/* Shell for tdm conversation plugins Copyright (C) 1997, 1998, 2000 Steffen Hansen Copyright (C) 2000-2004 Oswald Buddenhagen This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. */ #include #include "kgverify.h" #include "tdmconfig.h" #include "tdm_greet.h" #include "themer/tdmthemer.h" #include "themer/tdmitem.h" #include "themer/tdmlabel.h" #ifdef WITH_TDEHWLIB #include #include #include #endif #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include // for updateLockStatus() #include // ... and make eventFilter() work again #define FULL_GREET_TO 40 // normal inactivity timeout #define TIMED_GREET_TO 20 // inactivity timeout when persisting timed login #define MIN_TIMED_TO 5 // minimal timed login delay #define DEAD_TIMED_TO 2 // dead time after re-activating timed login #define SECONDS 1000 // reduce to 100 to speed up testing void KGVerifyHandler::verifyClear() { } void KGVerifyHandler::updateStatus( bool, bool, int ) { } KGVerify::KGVerify(KGVerifyHandler *_handler, KdmThemer *_themer, TQWidget *_parent, TQWidget *_predecessor, const TQString &_fixedUser, const PluginList &_pluginList, KGreeterPlugin::Function _func, KGreeterPlugin::Context _ctx) : inherited() , coreLock(0) , fixedEntity(_fixedUser) , pluginList(_pluginList) , handler(_handler) , themer(_themer) , parent(_parent) , predecessor(_predecessor) , plugMenu(0) , curPlugin(-1) , timedLeft(0) , func(_func) , ctx(_ctx) , enabled(true) , running(false) , suspended(false) , failed(false) , isClear(true) , inGreeterPlugin(false) , abortRequested(false) #ifdef WITH_TDEHWLIB , cardLoginInProgress(false) , cardLoginDevice(NULL) #endif { connect( &timer, TQ_SIGNAL(timeout()), TQ_SLOT(slotTimeout()) ); connect( tdeApp, TQ_SIGNAL(activity()), TQ_SLOT(slotActivity()) ); _parent->installEventFilter( this ); } KGVerify::~KGVerify() { Debug( "delete %s\n", pName.data() ); delete greet; } TQPopupMenu * KGVerify::getPlugMenu() { // assert( !cont ); if (!plugMenu) { uint np = pluginList.count(); if (np > 1) { plugMenu = new TQPopupMenu( parent ); connect( plugMenu, TQ_SIGNAL(activated( int )), TQ_SLOT(slotPluginSelected( int )) ); for (uint i = 0; i < np; i++) plugMenu->insertItem( i18n(greetPlugins[pluginList[i]].info->name), pluginList[i] ); } } return plugMenu; } bool // public KGVerify::entitiesLocal() const { return greetPlugins[pluginList[curPlugin]].info->flags & kgreeterplugin_info::Local; } bool // public KGVerify::entitiesFielded() const { return greetPlugins[pluginList[curPlugin]].info->flags & kgreeterplugin_info::Fielded; } bool // public KGVerify::entityPresettable() const { return greetPlugins[pluginList[curPlugin]].info->flags & kgreeterplugin_info::Presettable; } bool // public KGVerify::isClassic() const { return !strcmp( greetPlugins[pluginList[curPlugin]].info->method, "classic" ); } TQString // public KGVerify::pluginName() const { TQString name( greetPlugins[pluginList[curPlugin]].library->fileName() ); uint st = name.findRev( '/' ) + 1; uint en = name.find( '.', st ); if (en - st > 7 && TQConstString( name.unicode() + st, 7 ).string() == "kgreet_") st += 7; return name.mid( st, en - st ); } static void showWidgets( TQLayoutItem *li ) { TQWidget *w; TQLayout *l; if ((w = li->widget())) w->show(); else if ((l = li->layout())) { TQLayoutIterator it = l->iterator(); for (TQLayoutItem *itm = it.current(); itm; itm = ++it) showWidgets( itm ); } } void // public KGVerify::selectPlugin( int id ) { if (pluginList.isEmpty()) { MsgBox( errorbox, i18n("No greeter widget plugin loaded. Check the configuration.") ); ::exit( EX_UNMANAGE_DPY ); } curPlugin = id; if (plugMenu) plugMenu->setItemChecked( id, true ); pName = ("greet_" + pluginName()).latin1(); Debug( "new %s\n", pName.data() ); greet = greetPlugins[pluginList[id]].info->create( this, themer, parent, predecessor, fixedEntity, func, ctx ); timeable = _autoLoginDelay && entityPresettable() && isClassic(); } void // public KGVerify::loadUsers( const TQStringList &users ) { Debug( "%s->loadUsers(...)