# This file is put in the public domain.
# Alexander Golubev <fatzer2@gmail.com>, 2021, 2022.
msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: PACKAGE VERSION\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2021-07-07 18:17+0000\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2022-02-27 19:02+0000\n"
"Last-Translator: Alexander Golubev <fatzer2@gmail.com>\n"
"Language-Team: Russian <https://mirror.git.trinitydesktop.org/weblate/"
"Language: ru\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
"Plural-Forms: nplurals=3; plural=n%10==1 && n%100!=11 ? 0 : n%10>=2 && n"
"%10<=4 && (n%100<10 || n%100>=20) ? 1 : 2;\n"
"X-Generator: Weblate 4.11\n"

#. Name
#: access/kaccess.desktop:3
msgid "Accessibility Tool"
msgstr "Специальные возможности"

#. Name
#: access/kcmaccess.desktop:12
msgid "Accessibility"
msgstr "Специальные возможности"

#. Comment
#: access/kcmaccess.desktop:14
msgid "Improve accessibility for disabled persons"
msgstr "Специальные возможности для людей с физическими недостатками"

#. Keywords
#: access/kcmaccess.desktop:16
msgid ""
"access;accessibility;deaf;impaired;bell;audible bell;visible bell;Keyboard;"
"keys;sticky keys;bounce keys;slow keys;mouse navigation;num pad;"
msgstr ""
"access;accessibility;deaf;impaired;bell;audible bell;visible bell;Keyboard;"
"keys;sticky keys;bounce keys;slow keys;mouse navigation;num pad;залипающие "
"клавиши;специальные возможности;клавиши;"

#. Name
#: arts/arts.desktop:12
msgid "Sound System"
msgstr "Звуковая система"

#. Comment
#: arts/arts.desktop:14
msgid "Sound System Configuration"
msgstr "Настройка звуковой системы"

#. Keywords
#: arts/arts.desktop:16
msgid ""
"aRts;Sound Server;artsd;Audio;Sound;startup;network transparency;"
"transparency;priority;duplex;full duplex;response time;Mixer;Volume;KMix;Mix;"
msgstr ""
"aRts;Sound Server;artsd;Audio;Sound;startup;network transparency;"
"transparency;priority;duplex;full duplex;response time;Mixer;Volume;KMix;Mix;"
"login;MIDI;synthesizer;music;звук;звуковой сервер;дуплекс;музыка;"

#. Name
#: background/background.desktop:12
msgid "Background"
msgstr "Фон"

#. Comment
#: background/background.desktop:14
msgid "Change the background settings"
msgstr "Настройка фона рабочего стола"

#. Keywords
#: background/background.desktop:16
msgid ""
"multiple wallpapers;pixmap;"
msgstr ""
"multiple wallpapers;pixmap;фон;изображение;обои;рабочий стол;"

#. Name
#: bell/bell.desktop:13
msgid "System Bell"
msgstr "Системный звуковой сигнал"

#. Comment
#: bell/bell.desktop:15
msgid "System Bell Configuration"
msgstr "Настройка системного звукового сигнала"

#. Keywords
#: bell/bell.desktop:17
msgid "Bell;Audio;Sound;Volume;Pitch;Duration;"
msgstr ""

#. Name
#: clock/clock.desktop:13
msgid "Date & Time"
msgstr "Дата и время"

#. Comment
#: clock/clock.desktop:15
msgid "Date and time settings"
msgstr "Настройка даты и времени"

#. Keywords
#: clock/clock.desktop:17
msgid "clock;date;time;time zone;"
msgstr "clock;date;time;time zone;часы;дата;время;временная зона;"

#. Name
#: colors/colors.desktop:12
msgid "Colors"
msgstr "Цвета"

#. Comment
#: colors/colors.desktop:14
msgid "Color settings"
msgstr "Настройка цветов"

#. Keywords
#: colors/colors.desktop:16
msgid "colors;colours;scheme;contrast;Widget colors;Color Scheme;"
msgstr ""
"colors;colours;scheme;contrast;Widget colors;Color "
"Scheme;цвета;схема;тема;контраст;цвет виджетов;цветовая схема;"

#. Name
#: componentchooser/EXAMPLE.desktop:1
msgid "A nice name you have chosen for your interface"
msgstr "имя, которое вы выбрали для своего интерфейса"

#. Comment
#: componentchooser/EXAMPLE.desktop:2
msgid "A helpful description of the interface for the top right info box"
msgstr "Полезное описание интерфейса в верхнем правом информационном окне"

#. Name
#: componentchooser/componentchooser.desktop:10
msgid "Default Applications"
msgstr "Приложения по умолчанию"

#. Comment
#: componentchooser/componentchooser.desktop:12
msgid "Choose the default components for various services"
msgstr "Выбор программ для основных задач"

#. Keywords
#: componentchooser/componentchooser.desktop:14
msgid ""
"default applications;components;component chooser;resources;e-mail;email "
"client;text editor;instant messenger;terminal emulator;web browser;file "
msgstr ""
"default applications;components;component chooser;resources;e-mail;email "
"client;text editor;instant messenger;terminal emulator;web browser;URL;"
"hyperlinks;приложения по умолчанию;компоненты;ресурсы;электронная почта;"
"контакт электронной почты;текстовый редактор;обмен мгновенными сообщениями;"
"эмулятор терминала;Файловый менеджер;веб-браузер;гиперссылка;"

#. Name
#: componentchooser/componentservices/kcm_browser.desktop:1
msgid "Web Browser"
msgstr "Браузер"

#. Comment
#: componentchooser/componentservices/kcm_browser.desktop:3
msgid ""
"Here you can configure your default web browser. All TDE applications in "
"which you can select hyperlinks should honor this setting."
msgstr ""
"Здесь можно настроить веб-браузер по умолчанию. Все приложения TDE, в "
"которых можно вызвать гиперссылку, будут использовать этот параметр."

#. Name
#: componentchooser/componentservices/kcm_filemanager.desktop:1
#: konq/filebrowser.desktop:12
msgid "File Manager"
msgstr "Файловый менеджер"

#. Comment
#: componentchooser/componentservices/kcm_filemanager.desktop:3
msgid ""
"This service allows you to configure your default file manager. All TDE "
"applications which invoke a file manager application should honor this "
msgstr ""
"Эта служба позволяет настроить Файловый менеджер по умолчанию. Все "
"приложения TDE, которые вызывают Файловый менеджер, должны следовать этому "

#. Name
#: componentchooser/componentservices/kcm_kemail.desktop:1
msgid "Email Client"
msgstr "Клиент электр. почты"

#. Comment
#: componentchooser/componentservices/kcm_kemail.desktop:3
msgid ""
"This service allows you to configure your default email client. All TDE "
"applications which need access to an email client application should honor "
"this setting."
msgstr ""
"Эта служба позволяет вам настроить почтовый клиент по умолчанию. Все "
"приложения TDE, которым нужен почтовый клиент, будут использовать этот "

#. Name
#: componentchooser/componentservices/kcm_terminal.desktop:1
msgid "Terminal Emulator"
msgstr "Эмулятор терминала"

#. Comment
#: componentchooser/componentservices/kcm_terminal.desktop:3
msgid ""
"This service allows you to configure your default terminal emulator. All TDE "
"applications which invoke a terminal emulator application should honor this "
msgstr ""
"Эта служба позволяет настроить эмулятор терминала по умолчанию. Все "
"приложения TDE, которые вызывают эмулятор терминала, должны следовать этому "

#. Name
#: crypto/crypto.desktop:10
msgid "Crypto"
msgstr "Криптография"

#. Comment
#: crypto/crypto.desktop:12
msgid "Configure SSL, manage certificates, and other cryptography settings"
msgstr ""
"Настройка SSL, управление сертификатами и другими параметрами шифрования"

#. Keywords
#: crypto/crypto.desktop:14
msgid ""
msgstr ""

#. Name
#: css/kcmcss.desktop:12
msgid "Stylesheets"
msgstr "Стили CSS"

#. Comment
#: css/kcmcss.desktop:14
msgid "Configure the stylesheets used to render web pages"
msgstr "Настройка стилей CSS, используемых при показа веб-страниц"

#. Keywords
#: css/kcmcss.desktop:16
msgid "CSS;HTML;style;stylesheet;accessibility;"
msgstr ""
"CSS;HTML;style;stylesheet;accessibility;стиль;таблица стилей;особые "

#. Name
#: display/display.desktop:11
msgid "Display"
msgstr "Дисплей"

#. Comment
#: display/display.desktop:13
msgid "Display Settings"
msgstr "Настройка дисплея"

#. Name
#: displayconfig/displayconfig.desktop:12
msgid "Monitor & Display"
msgstr "Монитор & Экран"

#. Comment
#: displayconfig/displayconfig.desktop:14
msgid "Configure display"
msgstr "Конфигурация экрана"

#. Keywords
#: displayconfig/displayconfig.desktop:16
msgid "monitor;resolution;display;"
msgstr ""

#. Name
#: dnssd/kcm_tdednssd.desktop:18
msgid "Zeroconf Service Discovery"
msgstr "Обнаружение служб"

#. Comment
#: dnssd/kcm_tdednssd.desktop:20
msgid "Configure service discovery"
msgstr "Настройка обнаружения сервисов"

#. Name
#: ebrowsing/ebrowsing.desktop:12
msgid "Web Shortcuts"
msgstr "Веб-сокращения"

#. Comment
#: ebrowsing/ebrowsing.desktop:14
msgid "Configure enhanced browsing"
msgstr "Сокращения, используемые при просмотре Веб"

#. Keywords
#: ebrowsing/ebrowsing.desktop:16
msgid ""
"Enhanced Browsing;Browsing;WWW;Internet;Internet Keywords;Internet Filters;"
"Network;Search Engines;Shortcuts;"
msgstr ""

