/* This file is part of the KDE Project Copyright (c) 2004 Kévin Ottens <ervin ipsquad net> Linux CD/DVD detection Copyright (c) 2005 Bernhard Rosenkraenzer <bero arklinux org> This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public License version 2 as published by the Free Software Foundation. This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Library General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License along with this library; see the file COPYING.LIB. If not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. */ #include "fstabbackend.h" #ifdef __linux__ // For CD/DVD drive detection #include <fcntl.h> #include <sys/ioctl.h> #include <unistd.h> #include <stdint.h> #define CDROM_GET_CAPABILITY 0x5331 #define CDSL_CURRENT ((int) (~0U>>1)) #define CDC_DVD_R 0x10000 /* drive can write DVD-R */ #define CDC_DVD_RAM 0x20000 /* drive can write DVD-RAM */ #define CDC_CD_R 0x2000 /* drive is a CD-R */ #define CDC_CD_RW 0x4000 /* drive is a CD-RW */ #define CDC_DVD 0x8000 /* drive is a DVD */ #include <tqfile.h> #endif #include <klocale.h> #include <tdeio/job.h> #include <tdeio/netaccess.h> #include <kdebug.h> #include <kdirwatch.h> #include <kurl.h> #include <kmountpoint.h> #include <kstandarddirs.h> #ifdef _OS_SOLARIS_ #define FSTAB "/etc/vfstab" #define MTAB "/etc/mnttab" #else #define FSTAB "/etc/fstab" #define MTAB "/etc/mtab" #endif FstabBackend::FstabBackend(MediaList &list, bool networkSharesOnly) : TQObject(), BackendBase(list), m_networkSharesOnly(networkSharesOnly) { KDirWatch::self()->addFile(MTAB); KDirWatch::self()->addFile(FSTAB); connect( KDirWatch::self(), TQT_SIGNAL( dirty(const TQString&) ), this, TQT_SLOT( slotDirty(const TQString&) ) ); handleFstabChange(false); handleMtabChange(false); KDirWatch::self()->startScan(); #ifdef Q_OS_FREEBSD connect( &m_mtabTimer, TQT_SIGNAL( timeout() ), this, TQT_SLOT( handleMtabChange() ) ); m_mtabTimer.start(250); #endif } FstabBackend::~FstabBackend() { TQStringList::iterator it = m_mtabIds.begin(); TQStringList::iterator end = m_mtabIds.end(); for (; it!=end; ++it) { m_mediaList.removeMedium(*it, false); } it = m_fstabIds.begin(); end = m_fstabIds.end(); for (; it!=end; ++it) { m_mediaList.removeMedium(*it, false); } KDirWatch::self()->removeFile(FSTAB); KDirWatch::self()->removeFile(MTAB); } TQString FstabBackend::mount( const TQString &_udi ) { const Medium* medium = m_mediaList.findById(_udi); if (!medium) return i18n("No such medium: %1").arg(_udi); TDEIO::Job* job = TDEIO::mount( false, 0, medium->deviceNode(), medium->mountPoint()); TDEIO::NetAccess::synchronousRun( job, 0 ); return TQString::null; } TQString FstabBackend::unmount( const TQString &_udi ) { const Medium* medium = m_mediaList.findById(_udi); if (!medium) return i18n("No such medium: %1").arg(_udi); TDEIO::Job* job = TDEIO::unmount( medium->mountPoint(), false); TDEIO::NetAccess::synchronousRun( job, 0 ); return TQString::null; } void FstabBackend::slotDirty(const TQString &path) { if (path==MTAB) { handleMtabChange(); } else if (path==FSTAB) { handleFstabChange(); } } bool inExclusionPattern(KMountPoint *mount, bool networkSharesOnly) { if ( mount->mountType() == "swap" || mount->mountType() == "tmpfs" || mount->mountType() == "sysfs" || mount->mountType() == "fdescfs" || mount->mountType() == "kernfs" || mount->mountType() == "usbfs" || mount->mountType().contains( "proc" ) || mount->mountType() == "unknown" || mount->mountType() == "none" || mount->mountType() == "sunrpc" || mount->mountedFrom() == "none" || mount->mountedFrom() == "tmpfs" || mount->mountedFrom().find("shm") != -1 || mount->mountPoint() == "/dev/swap" || mount->mountPoint() == "/dev/pts" || mount->mountPoint().find("/proc") == 