\n", pName.data() ); greet->loadUsers( users ); } void // public KGVerify::presetEntity( const TQString &entity, int field ) { presEnt = entity; presFld = field; } bool // private KGVerify::applyPreset() { if (!presEnt.isEmpty()) { Debug( "%s->presetEntity(%\"s, %d)\n", pName.data(), presEnt.latin1(), presFld ); greet->presetEntity( presEnt, presFld ); if (entitiesLocal()) { curUser = presEnt; handler->verifySetUser( presEnt ); } return true; } return false; } bool // private KGVerify::scheduleAutoLogin( bool initial ) { if (timeable) { Debug( "%s->presetEntity(%\"s, -1)\n", pName.data(), _autoLoginUser.latin1(), -1 ); greet->presetEntity( _autoLoginUser, -1 ); curUser = _autoLoginUser; handler->verifySetUser( _autoLoginUser ); timer.start( 1000 ); if (initial) { timedLeft = _autoLoginDelay; deadTicks = 0; } else { timedLeft = TQMAX( _autoLoginDelay - TIMED_GREET_TO, MIN_TIMED_TO ); deadTicks = DEAD_TIMED_TO; } updateStatus(); running = false; isClear = true; return true; } return false; } void // private KGVerify::performAutoLogin() { // timer.stop(); GSendInt( G_AutoLogin ); handleVerify(); } TQString // public KGVerify::getEntity() const { Debug( "%s->getEntity()\n", pName.data() ); TQString ent = greet->getEntity(); Debug( " entity: %s\n", ent.latin1() ); return ent; } void KGVerify::setUser( const TQString &user ) { // assert( fixedEntity.isEmpty() ); curUser = user; Debug( "%s->setUser(%\"s)\n", pName.data(), user.latin1() ); greet->setUser( user ); gplugActivity(); } void KGVerify::lockUserEntry(const bool lock) { // assert( fixedEntity.isEmpty() ); Debug( "%s->lockUserEntry(%\"s)\n", pName.data(), lock ); greet->lockUserEntry(lock); } void KGVerify::setPassword( const TQString &pass ) { greet->setPassword( pass ); gplugActivity(); } void KGVerify::setInfoMessageDisplay(bool on) { // assert( fixedEntity.isEmpty() ); Debug( "%s->setInfoMessageDisplay(%\"d)\n", pName.data(), on ); greet->setInfoMessageDisplay(on); } void KGVerify::setPasswordPrompt(const TQString &prompt) { greet->setPasswordPrompt(prompt); if (prompt != TQString::null) { setPassPromptText(prompt, false); } else { setPassPromptText(TQString::null, true); } } void KGVerify::start() { authTok = (func == KGreeterPlugin::ChAuthTok); cont = false; if (func == KGreeterPlugin::Authenticate && ctx == KGreeterPlugin::Login) { if (scheduleAutoLogin( true )) { if (!_autoLoginAgain) _autoLoginDelay = 0, timeable = false; return; } else #ifdef WITH_TDEHWLIB if (!cardLoginInProgress) #endif { applyPreset(); } } running = true; Debug( "%s->start()\n", pName.data() ); greet->start(); if (!