 KWin - the KDE window manager
 This file is part of the KDE project.

Copyright (C) 1999, 2000 Matthias Ettrich <ettrich@kde.org>
Copyright (C) 2003 Lubos Lunak <l.lunak@kde.org>

You can Freely distribute this program under the GNU General Public
License. See the file "COPYING" for the exact licensing terms.

#include "client.h"

#include <math.h>

#include <tqapplication.h>
#include <tqpainter.h>
#include <tqdatetime.h>
#include <tqimage.h>
#include <kprocess.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <kstandarddirs.h>
#include <tqwhatsthis.h>
#include <twin.h>
#include <kiconloader.h>
#include <stdlib.h>

#include "bridge.h"
#include "group.h"
#include "workspace.h"
#include "atoms.h"
#include "notifications.h"
#include "rules.h"

#include <X11/extensions/shape.h>

// put all externs before the namespace statement to allow the linker
// to resolve them properly

extern Atom qt_wm_state;
extern Atom qt_window_role;
extern Atom qt_sm_client_id;

// wait 200 ms before drawing shadow after move/resize
static const int SHADOW_DELAY = 200;

namespace KWinInternal

/* TODO: Remove this once X has real translucency.
 * A list of the regions covered by all shadows and the Clients to which they
 * belong. Used to redraw shadows when a window overlapping or underlying a
 * shadow is moved, resized, or hidden.
struct ShadowRegion
    TQRegion region;
    Client *client;
static TQValueList<ShadowRegion> shadowRegions;


 Creating a client:
     - only by calling Workspace::createClient()
         - it creates a new client and calls manage() for it

 Destroying a client:
     - destroyClient() - only when the window itself has been destroyed
     - releaseWindow() - the window is kept, only the client itself is destroyed


  \class Client client.h

  \brief The Client class encapsulates a window decoration frame.


 This ctor is "dumb" - it only initializes data. All the real initialization
 is done in manage().
Client::Client( Workspace *ws )
    :   TQObject( NULL ),
        client( None ),
        wrapper( None ),
        frame( None ),
        decoration( NULL ),
        wspace( ws ),
        bridge( new Bridge( this )),
        move_faked_activity( false ),
        move_resize_grab_window( None ),
        transient_for( NULL ),
        transient_for_id( None ),
        original_transient_for_id( None ),
        in_group( NULL ),
        window_group( None ),
        in_layer( UnknownLayer ),
        ping_timer( NULL ),
        process_killer( NULL ),
        user_time( CurrentTime ), // not known yet
        allowed_actions( 0 ),
        postpone_geometry_updates( 0 ),
        pending_geometry_update( false ),
        shade_geometry_change( false ),
        border_left( 0 ),
        border_right( 0 ),
        border_top( 0 ),
        border_bottom( 0 ),
        opacity_( 0 ),
        demandAttentionKNotifyTimer( NULL )
// SELI do all as initialization
    autoRaiseTimer = 0;
    shadeHoverTimer = 0;

    shadowDelayTimer = new TQTimer(this);
    opacityCache = &activeOpacityCache;
    shadowAfterClient = NULL;
    shadowWidget = NULL;
    shadowMe = true;
    connect(shadowDelayTimer, TQT_SIGNAL(timeout()), TQT_SLOT(drawShadow()));

    // set the initial mapping state
    mapping_state = WithdrawnState;
    desk = 0; // no desktop yet

    mode = PositionCenter;
    buttonDown = FALSE;
    moveResizeMode = FALSE;

    info = NULL;

    shade_mode = ShadeNone;
    active = FALSE;
    deleting = false;
    keep_above = FALSE;
    keep_below = FALSE;
    is_shape = FALSE;
    motif_noborder = false;
    motif_may_move = TRUE;
    motif_may_resize = TRUE;
    motif_may_close = TRUE;
    fullscreen_mode = FullScreenNone;
    skip_taskbar = FALSE;
    original_skip_taskbar = false;
    minimized = false;
    hidden = false;
    modal = false;
    noborder = false;
    user_noborder = false;
    urgency = false;
    ignore_focus_stealing = false;
    demands_attention = false;
    check_active_modal = false;

