# This file is put in the public domain.
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: PACKAGE VERSION\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2021-07-07 18:17+0000\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: YEAR-MO-DA HO:MI+ZONE\n"
"Last-Translator: FULL NAME <EMAIL@ADDRESS>\n"
"Language-Team: LANGUAGE <LL@li.org>\n"
"Language: ja\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"

#. Comment
#: konqueror_gestures_trinity21.khotkeys:5
msgid "Basic Konqueror gestures."
msgstr ""
"Konqueror の基本的なジェスチャーです。(マウスジェスチャーに使用するボタンは"

#. Name
#: konqueror_gestures_trinity21.khotkeys:8
msgid "Konqueror Gestures"
msgstr "Konqueror ジェスチャー"

#. Comment
#: konqueror_gestures_trinity21.khotkeys:13 trinity2b1.khotkeys:219
msgid "Konqueror window"
msgstr "Konqueror ウィンドウ"

#. Comment
#: konqueror_gestures_trinity21.khotkeys:20
#: konqueror_gestures_trinity21.khotkeys:26 trinity2b1.khotkeys:226
#: trinity2b1.khotkeys:232
#, fuzzy
msgid "Konqueror"
msgstr "Konqueror ウィンドウ"

#. Comment
#: konqueror_gestures_trinity21.khotkeys:35
msgid "Press, move left, release."
msgstr "マウスの中ボタンを押したまま、マウスを左に動かし、ボタンを放します。"

#. Name
#: konqueror_gestures_trinity21.khotkeys:37 trinity2b1.khotkeys:242
msgid "Back"
msgstr "戻る"

#. Comment
#: konqueror_gestures_trinity21.khotkeys:41
msgid ""
"Opera-style: Press, move up, release.\n"
"NOTE: Conflicts with 'New Tab', and as such is disabled by default."
msgstr ""
"Opera スタイル: マウスの中ボタンを押したまま、マウスを上に動かし、ボタンを放"
"注意: 「新規タブ」と競合するため、デフォルトでは無効になっています。"

#. Name
#: konqueror_gestures_trinity21.khotkeys:43
msgid "Stop Loading"
msgstr "読み込みを停止"

#. Comment
#: konqueror_gestures_trinity21.khotkeys:58
#: konqueror_gestures_trinity21.khotkeys:83
#: konqueror_gestures_trinity21.khotkeys:108
#: konqueror_gestures_trinity21.khotkeys:133
#: konqueror_gestures_trinity21.khotkeys:158
#: konqueror_gestures_trinity21.khotkeys:177
#: konqueror_gestures_trinity21.khotkeys:202
#: konqueror_gestures_trinity21.khotkeys:227
#: konqueror_gestures_trinity21.khotkeys:252
#: konqueror_gestures_trinity21.khotkeys:277
#: konqueror_gestures_trinity21.khotkeys:306
#: konqueror_gestures_trinity21.khotkeys:335
#: konqueror_gestures_trinity21.khotkeys:360
#: konqueror_gestures_trinity21.khotkeys:385 trinity2b1.khotkeys:257
#: trinity2b1.khotkeys:289 trinity2b1.khotkeys:321 trinity2b1.khotkeys:353
msgid "Gesture_triggers"
msgstr ""

#. Comment
#: konqueror_gestures_trinity21.khotkeys:66
msgid ""
"Going up in URL/directory structure.\n"
"Mozilla-style: Press, move up, move left, move up, release."
msgstr ""
"Mozilla スタイル: マウスの中ボタンを押したまま、マウスを上->左->上の順に動か"

#. Name
#: konqueror_gestures_trinity21.khotkeys:68 trinity2b1.khotkeys:306
msgid "Up"
msgstr "上"

#. Comment
#: konqueror_gestures_trinity21.khotkeys:91
msgid ""
"Going up in URL/directory structure.\n"
"Opera-style: Press, move up, move left, move up, release.\n"
"NOTE: Conflicts with  \"Activate Previous Tab\", and as such is disabled by "
msgstr ""
"Opera スタイル: マウスの中ボタンを押したまま、マウスを上->左->上の順に動か"
"注意: 「前のタブをアクティブに」と競合するため、デフォルトでは無効になってい"