(func == KGreeterPlugin::Authenticate || ctx == KGreeterPlugin::ChangeTok || ctx == KGreeterPlugin::ExChangeTok)) { cont = true; handleVerify(); } } void KGVerify::abort() { Debug( "%s->abort()\n", pName.data() ); greet->abort(); running = false; } void KGVerify::suspend() { // assert( !cont ); if (running) { Debug( "%s->abort()\n", pName.data() ); greet->abort(); } suspended = true; updateStatus(); timer.suspend(); } void KGVerify::resume() { timer.resume(); suspended = false; updateLockStatus(); if (running) { Debug( "%s->start()\n", pName.data() ); greet->start(); } else if (delayed) { delayed = false; running = true; Debug( "%s->start()\n", pName.data() ); greet->start(); } } void // not a slot - called manually by greeter KGVerify::accept() { Debug( "%s->next()\n", pName.data() ); greet->next(); } void // private KGVerify::doReject( bool initial ) { // assert( !cont ); if (running) { Debug("%s->abort()\n", pName.data()); greet->abort(); } handler->verifyClear(); Debug("%s->clear()\n", pName.data()); greet->clear(); curUser = TQString::null; if (!scheduleAutoLogin(initial)) { isClear = !(isClear && applyPreset()); if (running) { Debug( "%s->start()\n", pName.data() ); greet->start(); } if (!failed) { timer.stop(); } } } void // not a slot - called manually by greeter KGVerify::reject() { inGreeterPlugin = false; doReject( true ); } void // not a slot - called manually by greeter KGVerify::requestAbort() { abortRequested = true; if (inGreeterPlugin) { greet->next(); } } void KGVerify::setEnabled( bool on ) { Debug( "%s->setEnabled(%s)\n", pName.data(), on ? "true" : "false" ); greet->setEnabled( on ); enabled = on; updateStatus(); } void // private KGVerify::slotTimeout() { if (failed) { failed = false; updateStatus(); Debug( "%s->revive()\n", pName.data() ); greet->revive(); handler->verifyRetry(); if (suspended) delayed = true; else { running = true; Debug( "%s->start()\n", pName.data() ); greet->start(); slotActivity(); gplugActivity(); if (cont) handleVerify(); } } else if (timedLeft) { deadTicks--; if (!--timedLeft) performAutoLogin(); else timer.start( 1000 ); updateStatus(); } else { // assert( ctx == Login ); isClear = true; doReject( false ); } } void KGVerify::slotActivity() { if (timedLeft) { Debug( "%s->revive()\n", pName.data() ); greet->revive(); Debug( "%s->start()\n", pName.data() ); greet->start(); running = true; timedLeft = 0; updateStatus(); timer.start( TIMED_GREET_TO * SECONDS ); } else if (timeable) timer.start( TIMED_GREET_TO * SECONDS ); } void // private static KGVerify::VMsgBox( TQWidget *parent, const TQString &user, TQMessageBox::Icon type, const TQString &mesg ) { FDialog::box( parent, type, user.isEmpty() ? mesg : i18n("Authenticating %1...\n\n").arg( user ) + mesg ); } static const char *msgs[]= { I18N_NOOP( "You are required to change your password immediately (password aged)." ), I18N_NOOP( "You are required to change your password immediately (root enforced)." ), I18N_NOOP( "You are not allowed to login at the moment." ), I18N_NOOP( "Home folder not available." ), I18N_NOOP( "Logins are not allowed at the moment.\nTry again later." ), I18N_NOOP( "Your login shell is not listed in /etc/shells." ), I18N_NOOP( "Root logins are not allowed." ), I18N_NOOP( "Your account has expired; please contact your system administrator." ) }; void // private static KGVerify::VErrBox( TQWidget *parent, const TQString &user, const char *msg ) { TQMessageBox::Icon icon; TQString mesg; if (!msg) { mesg = i18n("A critical error occurred.