#include <tqimage.h> //#include <tqbitmap.h> #include <tqfont.h> #include <tqpainter.h> #include <tqregexp.h> #include <tqdict.h> #include <kstandarddirs.h> #include <klocale.h> #include <kdebug.h> #include "pixmap.h" #include "x11helper.h" #include "kxkbconfig.h" static const int FLAG_MAX_WIDTH = 21; static const int FLAG_MAX_HEIGHT = 14; const TQString LayoutIcon::flagTemplate("l10n/%1/flag.png"); const TQString& LayoutIcon::ERROR_CODE("error"); LayoutIcon* LayoutIcon::instance; LayoutIcon& LayoutIcon::getInstance() { if( instance == NULL ) { instance = new LayoutIcon(); } return *instance; } LayoutIcon::LayoutIcon(): m_pixmapCache(80), m_labelFont("sans") { m_labelFont.setPixelSize(10); m_labelFont.setWeight(TQFont::Bold); } const TQPixmap& LayoutIcon::findPixmap(const TQString& code_, bool showFlag, const TQString& displayName_) { TQPixmap* pm = NULL; if( code_ == ERROR_CODE ) { pm = m_pixmapCache[ERROR_CODE]; if( pm == NULL ) { pm = createErrorPixmap(); m_pixmapCache.insert(ERROR_CODE, pm); } return *pm; } TQString displayName(displayName_); if( displayName.isEmpty() ) { displayName = KxkbConfig::getDefaultDisplayName(code_); } if( displayName.length() > 3 ) displayName = displayName.left(3); const TQString pixmapKey( showFlag ? code_ + "." + displayName : displayName ); pm = m_pixmapCache[pixmapKey]; if( pm ) return *pm; TQString flag; if( showFlag ) { TQString countryCode = getCountryFromLayoutName( code_ ); flag = locate("locale", flagTemplate.arg(countryCode)); } if( flag.isEmpty() ) { pm = new TQPixmap(FLAG_MAX_WIDTH, FLAG_MAX_HEIGHT); pm->fill(Qt::gray); } else { pm = new TQPixmap(flag); dimPixmap( *pm ); #if 0 if( pm->height() < FLAG_MAX_HEIGHT ) { TQPixmap* pix = new TQPixmap(FLAG_MAX_WIDTH, FLAG_MAX_HEIGHT); pix->fill( Qt::lightGray ); // pix->fill( TQColor(tqRgba(127,127,127,255)) ); // TQBitmap mask; // mask.fill(1); // pix->setMask(mask); int dy = (pix->height() - pm->height()) / 2; copyBlt( pix, 0, dy, pm, 0, 0, -1, -1 ); // TQPixmap* px = new TQPixmap(21, 14); // px->convertFromImage(img);*/ delete pm; pm = pix; } #endif } TQPainter p(pm); p.setFont(m_labelFont); p.setPen(Qt::black); p.drawText(1, 1, pm->width(), pm->height()-2, Qt::AlignCenter, displayName); p.setPen(Qt::white); p.drawText(0, 0, pm->width(), pm->height()-2, Qt::AlignCenter, displayName); m_pixmapCache.insert(pixmapKey, pm); return *pm; } /** @brief Try to get country code from layout name in xkb before xorg 6.9.0 */ TQString LayoutIcon::getCountryFromLayoutName(const TQString& layoutName) { TQString flag; if( X11Helper::areLayoutsClean() ) { // >= Xorg 6.9.0 if( layoutName == "mkd" ) flag = "mk"; else if( layoutName == "srp" ) { TQString csFlagFile = locate("locale", flagTemplate.arg("cs")); flag = csFlagFile.isEmpty() ? "yu" : "cs"; } else