    Pdeletewindow = 0;
    Ptakefocus = 0;
    Ptakeactivity = 0;
    Pcontexthelp = 0;
    Pping = 0;
    input = FALSE;
    skip_pager = FALSE;

    max_mode = MaximizeRestore;
    maxmode_restore = MaximizeRestore;
    cmap = None;

    frame_geometry = TQRect( 0, 0, 100, 100 ); // so that decorations don't start with size being (0,0)
    client_size = TQSize( 100, 100 );
    custom_opacity = false;
    rule_opacity_active = 0;; //translucency rules
    rule_opacity_inactive = 0; //dito.

    // SELI initialize xsizehints??

  "Dumb" destructor.
    assert( client == None );
    assert( frame == None && wrapper == None );
    assert( decoration == NULL );
    assert( postpone_geometry_updates == 0 );
    assert( !check_active_modal );
    delete info;
    delete bridge;

// use destroyClient() or releaseWindow(), Client instances cannot be deleted directly
void Client::deleteClient( Client* c, allowed_t )
    delete c;

  Releases the window. The client has done its job and the window is still existing.
void Client::releaseWindow( bool on_shutdown )
    assert( !deleting );
    deleting = true;
    workspace()->discardUsedWindowRules( this, true ); // remove ForceTemporarily rules
    StackingUpdatesBlocker blocker( workspace());
    if (!custom_opacity) setOpacity(FALSE);
    if (moveResizeMode)
    // grab X during the release to make removing of properties, setting to withdrawn state
    // and repareting to root an atomic operation (http://lists.kde.org/?l=kde-devel&m=116448102901184&w=2)
    setMappingState( WithdrawnState );
    setModal( false ); // otherwise its mainwindow wouldn't get focus
    hidden = true; // so that it's not considered visible anymore (can't use hideClient(), it would set flags)
    if( !on_shutdown )
        workspace()->clientHidden( this );
    XUnmapWindow( qt_xdisplay(), frameId()); // destroying decoration would cause ugly visual effect
    if( !on_shutdown )
        workspace()->removeClient( this, Allowed );
        // only when the window is being unmapped, not when closing down KWin
        // (NETWM sections 5.5,5.7)
        info->setDesktop( 0 );
        desk = 0;
        info->setState( 0, info->state()); // reset all state flags
    XDeleteProperty( qt_xdisplay(), client, atoms->kde_net_wm_user_creation_time);
    XDeleteProperty( qt_xdisplay(), client, atoms->net_frame_extents );
    XDeleteProperty( qt_xdisplay(), client, atoms->kde_net_wm_frame_strut );
    XReparentWindow( qt_xdisplay(), client, workspace()->rootWin(), x(), y());
    XRemoveFromSaveSet( qt_xdisplay(), client );
    XSelectInput( qt_xdisplay(), client, NoEventMask );
    if( on_shutdown )
        { // map the window, so it can be found after another WM is started
        XMapWindow( qt_xdisplay(), client );
	// TODO preserve minimized, shaded etc. state?
        // Make sure it's not mapped if the app unmapped it (#65279). The app
        // may do map+unmap before we initially map the window by calling rawShow() from manage().
        XUnmapWindow( qt_xdisplay(), client ); 
    client = None;
    XDestroyWindow( qt_xdisplay(), wrapper );
    wrapper = None;
    XDestroyWindow( qt_xdisplay(), frame );
    frame = None;
    --postpone_geometry_updates; // don't use GeometryUpdatesBlocker, it would now set the geometry
    deleteClient( this, Allowed );