\n" "Please look at TDM's logfile(s) for more information\n" "or contact your system administrator."); icon = errorbox; } else { mesg = TQString::fromLocal8Bit( msg ); TQString mesg1 = mesg + '.'; for (uint i = 0; i < as(msgs); i++) if (mesg1 == msgs[i]) { mesg = i18n(msgs[i]); break; } icon = sorrybox; } VMsgBox( parent, user, icon, mesg ); } void // private static KGVerify::VInfoBox(TQWidget *parent, const TQString &user, const char *msg) { TQString mesg = TQString::fromLocal8Bit( msg ); TQRegExp rx( "^Warning: your account will expire in (\\d+) day" ); if (rx.search(mesg) >= 0) { int expire = rx.cap(1).toInt(); mesg = expire ? i18n("Your account expires tomorrow.", "Your account expires in %n days.", expire) : i18n("Your account expires today."); } else { rx.setPattern( "^Warning: your password will expire in (\\d+) day" ); if (rx.search(mesg) >= 0) { int expire = rx.cap(1).toInt(); mesg = expire ? i18n("Your password expires tomorrow.", "Your password expires in %n days.", expire) : i18n("Your password expires today."); } } VMsgBox(parent, user, infobox, mesg); } bool // public static KGVerify::handleFailVerify( TQWidget *parent ) { Debug( "handleFailVerify ...\n" ); char *msg = GRecvStr(); TQString user = TQString::fromLocal8Bit( msg ); free( msg ); for (;;) { int ret = GRecvInt(); // non-terminal status switch (ret) { /* case V_PUT_USER: cannot happen - we are in "classic" mode */ /* case V_PRE_OK: cannot happen - not in ChTok dialog */ /* case V_CHTOK: cannot happen - called by non-interactive verify */ case V_CHTOK_AUTH: Debug( " V_CHTOK_AUTH\n" ); { TQStringList pgs( _pluginsLogin ); pgs += _pluginsShutdown; TQStringList::ConstIterator it; for (it = pgs.begin(); it != pgs.end(); ++it) if (*it == "classic" || *it == "modern") { pgs = *it; goto gotit; } else if (*it == "generic") { pgs = "modern"; goto gotit; } pgs = "classic"; gotit: KGChTok chtok( parent, user, init( pgs ), 0, KGreeterPlugin::AuthChAuthTok, KGreeterPlugin::Login ); return chtok.exec(); } case V_MSG_ERR: Debug( " V_MSG_ERR\n" ); msg = GRecvStr(); Debug( " message %\"s\n", msg ); VErrBox( parent, user, msg ); if (msg) free( msg ); continue; case V_MSG_INFO: Debug( " V_MSG_INFO\n" ); msg = GRecvStr(); Debug( " message %\"s\n", msg ); VInfoBox( parent, user, msg ); free( msg ); continue; } // terminal status switch (ret) { case V_OK: Debug( " V_OK\n" ); return true; case V_AUTH: Debug( " V_AUTH\n" ); VMsgBox( parent, user, sorrybox, i18n("Authentication failed") ); return false; case V_FAIL: Debug( " V_FAIL\n" ); return false; default: LogPanic( "Unknown V_xxx code %d from core\n", ret ); } } } void // private KGVerify::handleVerify() { TQString user; Debug( "handleVerify ...\n" ); for (;;) { char *msg; int ret, echo, ndelay; KGreeterPlugin::Function nfunc; ret = GRecvInt(); // requests coreLock = 1; switch (ret) { case V_GET_TEXT: Debug( " V_GET_TEXT\n" ); msg = GRecvStr(); Debug( " prompt %\"s\n", msg ); echo = GRecvInt(); Debug( " echo = %d\n", echo ); ndelay = GRecvInt(); Debug( " ndelay = %d\n%s->textPrompt(...)\n", ndelay, pName.data() ); if (abortRequested) { inGreeterPlugin = true; greet->textPrompt("", echo, ndelay); inGreeterPlugin = !ndelay; abortRequested = false; } else { if (msg && (msg[0] != 0)) { // Reset password entry and change text setPassPromptText(msg); greet->start(); inGreeterPlugin = true; greet->textPrompt(msg, echo, ndelay); inGreeterPlugin = !ndelay; #ifdef WITH_TDEHWLIB if (cardLoginInProgress) { TQString autoPIN = cardLoginDevice->autoPIN(); if (autoPIN != TQString::null) { // Initiate login setPassword(autoPIN); accept(); } cardLoginInProgress = false; } #endif } else { inGreeterPlugin = true; greet->textPrompt(msg, echo, ndelay); inGreeterPlugin = !ndelay; } } if (msg) { free(msg); } return; case V_GET_BINARY: Debug( " V_GET_BINARY\n" ); msg = GRecvArr( &ret ); Debug( " %d bytes prompt\n", ret ); ndelay = GRecvInt(); Debug( " ndelay = %d\n%s->binaryPrompt(...)