# This file is put in the public domain.
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: PACKAGE VERSION\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2023-07-04 18:14+0000\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: YEAR-MO-DA HO:MI+ZONE\n"
"Last-Translator: FULL NAME <EMAIL@ADDRESS>\n"
"Language-Team: LANGUAGE <LL@li.org>\n"
"Language: gl\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"

#. Name
#: kcmtwin/showdesktop.desktop:4
msgid "Show Desktop"
msgstr "Escritório"

#. Comment
#: kcmtwin/showdesktop.desktop:6
msgid "A button that gives quick access to the desktop when pressed"
msgstr "Un botón que dá aceso rápido ao escritório cando se preme"

#. Name
#: kcmtwin/twindecoration/twindecoration.desktop:11
msgid "Window Decorations"
msgstr "Decoracións das Fiestras"

#. Comment
#: kcmtwin/twindecoration/twindecoration.desktop:13
msgid "Configure the look and feel of window titles"
msgstr "Configurar a apariencia dos títulos das fiestras"

#. Keywords
#: kcmtwin/twindecoration/twindecoration.desktop:15
msgid ""
msgstr ""

#. Name
#: kcmtwin/twinoptions/twinactions.desktop:11
msgid "Actions"
msgstr "Accións"

#. Comment
#: kcmtwin/twinoptions/twinactions.desktop:13
msgid "Configure keyboard and mouse settings"
msgstr "Configurar as opcións do teclado e o rato"

#. Keywords
#: kcmtwin/twinoptions/twinactions.desktop:15
msgid ""
"shade;maximise;maximize;minimize;minimise;lower;operations menu;titlebar;"
msgstr ""
"sombra;maximizar;maximizar;minimizar;baixar;menú de operacións;barra de "

#. Name
#: kcmtwin/twinoptions/twinactiveborders.desktop:11
msgid "Active Borders"
msgstr ""

#. Comment
#: kcmtwin/twinoptions/twinactiveborders.desktop:13
#, fuzzy
#| msgid "Configure advanced window management features"
msgid "Configure active borders/corners feature"
msgstr "Configurar as características avanzadas da xestión de fiestras"

#. Keywords
#: kcmtwin/twinoptions/twinactiveborders.desktop:15
msgid ""
"window behavior;windows;frame;titlebar;borders;corners;active borders;"
msgstr ""

#. Name
#: kcmtwin/twinoptions/twinadvanced.desktop:11
msgid "Advanced"
msgstr "Avanzado"

#. Comment
#: kcmtwin/twinoptions/twinadvanced.desktop:13
msgid "Configure advanced window management features"
msgstr "Configurar as características avanzadas da xestión de fiestras"

#. Keywords
#: kcmtwin/twinoptions/twinadvanced.desktop:15
msgid "shading;border;hover;active borders;"
msgstr "sombra;beira;beiras activas;flotar;"

#. Name
#: kcmtwin/twinoptions/twinfocus.desktop:11
msgid "Focus"
msgstr "Foco"

#. Comment
#: kcmtwin/twinoptions/twinfocus.desktop:13
msgid "Configure the window focus policy"
msgstr "Configurar política de outorgación do foco ás fiestras"

#. Keywords
#: kcmtwin/twinoptions/twinfocus.desktop:15
msgid ""
"focus;placement;auto raise;raise;click raise;keyboard;CDE;alt-tab;all "
msgstr ""
"foco;emprazamento;auto subir;subir;premer para subir;teclado;CDE;alt-tab;"
"todo o escritório;"

#. Name
#: kcmtwin/twinoptions/twinmoving.desktop:11
msgid "Moving"
msgstr "Movemento"

#. Comment
#: kcmtwin/twinoptions/twinmoving.desktop:13
msgid "Configure the way that windows are moved"
msgstr "Aqui pode configurar o xeito en que se moven as fiestras"

#. Keywords
#: kcmtwin/twinoptions/twinmoving.desktop:15
msgid "moving;smart;cascade;maximize;maximise;snap zone;snap;border;"
msgstr ""
"movemento;pequeno;fervenza;maximizar;maximizar;zona de suxección;suexección;"

#. Name
#: kcmtwin/twinoptions/twinoptions.desktop:11
msgid "Window Behavior"
msgstr "Comportamento das Fiestras"

#. Comment
#: kcmtwin/twinoptions/twinoptions.desktop:13
msgid "Configure the window behavior"
msgstr "Configurar o comportamento das fiestras"

#. Keywords
#: kcmtwin/twinoptions/twinoptions.desktop:15
msgid ""
"focus;placement;window behavior;animation;raise;auto raise;windows;frame;"
msgstr ""
"foco;emprazamento;comportamento da fiestra;animación;subir;auto subir;"
"fiestras;marco;barra de título;dobre presión;"

#. Name
#: kcmtwin/twinoptions/twintranslucency.desktop:11
msgid "Translucency"
msgstr "Translucidez"

#. Comment
#: kcmtwin/twinoptions/twintranslucency.desktop:13
msgid "Configure window translucency and shadow management"
msgstr "Configurar a xestión de sombras e translucidez das fiestras"

#. Keywords
#: kcmtwin/twinoptions/twintranslucency.desktop:15
msgid "translucency;transparence;shadows;"
msgstr "translucéncia;transparéncia;sombras;"

#. Name
#: kcmtwin/twinrules/twinrules.desktop:11
msgid "Window-Specific Settings"
msgstr "Opcións específicas da fiestra"

#. Comment
#: kcmtwin/twinrules/twinrules.desktop:13
msgid "Configure settings specifically for a window"
msgstr "Configuración das opcións específicas para unha fiestra"

#. Keywords
#: kcmtwin/twinrules/twinrules.desktop:15
msgid ""
"size;position;state;window behavior;windows;specific;workarounds;remember;"
msgstr ""
"tamaño;posición;estado;comportamento da fiestra;fiestras;específico;lembrar;"

#. Description
#: data/fsp_workarounds_1.twinrules:2
msgid "(Default) Disable focus stealing prevention for XV"
msgstr ""

#. Description
#: data/fsp_workarounds_1.twinrules:10
msgid "(Default) Allow focus stealing by the screen locker"
msgstr ""

#. Description
#: data/fsp_workarounds_1.twinrules:21
msgid "(Default) Allow focus stealing by the kdesktop run dialog"
msgstr ""

#. Description
#: data/fsp_workarounds_1.twinrules:32
msgid "(Default) Allow focus stealing by the settings test dialog"
msgstr ""

#. Description
#: data/fsp_workarounds_1.twinrules:45
msgid "(Default) Hide system modal dialog class from taskbar"
msgstr ""