#. Name
#: ebrowsing/plugins/ikws/kuriikwsfilter.desktop:3
msgid "InternetKeywordsFilter"
msgstr "Фильтр ключевых слов Интернет"

#. Name
#: ebrowsing/plugins/ikws/kurisearchfilter.desktop:3
msgid "SearchKeywordsFilter"
msgstr "Фильтр ключевых слов поиска"

#. Comment
#: ebrowsing/plugins/ikws/searchprovider.desktop:4
msgid "Search Engine"
msgstr "Поисковая машина"

#. Name
#: ebrowsing/plugins/ikws/searchproviders/acronym.desktop:3
msgid "Acronym Database"
msgstr "База данных акронимов"

#. Query
#: ebrowsing/plugins/ikws/searchproviders/acronym.desktop:6
msgid "http://www.chemie.de/tools/acronym.php3?language=e&acronym=\\{@}"
msgstr ""

#. Name
#: ebrowsing/plugins/ikws/searchproviders/alexa.desktop:3
msgid "Alexa"
msgstr ""

#. Query
#: ebrowsing/plugins/ikws/searchproviders/alexa.desktop:6
#, fuzzy
msgid "http://info.alexa.com/search?q=\\{@}"
msgstr "http://images.google.com/images?q=\\{@}&hl=ru&ie=UTF-8&oe=UTF-8"

#. Name
#: ebrowsing/plugins/ikws/searchproviders/alexa_url.desktop:3
msgid "Alexa URL"
msgstr ""

#. Query
#: ebrowsing/plugins/ikws/searchproviders/alexa_url.desktop:6
#, fuzzy
msgid "http://info.alexa.com/data/details?url=\\{@}"
msgstr "http://images.google.com/images?q=\\{@}&hl=ru&ie=UTF-8&oe=UTF-8"

#. Name
#: ebrowsing/plugins/ikws/searchproviders/alltheweb.desktop:3
msgid "AllTheWeb fast"
msgstr ""

#. Query
#: ebrowsing/plugins/ikws/searchproviders/alltheweb.desktop:6
msgid ""
msgstr ""

#. Name
#: ebrowsing/plugins/ikws/searchproviders/altavista.desktop:3
msgid "AltaVista"
msgstr ""

#. Query
#: ebrowsing/plugins/ikws/searchproviders/altavista.desktop:6
msgid "http://www.altavista.com/cgi-bin/query?pg=q&kl=XX&stype=stext&q=\\{@}"
msgstr ""

#. Name
#: ebrowsing/plugins/ikws/searchproviders/amg.desktop:4
msgid "All Music Guide"
msgstr ""

#. Query
#: ebrowsing/plugins/ikws/searchproviders/amg.desktop:5
msgid "http://www.allmusic.com/cg/amg.dll?p=amg&opt1=1&sql=\\{@}"
msgstr ""

#. Name
#: ebrowsing/plugins/ikws/searchproviders/appsy.desktop:3
msgid "KDE App Search"
msgstr "Поиск приложений"

#. Query
#: ebrowsing/plugins/ikws/searchproviders/appsy.desktop:6
msgid "http://www.kde-apps.org/content/search.php?search=Search&name=\\{@}"
msgstr ""

#. Name
#: ebrowsing/plugins/ikws/searchproviders/austronaut.desktop:3
msgid "AustroNaut"
msgstr ""

#. Query
#: ebrowsing/plugins/ikws/searchproviders/austronaut.desktop:6
msgid "http://austronaut.at/page.php?begriff=\\{@}&wo=at"
msgstr ""

#. Name
#: ebrowsing/plugins/ikws/searchproviders/backports.desktop:3
msgid "Debian Backports Search"
msgstr "Поиск портов Debian"

#. Query
#: ebrowsing/plugins/ikws/searchproviders/backports.desktop:4
msgid "http://www.backports.org/package.php?search=\\{@}"
msgstr ""

#. Name
#: ebrowsing/plugins/ikws/searchproviders/bugft.desktop:3
msgid "KDE Bug Database Fulltext Search"
msgstr "Полнотекстовый поиск ошибок в базе KDE"

#. Query
#: ebrowsing/plugins/ikws/searchproviders/bugft.desktop:4
msgid ""
msgstr ""

#. Name
#: ebrowsing/plugins/ikws/searchproviders/bugno.desktop:3
msgid "TDE Bug Database Bug Number Search"
msgstr "Поиск по номеру в базе ошибок TDE"

#. Query
#: ebrowsing/plugins/ikws/searchproviders/bugno.desktop:4
msgid "http://bugs.trinitydesktop.org/show_bug.cgi?id=\\{@}"
msgstr ""

#. Name
#: ebrowsing/plugins/ikws/searchproviders/call.desktop:5
msgid "QRZ.com Callsign Database"
msgstr "База позывных QRZ.com"

#. Query
#: ebrowsing/plugins/ikws/searchproviders/call.desktop:6
msgid "http://www.qrz.com/database?callsign=\\{@}"
msgstr ""

#. Name
#: ebrowsing/plugins/ikws/searchproviders/cia.desktop:4
msgid "CIA World Factbook"
msgstr "Всемирная книга фактов (ЦРУ)"

#. Query
#: ebrowsing/plugins/ikws/searchproviders/cia.desktop:5
#, c-format
msgid ""
msgstr ""

#. Name
#: ebrowsing/plugins/ikws/searchproviders/citeseer.desktop:5
msgid "CiteSeer: Scientific Literature Digital Library"
msgstr "CiteSeer: цифровая библиотека научной литературы"

#. Query
#: ebrowsing/plugins/ikws/searchproviders/citeseer.desktop:6
msgid "http://citeseer.ist.psu.edu/cs?q=\\{@}&submit=Search+Documents&cs=1"
msgstr ""

#. Name
#: ebrowsing/plugins/ikws/searchproviders/cpan.desktop:3
msgid "CPAN - Comprehensive Perl Archive Network"
msgstr "CPAN - архив скриптов Perl"

#. Query
#: ebrowsing/plugins/ikws/searchproviders/cpan.desktop:4
msgid ""
msgstr ""

#. Name
#: ebrowsing/plugins/ikws/searchproviders/ctan.desktop:3
msgid "CTAN - Comprehensive TeX Archive Network"
msgstr "CTAN - архив TeX"

#. Query
#: ebrowsing/plugins/ikws/searchproviders/ctan.desktop:4
msgid ""
"\\{ at }"
msgstr ""

#. Name
#: ebrowsing/plugins/ikws/searchproviders/ctan_cat.desktop:3
msgid "CTAN Catalog"
msgstr "Каталог CTAN"

#. Query
#: ebrowsing/plugins/ikws/searchproviders/ctan_cat.desktop:4
msgid ""
msgstr ""

#. Name
#: ebrowsing/plugins/ikws/searchproviders/dbug.desktop:3
msgid "Debian BTS Bug Search"
msgstr "Поиск в системе учёта ошибок Debian"

#. Query
#: ebrowsing/plugins/ikws/searchproviders/dbug.desktop:4
msgid "http://bugs.debian.org/\\{@}"
msgstr ""

#. Name
#: ebrowsing/plugins/ikws/searchproviders/de2en.desktop:5
msgid "dict.cc Translation: German to English"
msgstr "Переводчик dictcc.com: немецко-английский"

#. Query
#: ebrowsing/plugins/ikws/searchproviders/de2en.desktop:6
#: ebrowsing/plugins/ikws/searchproviders/en2de.desktop:6
msgid "http://www.dict.cc/?s=\\{@}"
msgstr ""

#. Name
#: ebrowsing/plugins/ikws/searchproviders/de2fr.desktop:3
msgid "LEO - Translate Between German and French"
msgstr "LEO - немецко-французский перевод"

#. Query
#: ebrowsing/plugins/ikws/searchproviders/de2fr.desktop:6
#: ebrowsing/plugins/ikws/searchproviders/fr2de.desktop:6
msgid "http://dict.leo.org/?lp=frde&search=\\{@}"
msgstr ""

#. Name
#: ebrowsing/plugins/ikws/searchproviders/deb.desktop:3
msgid "Debian Package Search"
msgstr "Поиск пакетов Debian"

#. Query
#: ebrowsing/plugins/ikws/searchproviders/deb.desktop:4
msgid "http://packages.debian.org/\\{@}"
msgstr ""

#. Name
#: ebrowsing/plugins/ikws/searchproviders/dmoz.desktop:3
msgid "Open Directory"
msgstr "Открытый каталог"

#. Query
#: ebrowsing/plugins/ikws/searchproviders/dmoz.desktop:6
msgid "http://search.dmoz.org/cgi-bin/search?search=\\{@}"
msgstr ""

#. Name
#: ebrowsing/plugins/ikws/searchproviders/docbook.desktop:5
msgid "DocBook - The Definitive Guide"
msgstr "DocBook - полное руководство"

#. Query
#: ebrowsing/plugins/ikws/searchproviders/docbook.desktop:6
msgid "http://www.docbook.org/tdg/en/html/\\{1}.html"
msgstr ""

#. Name
#: ebrowsing/plugins/ikws/searchproviders/doi.desktop:5
msgid "Digital Object Identifier"
msgstr "Идентификатор цифровых объектов"

#. Query
#: ebrowsing/plugins/ikws/searchproviders/doi.desktop:6
msgid "http://dx.doi.org/\\{@}"
msgstr ""

#. Name
#: ebrowsing/plugins/ikws/searchproviders/en2de.desktop:5
msgid "dict.cc Translation: English to German"
msgstr "Переводчик dict.cc: англо-немецкий"

#. Name
#: ebrowsing/plugins/ikws/searchproviders/en2es.desktop:5
msgid "WordReference.com Translation: English to Spanish"
msgstr "Переводчик WordReference.com: англо-испанский"