\n", ndelay, pName.data() ); if (abortRequested) { gplugReturnBinary(NULL); } else { inGreeterPlugin = true; greet->binaryPrompt( msg, ndelay ); inGreeterPlugin = !ndelay; } if (msg) { free(msg); } return; } // non-terminal status coreLock = 2; switch (ret) { case V_PUT_USER: Debug( " V_PUT_USER\n" ); msg = GRecvStr(); curUser = user = TQString::fromLocal8Bit( msg ); // greet needs this to be able to return something useful from // getEntity(). but the backend is still unable to tell a domain ... Debug(" %s->setUser(%\"s)\n", pName.data(), user.latin1()); greet->setUser( curUser ); handler->verifySetUser(curUser); if (msg) { free(msg); } continue; case V_PRE_OK: // this is only for func == AuthChAuthTok Debug( " V_PRE_OK\n" ); // With the "classic" method, the wrong user simply cannot be // authenticated, even with the generic plugin. Other methods // could do so, but this applies only to ctx == ChangeTok, which // is not implemented yet. authTok = true; cont = true; Debug("%s->succeeded()\n", pName.data()); greet->succeeded(); abortRequested = false; inGreeterPlugin = false; continue; case V_CHTOK_AUTH: Debug( " V_CHTOK_AUTH\n" ); nfunc = KGreeterPlugin::AuthChAuthTok; user = curUser; goto dchtok; case V_CHTOK: Debug( " V_CHTOK\n" ); nfunc = KGreeterPlugin::ChAuthTok; user = TQString::null; dchtok: { timer.stop(); Debug( "%s->succeeded()\n", pName.data() ); greet->succeeded(); abortRequested = false; inGreeterPlugin = false; KGChTok chtok( parent, user, pluginList, curPlugin, nfunc, KGreeterPlugin::Login ); if (!chtok.exec()) { goto retry; } handler->verifyOk(); return; } case V_MSG_ERR: Debug( " V_MSG_ERR\n" ); msg = GRecvStr(); Debug( " %s->textMessage(%\"s, true)\n", pName.data(), msg ); inGreeterPlugin = true; if (!greet->textMessage( msg, true )) { inGreeterPlugin = false; Debug( " message passed\n" ); if (!abortRequested) { VErrBox( parent, user, msg ); } } else { inGreeterPlugin = false; Debug( " message swallowed\n" ); } if (msg) { free(msg); } continue; case V_MSG_INFO: Debug( " V_MSG_INFO\n" ); msg = GRecvStr(); Debug( " %s->textMessage(%\"s, false)\n", pName.data(), msg ); inGreeterPlugin = true; if (!greet->textMessage( msg, false )) { inGreeterPlugin = false; Debug( " message passed\n" ); if (!abortRequested) { VInfoBox(parent, user, msg); } } else { inGreeterPlugin = false; Debug(" message swallowed\n"); } free(msg); continue; } // terminal status coreLock = 0; running = false; timer.stop(); if (ret == V_OK) { Debug( " V_OK\n" ); if (!fixedEntity.isEmpty()) { Debug( " %s->getEntity()\n", pName.data() ); TQString ent = greet->getEntity(); Debug( " entity %\"s\n", ent.latin1() ); if (ent != fixedEntity) { Debug( "%s->failed()\n", pName.data() ); greet->failed(); abortRequested = false; inGreeterPlugin = false; MsgBox( sorrybox, i18n("Authenticated user (%1) does not match requested user (%2).\n") .arg( ent ).arg( fixedEntity ) ); goto retry; } } Debug( "%s->succeeded()\n", pName.data() ); greet->succeeded(); abortRequested = false; inGreeterPlugin = false; handler->verifyOk(); return; } Debug( "%s->failed()\n", pName.data() ); greet->failed(); abortRequested = false; inGreeterPlugin = false; // Reset password prompt text setPassPromptText(TQString::null, true); if (ret == V_AUTH) { Debug( " V_AUTH\n" ); failed = true; updateStatus(); handler->verifyFailed(); timer.start( 1500 + tdeApp->random()/(RAND_MAX/1000) ); return; } if (ret != V_FAIL) LogPanic( "Unknown V_xxx code %d from core\n", ret ); Debug( " V_FAIL\n" ); retry: Debug( "%s->revive()\n", pName.data() ); greet->revive(); running = true; Debug( "%s->start()\n", pName.data() ); greet->start(); if (!cont) { return; } user = TQString::null; } } void KGVerify::setPassPromptText(TQString text, bool use_default_text) { if (themer) { KdmItem* password_label = themer->findNode("password-label"); if (password_label) { KdmLabel* pass_label = static_cast(password_label); if (use_default_text) { pass_label->setText(pass_label->lookupStock("password-label")); } else { pass_label->setText(text); } pass_label->update(); themer->updateGeometry(true); static_cast(themer->parent())->repaint(true); } } } void KGVerify::gplugReturnText( const char *text, int tag ) { Debug("%s: gplugReturnText(%\"s, %d)\n", pName.data(), tag & V_IS_SECRET ? "" : text, tag); GSendStr(text); if (text) { GSendInt(tag); handleVerify(); } else { coreLock = 0; } } void KGVerify::gplugReturnBinary( const char *data ) { if (data) { unsigned const char *up = (unsigned const char *)data; int len = up[3] | (up[2] << 8) | (up[1] << 16) | (up[0] << 24); Debug("%s: gplugReturnBinary(%d bytes)\n", pName.data(), len); GSendArr(len, data); handleVerify(); } else { Debug("%s: gplugReturnBinary(NULL)\n", pName.data()); GSendArr(0, 0); coreLock = 0; } } void KGVerify::gplugSetUser( const TQString &user ) { Debug( "%s: gplugSetUser(%\"s)\n", pName.data(), user.latin1() ); curUser = user; handler->verifySetUser( user ); } void KGVerify::gplugStart() { // XXX handle func != Authenticate Debug( "%s: gplugStart()\n", pName.data() ); GSendInt( ctx == KGreeterPlugin::Shutdown ? G_VerifyRootOK : G_Verify ); GSendStr( greetPlugins[pluginList[curPlugin]].info->method ); handleVerify(); } void KGVerify::gplugActivity() { Debug( "%s: gplugActivity()\n", pName.data() ); if (func == KGreeterPlugin::Authenticate && ctx == KGreeterPlugin::Login) { isClear = false; if (!timeable) timer.start( FULL_GREET_TO * SECONDS ); } } void KGVerify::gplugMsgBox( TQMessageBox::Icon type, const TQString &text ) { Debug( "%s: gplugMsgBox(%d, %\"s)\n", pName.data(), type, text.latin1() ); MsgBox( type, text ); } bool KGVerify::eventFilter( TQObject *o, TQEvent *e ) { switch (e->type()) { case TQEvent::KeyPress: if (timedLeft) { TQKeyEvent *ke = (TQKeyEvent *)e; if (ke->key() == Key_Return || ke->key() == Key_Enter) { if (deadTicks <= 0) { timedLeft = 0; performAutoLogin(); } return true; } } /* fall through */ case TQEvent::KeyRelease: updateLockStatus(); /* fall through */ default: break; } return inherited::eventFilter( o, e ); } void KGVerify::updateLockStatus() { unsigned int lmask; Window dummy1, dummy2; int dummy3, dummy4, dummy5, dummy6; XQueryPointer( tqt_xdisplay(), DefaultRootWindow( tqt_xdisplay() ), &dummy1, &dummy2, &dummy3, &dummy4, &dummy5, &dummy6, &lmask ); capsLocked = lmask & LockMask; updateStatus(); } void KGVerify::MsgBox( TQMessageBox::Icon typ, const TQString &msg ) { timer.suspend(); FDialog::box( parent, typ, msg ); timer.resume(); } TQVariant // public static KGVerify::getConf( void *, const char *key, const TQVariant &dflt ) { if (!qstrcmp( key, "EchoMode" )) return TQVariant( _echoMode ); else { TQString fkey = TQString::fromLatin1( key ) + '='; for (TQStringList::ConstIterator it = _pluginOptions.begin(); it != _pluginOptions.end(); ++it) if ((*it).startsWith( fkey )) return (*it).mid( fkey.length() ); return dflt; } } TQValueVector KGVerify::greetPlugins; PluginList KGVerify::init( const TQStringList &plugins ) { PluginList pluginList; for (TQStringList::ConstIterator it = plugins.begin(); it != plugins.end(); ++it) { GreeterPluginHandle plugin; TQString path = KLibLoader::self()->findLibrary( ((*it)[0] == '/' ? *it : "kgreet_" + *it ).latin1() ); if (path.isEmpty()) { LogError( "GreeterPlugin %s does not exist\n", (*it).latin1() ); continue; } uint i, np = greetPlugins.count(); for (i = 0; i < np; i++) if (greetPlugins[i].library->fileName() == path) goto next; if (!