Service Menus ============= This file explains how to add an item in the popupmenu (for both konqueror and kdesktop), without using the file associations. Why --- One reason for doing this is being able to associate some action with all files without this action becoming a default handler (called on left click). Another is that for text-based programs and tools (e.g. gzip) it's faster than defining a desktop file for the application, making it hidden, and associate it with the relevant file types. How --- Create a file `~/.trinity/share/apps/konqueror/servicemenus/something.desktop` and write into it something like (without the comments): [Desktop Entry] ServiceTypes=text/html,text/plain # use all/all for all entries # all/allfiles for files only # and use inode/directory for dirs only # you can also do things like image/* for all # image mimetypes Actions=gzip;mail # those are ';' separated, per the standard ! X-TDE-Submenu=Menuname # this optional entry allows grouping the # entries in this servicemenu file into a # common submenu, in this case "Menuname" TryExec=gzip # Find if executable exist, if it doesn't exist # menu entry is not displaying ExcludeServiceTypes=application/x-zip # This entry is used to avoid to display menu # when it's a specific servicetype # for exemple when we use all/allfiles and zip # them, we don't want to zip a zip file [Desktop Action gzip] # One "Desktop Action <name>" group per Action Name=GZip this file Name[fr]=... Icon=tgz Exec=gzip %f [Desktop Action mail] Name=Mail this file Name[fr]=... Icon=kmail Exec=kmail --there-is-no-such-option-yet %f See also the *desktop entry standard*, which defines more formally the same concept of actions but for desktop files (e.g. eject on a device desktop file, etc.).