#. Name
#: konqueror_gestures_trinity21.khotkeys:93
msgid "Up #2"
msgstr "上 #2"

#. Comment
#: konqueror_gestures_trinity21.khotkeys:116
msgid "Press, move up, move right, release."
msgstr ""

#. Name
#: konqueror_gestures_trinity21.khotkeys:118
msgid "Activate Next Tab"
msgstr "次のタブをアクティブに"

#. Comment
#: konqueror_gestures_trinity21.khotkeys:141
msgid "Press, move up, move left, release."
msgstr ""

#. Name
#: konqueror_gestures_trinity21.khotkeys:143
msgid "Activate Previous Tab"
msgstr "前のタブをアクティブに"

#. Comment
#: konqueror_gestures_trinity21.khotkeys:185
msgid "Press, move down, move up, move down, release."
msgstr ""

#. Name
#: konqueror_gestures_trinity21.khotkeys:187
msgid "Duplicate Tab"
msgstr "タブを複製"

#. Comment
#: konqueror_gestures_trinity21.khotkeys:210
msgid "Press, move down, move up, release."
msgstr ""

#. Name
#: konqueror_gestures_trinity21.khotkeys:212
msgid "Duplicate Window"
msgstr "ウィンドウを複製"

#. Comment
#: konqueror_gestures_trinity21.khotkeys:235
msgid "Press, move right, release."
msgstr "マウスの中ボタンを押したまま、マウスを右に動かし、ボタンを放します。"

#. Name
#: konqueror_gestures_trinity21.khotkeys:237 trinity2b1.khotkeys:274
msgid "Forward"
msgstr "進む"

#. Comment
#: konqueror_gestures_trinity21.khotkeys:260
msgid ""
"Press, move down, move half up, move right, move down, release.\n"
"(Drawing a lowercase 'h'.)"
msgstr ""
"(小文字の 'h' を描くように)"

#. Name
#: konqueror_gestures_trinity21.khotkeys:262
msgid "Home"
msgstr "ホーム"

#. Comment
#: konqueror_gestures_trinity21.khotkeys:289
msgid ""
"Press, move right, move down, move right, release.\n"
"Mozilla-style: Press, move down, move right, release."
msgstr ""
"Mozilla スタイル: マウスの中ボタンを押したまま、マウスを下->右の順に動かし、"

#. Name
#: konqueror_gestures_trinity21.khotkeys:291
msgid "Close Tab"
msgstr "タブを閉じる"

#. Comment
#: konqueror_gestures_trinity21.khotkeys:318
msgid ""
"Press, move up, release.\n"
"Conflicts with Opera-style 'Up #2', which is disabled by default."
msgstr ""
"デフォルトで無効になっている Opera スタイルの「上 #2」と競合します。"

#. Name
#: konqueror_gestures_trinity21.khotkeys:320
msgid "New Tab"
msgstr "新規タブ"

#. Comment
#: konqueror_gestures_trinity21.khotkeys:343
msgid "Press, move down, release."
msgstr "マウスの中ボタンを押したまま、マウスを下に動かし、ボタンを放します。"

#. Name
#: konqueror_gestures_trinity21.khotkeys:345
msgid "New Window"
msgstr "新規ウィンドウ"

#. Comment
#: konqueror_gestures_trinity21.khotkeys:368
msgid "Press, move up, move down, release."
msgstr ""

#. Name
#: konqueror_gestures_trinity21.khotkeys:370 trinity2b1.khotkeys:338
msgid "Reload"
msgstr "再読み込み"

#. Comment
#: printscreen.khotkeys:5
msgid "This group contains actions that are set up by default."
msgstr "このグループにはデフォルトで設定されているアクションが含まれています。"

#. Name
#: printscreen.khotkeys:8
msgid "Preset Actions"
msgstr "プリセットアクション"

#. Comment
#: printscreen.khotkeys:17
msgid "Launches KSnapShot when PrintScrn is pressed."
msgstr "PrintScrn を押して KSnapShot を起動します。"