(plugin.library = KLibLoader::self()->library( path.latin1() ))) { LogError( "Cannot load GreeterPlugin %s (%s)\n", (*it).latin1(), path.latin1() ); continue; } if (!plugin.library->hasSymbol( "kgreeterplugin_info" )) { LogError( "GreeterPlugin %s (%s) is no valid greet widget plugin\n", (*it).latin1(), path.latin1() ); plugin.library->unload(); continue; } plugin.info = (kgreeterplugin_info*)plugin.library->symbol( "kgreeterplugin_info" ); if (!plugin.info->init( TQString::null, getConf, 0 )) { LogError( "GreeterPlugin %s (%s) refuses to serve\n", (*it).latin1(), path.latin1() ); plugin.library->unload(); continue; } Debug( "GreeterPlugin %s (%s) loaded\n", (*it).latin1(), plugin.info->name ); greetPlugins.append( plugin ); next: pluginList.append( i ); } return pluginList; } void KGVerify::done() { for (uint i = 0; i < greetPlugins.count(); i++) { if (greetPlugins[i].info->done) greetPlugins[i].info->done(); greetPlugins[i].library->unload(); } } KGStdVerify::KGStdVerify( KGVerifyHandler *_handler, TQWidget *_parent, TQWidget *_predecessor, const TQString &_fixedUser, const PluginList &_pluginList, KGreeterPlugin::Function _func, KGreeterPlugin::Context _ctx ) : inherited( _handler, 0, _parent, _predecessor, _fixedUser, _pluginList, _func, _ctx ) , failedLabelState( 0 ) { grid = new TQGridLayout; grid->setAlignment( AlignCenter ); failedLabel = new TQLabel( parent ); failedLabel->setFont( _failFont ); grid->addWidget( failedLabel, 1, 0, TQt::AlignCenter ); updateLockStatus(); } KGStdVerify::~KGStdVerify() { grid->removeItem( greet->getLayoutItem() ); } void // public KGStdVerify::selectPlugin( int id ) { inherited::selectPlugin( id ); grid->addItem( greet->getLayoutItem(), 0, 0 ); showWidgets( greet->getLayoutItem() ); } void // private slot KGStdVerify::slotPluginSelected( int id ) { if (failed) return; if (id != curPlugin) { plugMenu->setItemChecked( curPlugin, false ); parent->setUpdatesEnabled( false ); grid->removeItem( greet->getLayoutItem() ); Debug( "delete %s\n", pName.data() ); delete greet; selectPlugin( id ); handler->verifyPluginChanged( id ); if (running) { start(); } parent->setUpdatesEnabled( true ); } } void KGStdVerify::updateStatus() { int nfls; if (!enabled) nfls = 1; else if (failed) nfls = 2; else if (timedLeft) nfls = -timedLeft; else if (!suspended && capsLocked) nfls = 3; else nfls = 1; if (failedLabelState != nfls) { failedLabelState = nfls; if (nfls < 0) { failedLabel->setPaletteForegroundColor( TQt::black ); failedLabel->setText( i18n( "Automatic login in 1 second...", "Automatic login in %n seconds...", timedLeft ) ); } else { switch (nfls) { default: failedLabel->clear(); break; case 3: failedLabel->setPaletteForegroundColor( TQt::red ); failedLabel->setText( i18n("Warning: Caps Lock on") ); break; case 2: failedLabel->setPaletteForegroundColor( TQt::black ); failedLabel->setText( authTok ? i18n("Change failed") : fixedEntity.isEmpty() ? i18n("Login failed") : i18n("Authentication failed") ); break; } } } } KGThemedVerify::KGThemedVerify( KGVerifyHandler *_handler, KdmThemer *_themer, TQWidget *_parent, TQWidget *_predecessor, const TQString &_fixedUser, const PluginList &_pluginList, KGreeterPlugin::Function _func, KGreeterPlugin::Context _ctx ) : inherited( _handler, _themer, _parent, _predecessor, _fixedUser, _pluginList, _func, _ctx ) { updateLockStatus(); } KGThemedVerify::~KGThemedVerify() { } void // public KGThemedVerify::selectPlugin( int id ) { inherited::selectPlugin( id ); TQLayoutItem *l; KdmItem *n; if (themer && (l = greet->getLayoutItem())) { if (!