if( layoutName.endsWith("/jp") ) flag = "jp"; else if( layoutName == "trq" || layoutName == "trf" || layoutName == "tralt" ) flag = "tr"; else if( layoutName.length() > 2 ) flag = ""; else flag = layoutName; } else { if( layoutName == "ar" ) // Arabic - not argentina ; else if( layoutName == "sr" || layoutName == "cs") // Serbian language - Yugoslavia flag = "yu"; else if( layoutName == "bs" ) // Bosnian language - Bosnia flag = "ba"; else if( layoutName == "la" ) // Latin America ; else if( layoutName == "lo" ) // Lao flag = "la"; else if( layoutName == "pl2" ) // Poland flag = "pl"; else if( layoutName == "iu" ) // Inuktitut - Canada flag = "ca"; else if( layoutName == "syr" ) // Syriac flag = "sy"; else if( layoutName == "dz" ) // Dzongka/Tibetian - Buthan flag = "bt"; else if( layoutName == "ogham" ) // Ogham - Ireland flag = "ie"; else if( layoutName == "ge_la" || layoutName == "ge_ru" ) flag = "ge"; else if( layoutName == "el" ) flag = "gr"; else if( layoutName.endsWith("/jp") ) flag = "jp"; else if( layoutName == "ml" || layoutName == "dev" || layoutName == "gur" || layoutName == "guj" || layoutName == "kan" || layoutName == "ori" || layoutName == "tel" || layoutName == "tml" || layoutName == "ben" ) // some Indian languages flag = "in"; else { int sepPos = layoutName.tqfind(TQRegExp("[-_]")); TQString leftCode = layoutName.mid(0, sepPos); TQString rightCode; if( sepPos != -1 ) rightCode = layoutName.mid(sepPos+1); // kdDebug() << "layout name breakup: " << leftCode << ":" << rightCode << endl; if( rightCode.length() == 2 && TQRegExp("[A-Z][A-Z]").exactMatch(rightCode) ) { flag = rightCode.lower(); } else { flag = leftCode.length() == 2 ? leftCode : ""; } } } return flag; } void LayoutIcon::dimPixmap(TQPixmap& pm) { TQImage image = pm.convertToImage(); for (int y=0; y<image.height(); y++) for(int x=0; x<image.width(); x++) { QRgb rgb = image.pixel(x,y); QRgb dimRgb(tqRgb(tqRed(rgb)*3/4, tqGreen(rgb)*3/4, tqBlue(rgb)*3/4)); image.setPixel(x, y, dimRgb); } pm.convertFromImage(image); } static const char* ERROR_LABEL = "err"; //private TQPixmap* LayoutIcon::createErrorPixmap() { TQPixmap* pm = new TQPixmap(21, 14); pm->fill(Qt::white); TQPainter p(pm); p.setFont(m_labelFont); p.setPen(Qt::red); p.drawText(1, 1, pm->width(), pm->height()-2, Qt::AlignCenter, ERROR_LABEL); p.setPen(Qt::blue); p.drawText(0, 0, pm->width(), pm->height()-2, Qt::AlignCenter, ERROR_LABEL); m_pixmapCache.insert(ERROR_CODE, pm); return pm; } // Note: this seems stupid, but allows for translations #if 0 I18N_NOOP("Belgian"); I18N_NOOP("Bulgarian"); I18N_NOOP("Brazilian"); I18N_NOOP("Canadian"); I18N_NOOP("Czech"); I18N_NOOP("Czech (qwerty)"); I18N_NOOP("Danish"); I18N_NOOP("Estonian"); I18N_NOOP("Finnish"); I18N_NOOP("French"); I18N_NOOP("German"); I18N_NOOP("Hungarian"); I18N_NOOP("Hungarian (qwerty)"); I18N_NOOP("Italian"); I18N_NOOP("Japanese"); I18N_NOOP("Lithuanian"); I18N_NOOP("Norwegian"); I18N_NOOP("PC-98xx Series"); I18N_NOOP("Polish"); I18N_NOOP("Portuguese"); I18N_NOOP("Romanian"); I18N_NOOP("Russian"); I18N_NOOP("Slovak"); I18N_NOOP("Slovak (qwerty)"); I18N_NOOP("Spanish"); I18N_NOOP("Swedish"); I18N_NOOP("Swiss German"); I18N_NOOP("Swiss French"); I18N_NOOP("Thai"); I18N_NOOP("United Kingdom"); I18N_NOOP("U.S. English"); I18N_NOOP("U.S. English w/ deadkeys"); I18N_NOOP("U.S. English w/ISO9995-3"); //lukas: these seem to be new in XF 4.0.2 I18N_NOOP("Armenian"); I18N_NOOP("Azerbaijani"); I18N_NOOP("Icelandic"); I18N_NOOP("Israeli"); I18N_NOOP("Lithuanian azerty standard"); I18N_NOOP("Lithuanian querty \"numeric\""); //for bw compatibility I18N_NOOP("Lithuanian querty \"programmer's\""); I18N_NOOP("Macedonian"); I18N_NOOP("Serbian"); I18N_NOOP("Slovenian"); I18N_NOOP("Vietnamese"); //these seem to be new in XFree86 4.1.0 I18N_NOOP("Arabic"); I18N_NOOP("Belarusian"); I18N_NOOP("Bengali"); I18N_NOOP("Croatian"); I18N_NOOP("Greek"); I18N_NOOP("Latvian"); I18N_NOOP("Lithuanian qwerty \"numeric\""); I18N_NOOP("Lithuanian qwerty \"programmer's\""); I18N_NOOP("Turkish"); I18N_NOOP("Ukrainian"); //these seem to be new in XFree86 4.2.0 I18N_NOOP("Albanian"); I18N_NOOP("Burmese"); I18N_NOOP("Dutch"); I18N_NOOP("Georgian (latin)"); I18N_NOOP("Georgian (russian)"); I18N_NOOP("Gujarati"); I18N_NOOP("Gurmukhi"); I18N_NOOP("Hindi"); I18N_NOOP("Inuktitut"); I18N_NOOP("Iranian"); // I18N_NOOP("Iranian"); // should be not Iranian but Farsi I18N_NOOP("Latin America"); I18N_NOOP("Maltese"); I18N_NOOP("Maltese (US layout)"); I18N_NOOP("Northern Saami (Finland)"); I18N_NOOP("Northern Saami (Norway)"); I18N_NOOP("Northern Saami (Sweden)"); I18N_NOOP("Polish (qwertz)"); I18N_NOOP("Russian (cyrillic phonetic)"); I18N_NOOP("Tajik"); I18N_NOOP("Turkish (F)"); I18N_NOOP("U.S. English w/ ISO9995-3"); I18N_NOOP("Yugoslavian"); //these seem to be new in XFree86 4.3.0 I18N_NOOP("Bosnian"); I18N_NOOP("Croatian (US)"); I18N_NOOP("Dvorak"); I18N_NOOP("French (alternative)"); I18N_NOOP("French Canadian"); I18N_NOOP("Kannada"); I18N_NOOP("Lao"); I18N_NOOP("Malayalam"); I18N_NOOP("Mongolian"); I18N_NOOP("Ogham"); I18N_NOOP("Oriya"); I18N_NOOP("Syriac"); I18N_NOOP("Telugu"); I18N_NOOP("Thai (Kedmanee)"); I18N_NOOP("Thai (Pattachote)"); I18N_NOOP("Thai (TIS-820.2538)"); //these seem to be new in XFree86 4.4.0 I18N_NOOP("Uzbek"); I18N_NOOP("Faroese"); //these seem to be new in XOrg 6.8.2 I18N_NOOP("Dzongkha / Tibetan"); I18N_NOOP("Hungarian (US)"); I18N_NOOP("Irish"); I18N_NOOP("Israeli (phonetic)"); I18N_NOOP("Serbian (Cyrillic)"); I18N_NOOP("Serbian (Latin)"); I18N_NOOP("Swiss"); #endif