#. Query
#: ebrowsing/plugins/ikws/searchproviders/en2es.desktop:6
msgid "http://www.wordreference.com/es/translation.asp?tranword=\\{@}"
msgstr ""

#. Name
#: ebrowsing/plugins/ikws/searchproviders/en2fr.desktop:5
msgid "WordReference.com Translation: English to French"
msgstr "Переводчик WordReference.com: англо-французский"

#. Query
#: ebrowsing/plugins/ikws/searchproviders/en2fr.desktop:6
msgid "http://www.wordreference.com/fr/Translation.asp?enfr=\\{@}"
msgstr ""

#. Name
#: ebrowsing/plugins/ikws/searchproviders/en2it.desktop:5
msgid "WordReference.com Translation: English to Italian"
msgstr "Переводчик WordReference.com: англо-итальянский"

#. Query
#: ebrowsing/plugins/ikws/searchproviders/en2it.desktop:6
msgid "http://www.wordreference.com/it/translation.asp?enit=\\{@}"
msgstr ""

#. Name
#: ebrowsing/plugins/ikws/searchproviders/es2en.desktop:5
msgid "WordReference.com Translation: Spanish to English"
msgstr "Переводчик WordReference.com: испанско-английский"

#. Query
#: ebrowsing/plugins/ikws/searchproviders/es2en.desktop:6
msgid "http://www.wordreference.com/es/en/translation.asp?spen=\\{@}"
msgstr ""

#. Name
#: ebrowsing/plugins/ikws/searchproviders/excite.desktop:3
msgid "Excite"
msgstr ""

#. Query
#: ebrowsing/plugins/ikws/searchproviders/excite.desktop:6
msgid "http://search.excite.com/search.gw?search=\\{@}"
msgstr ""

#. Name
#: ebrowsing/plugins/ikws/searchproviders/feedster.desktop:3
msgid "Feedster"
msgstr ""

#. Query
#: ebrowsing/plugins/ikws/searchproviders/feedster.desktop:6
msgid "http://www.feedster.com/search.php?q=\\{@}&ie=UTF-8&oe=UTF-8"
msgstr ""

#. Name
#: ebrowsing/plugins/ikws/searchproviders/foldoc.desktop:3
msgid "Free On-Line Dictionary of Computing"
msgstr "Свободный онлайн-словарь по информатике"

#. Query
#: ebrowsing/plugins/ikws/searchproviders/foldoc.desktop:6
msgid "http://foldoc.doc.ic.ac.uk/foldoc/foldoc.cgi?query=\\{@}"
msgstr ""

#. Name
#: ebrowsing/plugins/ikws/searchproviders/fr2de.desktop:3
msgid "LEO - Translate Between French and German"
msgstr "LEO - французско-немецкий перевод"

#. Name
#: ebrowsing/plugins/ikws/searchproviders/fr2en.desktop:5
msgid "WordReference.com Translation: French to English"
msgstr "Переводчик WordReference.com: французско-английский"

#. Query
#: ebrowsing/plugins/ikws/searchproviders/fr2en.desktop:6
msgid "http://www.wordreference.com/fr/en/translation.asp?fren=\\{@}"
msgstr ""

#. Name
#: ebrowsing/plugins/ikws/searchproviders/freedb.desktop:3
msgid "FreeDB"
msgstr ""

#. Query
#: ebrowsing/plugins/ikws/searchproviders/freedb.desktop:6
msgid "http://www.freedb.org/freedb_search.php?words=\\{@}"
msgstr ""

#. Name
#: ebrowsing/plugins/ikws/searchproviders/freshmeat.desktop:3
msgid "Freshmeat"
msgstr ""

#. Query
#: ebrowsing/plugins/ikws/searchproviders/freshmeat.desktop:6
msgid "http://freshmeat.net/search/?q=\\{@}"
msgstr ""

#. Name
#: ebrowsing/plugins/ikws/searchproviders/froogle.desktop:3
msgid "Froogle"
msgstr ""

#. Query
#: ebrowsing/plugins/ikws/searchproviders/froogle.desktop:6
#, fuzzy
msgid "http://froogle.google.com/froogle?q=\\{@}"
msgstr "http://images.google.com/images?q=\\{@}&hl=ru&ie=UTF-8&oe=UTF-8"

#. Name
#: ebrowsing/plugins/ikws/searchproviders/fsd.desktop:3
msgid "FSF/UNESCO Free Software Directory"
msgstr "Каталог свободного ПО FSF/UNESCO"

#. Query
#: ebrowsing/plugins/ikws/searchproviders/fsd.desktop:6
msgid "http://directory.fsf.org/search/?query=\\{@}"
msgstr ""

#. Name
#: ebrowsing/plugins/ikws/searchproviders/google.desktop:3
#, fuzzy
msgid "Google"
msgstr "Новости Google"

#. Query
#: ebrowsing/plugins/ikws/searchproviders/google.desktop:6
msgid "http://www.google.com/search?q=\\{@}&ie=UTF-8&oe=UTF-8"
msgstr ""

#. Name
#: ebrowsing/plugins/ikws/searchproviders/google_advanced.desktop:3
msgid "Google Advanced Search"
msgstr "Google - продвинутый поиск"

#. Query
#: ebrowsing/plugins/ikws/searchproviders/google_advanced.desktop:4
msgid ""
msgstr ""

#. Name
#: ebrowsing/plugins/ikws/searchproviders/google_groups.desktop:3
msgid "Google Groups"
msgstr "Группы Google"

#. Query
#: ebrowsing/plugins/ikws/searchproviders/google_groups.desktop:6
#, fuzzy
msgid "http://groups.google.com/groups?oi=djq&as_q=\\{@}"
msgstr "http://images.google.com/images?q=\\{@}&hl=ru&ie=UTF-8&oe=UTF-8"

#. Name
#: ebrowsing/plugins/ikws/searchproviders/google_images.desktop:3
msgid "Google Image Search"
msgstr "Рисунки Google"

#. Query
#: ebrowsing/plugins/ikws/searchproviders/google_images.desktop:6
msgid "http://images.google.com/images?q=\\{@}"
msgstr "http://images.google.com/images?q=\\{@}&hl=ru&ie=UTF-8&oe=UTF-8"

#. Name
#: ebrowsing/plugins/ikws/searchproviders/google_lucky.desktop:3
msgid "Google (I'm Feeling Lucky)"
msgstr "Google (Мне повезёт!)"

#. Query
#: ebrowsing/plugins/ikws/searchproviders/google_lucky.desktop:6
#, c-format
msgid ""
msgstr ""

#. Name
#: ebrowsing/plugins/ikws/searchproviders/google_movie.desktop:3
msgid "Google Movies"
msgstr "Видео Google"

#. Query
#: ebrowsing/plugins/ikws/searchproviders/google_movie.desktop:6
msgid "http://www.google.com/search?q=movie:\\{@}&ie=UTF-8&oe=UTF-8"
msgstr ""

#. Name
#: ebrowsing/plugins/ikws/searchproviders/google_news.desktop:3
msgid "Google News"
msgstr "Новости Google"

#. Query
#: ebrowsing/plugins/ikws/searchproviders/google_news.desktop:6
#, fuzzy
msgid "http://news.google.com/news?q=\\{@}&ie=UTF-8&oe=UTF-8"
msgstr "http://images.google.com/images?q=\\{@}&hl=ru&ie=UTF-8&oe=UTF-8"

#. Name
#: ebrowsing/plugins/ikws/searchproviders/gracenote.desktop:3
msgid "Gracenote"
msgstr ""

#. Query
#: ebrowsing/plugins/ikws/searchproviders/gracenote.desktop:6
msgid "http://www.gracenote.com/music/search-adv.html?q=\\{@}"
msgstr ""

#. Name
#: ebrowsing/plugins/ikws/searchproviders/grec.desktop:5
msgid "Great Dictionary of the Catalan Language (GRan Enciclopèdia  Catalana)"
msgstr "Большой словарь каталонского языка (GRan Enciclopèdia  Catalana)"

#. Query
#: ebrowsing/plugins/ikws/searchproviders/grec.desktop:6
msgid "http://www.grec.net/cgibin/lexicx.pgm?GECART=\\{@}"
msgstr ""

#. Name
#: ebrowsing/plugins/ikws/searchproviders/hotbot.desktop:3
msgid "Hotbot"
msgstr ""

#. Query
#: ebrowsing/plugins/ikws/searchproviders/hotbot.desktop:6
msgid "http://hotbot.lycos.com/?MT=\\{@}&SM=MC&DV=0&LG=any&DC=10&DE=2"
msgstr ""

#. Name
#: ebrowsing/plugins/ikws/searchproviders/hyperdictionary.desktop:3
#, fuzzy
msgid "HyperDictionary.com"
msgstr "Тезаурус HyperDictionary.com"

#. Query
#: ebrowsing/plugins/ikws/searchproviders/hyperdictionary.desktop:6
msgid "http://www.hyperdictionary.com/search.aspx?define=\\{@}"
msgstr ""

#. Name
#: ebrowsing/plugins/ikws/searchproviders/hyperdictionary_thesaurus.desktop:3
msgid "HyperDictionary.com Thesaurus"
msgstr "Тезаурус HyperDictionary.com"

#. Query
#: ebrowsing/plugins/ikws/searchproviders/hyperdictionary_thesaurus.desktop:6
msgid "http://www.hyperdictionary.com/search.aspx?Dict=T&define=\\{@}"
msgstr ""

#. Name
#: ebrowsing/plugins/ikws/searchproviders/imdb.desktop:3
msgid "Internet Movie Database"
msgstr "Интернет-база кинофильмов (imdb)"

