 *  Copyright (C) 2003 by Unai Garro <ugarro@users.sourceforge.net>
 *  Copyright (C) 2004 by Enrico Ros <rosenric@dei.unipd.it>
 *  Copyright (C) 2004 by Stephan Kulow <coolo@kde.org>
 *  Copyright (C) 2004 by Oswald Buddenhagen <ossi@kde.org>
 *  This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
 *  it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
 *  the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
 *  (at your option) any later version.
 *  This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 *  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 *  GNU General Public License for more details.
 *  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
 *  along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
 *  Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301, USA.

#ifndef TDMITEM_H
#define TDMITEM_H

#include <tqobject.h>
#include <tqvaluelist.h>
#include <tqrect.h>
#include <tqdom.h>

class KdmItem;
class KdmLayoutBox;
class KdmLayoutFixed;

class TQPainter;
class TQLayoutItem;

/** class KdmItem
 * @short Base class for every tdmthemes' element.
 * This class provides methods for arranging it and its children to the
 * screen (see note below), painting the whole area or a sub-region using
 * an opened painter, handling mouse events or events in general dispatching
 * them to children and sending some signals to the root (for example on
 * mouse click).
 * KdmItem sits in a hierarchical top to bottom tree with signals that
 * traverse the tree back from leafs (or inner nodes) to the root.
 * To implement a KdmItem only a few virtual protected methods must be
 * reimplemented, other virtual functions are there for convenience only -
 * the default implementation should satisfy your needs.

 * A note on layouting - how does it work?
 *  - setgeometry is called by parent (passing the new geometry)
 *    - item changes its geometry
 *    - if item embeds a widget, reposition it too
 *    - call children's box manager. box->update( my geom )
 *      - sum up the whole space taken by children (via *hint calls) if
 *        needed for box width / height computation. note that the computed
 *        geometry should be equal or similar to parent's geometry.
 *      - pad the rectangle bounding box' contents
 *      - for every child
 *        - if vertical
 *          ( use a top-to-bottom insertion, spacing insertion lines by
 *            children's individual height )
 *          - set up a zero height Parent (placed at the insertion line's
 *            position) and get Geom = child->placementHint( p )
 *          - set up child's Size using Parent's width and Geom's height.
 *          - call to child->setGeometry( Parent.topLeft, Size )
 *        - if horizontal
 *          - flows like the vertical one but uses a left-to-right insertion
 *            and insertion entry points are vertical lines
 *    - call to children's fix manager. fixed->update( my geom )
 *      - for every child
 *          - S = get child's geometry hint (and we'll give item the whole
 *            space it needs, without constraints)
 *          - call to child->setGeometry( S )
 *    - TODO: send a selective redraw signal also merging children's areas

class KdmItem : public TQObject {

	friend class KdmThemer;

	 * Item constructor and destructor
	KdmItem( KdmItem *parent, const TQDomNode &node = TQDomNode(), const char *name = 0 );
	KdmItem( TQWidget *parent, const TQDomNode &node = TQDomNode(), const char *name = 0 ); // for the root

	virtual ~KdmItem();

	 * Fixup the geometry of an item and its children (even if fixed
	 * or boxed ones). Note that this will generate repaint signals
	 * when needed. The default implementation should fit all needs.
	virtual void setGeometry( const TQRect &newGeometry, bool force );

	 * Paint the item and its children using the given painter.
	 * This is the compositing core function. It buffers paint operations
	 * to speed up rendering of dynamic objects.
	void paint( TQPainter *painter, const TQRect &boundaries );

	 * Update representation of contents and repaint.
	virtual void update();

	 * Handle mouse motion and dispatch events to children. This
	 * leads to items prelighting, activation() on click and more..
	void mouseEvent( int x, int y, bool pressed = false, bool released = false );

	 * Similar to sizeHint(..), this returns the area of the item
	 * given the @p parentGeometry. The default implementation
	 * takes into account geometric constraints and layoutings.
	 * @param parentGeometry the geometry of the caller item or a
	 * null rect if the geometry of the parent is not yet defined.
	virtual TQRect placementHint( const TQRect &parentGeometry );