// like releaseWindow(), but this one is called when the window has been already destroyed
// (e.g. the application closed it)
void Client::destroyClient()
    assert( !deleting );
    deleting = true;
    workspace()->discardUsedWindowRules( this, true ); // remove ForceTemporarily rules
    StackingUpdatesBlocker blocker( workspace());
    if (moveResizeMode)
    setModal( false );
    hidden = true; // so that it's not considered visible anymore
    workspace()->clientHidden( this );
    workspace()->removeClient( this, Allowed );
    client = None; // invalidate
    XDestroyWindow( qt_xdisplay(), wrapper );
    wrapper = None;
    XDestroyWindow( qt_xdisplay(), frame );
    frame = None;
    --postpone_geometry_updates; // don't use GeometryUpdatesBlocker, it would now set the geometry
    deleteClient( this, Allowed );

void Client::updateDecoration( bool check_workspace_pos, bool force )
    if( !force && (( decoration == NULL && noBorder())
                    || ( decoration != NULL && !noBorder())))
    bool do_show = false;
    postponeGeometryUpdates( true );
    if( force )
    if( !noBorder())
        setMask( TQRegion()); // reset shape mask
        decoration = workspace()->createDecoration( bridge );
        // TODO check decoration's minimum size?
        decoration->widget()->installEventFilter( this );
        XReparentWindow( qt_xdisplay(), decoration->widget()->winId(), frameId(), 0, 0 );
        decoration->borders( border_left, border_right, border_top, border_bottom );
        options->onlyDecoTranslucent ?
            setDecoHashProperty(border_top, border_right, border_bottom, border_left):
        int save_workarea_diff_x = workarea_diff_x;
        int save_workarea_diff_y = workarea_diff_y;
        move( calculateGravitation( false ));
        plainResize( sizeForClientSize( clientSize()), ForceGeometrySet );
        workarea_diff_x = save_workarea_diff_x;
        workarea_diff_y = save_workarea_diff_y;
        do_show = true;
    if( check_workspace_pos )
    postponeGeometryUpdates( false );
    if( do_show )

void Client::destroyDecoration()
    if( decoration != NULL )
        delete decoration;
        decoration = NULL;
        TQPoint grav = calculateGravitation( true );
        border_left = border_right = border_top = border_bottom = 0;
        setMask( TQRegion()); // reset shape mask
        int save_workarea_diff_x = workarea_diff_x;
        int save_workarea_diff_y = workarea_diff_y;
        plainResize( sizeForClientSize( clientSize()), ForceGeometrySet );
        move( grav );
        workarea_diff_x = save_workarea_diff_x;
        workarea_diff_y = save_workarea_diff_y;

void Client::checkBorderSizes()
    if( decoration == NULL )
    int new_left, new_right, new_top, new_bottom;
    decoration->borders( new_left, new_right, new_top, new_bottom );
    if( new_left == border_left && new_right == border_right
        && new_top == border_top && new_bottom == border_bottom )
    GeometryUpdatesPostponer blocker( this );
    move( calculateGravitation( true ));
    border_left = new_left;
    border_right = new_right;
    border_top = new_top;
    border_bottom = new_bottom;
    if (border_left != new_left ||
        border_right != new_right ||
        border_top != new_top ||
        border_bottom != new_bottom)
    options->onlyDecoTranslucent ?
       setDecoHashProperty(new_top, new_right, new_bottom, new_left):
    move( calculateGravitation( false ));
    plainResize( sizeForClientSize( clientSize()), ForceGeometrySet );

void Client::detectNoBorder()
    if( Shape::hasShape( window()))
        noborder = true;
    switch( windowType())
        case NET::Desktop :
        case NET::Dock :
        case NET::TopMenu :
        case NET::Splash :
            noborder = true;
        case NET::Unknown :
        case NET::Normal :
        case NET::Toolbar :
        case NET::Menu :
        case NET::Dialog :
        case NET::Utility :
            noborder = false;
            assert( false );
    // NET::Override is some strange beast without clear definition, usually
    // just meaning "noborder", so let's treat it only as such flag, and ignore it as
    // a window type otherwise (SUPPORTED_WINDOW_TYPES_MASK doesn't include it)
    if( info->windowType( SUPPORTED_WINDOW_TYPES_MASK | NET::OverrideMask ) == NET::Override )
        noborder = true;

void Client::detectShapable()
    if( Shape::hasShape( window()))
    switch( windowType())
        case NET::Desktop :
        case NET::Dock :
        case NET::TopMenu :
        case NET::Splash :
        case NET::Unknown :
        case NET::Normal :
        case NET::Toolbar :
        case NET::Menu :
        case NET::Dialog :
        case NET::Utility :
            assert( false );

void Client::updateFrameExtents()
    NETStrut strut;
    strut.left = border_left;
    strut.right = border_right;
    strut.top = border_top;
    strut.bottom = border_bottom;
    info->setFrameExtents( strut );