#. Query
#: ebrowsing/plugins/ikws/searchproviders/imdb.desktop:6
#, fuzzy
msgid "http://imdb.com/Find?\\{@}"
msgstr "http://images.google.com/images?q=\\{@}&hl=ru&ie=UTF-8&oe=UTF-8"

#. Name
#: ebrowsing/plugins/ikws/searchproviders/it2en.desktop:5
msgid "WordReference.com Translation: Italian to English"
msgstr "Переводчик WordReference.com: итальянско-английский"

#. Query
#: ebrowsing/plugins/ikws/searchproviders/it2en.desktop:6
msgid "http://www.wordreference.com/it/en/translation.asp?iten=\\{@}"
msgstr ""

#. Name
#: ebrowsing/plugins/ikws/searchproviders/jeeves.desktop:3
msgid "Ask Jeeves"
msgstr ""

#. Query
#: ebrowsing/plugins/ikws/searchproviders/jeeves.desktop:6
msgid ""
msgstr ""

#. Name
#: ebrowsing/plugins/ikws/searchproviders/katatudo.desktop:3
msgid "KataTudo"
msgstr ""

#. Query
#: ebrowsing/plugins/ikws/searchproviders/katatudo.desktop:6
msgid "http://www.katatudo.com.br/busca/resultado.php?q=\\{@}&onde=&b=Buscar"
msgstr ""

#. Name
#: ebrowsing/plugins/ikws/searchproviders/kde.desktop:5
msgid "KDE API Documentation"
msgstr "Документация KDE API"

#. Query
#: ebrowsing/plugins/ikws/searchproviders/kde.desktop:6
msgid "http://api.kde.org/classmapper.php?class=\\{@}"
msgstr ""

#. Name
#: ebrowsing/plugins/ikws/searchproviders/kde_websvn.desktop:3
msgid "KDE WebSVN"
msgstr ""

#. Query
#: ebrowsing/plugins/ikws/searchproviders/kde_websvn.desktop:6
msgid "http://websvn.kde.org/\\{@}"
msgstr ""

#. Name
#: ebrowsing/plugins/ikws/searchproviders/leo.desktop:3
msgid "LEO-Translate"
msgstr ""

#. Query
#: ebrowsing/plugins/ikws/searchproviders/leo.desktop:6
msgid "http://dict.leo.org/?search=\\{@}"
msgstr ""

#. Name
#: ebrowsing/plugins/ikws/searchproviders/lycos.desktop:3
msgid "Lycos"
msgstr ""

#. Query
#: ebrowsing/plugins/ikws/searchproviders/lycos.desktop:6
msgid "http://www.lycos.com/cgi-bin/pursuit?cat=dir&query=\\{@}"
msgstr ""

#. Name
#: ebrowsing/plugins/ikws/searchproviders/mamma.desktop:3
msgid "Mamma - Mother of all Search Engines"
msgstr "Mamma - мать всех поисковых систем"

#. Query
#: ebrowsing/plugins/ikws/searchproviders/mamma.desktop:6
msgid "http://www.mamma.com/Mamma?lang=1&timeout=4&qtype=0&query=\\{@}"
msgstr ""

#. Name
#: ebrowsing/plugins/ikws/searchproviders/metacrawler.desktop:3
msgid "MetaCrawler"
msgstr ""

#. Query
#: ebrowsing/plugins/ikws/searchproviders/metacrawler.desktop:6
msgid ""
msgstr ""

#. Name
#: ebrowsing/plugins/ikws/searchproviders/msdn.desktop:3
msgid "Microsoft Developer Network Search"
msgstr "Поиск в Microsoft Developer Network"

#. Query
#: ebrowsing/plugins/ikws/searchproviders/msdn.desktop:6
msgid ""
msgstr ""

#. Name
#: ebrowsing/plugins/ikws/searchproviders/netcraft.desktop:3
msgid "Netcraft"
msgstr ""

#. Query
#: ebrowsing/plugins/ikws/searchproviders/netcraft.desktop:6
msgid "http://uptime.netcraft.com/up/graph?site=\\{@}"
msgstr ""

#. Name
#: ebrowsing/plugins/ikws/searchproviders/nl-telephone.desktop:2
#, fuzzy
msgid "Telephonebook Search Provider"
msgstr "Поиск телетекста"

#. Query
#: ebrowsing/plugins/ikws/searchproviders/nl-telephone.desktop:6
msgid ""
msgstr ""

#. Name
#: ebrowsing/plugins/ikws/searchproviders/nl-teletekst.desktop:2
msgid "Teletekst Search Provider"
msgstr "Поиск телетекста"

#. Query
#: ebrowsing/plugins/ikws/searchproviders/nl-teletekst.desktop:6
msgid "http://teletekst.nos.nl/gif/\\{@}-01.html"
msgstr ""

#. Name
#: ebrowsing/plugins/ikws/searchproviders/pgpkeys.desktop:3
msgid "OpenPGP Key Search"
msgstr "Поиск ключей OpenPGP"

#. Query
#: ebrowsing/plugins/ikws/searchproviders/pgpkeys.desktop:4
msgid "http://pgp.dtype.org:11371/pks/lookup?search=\\{@}&op=vindex"
msgstr ""

#. Name
#: ebrowsing/plugins/ikws/searchproviders/php.desktop:3
msgid "PHP Search"
msgstr "Поиск PHP"

#. Query
#: ebrowsing/plugins/ikws/searchproviders/php.desktop:4
msgid "http://www.php.net/search.php?show=\\{mode,\"manual\"}&pattern=\\{@}"
msgstr ""

#. Name
#: ebrowsing/plugins/ikws/searchproviders/python.desktop:5
msgid "Python Reference Manual"
msgstr "Справочник по Python"

#. Query
#: ebrowsing/plugins/ikws/searchproviders/python.desktop:6
#, c-format
msgid ""
msgstr ""

#. Name
#: ebrowsing/plugins/ikws/searchproviders/qt.desktop:5
msgid "Latest Qt Online Documentation"
msgstr "Наиболее свежая онлайн-документация Qt"

#. Query
#: ebrowsing/plugins/ikws/searchproviders/qt.desktop:6
msgid "http://doc.trolltech.com/latest/\\{@}.html"
msgstr ""

#. Name
#: ebrowsing/plugins/ikws/searchproviders/qt3.desktop:5
msgid "Qt3 Online Documentation"
msgstr "Документация Qt3"

#. Query
#: ebrowsing/plugins/ikws/searchproviders/qt3.desktop:6
msgid "http://doc.trolltech.com/3.3/\\{@}.html"
msgstr ""

#. Name
#: ebrowsing/plugins/ikws/searchproviders/rae.desktop:5
msgid "Dictionary of the Spanish Academy (RAE)"
msgstr "Словарь Испанской Академии (RAE)"

#. Query
#: ebrowsing/plugins/ikws/searchproviders/rae.desktop:6
msgid ""
msgstr ""

#. Name
#: ebrowsing/plugins/ikws/searchproviders/rfc.desktop:3
msgid "IETF Requests for Comments"
msgstr "Запросы для комментариев IETF (RFC)"

#. Query
#: ebrowsing/plugins/ikws/searchproviders/rfc.desktop:4
msgid "http://www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc\\{@}.txt"
msgstr ""

#. Name
#: ebrowsing/plugins/ikws/searchproviders/rpmfind.desktop:3
msgid "RPM-Find"
msgstr "Поиск RPM"

#. Query
#: ebrowsing/plugins/ikws/searchproviders/rpmfind.desktop:6
msgid "http://www.rpmfind.net/linux/rpm2html/search.php?query=\\{@}"
msgstr ""

#. Name
#: ebrowsing/plugins/ikws/searchproviders/ruby_application_archive.desktop:3
msgid "Ruby Application Archive"
msgstr "Архив приложений Ruby"

#. Query
#: ebrowsing/plugins/ikws/searchproviders/ruby_application_archive.desktop:6
msgid "http://raa.ruby-lang.org/search.rhtml?search=\\{@}"
msgstr ""

#. Name
#: ebrowsing/plugins/ikws/searchproviders/seek.desktop:3
msgid "GO.com"
msgstr ""

#. Query
#: ebrowsing/plugins/ikws/searchproviders/seek.desktop:6
msgid ""
msgstr ""

#. Name
#: ebrowsing/plugins/ikws/searchproviders/sourceforge.desktop:3
msgid "SourceForge"
msgstr ""

#. Query
#: ebrowsing/plugins/ikws/searchproviders/sourceforge.desktop:4
msgid ""
msgstr ""

#. Name
#: ebrowsing/plugins/ikws/searchproviders/technorati.desktop:3
#, fuzzy
msgid "Technorati"
msgstr "Статьи Technorati"

#. Query
#: ebrowsing/plugins/ikws/searchproviders/technorati.desktop:6
msgid "http://technorati.com/cosmos/search.html?sourceid=kde-search&url=\\{@}"
msgstr ""

#. Name
#: ebrowsing/plugins/ikws/searchproviders/technoratitags.desktop:3
msgid "Technorati Tags"
msgstr "Статьи Technorati"

#. Query
#: ebrowsing/plugins/ikws/searchproviders/technoratitags.desktop:6
msgid "http://technorati.com/tag/\\{@}?sourceid=kde-search"
msgstr ""

#. Name
#: ebrowsing/plugins/ikws/searchproviders/thesaurus.desktop:3
msgid "Merriam-Webster Thesaurus"
msgstr "Тезаурус Merriam-Webster"

#. Query
#: ebrowsing/plugins/ikws/searchproviders/thesaurus.desktop:6
msgid "http://www.m-w.com/cgi-bin/thesaurus?book=Thesaurus&va=\\{@}"
msgstr ""

#. Name
#: ebrowsing/plugins/ikws/searchproviders/tvtome.desktop:4
msgid "TV Tome"
msgstr ""

