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 * The Original Code is mozilla.org code.
 * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is
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 * This Original Code has been modified by IBM Corporation.
 * Modifications made by IBM described herein are
 * Copyright (c) International Business Machines
 * Corporation, 2000
 * Modifications to Mozilla code or documentation
 * identified per MPL Section 3.3
 * Date         Modified by     Description of modification
 * 03/27/2000   IBM Corp.       Set JNICALL to Optlink for
 *                               use in OS2

 * Netscape version of jni_md.h -- depends on jri_md.h

#ifndef JNI_MD_H
#define JNI_MD_H

#include "prtypes.h" /* needed for _declspec */

 * This is where we define the mystical JNI_PUBLIC_API macro that works on all
 * platforms. If you're running with Visual C++, Symantec C, or Borland's 
 * development environment on the PC, you're all set. Or if you're on the Mac
 * with Metrowerks, Symantec or MPW with SC you're ok too. For UNIX it shouldn't
 * matter.

 * Changes by sailesh on 9/26 

 * There are two symbols used in the declaration of the JNI functions
 * and native code that uses the JNI:
 * JNICALL - specifies the calling convention 
 * JNIEXPORT - specifies export status of the function 
 * The syntax to specify calling conventions is different in Win16 and
 * Win32 - the brains at Micro$oft at work here. JavaSoft in their
 * infinite wisdom cares for no platform other than Win32, and so they
 * just define these two symbols as:

 #define JNIEXPORT __declspec(dllexport)
 #define JNICALL __stdcall

 * We deal with this, in the way JRI defines the JRI_PUBLIC_API, by
 * defining a macro called JNI_PUBLIC_API. Any of our developers who
 * wish to use code for Win16 and Win32, _must_ use JNI_PUBLIC_API to
 * be able to export functions properly.

 * Since we must also maintain compatibility with JavaSoft, we
 * continue to define the symbol JNIEXPORT. However, use of this
 * internally is deprecated, since it will cause a mess on Win16.

 * We _do not_ need a new symbol called JNICALL. Instead we
 * redefine JNICALL in the same way JRI_CALLBACK was defined.


/* DLL Entry modifiers... */
#if defined(XP_OS2)
#  ifdef XP_OS2_VACPP
#     define JNI_PUBLIC_API(ResultType)      ResultType _System
#     define JNI_PUBLIC_VAR(VarType)         VarType
#     define JNICALL                         _Optlink
#     define JNIEXPORT
#  else
#     define JNI_PUBLIC_API(ResultType)	   ResultType
#     define JNI_PUBLIC_VAR(VarType)         VarType
#     define JNICALL
#     define JNIEXPORT
#  endif
/* Win32 */
#elif defined(XP_WIN) || defined(_WINDOWS) || defined(WIN32) || defined(_WIN32)
#	include <windows.h>
#	if defined(_MSC_VER) || defined(__GNUC__)
#		if defined(WIN32) || defined(_WIN32)
#			define JNI_PUBLIC_API(ResultType)	_declspec(dllexport) ResultType __stdcall
#			define JNI_PUBLIC_VAR(VarType)		VarType
#			define JNI_NATIVE_STUB(ResultType)	_declspec(dllexport) ResultType
#			define JNICALL                          __stdcall
#		else /* !_WIN32 */
#		    if defined(_WINDLL)
#			define JNI_PUBLIC_API(ResultType)	ResultType __cdecl __export __loadds 
#			define JNI_PUBLIC_VAR(VarType)		VarType
#			define JNI_NATIVE_STUB(ResultType)	ResultType __cdecl __loadds
#			define JNICALL			        __loadds
#		    else /* !WINDLL */
#			define JNI_PUBLIC_API(ResultType)	ResultType __cdecl __export
#			define JNI_PUBLIC_VAR(VarType)		VarType
#			define JNI_NATIVE_STUB(ResultType)	ResultType __cdecl __export
#			define JNICALL			        __export
#                   endif /* !WINDLL */
#		endif /* !_WIN32 */
#	elif defined(__BORLANDC__)
#		if defined(WIN32) || defined(_WIN32)
#			define JNI_PUBLIC_API(ResultType)	__export ResultType
#			define JNI_PUBLIC_VAR(VarType)		VarType
#			define JNI_NATIVE_STUB(ResultType)	 __export ResultType
#			define JNICALL
#		else /* !_WIN32 */
#			define JNI_PUBLIC_API(ResultType)	ResultType _cdecl _export _loadds 
#			define JNI_PUBLIC_VAR(VarType)		VarType
#			define JNI_NATIVE_STUB(ResultType)	ResultType _cdecl _loadds
#			define JNICALL			_loadds
#		endif
#	else
#		error Unsupported PC development environment.	
#	endif
#	endif
	/*  This is the stuff inherited from JavaSoft .. */
#	define JNIEXPORT __declspec(dllexport)

/* Mac */
#elif defined(macintosh) || defined(Macintosh) || defined(THINK_C)
#	if defined(__MWERKS__)				/* Metrowerks */
#		if !__option(enumsalwaysint)
#			error You need to define 'Enums Always Int' for your project.
#		endif
#		if defined(TARGET_CPU_68K) && !TARGET_RT_MAC_CFM 
#			if !__option(fourbyteints) 
#				error You need to define 'Struct Alignment: 68k' for your project.
#			endif
#		endif /* !GENERATINGCFM */
#		define JNI_PUBLIC_API(ResultType)	__declspec(export) ResultType 
#		define JNI_PUBLIC_VAR(VarType)		JNI_PUBLIC_API(VarType)
#		define JNI_NATIVE_STUB(ResultType)	JNI_PUBLIC_API(ResultType)
#	elif defined(__SC__)				/* Symantec */
#		error What are the Symantec defines? (warren@netscape.com)
#	elif macintosh && applec			/* MPW */
#		error Please upgrade to the latest MPW compiler (SC).
#	else
#		error Unsupported Mac development environment.
#	endif
#	define JNICALL
	/*  This is the stuff inherited from JavaSoft .. */
#	define JNIEXPORT

/* Unix or else */
#	define JNI_PUBLIC_API(ResultType)		ResultType
#       define JNI_PUBLIC_VAR(VarType)                  VarType
#       define JNI_NATIVE_STUB(ResultType)              ResultType
#	define JNICALL
	/*  This is the stuff inherited from JavaSoft .. */
#	define JNIEXPORT

#ifndef FAR		/* for non-Win16 */
#define FAR

/* Get the rest of the stuff from jri_md.h */
#include "jri_md.h"

#endif /* JNI_MD_H */