/* * Copyright (C) 2003 by Unai Garro <ugarro@users.sourceforge.net> * Copyright (C) 2004 by Enrico Ros <rosenric@dei.unipd.it> * Copyright (C) 2004 by Stephan Kulow <coolo@kde.org> * Copyright (C) 2004 by Oswald Buddenhagen <ossi@kde.org> * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. */ #include "tdmthemer.h" #include "tdmitem.h" #include "tdmpixmap.h" #include "tdmrect.h" #include "tdmlabel.h" #include <tdmconfig.h> #include <kfdialog.h> #include <kiconloader.h> #include <kimageeffect.h> #include <tdelocale.h> #include <ksimpleconfig.h> #include <kdebug.h> #include <tqfile.h> #include <tqfileinfo.h> #include <tqtimer.h> // animation timer - TODO #include <tqobjectlist.h> #include <tqpainter.h> #include <tqwidget.h> #include <tqregion.h> #include <tqlineedit.h> #include <tqapplication.h> #include <unistd.h> extern bool argb_visual_available; /* * KdmThemer. The main theming interface */ KdmThemer::KdmThemer( const TQString &_filename, const TQString &mode, TQWidget *parent ) : TQObject( parent ) , rootItem( 0 ) , backBuffer( 0 ) { // Set the mode we're working in m_currentMode = mode; // read the XML file and create DOM tree TQString filename = _filename; if (!::access( TQFile::encodeName( filename + "/GdmGreeterTheme.desktop" ), R_OK )) { KSimpleConfig cfg( filename + "/GdmGreeterTheme.desktop" ); cfg.setGroup( "GdmGreeterTheme" ); filename += '/' + cfg.readEntry( "Greeter" ); } TQFile opmlFile( filename ); if (!opmlFile.open( IO_ReadOnly )) { FDialog::box( widget(), errorbox, i18n( "Cannot open theme file %1" ).arg(filename) ); return; } if (!domTree.setContent( &opmlFile )) { FDialog::box( widget(), errorbox, i18n( "Cannot parse theme file %1" ).arg(filename) ); return; } // Set the root (screen) item rootItem = new KdmRect( parent, TQDomNode(), "tdm root" ); connect( rootItem, TQT_SIGNAL(needUpdate( int, int, int, int )), widget(), TQT_SLOT(update( int, int, int, int )) ); rootItem->setBaseDir( TQFileInfo( filename ).dirPath( true ) ); // generate all the items defined in the theme generateItems( rootItem ); connect( rootItem, TQT_SIGNAL(activated( const TQString & )), TQT_SIGNAL(activated( const TQString & )) ); connect( rootItem, TQT_SIGNAL(activated( const TQString & )), TQT_SLOT(slotActivated( const TQString & )) ); TQTimer::singleShot(800, this, TQT_SLOT(slotPaintRoot())); /* *TODO* // Animation timer TQTimer *time = new TQTimer( this ); time->start( 500 ); connect( time, TQT_SIGNAL(timeout()), TQT_SLOT(update()) ) */ } KdmThemer::~KdmThemer() { delete rootItem; delete backBuffer; } inline TQWidget * KdmThemer::widget() { return static_cast<TQWidget *>(parent()); } KdmItem * KdmThemer::findNode( const TQString &item ) const { return rootItem->findNode( item ); } KdmItem * KdmThemer::findNodeByType( const TQString &item ) const { return rootItem->findNodeByType( item ); } void KdmThemer::updateGeometry( bool force ) { rootItem->setGeometry( TQRect( TQPoint(), widget()->size() ), force ); } // BEGIN other functions void KdmThemer::widgetEvent( TQEvent *e ) { if (!rootItem) return; switch (e->type()) { case TQEvent::MouseMove: { TQMouseEvent *me = TQT_TQMOUSEEVENT(e); rootItem->mouseEvent( me->x(), me->y() ); } break; case TQEvent::MouseButtonPress: { TQMouseEvent *me = TQT_TQMOUSEEVENT(e); rootItem->mouseEvent( me->x(), me->y(), true ); } break; case TQEvent::MouseButtonRelease: { TQMouseEvent *me = TQT_TQMOUSEEVENT(e); rootItem->mouseEvent( me->x(), me->y(), false, true ); } break; case TQEvent::Show: rootItem->show(); break; case TQEvent::Resize: updateGeometry( false ); showStructure( rootItem ); break; case TQEvent::Paint: { TQRect paintRect = TQT_TQPAINTEVENT(e)->rect(); kdDebug() << timestamp() << " paint on: " << paintRect << endl; if (!argb_visual_available) { // Software blend only (no compositing support) if (!backBuffer) { backBuffer = new TQPixmap( widget()->size() ); } if (backBuffer->size() != widget()->size()) { backBuffer->resize( widget()->size() ); } TQPainter p; p.begin( backBuffer ); rootItem->paint( &p, paintRect ); p.end(); bitBlt( widget(), paintRect.topLeft(), backBuffer, paintRect ); } else { // We have compositing support! if (!backBuffer) { backBuffer = new TQPixmap( widget()->size(), 32 ); } if (backBuffer->size() != widget()->size()) { backBuffer->resize( widget()->size() ); } TQRgb blend_color = tqRgba(0, 0, 0, 0); // RGBA float alpha = tqAlpha(blend_color) / 255.; int pixel = tqAlpha(blend_color) << 24 | int(tqRed(blend_color) * alpha) << 16 | int(tqGreen(blend_color) * alpha) << 8 | int(tqBlue(blend_color) * alpha); TQPainter p; p.begin( backBuffer ); p.fillRect( paintRect, TQColor(blend_color, pixel) ); rootItem->paint( &p, paintRect ); p.end(); bitBlt( widget(), paintRect.topLeft(), backBuffer, paintRect ); } } break; default: break; } } /* void KdmThemer::pixmap( const TQRect &r, TQPixmap *px ) { bitBlt( px, TQPoint( 0, 0 ), widget(), r ); } */ void KdmThemer::generateItems( KdmItem *parent, const TQDomNode &node ) { if (!parent) return; TQDomNodeList subnodeList; //List of subnodes of this node /* * Get the child nodes */ if (node.isNull()) { // It's the first node, get its child nodes TQDomElement theme = domTree.documentElement(); // Get its tag, and check it's correct ("greeter") if (theme.tagName() != "greeter") { kdDebug() << timestamp() << " This does not seem to be a correct theme file." << endl; return; } // Get the list of child nodes subnodeList = theme.childNodes(); } else subnodeList = node.childNodes(); /* * Go through each of the child nodes */ for (uint nod = 0; nod < subnodeList.count(); nod++) { TQDomNode subnode = subnodeList.item( nod ); TQDomElement el = subnode.toElement(); TQString tagName = el.tagName(); if (tagName == "item") { if (!willDisplay( subnode )) { continue; } TQString id = el.attribute("id"); if (id.startsWith("plugin-specific-")) { id = id.mid(strlen("plugin-specific-")); if (!_pluginsLogin.contains(id)) { continue; } } // It's a new item. Draw it TQString type = el.attribute( "type" ); KdmItem *newItem = 0; if (type == "label") { newItem = new KdmLabel( parent, subnode ); } else if (type == "pixmap") { newItem = new KdmPixmap( parent, subnode ); } else if (type == "rect") { newItem = new KdmRect( parent, subnode ); } else if (type == "entry" || type == "list") { newItem = new KdmRect( parent, subnode ); newItem->setType( type ); } // newItem = new KdmEntry( parent, subnode ); else if (type == "svg") { newItem = new KdmPixmap( parent, subnode ); } if (newItem) { generateItems( newItem, subnode ); if (el.attribute( "button", "false" ) == "true") { newItem->inheritFromButton( newItem ); } } } else if (tagName == "box") { if (!willDisplay( subnode )) { continue; } // It's a new box. Draw it parent->setBoxLayout( subnode ); generateItems( parent, subnode ); } else if (tagName == "fixed") { if (!willDisplay( subnode )) { continue; } // It's a new box. Draw it parent->setFixedLayout( subnode ); generateItems( parent, subnode ); } } } bool KdmThemer::willDisplay( const TQDomNode &node ) { TQDomNode showNode = node.namedItem( "show" ); // No "show" node means this item can be displayed at all times if (showNode.isNull()) return true; TQDomElement el = showNode.toElement(); TQString modes = el.attribute( "modes" ); if (!modes.isNull()) { TQStringList modeList = TQStringList::split( ",", modes ); // If current mode isn't in this list, do not display item if (modeList.find( m_currentMode ) == modeList.end()) return false; } TQString type = el.attribute( "type" ); if (type == "config" || type == "suspend") return false; // not implemented (yet) if (type == "timed") return _autoLoginDelay != 0; if (type == "chooser") #ifdef XDMCP return _loginMode != LOGIN_LOCAL_ONLY; #else return false; #endif if (type == "halt" || type == "reboot") return _allowShutdown != SHUT_NONE; else if (type == "userlist") return _userList; else if ( type == "!userlist" ) return !_userList; // if (type == "system") // return true; // All tests passed, item will be displayed return true; } void KdmThemer::showStructure( TQObject *obj ) { const TQObjectList wlist = obj->childrenListObject(); static int counter = 0; if (counter == 0) { kdDebug() << timestamp() << " \n\n<======= Widget tree =================" << endl; } if (!wlist.isEmpty()) { counter++; TQObjectListIterator it( wlist ); TQObject *object; while ((object = it.current()) != 0) { ++it; TQString node; for (int i = 1; i < counter; i++) node += "-"; if (object->inherits( "KdmItem" )) { KdmItem *widget = (KdmItem *)object; kdDebug() << node << "|" << widget->type() << " me=" << widget->id << " " << widget->area << endl; } showStructure( object ); } counter--; } if (counter == 0) { kdDebug() << timestamp() << " \n\n<======= Widget tree =================\n\n" << endl; } } void KdmThemer::slotActivated( const TQString &id ) { TQString toactivate; if (id == "username-label") { toactivate = "user-entry"; } else if (id == "password-label") { toactivate = "pw-entry"; } else { return; } KdmItem *item = findNode(toactivate); if (!item || !item->widget()) { return; } item->widget()->setFocus(); TQLineEdit *le = (TQLineEdit*)item->widget()->tqt_cast(TQLINEEDIT_OBJECT_NAME_STRING); if (le) { le->selectAll(); } } void KdmThemer::slotPaintRoot() { KdmItem *back_item = findNode("background"); TQRect screen = TQApplication::desktop()->screenGeometry(0); TQPixmap pm(screen.size()); if (back_item) { TQPainter painter( &pm, true ); back_item->paint( &painter, back_item->rect()); painter.end(); } else return; TQT_TQWIDGET(TQApplication::desktop()->screen())->setErasePixmap(pm); TQT_TQWIDGET(TQApplication::desktop()->screen())->erase(); } #include "tdmthemer.moc"