#. Query
#: ebrowsing/plugins/ikws/searchproviders/tvtome.desktop:6
msgid "http://www.tv.com/search.php?type=11&stype=all&qs=\\{@}&x=0&y=0"
msgstr ""

#. Name
#: ebrowsing/plugins/ikws/searchproviders/uspto.desktop:5
msgid "U.S. Patent Database"
msgstr "База патентов США"

#. Query
#: ebrowsing/plugins/ikws/searchproviders/uspto.desktop:6
msgid ""
msgstr ""

#. Name
#: ebrowsing/plugins/ikws/searchproviders/vivisimo.desktop:3
msgid "Vivisimo"
msgstr ""

#. Query
#: ebrowsing/plugins/ikws/searchproviders/vivisimo.desktop:6
#, c-format
msgid ""
msgstr ""

#. Name
#: ebrowsing/plugins/ikws/searchproviders/voila.desktop:3
msgid "Voila"
msgstr ""

#. Query
#: ebrowsing/plugins/ikws/searchproviders/voila.desktop:6
msgid ""
msgstr ""

#. Name
#: ebrowsing/plugins/ikws/searchproviders/webster.desktop:3
msgid "Merriam-Webster Dictionary"
msgstr "Словарь Merriam-Webster"

#. Query
#: ebrowsing/plugins/ikws/searchproviders/webster.desktop:6
msgid "http://www.m-w.com/cgi-bin/dictionary?book=Dictionary&va=\\{@}"
msgstr ""

#. Name
#: ebrowsing/plugins/ikws/searchproviders/whatis.desktop:3
msgid "Whatis Query"
msgstr "Запрос whatis"

#. Query
#: ebrowsing/plugins/ikws/searchproviders/whatis.desktop:6
msgid ""
msgstr ""

#. Name
#: ebrowsing/plugins/ikws/searchproviders/wikipedia.desktop:3
msgid "Wikipedia - The Free Encyclopedia"
msgstr "Wikipedia - свободная энциклопедия"

#. Query
#: ebrowsing/plugins/ikws/searchproviders/wikipedia.desktop:6
msgid "http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Special:Search?search=\\{@}&go=Go"
msgstr ""

#. Name
#: ebrowsing/plugins/ikws/searchproviders/wiktionary.desktop:3
msgid "Wiktionary - The Free Dictionary"
msgstr "Wiktionary - свободный словарь"

#. Query
#: ebrowsing/plugins/ikws/searchproviders/wiktionary.desktop:6
msgid "http://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/Special:Search?search=\\{@}&go=Go"
msgstr ""

#. Name
#: ebrowsing/plugins/ikws/searchproviders/wordref.desktop:5
msgid "WordReference.com English Dictionary"
msgstr "Английский словарь WordReference.com"

#. Query
#: ebrowsing/plugins/ikws/searchproviders/wordref.desktop:6
msgid "http://www.wordreference.com/english/definition.asp?en=\\{@}"
msgstr ""

#. Name
#: ebrowsing/plugins/localdomain/localdomainurifilter.desktop:3
msgid "LocalDomainFilter"
msgstr ""

#. Name
#: ebrowsing/plugins/shorturi/tdeshorturifilter.desktop:3
msgid "ShortURIFilter"
msgstr ""

#. Name
#: energy/energy.desktop:11
msgid "Power Control"
msgstr "Управление питанием"

#. Comment
#: energy/energy.desktop:13
msgid "Settings for display power management"
msgstr "Настройка управления питанием дисплея"

#. Keywords
#: energy/energy.desktop:15
msgid "energy;saver;apm;acpi;dpms;timeout;blanking;stand by;suspend;power;"
msgstr ""

#. Name
#: filetypes/filetypes.desktop:12
msgid "File Associations"
msgstr "Привязки файлов"

#. Comment
#: filetypes/filetypes.desktop:14
msgid "Configure file associations"
msgstr "Настройка привязки файлов"

#. Keywords
#: filetypes/filetypes.desktop:16
msgid "Filetypes;File Associations;Mime Types;File Patterns;Files;Pattern;"
msgstr ""

#. Name
#: fonts/fonts.desktop:12 konqhtml/tdehtml_fonts.desktop:11
#: tdefontinst/tdeio/fonts.desktop:5
msgid "Fonts"
msgstr "Шрифты"

#. Comment
#: fonts/fonts.desktop:14
msgid "Font settings"
msgstr "Настройка шрифтов"

#. Keywords
#: fonts/fonts.desktop:16
msgid ""
"fonts;font size;styles;charsets;character sets;panel;kicker;control panel;"
"desktops;FileManager;Toolbars;Menu;Window Title;Title;"
msgstr ""

#. Name
#: hwmanager/hwdevicetray-autostart.desktop:2
msgid "tdehwdevicetray"
msgstr ""

#. GenericName
#. Name
#: hwmanager/hwdevicetray-autostart.desktop:4 hwmanager/hwdevicetray.desktop:2
#: hwmanager/hwdevicetray.desktop:4
msgid "Device Monitor"
msgstr "Диспетчер устройств"

#. Comment
#: hwmanager/hwdevicetray-autostart.desktop:6 hwmanager/hwdevicetray.desktop:6
msgid "Monitor hardware devices from the system tray"
msgstr "Отслеживание устройств в области уведомлений"

#. Name
#: hwmanager/hwmanager.desktop:11
msgid "Device Manager"
msgstr "Менеджер устройств"

#. Comment
#: hwmanager/hwmanager.desktop:13
msgid "Configure hardware devices"
msgstr "Конфигурация устройств"

#. Keywords
#: hwmanager/hwmanager.desktop:15
msgid "hardware;devices;manager;"
msgstr "оборудование;усройства;"

#. Comment
#: iccconfig/iccconfig.desktop:14
msgid "Configure display ICC color profile"
msgstr "Конфигурация профиля ICC экрана"

#. Keywords
#: iccconfig/iccconfig.desktop:16
#, fuzzy
msgid "ICC;display;color;profile;"
msgstr "Конфигурация профиля ICC экрана"

#. Name
#: iccconfig/iccconfig.desktop:18
msgid "Color Profile"
msgstr "Профиль цвета"

#. Name
#: icons/icons.desktop:12
msgid "Icons"
msgstr "Значки"

#. Comment
#: icons/icons.desktop:14
msgid "Customize TDE Icons"
msgstr "Настройка значков"

#. Keywords
#: icons/icons.desktop:16
msgid "icons;effects;size;hicolor;locolor;"
msgstr ""

#. Name
#: info/cdinfo.desktop:12
msgid "CD-ROM Information"
msgstr "Сведения о CD-ROM"

#. Comment
#: info/cdinfo.desktop:14
msgid "CD/DVD Drive Capabilites"
msgstr "Возможности привода CD/DVD"

#. Keywords
#: info/cdinfo.desktop:16
msgid "CD-ROM Information;CD-ROM;CD;CD Drive;Writer Capabilities;"
msgstr ""
"Сведения о CD-ROM; CD-ROM Information;CD-ROM;CD;CD Drive;Writer Capabilities;"
"возможности привода;привод;"

#. Name
#: info/devices.desktop:13
msgid "Devices"
msgstr "Устройства"

#. Comment
#: info/devices.desktop:15
msgid "Attached devices information"
msgstr "Сведения о подключенных устройствах"

#. Keywords
#: info/devices.desktop:17
msgid "dev;Devices;System Information;Information;"
msgstr ""

#. Name
#: info/dma.desktop:13
msgid "DMA-Channels"
msgstr "Каналы DMA"

#. Comment
#: info/dma.desktop:15
msgid "DMA information"
msgstr "Сведения о DMA"

#. Keywords
#: info/dma.desktop:17
msgid "dma;DMA-Channels;System Information;"
msgstr ""

#. Name
#: info/interrupts.desktop:13
msgid "Interrupts"
msgstr "Прерывания"

#. Comment
#: info/interrupts.desktop:15
msgid "Interrupt information"
msgstr "Сведения о прерываниях"

#. Keywords
#: info/interrupts.desktop:17
#, fuzzy
msgid "Interrupts;IRQ;System Information;"
msgstr "Сведения о прерываниях"

#. Name
#: info/ioports.desktop:13
msgid "IO-Ports"
msgstr "Порты ввода/вывода"

#. Comment
#: info/ioports.desktop:15
msgid "IO-port information"
msgstr "Сведения о портах ввода/вывода"

#. Keywords
#: info/ioports.desktop:17
msgid "IO;I/O;IO-Ports;I/O-Ports;Ports;IO-Range;I/O-Range;System Information;"
msgstr ""

#. Name
#: info/memory.desktop:12
msgid "Memory"
msgstr "Память"

#. Comment
#: info/memory.desktop:14
msgid "Memory information"
msgstr "Сведения о использовании памяти"

#. Keywords
#: info/memory.desktop:16
msgid ""
"Memory;RAM;Virtual memory;Physical memory;Shared memory;Swap;System "
msgstr ""

#. Name
#: info/opengl.desktop:13
msgid "OpenGL"
msgstr ""

#. Comment
#: info/opengl.desktop:15
msgid "OpenGL information"
msgstr "Сведения о OpenGL"

#. Keywords
#: info/opengl.desktop:17
msgid ""
"OpenGL;DRI;GLX;3D;VideoCard;Hardware Acceleration;Graphics;X;X11;Xserver;X-"
msgstr ""

#. Name
#: info/partitions.desktop:13
msgid "Partitions"
msgstr "Разделы"

#. Comment
#: info/partitions.desktop:15
msgid "Partition information"
msgstr "Сведения о использовании разделов"

#. Keywords
#: info/partitions.desktop:17
#, fuzzy
msgid "Partitions;Harddrive;HD;System Information;"
msgstr "Сведения о использовании разделов"

#. Name
#: info/pci.desktop:12
msgid "PCI"
msgstr "Шина PCI"