// Resizes the decoration, and makes sure the decoration widget gets resize event
// even if the size hasn't changed. This is needed to make sure the decoration
// re-layouts (e.g. when options()->moveResizeMaximizedWindows() changes,
// the decoration may turn on/off some borders, but the actual size
// of the decoration stays the same).
void Client::resizeDecoration( const TQSize& s )
    if( decoration == NULL )
    TQSize oldsize = decoration->widget()->size();
    decoration->resize( s );
    if( oldsize == s )
        TQResizeEvent e( s, oldsize );
        TQApplication::sendEvent( decoration->widget(), &e );
    if (!moveResizeMode && options->shadowEnabled(isActive()))
        // If the user is manually resizing, let Client::leaveMoveResize()
        // decide when to redraw the shadow

bool Client::noBorder() const
    return noborder || isFullScreen() || user_noborder || motif_noborder;

bool Client::userCanSetNoBorder() const
    return !noborder && !isFullScreen() && !isShade();

bool Client::isUserNoBorder() const
    return user_noborder;

void Client::setUserNoBorder( bool set )
    if( !userCanSetNoBorder())
    set = rules()->checkNoBorder( set );
    if( user_noborder == set )
    user_noborder = set;
    updateDecoration( true, false );

bool Client::isModalSystemNotification() const
    unsigned char *data = 0;
    Atom actual;
    int format, result;
    unsigned long n, left;
    result = XGetWindowProperty(qt_xdisplay(), window(), atoms->net_wm_system_modal_notification, 0L, 1L, False, XA_CARDINAL, &actual, &format, &n, &left, /*(unsigned char **)*/ &data);
    if (result == Success && data != None && format == 32 )
        return TRUE;
    return FALSE;

void Client::updateShape()
    // workaround for #19644 - shaped windows shouldn't have decoration
    if( shape() && !noBorder()) 
        noborder = true;
        updateDecoration( true );
    if ( shape() )
        XShapeCombineShape(qt_xdisplay(), frameId(), ShapeBounding,
                           clientPos().x(), clientPos().y(),
                           window(), ShapeBounding, ShapeSet);
    // !shape() mask setting is done in setMask() when the decoration
    // calls it or when the decoration is created/destroyed

    if( Shape::version() >= 0x11 ) // 1.1, has input shape support
        { // There appears to be no way to find out if a window has input
          // shape set or not, so always propagate the input shape
          // (it's the same like the bounding shape by default).
          // Also, build the shape using a helper window, not directly
          // in the frame window, because the sequence set-shape-to-frame,
          // remove-shape-of-client, add-input-shape-of-client has the problem
          // that after the second step there's a hole in the input shape
          // until the real shape of the client is added and that can make
          // the window lose focus (which is a problem with mouse focus policies)
        static Window helper_window = None;
        if( helper_window == None )
            helper_window = XCreateSimpleWindow( qt_xdisplay(), qt_xrootwin(),
                0, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0 );
        XResizeWindow( qt_xdisplay(), helper_window, width(), height());
        XShapeCombineShape( qt_xdisplay(), helper_window, ShapeInput, 0, 0,
                           frameId(), ShapeBounding, ShapeSet );
        XShapeCombineShape( qt_xdisplay(), helper_window, ShapeInput,
                           clientPos().x(), clientPos().y(),
                           window(), ShapeBounding, ShapeSubtract );
        XShapeCombineShape( qt_xdisplay(), helper_window, ShapeInput,
                           clientPos().x(), clientPos().y(),
                           window(), ShapeInput, ShapeUnion );
        XShapeCombineShape( qt_xdisplay(), frameId(), ShapeInput, 0, 0,
                           helper_window, ShapeInput, ShapeSet );