0 || mount->mountPoint().find("/sys") == 0 // We might want to display only network shares // since HAL doesn't handle them || ( networkSharesOnly && mount->mountType().find( "smb" ) == -1 && mount->mountType().find( "cifs" ) == -1 && mount->mountType().find( "nfs" ) == -1 ) ) { return true; } else { return false; } } void FstabBackend::handleMtabChange(bool allowNotification) { TQStringList new_mtabIds; KMountPoint::List mtab = KMountPoint::currentMountPoints(); KMountPoint::List::iterator it = mtab.begin(); KMountPoint::List::iterator end = mtab.end(); for (; it!=end; ++it) { TQString dev = (*it)->mountedFrom(); TQString mp = (*it)->mountPoint(); TQString fs = (*it)->mountType(); if ( ::inExclusionPattern(*it, m_networkSharesOnly) ) continue; /* Did we know this already before ? If yes, then nothing has changed, do not stat the mount point. Avoids hang if network shares are stalling */ TQString mtabEntry = dev + "*" + mp + "*" + fs; if(m_mtabEntries.contains(mtabEntry)) { new_mtabIds += m_mtabEntries[mtabEntry]; continue; } TQString id = generateId(dev, mp); new_mtabIds+=id; m_mtabEntries[mtabEntry] = id; if ( !m_mtabIds.contains(id) && m_fstabIds.contains(id) ) { TQString mime, icon, label; guess(dev, mp, fs, true, mime, icon, label); m_mediaList.changeMediumState(id, true, false, mime, icon, label); } #if 0 else if ( !m_mtabIds.contains(id) ) { TQString name = generateName(dev, fs); Medium *m = new Medium(id, name); m->mountableState(dev, mp, fs, true); TQString mime, icon, label; guess(dev, mp, fs, true, mime, icon, label); m->setMimeType(mime); m->setIconName(icon); m->setLabel(label); m_mediaList.addMedium(m, notificationAllowed); } #endif } TQStringList::iterator it2 = m_mtabIds.begin(); TQStringList::iterator end2 = m_mtabIds.end(); for (; it2!=end2; ++it2) { if ( !new_mtabIds.contains(*it2) && m_fstabIds.contains(*it2) ) { const Medium *medium = m_mediaList.findById(*it2); TQString dev = medium->deviceNode(); TQString mp = medium->mountPoint(); TQString fs = medium->fsType(); TQString mtabEntry = dev + "*" + mp + "*" + fs; m_mtabEntries.remove(mtabEntry); TQString mime, icon, label; guess(dev, mp, fs, false, mime, icon, label); m_mediaList.changeMediumState(*it2, false, false, mime, icon, label); } #if 0 else if ( !new_mtabIds.contains(*it2) ) { m_mediaList.removeMedium(*it2, allowNotification); } #endif } m_mtabIds = new_mtabIds; } void FstabBackend::handleFstabChange(bool allowNotification) { TQStringList new_fstabIds; KMountPoint::List fstab = KMountPoint::possibleMountPoints(); KMountPoint::List::iterator it = fstab.begin(); KMountPoint::List::iterator end = fstab.end(); for (; it!=end; ++it) { TQString dev = (*it)->mountedFrom(); TQString mp = (*it)->mountPoint(); TQString fs = (*it)->mountType(); if ( ::inExclusionPattern(*it, m_networkSharesOnly) ) continue; TQString id = generateId(dev, mp); new_fstabIds+=id; if ( !m_fstabIds.contains(id) ) { TQString name = generateName(dev, fs); Medium *m = new Medium(id, id, name); m->mountableState(dev, mp, fs, false); TQString mime, icon, label; guess(dev, mp, fs, false, mime, icon, label); m->setMimeType(mime); m->setIconName(icon); m->setLabel(label); m_mediaList.addMedium(m, allowNotification); } } TQStringList::iterator it2 = m_fstabIds.begin(); TQStringList::iterator end2 = m_fstabIds.end(); for (; it2!