#. Comment
#: info/pci.desktop:14
msgid "PCI information"
msgstr "Сведения о устройствах PCI"

#. Keywords
#: info/pci.desktop:16
msgid "PCI;PCI-Devices;PCI-Bus;System Information;"
msgstr ""

#. Name
#: info/processor.desktop:12
msgid "Processor"
msgstr "Процессор"

#. Comment
#: info/processor.desktop:14
msgid "Processor information"
msgstr "Сведения о процессоре"

#. Keywords
#: info/processor.desktop:16
#, fuzzy
msgid "Processor;CPU;FPU;MHz;System Information;"
msgstr "Сведения о процессоре"

#. Name
#: info/scsi.desktop:12
msgid "SCSI"
msgstr ""

#. Comment
#: info/scsi.desktop:14
msgid "SCSI information"
msgstr "Сведения о устройствах SCSI"

#. Keywords
#: info/scsi.desktop:16
#, fuzzy
msgid "SCSI;SCSI-Bus;System Information;"
msgstr "Сведения о устройствах SCSI"

#. Name
#: info/sound.desktop:12
msgid "Sound"
msgstr "Звук"

#. Comment
#: info/sound.desktop:14
msgid "Sound information"
msgstr "Сведения о звуке"

#. Keywords
#: info/sound.desktop:16
msgid "Sound;Audio;Soundcard;MIDI;OSS;System Information;"
msgstr ""

#. Name
#: info/xserver.desktop:12
msgid "X-Server"
msgstr "X-сервер"

#. Comment
#: info/xserver.desktop:14
msgid "X-Server information"
msgstr "Сведения об X-сервере"

#. Keywords
#: info/xserver.desktop:16
msgid "X;X-Server;XServer;XFree86;Display;VideoCard;System Information;"
msgstr ""

#. Name
#: input/mouse.desktop:13
msgid "Mouse"
msgstr "Мышь"

#. Comment
#: input/mouse.desktop:15
msgid "Mouse settings"
msgstr "Настройка мыши"

#. Keywords
#: input/mouse.desktop:17
msgid ""
"Mouse;Mouse acceleration;Mouse threshold;Mouse buttons;Selection;Cursor "
"Shape;Input Devices;Button Mapping;Click;icons;feedback;Pointers;Drag;"
"DoubleClick;mapping;right handed;left handed;"
msgstr ""

#. Name
#: joystick/joystick.desktop:12
msgid "Joystick"
msgstr "Джойстик"

#. Comment
#: joystick/joystick.desktop:14
msgid "Joystick - a kcontrol module to test Joysticks"
msgstr "Joystick - модуль kcontrol для проверки джойстика"

#. Keywords
#: joystick/joystick.desktop:16
msgid "joystick;gamepad;"
msgstr ""

#. Name
#: kcontrol/KControl.desktop:8 kcontrol/KControl_NoDisplay.desktop:8
#: kcontrol/tde-kcontrol.desktop:8
msgid "Trinity Control Center"
msgstr "Центр управления"

#. Name
#: kded/kcmkded.desktop:11
msgid "Service Manager"
msgstr "Управление службами"

#. Comment
#: kded/kcmkded.desktop:13
msgid "System Services Configuration"
msgstr "Настройка системных служб"

#. Keywords
#: kded/kcmkded.desktop:15
msgid "KDED;Daemon;Services;"
msgstr "KDED;Daemon;Services;службы;служба;демон;"

#. Name
#: keys/keys.desktop:12
msgid "Keyboard Shortcuts"
msgstr "Комбинации клавиш"

#. Comment
#: keys/keys.desktop:14
msgid "Configuration of keybindings"
msgstr "Настройка комбинаций клавиш"

#. Keywords
#: keys/keys.desktop:16
msgid ""
"Keys;Global key bindings;Key scheme;Key bindings;shortcuts;application "
msgstr ""
"Keys;Global key bindings;Key scheme;Key bindings;shortcuts;application "
"shortcuts;клавиши;комбинации клавиш;"

#. Name
#: kicker/kicker_config.desktop:11
msgid "Layout"
msgstr "Расположение"

#. Comment
#: kicker/kicker_config.desktop:13 kicker/kicker_config_arrangement.desktop:13
msgid "Configure the arrangement of the panel"
msgstr "Настройка выравнивания панели"

#. Keywords
#: kicker/kicker_config.desktop:15 kicker/kicker_config_appearance.desktop:15
#: kicker/kicker_config_arrangement.desktop:15
#: kicker/kicker_config_hiding.desktop:15 kicker/kicker_config_menus.desktop:15
#: kicker/panel.desktop:14
msgid ""
"kicker;panel;kpanel;taskbar;startbar;launchbar;location;size;auto hide;hide;"
"buttons;animation;background;themes;menu cache;cache;hidden;TDE Menu;"
"bookmarks;recent documents;quickbrowser;browser menu;menu;icons;tiles;"
"applets;startup;highlight;handles;zooming icons;"
msgstr ""

#. Name
#: kicker/kicker_config_appearance.desktop:11 konq/fileappearance.desktop:11
msgid "Appearance"
msgstr "Внешний вид"

#. Comment
#: kicker/kicker_config_appearance.desktop:13
msgid "Configure the appearance of the panel"
msgstr "Внешний вид панели"

#. Name
#: kicker/kicker_config_arrangement.desktop:11
msgid "Arrangement"
msgstr "Расстановка"

#. Name
#: kicker/kicker_config_hiding.desktop:11
msgid "Hiding"
msgstr "Скрытие панели"

#. Comment
#: kicker/kicker_config_hiding.desktop:13
msgid "Configure the hiding of the panel"
msgstr "Настройка скрытия панели"

#. Name
#: kicker/kicker_config_menus.desktop:11
msgid "Menus"
msgstr "Меню"

#. Comment
#: kicker/kicker_config_menus.desktop:13
msgid "Configure the menus of the panel"
msgstr "Настройка меню"

#. Name
#: kicker/panel.desktop:10
msgid "Panels"
msgstr "Панели"

#. Comment
#: kicker/panel.desktop:12
msgid "Configure the arrangement of the panels"
msgstr "Настройка выравнивания панели"

#. Name
#: knotify/kcmnotify.desktop:11
msgid "System Notifications"
msgstr "Системные уведомления"

#. Comment
#: knotify/kcmnotify.desktop:13
msgid "System Notification Configuration"
msgstr "Настройка системных уведомлений"

#. Keywords
#: knotify/kcmnotify.desktop:15
msgid "System sounds;Audio;Sound;Notify;Alerts;Notification;"
msgstr ""

#. Name
#: konq/desktop.desktop:11
msgid "Multiple Desktops"
msgstr "Виртуальные рабочие столы"

#. Comment
#: konq/desktop.desktop:13
msgid "You can configure how many virtual desktops there are"
msgstr "Настройка количества виртуальных рабочих столов"

#. Keywords
#: konq/desktop.desktop:15
msgid "desktop;desktops;number;virtual desktop;"
msgstr ""

#. Name
#: konq/desktopbehavior.desktop:12 konq/filebehavior.desktop:11
msgid "Behavior"
msgstr "Поведение"

#. Comment
#: konq/desktopbehavior.desktop:14
msgid "You can configure how the desktop behaves here"
msgstr "Настройка поведения рабочего стола"

#. Keywords
#: konq/desktopbehavior.desktop:16
msgid ""
"konqueror;filemanager;kfm;tips;file tips;separate window;spawn windows;"
"behavior;behaviour;memory usage;Home URL;"
msgstr ""

#. Name
#: konq/desktoppath.desktop:11
msgid "Paths"
msgstr "Пути"

#. Comment
#: konq/desktoppath.desktop:13
msgid "Change the location important files are stored"
msgstr "Пути к важным файлам"

#. Keywords
#: konq/desktoppath.desktop:15
msgid "konqueror;filemanager;paths;desktop;directories;autostart;"
msgstr "konqueror;filemanager;paths;desktop;trash;directories;autostart;"

#. Comment
#: konq/fileappearance.desktop:13
msgid "Configure how Konqueror looks as a file manager"
msgstr "Настройка внешнего вида Konqueror как менеджера файлов"

#. Keywords
#: konq/fileappearance.desktop:15 konq/filebrowser.desktop:16
msgid ""
"konqueror;filemanager;word wrap;wrap;underline;display;filesize;bytes;font;"
msgstr ""

#. Comment
#: konq/filebehavior.desktop:13
msgid "Configure how Konqueror behaves as a file manager"
msgstr "Настройка поведения Konqueror как менеджера файлов"

#. Keywords
#: konq/filebehavior.desktop:15
msgid ""
"konqueror;filemanager;kfm;tips;file tips;separate window;spawn windows;"
"behavior;behaviour;memory usage;Home URL;network operations;progress dialog;"
"trash can;delete;confirmation;"
msgstr ""

#. Comment
#: konq/filebrowser.desktop:14
msgid "You can configure Konqueror's file manager mode here"
msgstr "Настройка режима менеджера файлов "

#. Name
#: konq/filepreviews.desktop:11
msgid "Previews & Metadata"
msgstr "Миниатюры"

#. Comment
#: konq/filepreviews.desktop:13
msgid "Configure how Konqueror Previews & Meta-data work"
msgstr "Настройка создания миниатюр и показа мета-данных в Konqueror"

#. Keywords
#: konq/filepreviews.desktop:15
#, fuzzy
msgid "konqueror;filemanager;previews;file previews;maximum size;"
msgstr "konqueror;filemanager;paths;desktop;trash;directories;autostart;"

#. Name
#: konqhtml/tdehtml_behavior.desktop:11
msgid "Web Behavior"
msgstr "Поведение Веб"

#. Comment
#: konqhtml/tdehtml_behavior.desktop:13
msgid "Configure the browser behavior"
msgstr "Настройка поведения браузера"