void Client::setMask( const TQRegion& reg, int mode )
    _mask = reg;
    if( reg.isNull())
        XShapeCombineMask( qt_xdisplay(), frameId(), ShapeBounding, 0, 0,
            None, ShapeSet );
    else if( mode == X::Unsorted )
        XShapeCombineRegion( qt_xdisplay(), frameId(), ShapeBounding, 0, 0,
            reg.handle(), ShapeSet );
        TQMemArray< TQRect > rects = reg.rects();
        XRectangle* xrects = new XRectangle[ rects.count() ];
        for( unsigned int i = 0;
             i < rects.count();
             ++i )
            xrects[ i ].x = rects[ i ].x();
            xrects[ i ].y = rects[ i ].y();
            xrects[ i ].width = rects[ i ].width();
            xrects[ i ].height = rects[ i ].height();
        XShapeCombineRectangles( qt_xdisplay(), frameId(), ShapeBounding, 0, 0,
            xrects, rects.count(), ShapeSet, mode );
        delete[] xrects;

TQRegion Client::mask() const
    if( _mask.isEmpty())
        return TQRegion( 0, 0, width(), height());
    return _mask;
void Client::setShapable(bool b)
    long tmp = b?1:0;
    XChangeProperty(qt_xdisplay(), frameId(), atoms->net_wm_window_shapable, XA_CARDINAL, 32, PropModeReplace, (unsigned char *) &tmp, 1L);

void Client::hideClient( bool hide )
    if( hidden == hide )
    hidden = hide;
  Returns whether the window is minimizable or not
bool Client::isMinimizable() const
    if( isSpecialWindow())
        return false;
    if( isModalSystemNotification())
        return false;
    if( isTransient())
        { // #66868 - let other xmms windows be minimized when the mainwindow is minimized
        bool shown_mainwindow = false;
        ClientList mainclients = mainClients();
        for( ClientList::ConstIterator it = mainclients.begin();
             it != mainclients.end();
             ++it )
            if( (*it)->isShown( true ))
                shown_mainwindow = true;
        if( !shown_mainwindow )
            return true;
    // this is here because kicker's taskbar doesn't provide separate entries
    // for windows with an explicitly given parent
    // TODO perhaps this should be redone
    if( transientFor() != NULL )
        return false;
    if( !wantsTabFocus()) // SELI - NET::Utility? why wantsTabFocus() - skiptaskbar? ?
        return false;
    return true;

  Returns whether the window is kept above or not
bool Client::keepAbove() const
    if( isModalSystemNotification())
        return true;
    return keep_above;

  Minimizes this client plus its transients
void Client::minimize( bool avoid_animation )
    if ( !isMinimizable() || isMinimized())

    Notify::raise( Notify::Minimize );

    // SELI mainClients().isEmpty() ??? - and in unminimize() too
    if ( mainClients().isEmpty() && isOnCurrentDesktop() && isShown( true ) && !avoid_animation )
        animateMinimizeOrUnminimize( true ); // was visible or shaded

    minimized = true;

    workspace()->updateMinimizedOfTransients( this );
    workspace()->updateFocusChains( this, Workspace::FocusChainMakeLast );

void Client::unminimize( bool avoid_animation )
    if( !isMinimized())

    Notify::raise( Notify::UnMinimize );
    minimized = false;
    if( isOnCurrentDesktop() && isShown( true ))
        if( mainClients().isEmpty() && !avoid_animation )
            animateMinimizeOrUnminimize( FALSE );
    workspace()->updateMinimizedOfTransients( this );

extern bool         blockAnimation;

void Client::animateMinimizeOrUnminimize( bool minimize )
    if ( blockAnimation )
    if ( !options->animateMinimize )

    if( decoration != NULL && decoration->animateMinimize( minimize ))
        return; // decoration did it

