/* clock module for tdm Copyright (C) 2000 Espen Sand, espen@kde.org Based on work by NN(yet to be determined) flicker free code by Remi Guyomarch <rguyom@mail.dotcom.fr> This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. */ #include "tdmclock.h" //#include <kapplication.h> //#include <tdeconfig.h> #include <tqdatetime.h> #include <tqpixmap.h> #include <tqpainter.h> #include <tqtimer.h> KdmClock::KdmClock( TQWidget *parent, const char *name ) : inherited( parent, name ) { // start timer TQTimer *timer = new TQTimer( this ); connect( timer, TQT_SIGNAL(timeout()), TQT_SLOT(timeout()) ); timer->start( 1000 ); // reading rc file //TDEConfig *config = kapp->config(); //config->setGroup( "Option" ); mDate = false;//config->readNumEntry( "date", FALSE ); mSecond = true;//config->readNumEntry( "second", TRUE ); mDigital = false;//config->readNumEntry( "digital", FALSE ); mBorder = false;//config->readNumEntry( "border", FALSE ); //config->setGroup( "Font" ); mFont.setFamily( TQString::fromLatin1("Utopia")/*config->readEntry( "Family", "Utopia")*/ ); mFont.setPointSize( 51/*config->readNumEntry( "Point Size", 51)*/ ); mFont.setWeight( 75/*config->readNumEntry( "Weight", 75)*/ ); mFont.setItalic( TRUE/*config->readNumEntry( "Italic",TRUE )*/ ); mFont.setBold( TRUE/*config->readNumEntry( "Bold",TRUE )*/ ); setFixedSize( 100, 100 ); if (mBorder) { setLineWidth( 1 ); setFrameStyle( Box|Plain ); //setFrameStyle( WinPanel|Sunken ); } /* if (!mDigital) { if (height() < width()) resize( height(), height() ); else resize( width() ,width() ); } */ //setBackgroundOrigin( WindowOrigin ); mBackgroundBrush = backgroundBrush(); setBackgroundMode( NoBackground ); repaint(); } void KdmClock::showEvent( TQShowEvent * ) { repaint(); } void KdmClock::timeout() { repaint(); } void KdmClock::paintEvent( TQPaintEvent * ) { if (!isVisible()) return; TQPainter p( this ); drawFrame( &p ); TQPixmap pm( contentsRect().size() ); TQPainter paint; paint.begin( &pm ); paint.fillRect( contentsRect(), mBackgroundBrush ); // get current time TQTime time = TQTime::currentTime(); /* if (mDigital) { TQString buf; if (mSecond) buf.sprintf( "%02d:%02d:%02d", time.hour(), time.minute(), time.second() ); else buf.sprintf( "%02d:%02d", time.hour(), time.minute() ); mFont.setPointSize( QMIN( (int)(width()/buf.length()*1.5),height() ) ); paint.setFont( mFont ); paint.setPen( backgroundColor() ); paint.drawText( contentsRect(),AlignHCenter|AlignVCenter, buf,-1,0,0 ); } else { */ TQPointArray pts; TQPoint cp = contentsRect().center() - TQPoint( 2,2 ); int d = QMIN( contentsRect().width()-15,contentsRect().height()-15 ); paint.setPen( foregroundColor() ); paint.setBrush( foregroundColor() ); TQWMatrix matrix; matrix.translate( cp.x(), cp.y() ); matrix.scale( d/1000.0F, d/1000.0F ); // Hour float h_angle = 30*(time.hour()%12-3) + time.minute()/2; matrix.rotate( h_angle ); paint.setWorldMatrix( matrix ); pts.setPoints( 4, -20,0, 0,-20, 300,0, 0,20 ); paint.drawPolygon( pts ); matrix.rotate( -h_angle ); // Minute float m_angle = (time.minute()-15)*6; matrix.rotate( m_angle ); paint.setWorldMatrix( matrix ); pts.setPoints( 4, -10,0, 0,-10, 400,0, 0,10 ); paint.drawPolygon( pts ); matrix.rotate( -m_angle ); // Second float s_angle = (time.second()-15)*6; matrix.rotate( s_angle ); paint.setWorldMatrix( matrix ); pts.setPoints( 4,0,0,0,0,400,0,0,0 ); if (mSecond) paint.drawPolygon( pts ); matrix.rotate( -s_angle ); // quadrante for (int i=0 ; i < 60 ; i++) { paint.setWorldMatrix( matrix ); if ((i % 5) == 0) paint.drawLine( 450,0, 500,0 ); // draw hour lines else paint.drawPoint( 480,0 ); // draw second lines matrix.rotate( 6 ); } // } // if (mDigital) paint.end(); // flicker free code by Remi Guyomarch <rguyom@mail.dotcom.fr> bitBlt( this, contentsRect().topLeft(), &pm ); } #include "tdmclock.moc"