#. Name
#: printscreen.khotkeys:19
msgid "PrintScreen"
msgstr ""

#. Comment
#: printscreen.khotkeys:33 printscreen.khotkeys:57 trinity2b1.khotkeys:46
#: trinity2b1.khotkeys:71 trinity2b1.khotkeys:95 trinity2b1.khotkeys:163
#: trinity2b1.khotkeys:203 trinity2b1.khotkeys:385
msgid "Simple_action"
msgstr ""

#. Comment
#: printscreen.khotkeys:41
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"Launches KSnapShot in window capture mode when ALT+PrintScrn is pressed.\n"
msgstr "PrintScrn を押して KSnapShot を起動します。"

#. Name
#: printscreen.khotkeys:43
msgid "PrintWindow"
msgstr ""

#. Comment
#: trinity2b1.khotkeys:5
msgid ""
"This group contains various examples demonstrating most of the features of "
"KHotkeys. (Note that this group and all its actions are disabled by default.)"
msgstr ""
"このグループには KHotkeys が提供するさまざまな機能の使用例が含まれています "

#. Name
#: trinity2b1.khotkeys:8
msgid "Examples"
msgstr "使用例"

#. Comment
#: trinity2b1.khotkeys:16
msgid ""
"After pressing Ctrl+Alt+I, the KSIRC window will be activated, if it exists. "
msgstr ""
"Ctrl+Alt+I を押すと、存在すれば KSIRC ウィンドウがアクティブになります。これ"

#. Name
#: trinity2b1.khotkeys:18
msgid "Activate KSIRC Window"
msgstr "KSIRC ウィンドウをアクティブに"

#. Comment
#: trinity2b1.khotkeys:28
msgid "KSIRC window"
msgstr "KSIRC ウィンドウ"

#. Comment
#: trinity2b1.khotkeys:34
msgid "KSIRC"
msgstr ""

#. Comment
#: trinity2b1.khotkeys:54
msgid ""
"After pressing Alt+Ctrl+H, 'Hello' input will be simulated just like if you "
"typed it. Especially useful if you're lazy to type things like 'unsigned'. "
"Every keypress in the input is separated by a colon ':' . Note that the "
"keypresses mean really keypresses, so you have to write what you'd really "
"press on the keyboard. In the table below, left column shows the input and "
"the right column shows what to type.\n"
"\"enter\" (i.e. new line)                Enter or Return\n"
"a (i.e. small a)                          A\n"
"A (i.e. capital a)                       Shift+A\n"
": (colon)                                  Shift+;\n"
"' '  (space)                              Space"
msgstr ""
"Alt+Ctrl+H を押して 'Hello' という文字列を入力します。例えば 'unsigned' のよ"
"キー押下は、それぞれコロン (:) で区切ります。このキー押下とは、押すキーを意味"
"\"enter\" (改行)                Enter または Return\n"
"a (小文字の a)                          A\n"
"A (大文字の a)                       Shift+A\n"
": (コロン)                                  Shift+; (US 配列の場合)\n"
"' '  (スペース)                              Space"

#. Name
#: trinity2b1.khotkeys:56
msgid "Type 'Hello'"
msgstr "'Hello' を入力"

#. Comment
#: trinity2b1.khotkeys:79
msgid "This action runs Konsole, after pressing Ctrl+Alt+T."
msgstr "Ctrl+Alt+T を押して Konsole を起動します。"

#. Name
#: trinity2b1.khotkeys:81
msgid "Run Konsole"
msgstr "Konsole を起動"