(n = themer->findNode( "talker" ))) MsgBox( errorbox, i18n("Theme not usable with authentication method '%1'.") .arg( i18n(greetPlugins[pluginList[id]].info->name) ) ); else { n->setLayoutItem( l ); showWidgets( l ); } } if (themer) themer->updateGeometry( true ); } void // private slot KGThemedVerify::slotPluginSelected( int id ) { if (failed) return; if (id != curPlugin) { plugMenu->setItemChecked( curPlugin, false ); Debug( "delete %s\n", pName.data() ); delete greet; selectPlugin( id ); handler->verifyPluginChanged( id ); if (running) { start(); } } } void KGThemedVerify::updateStatus() { handler->updateStatus( enabled && failed, enabled && !suspended && capsLocked, timedLeft ); } KGChTok::KGChTok( TQWidget *_parent, const TQString &user, const PluginList &pluginList, int curPlugin, KGreeterPlugin::Function func, KGreeterPlugin::Context ctx ) : inherited( _parent ) , verify( 0 ) { TQSizePolicy fp( TQSizePolicy::Fixed, TQSizePolicy::Fixed ); okButton = new KPushButton( KStdGuiItem::ok(), this ); okButton->setSizePolicy( fp ); okButton->setDefault( true ); cancelButton = new KPushButton( KStdGuiItem::cancel(), this ); cancelButton->setSizePolicy( fp ); verify = new KGStdVerify( this, this, cancelButton, user, pluginList, func, ctx ); verify->selectPlugin( curPlugin ); TQVBoxLayout *box = new TQVBoxLayout( this, 10 ); box->addWidget( new TQLabel( i18n("Changing authentication token"), this ), 0, AlignHCenter ); box->addLayout( verify->getLayout() ); box->addWidget( new KSeparator( KSeparator::HLine, this ) ); TQHBoxLayout *hlay = new TQHBoxLayout( box ); hlay->addStretch( 1 ); hlay->addWidget( okButton ); hlay->addStretch( 1 ); hlay->addWidget( cancelButton ); hlay->addStretch( 1 ); connect( okButton, TQ_SIGNAL(clicked()), TQ_SLOT(accept()) ); connect( cancelButton, TQ_SIGNAL(clicked()), TQ_SLOT(reject()) ); TQTimer::singleShot( 0, verify, TQ_SLOT(start()) ); } KGChTok::~KGChTok() { hide(); delete verify; } void KGChTok::accept() { verify->accept(); } void KGChTok::verifyPluginChanged( int ) { // cannot happen } void KGChTok::verifyOk() { inherited::accept(); } void KGChTok::verifyFailed() { okButton->setEnabled( false ); cancelButton->setEnabled( false ); } void KGChTok::verifyRetry() { okButton->setEnabled( true ); cancelButton->setEnabled( true ); } void KGChTok::verifySetUser( const TQString & ) { // cannot happen } ////// helper class, nuke when qtimer supports suspend()/resume() QXTimer::QXTimer() : inherited( 0 ) , left( -1 ) { connect( &timer, TQ_SIGNAL(timeout()), TQ_SLOT(slotTimeout()) ); } void QXTimer::start( int msec ) { left = msec; timer.start( left, true ); gettimeofday( &stv, 0 ); } void QXTimer::stop() { timer.stop(); left = -1; } void QXTimer::suspend() { if (timer.isActive()) { timer.stop(); struct timeval tv; gettimeofday( &tv, 0 ); left -= (tv.tv_sec - stv.tv_sec) * 1000 + (tv.tv_usec - stv.tv_usec) / 1000; if (left < 0) left = 0; } } void QXTimer::resume() { if (left >= 0 && !timer.isActive()) { timer.start( left, true ); gettimeofday( &stv, 0 ); } } void QXTimer::slotTimeout() { left = 0; emit timeout(); } #include "kgverify.moc"