#. Keywords
#: konqhtml/tdehtml_behavior.desktop:15
msgid ""
"cursor;links;images;charsets;character sets;encoding;"
msgstr ""

#. Name
#: konqhtml/tdehtml_filter.desktop:10
msgid "AdBlocK Filters"
msgstr "Фильтры AdBlocK"

#. Comment
#: konqhtml/tdehtml_filter.desktop:12
msgid "Configure Konqueror AdBlocK filters"
msgstr "Настройка блокирования рекламы для Konqueror"

#. Comment
#: konqhtml/tdehtml_fonts.desktop:13
msgid "Configure the fonts used on web pages"
msgstr "Настройка шрифтов веб-страниц"

#. Keywords
#: konqhtml/tdehtml_fonts.desktop:15
msgid ""
"konqueror;kfm;browser;html;web;www;fonts;charsets;character sets;encoding;"
msgstr ""

#. Name
#: konqhtml/tdehtml_java_js.desktop:11
msgid "Java & JavaScript"
msgstr "Java и JavaScript"

#. Comment
#: konqhtml/tdehtml_java_js.desktop:13
msgid "Configure the behavior of Java and JavaScript"
msgstr "Настройка поведения Java и JavaScript"

#. Keywords
#: konqhtml/tdehtml_java_js.desktop:15
msgid "konqueror;kfm;browser;html;web;www;java;javascript;"
msgstr ""

#. Name
#: konqhtml/tdehtml_userinterface.desktop:11
msgid "User Interface"
msgstr "Интерфейс"

#. Comment
#: konqhtml/tdehtml_userinterface.desktop:13
msgid "Configure user interface options"
msgstr "Конфигурация параметров"

#. Keywords
#: konqhtml/tdehtml_userinterface.desktop:15
msgid "konqueror;kfm;user;interface;tabbed;browsing;"
msgstr ""
"пользовательский интерфейс;вкладки;навигация;"

#. Name
#: konsole/kcmkonsole.desktop:10
msgid "Konsole"
msgstr ""

#. Comment
#: konsole/kcmkonsole.desktop:12
msgid "Konsole configuration module"
msgstr "Модуль настройки Konsole"

#. Keywords
#: konsole/kcmkonsole.desktop:14
msgid ""
"konsole;schema;konsole background;colors;background;terminal application;"
msgstr ""

#. Name
#: kthememanager/installktheme.desktop:2
msgid "Install TDE Theme"
msgstr "Установка тем TDE"

#. Comment
#: kthememanager/kthememanager.desktop:2
msgid "Manage global TDE visual themes"
msgstr "Менеджер глобальных визуальных тем TDE"

#. Keywords
#: kthememanager/kthememanager.desktop:5
msgid "themes;look and feel;"
msgstr ""

#. Name
#: kthememanager/kthememanager.desktop:6
msgid "Theme Manager"
msgstr "Менеджер тем"

#. Comment
#: kthememanager/x-ktheme.desktop:3
msgid "TDE Theme"
msgstr "Тема TDE"

#. Name
#: launch/kcmlaunch.desktop:12
msgid "Launch Feedback"
msgstr "Запуск приложений"

#. Comment
#: launch/kcmlaunch.desktop:14
msgid "Choose application-launch feedback style"
msgstr "Выбор типа отклика приложений при запуске"

#. Keywords
#: launch/kcmlaunch.desktop:16
msgid ""
msgstr ""

#. Name
#: locale/default/entry.desktop:2
msgid "English (American)"
msgstr "Английский (США)"

#. Name
#: locale/language.desktop:12
msgid "Country/Region & Language"
msgstr "Язык и стандарты"

#. Comment
#: locale/language.desktop:14
msgid "Language, numeric, and time settings for your particular region"
msgstr "Настройки языка, даты и времени для вашего региона"

#. Keywords
#: locale/language.desktop:16
msgid ""
"language;translation;number format;currency;time;date;formats;locale;Country;"
"charsets;character sets;Decimal symbol;Thousands separator;symbol;separator;"
"sign;positive;negative;fractional digits;week;week start;"
msgstr ""

#. Name
#: nics/nic.desktop:12
msgid "Network Interfaces"
msgstr "Сетевые интерфейсы"

#. Comment
#: nics/nic.desktop:14
msgid "Network interface information"
msgstr "Сведения о сетевых интерфейсах"

#. Name
#: performance/kcmkonqyperformance.desktop:11
#: performance/kcmperformance.desktop:11
msgid "Performance"
msgstr "Быстродействие"

#. Comment
#: performance/kcmkonqyperformance.desktop:13
msgid "Configure settings that can improve Konqueror performance"
msgstr "Настройка параметров, которые влияют на быстродействие Konqueror"

#. Keywords
#: performance/kcmkonqyperformance.desktop:15
msgid "konqueror;reuse;preloading;"
msgstr ""
"konqueror;reuse;preloading;конкэрор;повторное использование;предварительная "

#. Comment
#: performance/kcmperformance.desktop:13
msgid "Configure settings that can improve TDE performance"
msgstr "Настройка параметров, которые могут повлиять на быстродействие TDE"

#. Keywords
#: performance/kcmperformance.desktop:15
msgid "performance;speed;memory;improve;"
msgstr ""

#. Name
#: privacy/privacy.desktop:11
msgid "Privacy"
msgstr "Конфиденциальность"

#. Comment
#: privacy/privacy.desktop:13
msgid "Clean unwanted traces the user leaves on the system"
msgstr ""
"Очищающий нежелательные следы, оставленные пользователем в операционной "

#. Keywords
#: privacy/privacy.desktop:15
#, fuzzy
msgid "Privacy;privacy;"
msgstr "Конфиденциальность"

#. Name
#: randr/randr.desktop:9
msgid "Size & Orientation"
msgstr "Размер и ориентация"

#. Comment
#: randr/randr.desktop:11
msgid "Resize and Rotate your display"
msgstr "Изменение размера и ориентации экрана"

#. Keywords
#: randr/randr.desktop:13
msgid "resize;rotate;display;color;depth;size;horizontal;vertical;"
msgstr "resize;rotate;display;color;depth;size;horizontal;vertical;экран;"

#. Name
#: randr/tderandrtray-autostart.desktop:2 randr/tderandrtray.desktop:2
msgid "TDERandRTray"
msgstr ""

#. GenericName
#: randr/tderandrtray-autostart.desktop:4 randr/tderandrtray.desktop:4
msgid "Screen Resize & Rotate"
msgstr "Изменение размера и ориентации экрана"

#. Comment
#: randr/tderandrtray-autostart.desktop:6 randr/tderandrtray.desktop:6
msgid "Resize and rotate X screens."
msgstr "Изменение размера и ориентации экранов X."

#. Name
#: samba/smbstatus.desktop:12
msgid "Samba Status"
msgstr "Сервер Samba"

#. Comment
#: samba/smbstatus.desktop:14
msgid "Samba status monitor"
msgstr "Состояние сервера Samba"

#. Keywords
#: samba/smbstatus.desktop:16
msgid "SMB;SAMBA;Windows network;LAN;System Information;"
msgstr ""

#. Name
#: screensaver/screensaver.desktop:12
msgid "Screen Saver"
msgstr "Хранитель экрана"

#. Comment
#: screensaver/screensaver.desktop:14
msgid "Screen Saver Settings"
msgstr "Настройка хранителя экрана"

#. Keywords
#: screensaver/screensaver.desktop:16
msgid "screensavers;Priority;"
msgstr ""

#. Name
#: smartcard/smartcard.desktop:11
msgid "Smartcards"
msgstr "Смарткарты"

#. Comment
#: smartcard/smartcard.desktop:13
msgid "Configure smartcard support"
msgstr "Настройка поддержки смарткарт"

#. Keywords
#: smartcard/smartcard.desktop:15
msgid "Smartcard;PKCS;SSL;reader;smart;card;"
msgstr ""

#. Name
#: smserver/kcmsmserver.desktop:12
msgid "Session Manager"
msgstr "Диспетчер сеансов"

#. Comment
#: smserver/kcmsmserver.desktop:14
msgid "Configure the session manager and logout settings"
msgstr "Настройка диспетчера сеансов"

#. Keywords
#: smserver/kcmsmserver.desktop:16
msgid "ksmserver;session;logout;confirmation;save;restore;"
msgstr ""

#. Name
#: spellchecking/spellchecking.desktop:11
msgid "Spell Checker"
msgstr "Проверка орфографии"

#. Comment
#: spellchecking/spellchecking.desktop:13
msgid "Configure the spell checker"
msgstr "Настройка проверки орфографии"

#. Keywords
#: spellchecking/spellchecking.desktop:15
msgid "Spell;"
msgstr ""

#. Name
#: style/style.desktop:13
msgid "Style"
msgstr "Стиль"

#. Comment
#: style/style.desktop:15
msgid ""
"Allows the manipulation of widget behavior and changing the Style for TDE"
msgstr "Стиль и облик элементов TDE"

#. Keywords
#: style/style.desktop:17
msgid ""
"style;styles;look;widget;icons;toolbars;text;highlight;apps;TDE applications;"
msgstr ""
"style;styles;look;widget;icons;toolbars;text;highlight;apps;TDE applications;"

#. Name
#: taskbar/kcmtaskbar.desktop:11
msgid "Taskbar"
msgstr "Панель задач"

#. Comment
#: taskbar/kcmtaskbar.desktop:13
msgid "Configure the selected taskbar"
msgstr "Настройки панели задач"

#. Keywords
#: taskbar/kcmtaskbar.desktop:15
msgid "kicker;panel;kpanel;taskbar;startbar;launchbar;windows;"
msgstr "kicker;panel;kpanel;taskbar;startbar;launchbar;windows;окно;панель;"