#. Comment
#: trinity2b1.khotkeys:103
msgid ""
"Read the comment on action \"Type 'Hello'\" first.\n"
"Qt Designer uses Ctrl+F4 for closing windows (maybe because MS Windows does "
"it that way *shrug*). But Ctrl+F4 in TDE stands for going to virtual desktop "
"4, so it doesn't work in Qt Designer, and also, Qt Designer doesn't use "
"TDE's standard Ctrl+W for closing the window.\n"
"But the problem can be solved by remaping Ctrl+W to Ctrl+F4 when the active "
"window is Qt Designer. When Qt Designer is active, every time Ctrl+W is "
"pressed, Ctrl+F4 will be sent to Qt Designer instead. In other applications, "
"Ctrl+W remains working the usual way of course.\n"
"We now need to specify three things: A new shortcut trigger on 'Ctrl+W', a "
"new keyboard input action sending Ctrl+F4, and a new condition that the "
"active window is Qt Designer.\n"
"Qt Designer seems to always have title 'Qt Designer by Trolltech', so the "
"condition will check for the active window having that title."
msgstr ""
"まず「'Hello' を入力」の説明をお読みください。\n"
"Qt デザイナーは Ctrl+F4 でウィンドウを閉じます (おそらく MS Windows がそのよ"
"うになっているためでしょう、やれやれ)。しかし、TDE では Ctrl+F4 は仮想デスク"
"トップ 4 への切り替えに割り当てられているため、動きません。また、Qt デザイ"
"ナーは TDE 標準の Ctrl+W でウィンドウを閉じません。\n"
"この問題は、Qt デザイナーがアクティブウィンドウである場合に限って Ctrl+W を "
"Ctrl+F4 に割り当て直すことで解決できます。Qt デザイナーがアクティブなときに "
"Ctrl+W を押すと、Ctrl+F4 が代わりに Qt デザイナーへ送られます。他のアプリケー"
"ションでは Ctrl+W が通常どおりに動きます。\n"
"このためには 3 つのことを指定する必要があります。新しいショートカットトリガ "
"'Ctrl+W'、Ctrl+F4 を送る新しいキーボード入力アクション、そして「アクティブ"
"ウィンドウは Qt デザイナー」という条件です。\n"
"Qt デザイナーは常に 'Qt Designer by Trolltech' というタイトルを持っているよう"

#. Name
#: trinity2b1.khotkeys:105
msgid "Remap Ctrl+W to Ctrl+F4 in Qt Designer"
msgstr "Qt デザイナーで Ctrl+W を Ctrl+F4 に割り当て直す"

#. Comment
#: trinity2b1.khotkeys:123
msgid "Qt Designer"
msgstr "Qt デザイナー"

#. Comment
#: trinity2b1.khotkeys:144
msgid ""
"By pressing Alt+Ctrl+W a DCOP call will be performed that will show the "
"minicli. You can use any kind of DCOP call, just like using the command line "
"'dcop' tool."
msgstr ""
"Alt+Ctrl+W を押すと、「コマンドを実行」ダイアログを表示する DCOP 呼び出しが実"
"行されます。コマンドラインの 'dcop' ツールと同様に、あらゆる DCOP 呼び出しが"

#. Name
#: trinity2b1.khotkeys:146
msgid "Perform DCOP call 'kdesktop KDesktopIface popupExecuteCommand()'"
msgstr "DCOP 呼び出し 'kdesktop KDesktopIface popupExecuteCommand()' を実行"

#. Comment
#: trinity2b1.khotkeys:171
msgid ""
"Read the comment on action \"Type 'Hello'\" first.\n"
"Just like the \"Type 'Hello'\" action, this one simulates a keyboard input, "
"specifically, after pressing Ctrl+Alt+B, it sends B to XMMS (B in XMMS jumps "
"to the next song). The 'Send to specific window' checkbox is checked and a "
"window with its class containing 'XMMS_Player' is specified; this will make "
"the input always be sent to this window. This way, you can control XMMS even "
"if it's e.g. on a different virtual desktop.\n"
"(Run 'xprop' and click on the XMMS window and search for WM_CLASS to see "
msgstr ""
"まず「'Hello' を入力」の説明をお読みください。\n"
"アクション「'Hello' を入力」と同様に、これもキーボード入力をシミュレートしま"
"す。具体的には、Ctrl+Alt+B を押して XMMS に B を送ります (XMMS では B で次の"
"に 'XMMS_Player' を指定します (入力を常にこのウィンドウに送るため)。これに"
"よって、他の仮想デスクトップにある XMMS も制御することができます。\n"
"('XMMS_Player' を見るには、'xprop' を実行し、XMMS ウィンドウをクリックして "
"WM_CLASS を探します)"