	 * Create the box layout manager; next children will be
	 * managed by the box layouter
	void setBoxLayout( const TQDomNode &node = TQDomNode() );

	 * Create the fixed layout manager; next children will be
	 * in fixed position relative to this item
	void setFixedLayout( const TQDomNode &node = TQDomNode() );

	TQString type() const { return itemType;	}
	void setType( const TQString &t ) { itemType = t; }
	void setBaseDir( const TQString &bd ) { basedir = bd; }

	TQString baseDir() const
		if (basedir.isEmpty() && parent())
			return static_cast<KdmItem *>( parent()->tqt_cast( "KdmItem" ) )->baseDir();
		return basedir;

	KdmItem *findNode( const TQString &id ) const;
	KdmItem *findNodeByType( const TQString &type ) const;
	virtual void setWidget( TQWidget *widget );
	TQWidget *widget() const { return myWidget; }
	virtual void setLayoutItem( TQLayoutItem *item );

	virtual void hide( bool force = false );
	virtual void show( bool force = false );

	bool isHidden() const { return isShown != Shown; }
	bool isExplicitlyHidden() const { return isShown == ExplicitlyHidden; }
	TQRect rect() const { return area; }

	TQWidget *parentWidget() const;
	TQString getId() const { return id; }

	void needUpdate( int x, int y, int w, int h );
	void activated( const TQString &id );

protected slots:
	void widgetGone();
	void layoutItemGone();

	 * Returns the optimal/minimal size for this item.
	 * This should be reimplemented in items like label and pixmap.
	 * @return (-1,-1) if no size can be determined (so it should
	 * default to parent's size).
	virtual TQSize sizeHint();

	 * Low level graphical function to paint the item.
	 * All items must reimplement this function to draw themeselves
	 * (or a part of) into the @p image keeping inside the @p rect .
	 * Try to do this as fast as possible.
	 * @param painter the painter to draw the item with
	 * @param region the part of the the image to render
	virtual void drawContents( TQPainter *painter, const TQRect &region ) = 0;

	 * Called when item changes its 'state' variable. This must
	 * handle item's repaint.
	virtual void statusChanged();

	 * emits needUpdate( int, int, int, int ) with the full widget area.
	void needUpdate();

	// This enum identifies in which state the item is
	enum ItemState { Snormal, Sactive, Sprelight } state;

	static KdmItem *currentActive;

	// This struct can be filled in by derived items
	struct {
		bool incrementalPaint;
	} properties;

	// This is the placement of the item
	TQRect area;

	// This struct is filled in by KdmItem base class
	enum DataType { DTnone, DTpixel, DTnpixel, DTpercent, DTbox };
	struct {
		enum DataType xType, yType, wType, hType;
		int x;
		int y;
		int width;
		int height;
		TQString anchor;
	} pos;

	/* For internal use ONLY
	 * Add a child item. This function is called automatically
	 * when constructing an @p item with this as the parent.
	void addChildItem( KdmItem *item );

	/* For internal use ONLY
	 * Parse type and value of an attribute (pos tag), a font or a
	 * color.
	void parseAttribute( const TQString &, int &, enum DataType & );
	void parseFont( const TQString &, TQFont & );
	void parseColor( const TQString &, TQColor & );

	void inheritFromButton( KdmItem *button );
	void init( const TQDomNode &node = TQDomNode(), const char *name = 0 );

	TQString itemType, id;
	TQValueList<KdmItem *> m_children;

	int m_backgroundModifier;

	// Layouting related variables
	enum { MNone = 0, MFixed = 1, MBox = 2 } currentManager;
	KdmLayoutBox *boxManager;
	KdmLayoutFixed *fixedManager;

	// Compositing related variables
	TQImage *image;

	// defines the directory the theme is in (may be present in the parent)
	TQString basedir;

	TQWidget *myWidget;
	TQLayoutItem *myLayoutItem;

	enum { InitialHidden, ExplicitlyHidden, Shown } isShown;

	KdmItem *buttonParent;