#. Name
#: tdefontinst/installfont.desktop:6
msgid "Install"
msgstr "Установка"

#. Name
#: tdefontinst/kcmfontinst/kcmfontinst.desktop:14
msgid "Font Installer"
msgstr "Установка шрифтов"

#. Comment
#: tdefontinst/kcmfontinst/kcmfontinst.desktop:16
msgid "Install & preview fonts"
msgstr "Установка и просмотр шрифтов"

#. Keywords
#: tdefontinst/kcmfontinst/kcmfontinst.desktop:18
msgid "font;fonts;installer;truetype;type1;speedo;bitmap;"
msgstr "font;fonts;installer;truetype;type1;speedo;bitmap;шрифты;"

#. Name
#: tdefontinst/tdefile-plugin/tdefile_font.desktop:3
msgid "Font Information"
msgstr "Сведения о шрифте"

#. Comment
#: tdefontinst/tdeio/folder.desktop:2
msgid "Fonts Folder"
msgstr "Папка шрифтов"

#. Comment
#: tdefontinst/tdeio/package.desktop:6
msgid "Fonts Package"
msgstr "Пакет шрифтов"

#. Comment
#: tdefontinst/tdeio/system-folder.desktop:2
msgid "System Fonts Folder"
msgstr "Папка системных шрифтов"

#. Name
#: tdefontinst/thumbnail/fontthumbnail.desktop:3
msgid "Font Files"
msgstr "Файлы шрифтов"

#. Name
#: tdefontinst/viewpart/tdefontview.desktop:2
#, fuzzy
msgid "TDEFontView"
msgstr "Программа просмотра шрифтов"

#. GenericName
#. Name
#: tdefontinst/viewpart/tdefontview.desktop:8
#: tdefontinst/viewpart/tdefontviewpart.desktop:2
msgid "Font Viewer"
msgstr "Программа просмотра шрифтов"

#. Name
#: tdeio/cache.desktop:12
msgid "Cache"
msgstr "Кэш"

#. Comment
#: tdeio/cache.desktop:14
msgid "Configure web cache settings"
msgstr "Настройка кэша"

#. Keywords
#: tdeio/cache.desktop:16
msgid "Cache;History;Browsing History;Ports;Size;"
msgstr ""

#. Name
#: tdeio/cookies.desktop:12
msgid "Cookies"
msgstr ""

#. Comment
#: tdeio/cookies.desktop:14
msgid "Configure the way cookies work"
msgstr "Настройка cookies"

#. Keywords
#: tdeio/cookies.desktop:16
msgid "Cookies;Browsing;Internet;WWW;Network;Policy;Domains;"
msgstr ""

#. Name
#: tdeio/lanbrowser.desktop:11
msgid "Local Network Browsing"
msgstr "Обзор локальной сети"

#. Comment
#: tdeio/lanbrowser.desktop:13
msgid "Setup lisa, reslisa and the ioslaves"
msgstr "Настройка lisa, reslisa и ioslaves"

#. Keywords
#: tdeio/lanbrowser.desktop:15
msgid "samba;smb;windows;network;"
msgstr ""

#. Comment
#: tdeio/netpref.desktop:2
msgid "Configure generic network preferences, like timeout values"
msgstr "Общие свойства сети, такие как значения времени ожидания"

#. Keywords
#: tdeio/netpref.desktop:5
msgid "timeout;iopref;netpref;network preferences;ftp;"
msgstr ""

#. Name
#: tdeio/netpref.desktop:6
msgid "Connection Preferences"
msgstr "Свойства соединения"

#. Name
#: tdeio/proxy.desktop:12
msgid "Proxy"
msgstr "Прокси"

#. Comment
#: tdeio/proxy.desktop:14
msgid "Configure the proxy servers used"
msgstr "Настройка серверов прокси"

#. Keywords
#: tdeio/proxy.desktop:16
msgid "Proxy;Proxy server;Firewall;Squid;proxy;"
msgstr ""

#. Name
#: tdeio/smb.desktop:12
msgid "Windows Shares"
msgstr "Ресурсы Windows"

#. Comment
#: tdeio/smb.desktop:14
msgid "Use to configure which windows (SMB) filesystems you can browse"
msgstr "Настройка просмотра доступных разделяемых ресурсов Windows-машин"

#. Keywords
#: tdeio/smb.desktop:16
msgid ""
"SMB;SAMBA;SMB client;Windows network;LAN;Network;neighborhood;Server;"
msgstr ""

#. Comment
#: tdeio/uasprovider.desktop:4
msgid "UserAgent Strings"
msgstr "Строки UserAgent"

#. Name
#: tdeio/uasproviders/ie401onwinnt4.desktop:2
msgid "UADescription (IE 4.01 on Win 2000)"
msgstr "UADescription (IE 4.01 на Windows 2000)"

#. Name
#: tdeio/uasproviders/ie45onwinnt5.desktop:2
msgid "UADescription (IE 4.5 on Win 2000)"
msgstr "UADescription (IE 4.5 на Win 2000)"

#. Name
#: tdeio/uasproviders/ie501onwinnt5.desktop:2
msgid "UADescription (IE 5.01 on Win 2000)"
msgstr "UADescription (IE 5.01 на Win 2000)"

#. Name
#: tdeio/uasproviders/ie50onppc.desktop:2
msgid "UADescription (IE 5.0 on Mac PPC)"
msgstr "UADescription (IE 5.0 на Mac PPC)"

#. Name
#: tdeio/uasproviders/ie55onwin98.desktop:2
msgid "UADescription (IE 5.5 on Win 98)"
msgstr "UADescription (IE 5.5 на Win 98)"

#. Name
#: tdeio/uasproviders/ie55onwinnt5.desktop:2
msgid "UADescription (IE 5.5 on Win 2000)"
msgstr "UADescription (IE 5.5 на Windows 2000)"

#. Name
#: tdeio/uasproviders/ie60oncurrent.desktop:2
msgid "UADescription (IE 6.0 on current)"
msgstr "UADescription (IE 6.0 на текущей системе)"

#. Name
#: tdeio/uasproviders/ie60onwinnt51.desktop:2
msgid "UADescription (IE 6.0 on Win XP)"
msgstr "UADescription (IE 5.0 на Windows 95)"

#. Name
#: tdeio/uasproviders/lynxoncurrent.desktop:2
msgid "UADescription (Lynx 2.8.3)"
msgstr "UADescription (Lynx 2.8.3)"

#. Name
#: tdeio/uasproviders/ns71oncurrent.desktop:2
msgid "UADescription (Netscape 7.1 on current)"
msgstr "UADescription (Netscape 7.1 на текущей системе)"

#. Name
#: tdeio/uasproviders/ns71onwinnt51.desktop:2
msgid "UADescription (Netscape 7.1 on XP)"
msgstr "UADescription (Netscape 7.1 на Windows XP)"

#. Name
#: tdeio/uasproviders/op75oncurrent.desktop:2
msgid "UADescription (Opera 7.55 on current)"
msgstr "UADescription (Opera 7.55 на текущей системе)"

#. Name
#: tdeio/uasproviders/w3moncurrent.desktop:2
msgid "UADescription (w3m 0.1.9)"
msgstr "UADescription (w3m 0.1.9)"

#. Name
#: tdeio/uasproviders/wgetoncurrent.desktop:2
msgid "UADescription (Wget 1.11.4)"
msgstr "UADescription (Wget 1.11.4)"

#. Name
#: tdeio/useragent.desktop:12
msgid "Browser Identification"
msgstr "Идентификация"

#. Comment
#: tdeio/useragent.desktop:14
msgid "Configure the way Konqueror reports itself"
msgstr "Настройка идентификации Konqueror"

#. Keywords
#: tdeio/useragent.desktop:16
msgid "User Agent;Browser;Internet;WWW;Network;agent;bindings;server;login;"
msgstr ""

#. Name
#: tdm/tdm.desktop:14
msgid "Login Manager"
msgstr "Менеджер входа в систему"

#. Comment
#: tdm/tdm.desktop:16
msgid "Configure the login manager (TDM)"
msgstr "Настройка менеджера входа в систему (TDM)"

#. Keywords
#: tdm/tdm.desktop:18
msgid ""
"tdm;display manager;xdm;users;login;greeting;Logo;styles;language;country;"
msgstr ""
"tdm;display manager;xdm;users;login;greeting;Logo;styles;language;country;"

#. Name
#: usbview/kcmusb.desktop:10
msgid "USB Devices"
msgstr "Устройства USB"

#. Comment
#: usbview/kcmusb.desktop:12
msgid "View the USB devices attached to this computer"
msgstr "Устройства USB вашего компьютера"

#. Keywords
#: usbview/kcmusb.desktop:14
msgid "USB;devices;viewer;control;"
msgstr "USB;devices;viewer;control;утсройства;"

#. Name
#: view1394/kcmview1394.desktop:10
msgid "IEEE 1394 Devices"
msgstr "Устройства IEEE 1394"

#. Comment
#: view1394/kcmview1394.desktop:12
msgid "View the IEEE 1394 devices attached to this computer"
msgstr "Просмотр устройств IEEE 1394, подключенных к этому компьютеру"

#. Keywords
#: view1394/kcmview1394.desktop:14
#, fuzzy
msgid "1394;Firewire;devices;viewer;control;"
msgstr "USB;devices;viewer;control;утсройства;"

#. Name
#: xinerama/xinerama.desktop:10
msgid "Multiple Monitors"
msgstr "Несколько мониторов"

#. Comment
#: xinerama/xinerama.desktop:12
msgid "Configure TDE for multiple monitors"
msgstr "Настройка TDE для нескольких мониторов"

#. Keywords
#: xinerama/xinerama.desktop:14
msgid "Xinerama;dual head;multihead;monitor;"
msgstr ""