=end2; ++it2) { if ( !new_fstabIds.contains(*it2) ) { m_mediaList.removeMedium(*it2, allowNotification); } } m_fstabIds = new_fstabIds; } TQString FstabBackend::generateId(const TQString &devNode, const TQString &mountPoint) { TQString d = KStandardDirs::realFilePath(devNode); TQString m = KStandardDirs::realPath(mountPoint); return "/org/kde/mediamanager/fstab/" +d.replace("/", "") +m.replace("/", ""); } TQString FstabBackend::generateName(const TQString &devNode, const TQString &fsType) { KURL url( devNode ); if ( url.isValid() ) { return url.fileName(); } else // surely something nfs or samba based { return fsType; } } void FstabBackend::guess(const TQString &devNode, const TQString &mountPoint, const TQString &fsType, bool mounted, TQString &mimeType, TQString &iconName, TQString &label) { enum { UNKNOWN, CD, CDWRITER, DVD, DVDWRITER } devType = UNKNOWN; #ifdef __linux__ // Guessing device types by mount point is not exactly accurate... // Do something accurate first, and fall back if necessary. int device=open(TQFile::encodeName(devNode), O_RDONLY|O_NONBLOCK); if(device>=0) { bool isCd=false; TQString devname=devNode.section('/', -1); if(devname.startsWith("scd") || devname.startsWith("sr")) { // SCSI CD/DVD drive isCd=true; } else if(devname.startsWith("hd")) { // IDE device -- we can't tell if this is a // CD/DVD drive or harddisk by just looking at the // filename TQFile m(TQString("/proc/ide/") + devname + "/media"); if(m.open(IO_ReadOnly)) { TQString buf; m.readLine(buf, 1024); if(buf.contains("cdrom")) isCd=true; m.close(); } } if(isCd) { int drv=ioctl(device, CDROM_GET_CAPABILITY, CDSL_CURRENT); if(drv>=0) { if((drv & CDC_DVD_R) || (drv & CDC_DVD_RAM)) devType = DVDWRITER; else if((drv & CDC_CD_R) || (drv & CDC_CD_RW)) devType = CDWRITER; else if(drv & CDC_DVD) devType = DVD; else devType = CD; } } close(device); } #endif if ( devType == CDWRITER || devNode.find("cdwriter")!=-1 || mountPoint.find("cdwriter")!=-1 || devNode.find("cdrecorder")!=-1 || mountPoint.find("cdrecorder")!=-1 || devNode.find("cdburner")!=-1 || mountPoint.find("cdburner")!=-1 || devNode.find("cdrw")!=-1 || mountPoint.find("cdrw")!=-1 || devNode.find("graveur")!=-1 ) { mimeType = "media/cdwriter"; label = i18n("CD Recorder"); } else if ( devType == DVD || devType == DVDWRITER || devNode.find("dvd")!=-1 || mountPoint.find("dvd")!=-1 ) { mimeType = "media/dvd"; label = i18n("DVD"); } else if ( devType == CD || devNode.find("cdrom")!=-1 || mountPoint.find("cdrom")!=-1 // LINUX SPECIFIC || devNode.find("/dev/scd")!=-1 || devNode.find("/dev/sr")!=-1 // FREEBSD SPECIFIC || devNode.find("/acd")!=-1 || devNode.find("/scd")!=-1 ) { mimeType = "media/cdrom"; label = i18n("CD-ROM"); } else if ( devNode.find("fd")!=-1 || mountPoint.find("fd")!=-1 || devNode.find("floppy")!=-1 || mountPoint.find("floppy")!=-1 ) { if ( devNode.find("360")!=-1 || devNode.find("1200")!=-1 ) { mimeType = "media/floppy5"; } else { mimeType = "media/floppy"; } label = i18n("Floppy"); } else if ( mountPoint.find("zip")!=-1 // FREEBSD SPECIFIC || devNode.find("/afd")!=-1 ) { mimeType = "media/zip"; label = i18n("Zip Disk"); } else if ( mountPoint.find("removable")!=-1 || mountPoint.find("hotplug")!=-1 || mountPoint.find("usb")!=-1 || mountPoint.find("firewire")!=-1 || mountPoint.find("ieee1394")!=-1 || devNode.find("/usb/")!= -1 ) { mimeType = "media/removable"; label = i18n("Removable Device"); } else if ( fsType.find("nfs")!=-1 ) { mimeType = "media/nfs"; label = i18n("Remote Share"); } else if ( fsType.find("smb")!=-1 || fsType.find("cifs")!=-1 || devNode.find("//")!=-1 ) { mimeType = "media/smb"; label = i18n("Remote Share"); } else { mimeType = "media/hdd"; label = i18n("Hard Disk"); } if ( mimeType=="media/nfs" || mimeType=="media/smb" ) { label+= " (" + devNode + ")"; } else { TQString tmp = devNode; if ( tmp.startsWith("/dev/") ) { tmp = tmp.mid(5); } label+= " (" + tmp + ")"; } mimeType+= (mounted ? "_mounted" : "_unmounted"); iconName = TQString::null; } #include "fstabbackend.moc"