c&ustom colors false grpLabelColors NoFrame Plain 0 spacer2 Horizontal Fixed 20 20 labelBgColor Background color: This color will be used as the indicator's background unless the indicator was set to display a flag. bgColor This color will be used as the indicator's background unless the indicator was set to display a flag. 4 0 0 0 spacer23 Horizontal Expanding 20 20 spacer2 Horizontal Fixed 20 20 labelFgColor Text color: This color will be used to draw the language label on the indicator. fgColor This color will be used to draw the language label on the indicator. 4 0 0 0 spacer23 Horizontal Expanding 20 20 chkBgTransparent Transparent background Check this to remove the indicator's background. Only applicable in "Label only" mode. separator1 labelFontRequester Label font: This is the font which will be used by the layout indicator to draw the label. labelFont chkLabelShadow Enable shadow Draw a drop shadow behind the language label. In some cases this option can improve readability. 4 0 0 0 shColor The drop shadow behind the language label will be of this color. false 4 0 0 0 spacer23 Horizontal Expanding 20 20 grpFlag Flag Style chkFitToBox Stretc&h flag If this option is enabled, the flag will be stretched to fit the tray indicator size. chkDimFlag Dim flag to make the label more visible grpMisc Miscellaneous chkShowSingle Show indicator for single layout chkBevel Show indicator bevel If this option is enabled, the layout indicator will be drawn with a thin 3D bevel around it. spacer1 Vertical Expanding 20 40 tabOptions Xkb Options unnamed groupBox3_2 Xkb Options Here you can set xkb extension options instead of, or in addition to, specifying them in the X11 configuration file. unnamed textLabel1_3_2 Command: editCmdLineOpt true Options false true listOptions xkbOptsMode Options Mode Here you can choose how the options you select here will be applied: in addition to, or instead of existing options. radXkbOverwrite &Overwrite existing options (recommended) Overwrite any existing Xkb options that might have been previously set by another program or from a script (e.g. via setxkbmap). This is the recommended option. radXkbAppend &Append to existing options Append the selected options to any existing Xkb options that might have been previously set by another program or from a script (e.g. via setxkbmap). Only use this if you really need to. chkEnable toggled(bool) grpLayouts setEnabled(bool) chkEnable toggled(bool) swOptsFrame setEnabled(bool) chkEnable toggled(bool) indOptsFrame setEnabled(bool) chkEnableSticky toggled(bool) spinStickyDepth setEnabled(bool) chkEnableSticky toggled(bool) textLabel1_5 setEnabled(bool) radLabelUseCustom toggled(bool) grpLabelColors setEnabled(bool) chkLabelShadow toggled(bool) shColor setEnabled(bool) radFlagOnly toggled(bool) grpLabel setDisabled(bool) radLabelOnly toggled(bool) chkBgTransparent setEnabled(bool) radLabelOnly toggled(bool) bgColor setEnabled(bool) radLabelOnly toggled(bool) labelBgColor setEnabled(bool) radFlagLabel toggled(bool) bgColor setDisabled(bool) radFlagLabel toggled(bool) labelBgColor setDisabled(bool) chkEnableNotify toggled(bool) chkNotifyUseKMilo setEnabled(bool) radFlagOnly toggled(bool) grpFlag setEnabled(bool) radFlagLabel toggled(bool) grpFlag setEnabled(bool) radLabelOnly toggled(bool) grpFlag setDisabled(bool) kiconloader.h kdialogbase.h kcolorbutton.h kseparator.h tdefontrequester.h SmallIcon