#. Name
#: trinity2b1.khotkeys:173
msgid "Next in XMMS"
msgstr "XMMS の次の曲"

#. Comment
#: trinity2b1.khotkeys:185
msgid "XMMS window"
msgstr "XMMS ウィンドウ"

#. Comment
#: trinity2b1.khotkeys:191
msgid "XMMS Player window"
msgstr "XMMS プレーヤウィンドウ"

#. Comment
#: trinity2b1.khotkeys:211
msgid ""
"Ok, Konqi in TDE has tabs, and now you can also have gestures. No need to "
"use other browsers >;).\n"
"Just press the middle mouse button and start drawing one of the gestures, "
"and after you're finished, release the mouse button. If you only need to "
"paste the selection, it still works, simply only click the middle mouse "
"button. (You can change the mouse button to use in the global settings).\n"
"Right now, there are these gestures available:\n"
"move right and back left - Forward (ALt+Right)\n"
"move left and back right - Back (Alt+Left)\n"
"move up and back down  - Up (Alt+Up)\n"
"circle anticlockwise - Reload (F5)\n"
" (As soon as I find out which ones are in Opera or Mozilla, I'll add more "
"and make sure they are the same. Or if you do it yourself, feel free to help "
"me and send me your khotkeysrc.)\n"
"The gestures shapes (some of the dialogs are from KGesture, thanks to Mike "
"Pilone) can be simply entered by performing them in the configuration "
"dialog. You can also look at your numeric pad to help you, gestures are "
"recognized like a 3x3 grid of fields, numbered 1 to 9.\n"
"Note that you must perform exactly the gesture to trigger the action. "
"Because of this, it's possible to enter more gestures for the action. You "
"should try to avoid complicated gestures where you change the direction of "
"mouse moving more than once (i.e. do e.g. 45654 or 74123 as they are simple "
"to perform but e.g. 1236987 may be already quite difficult).\n"
"The condition for all gestures are defined in this group. All these gestures "
"are active only if the active window is Konqueror (class contains "
msgstr ""
"Konqueror は TDE でタブとマウスジェスチャーを実装しました。もう他のブラウザを"
"右->左 - 進む (ALt+右)\n"
"左->右 - 戻る (Alt+左)\n"
"上->下 - 上 (Alt+上)\n"
"反時計回りに一周 - 再読み込み (F5)\n"
" (これ以外にも Opera や Mozilla で実装されているものが分かれば、Konqueror に"
"も追加し、同じように動くようにします。あなた自身で追加したら、ぜひあなたの "
"khotkeysrc を送ってください)\n"
"ジェスチャーの形は設定ダイアログで実際に描くことによって登録できます (ダイア"
"ログの一部は Mike Pilone による KGesture から流用しました)。テンキーも参考に"
"してください。ジェスチャーは 3x3 のグリッドの 1 から 9 の数値として認識されま"
"す方向を 2 度以上変える場合は、あまり複雑にしないでください (45654 や 74123 "
"を描くのは簡単ですが、1236987 は既に難しいかもしれません)。\n"
"チャーは、アクティブなウィンドウが Konqueror の場合 (ウィンドウのクラスが "
"'konqueror' を含む場合) にのみ有効になります。"

#. Name
#: trinity2b1.khotkeys:214
msgid "Konqi Gestures"
msgstr "Konqi ジェスチャー"

#. Comment
#: trinity2b1.khotkeys:369
msgid ""
"After pressing Win+E (Tux+E), WWW browser will be launched and it will open "
"http://www.trinitydesktop.org . You may run all kind of commands you can run "
"in minicli (Alt+F2)."
msgstr ""
"Win+E (Tux+E) を押すと、ウェブブラウザが起動し、http://www.trinitydesktop."
"org を開きます。Alt+F2 で開く「コマンドを実行」ダイアログで実行できるあらゆる"

#. Name
#: trinity2b1.khotkeys:371
msgid "Go to TDE Website"
msgstr "TDE ウェブサイトを訪問"