    // the function is a bit tricky since it will ensure that an
    // animation action needs always the same time regardless of the
    // performance of the machine or the X-Server.

    float lf,rf,tf,bf,step;

    int speed = options->animateMinimizeSpeed;
    if ( speed > 10 )
        speed = 10;
    if ( speed < 0 )
        speed = 0;

    step = 40. * (11 - speed );

    NETRect r = info->iconGeometry();
    TQRect icongeom( r.pos.x, r.pos.y, r.size.width, r.size.height );
    if ( !icongeom.isValid() )

    TQPixmap pm = animationPixmap( minimize ? width() : icongeom.width() );

    TQRect before, after;
    if ( minimize ) 
        before = TQRect( x(), y(), width(), pm.height() );
        after = TQRect( icongeom.x(), icongeom.y(), icongeom.width(), pm.height() );
        before = TQRect( icongeom.x(), icongeom.y(), icongeom.width(), pm.height() );
        after = TQRect( x(), y(), width(), pm.height() );

    lf = (after.left() - before.left())/step;
    rf = (after.right() - before.right())/step;
    tf = (after.top() - before.top())/step;
    bf = (after.bottom() - before.bottom())/step;


    TQRect area = before;
    TQRect area2;
    TQPixmap pm2;

    TQTime t;
    float diff;

    TQPainter p ( workspace()->desktopWidget() );
    bool need_to_clear = FALSE;
    TQPixmap pm3;
        if (area2 != area)
            pm = animationPixmap( area.width() );
            pm2 = TQPixmap::grabWindow( qt_xrootwin(), area.x(), area.y(), area.width(), area.height() );
            p.drawPixmap( area.x(), area.y(), pm );
            if ( need_to_clear ) 
                p.drawPixmap( area2.x(), area2.y(), pm3 );
                need_to_clear = FALSE;
            area2 = area;
        XSync( qt_xdisplay(), FALSE );
        diff = t.elapsed();
        if (diff > step)
            diff = step;
        area.setLeft(before.left() + int(diff*lf));
        area.setRight(before.right() + int(diff*rf));
        area.setTop(before.top() + int(diff*tf));
        area.setBottom(before.bottom() + int(diff*bf));
        if (area2 != area ) 
            if ( area2.intersects( area ) )
                p.drawPixmap( area2.x(), area2.y(), pm2 );
                { // no overlap, we can clear later to avoid flicker
                pm3 = pm2;
                need_to_clear = TRUE;
        } while ( t.elapsed() < step);
    if (area2 == area || need_to_clear )
        p.drawPixmap( area2.x(), area2.y(), pm2 );


  The pixmap shown during (un)minimalization animation
TQPixmap Client::animationPixmap( int w )
    TQFont font = options->font(isActive());
    TQFontMetrics fm( font );
    TQPixmap pm( w, fm.lineSpacing() );
    pm.fill( options->color(Options::ColorTitleBar, isActive() || isMinimized() ) );
    TQPainter p( &pm );
    p.setPen(options->color(Options::ColorFont, isActive() || isMinimized() ));
    p.drawText( pm.rect(), AlignLeft|AlignVCenter|SingleLine, caption() );
    return pm;

bool Client::isShadeable() const
    return !isSpecialWindow() && !noBorder();

void Client::setShade( ShadeMode mode )
    if( !isShadeable())
    if( isModalSystemNotification())
    mode = rules()->checkShade( mode );
    if( shade_mode == mode )
    bool was_shade = isShade();
    ShadeMode was_shade_mode = shade_mode;
    shade_mode = mode;
    if( was_shade == isShade())
        if( decoration != NULL ) // decoration may want to update after e.g. hover-shade changes
        return; // no real change in shaded state

    if( shade_mode == ShadeNormal )
        if ( isShown( true ) && isOnCurrentDesktop())
                Notify::raise( Notify::ShadeUp );
    else if( shade_mode == ShadeNone )
        if( isShown( true ) && isOnCurrentDesktop())
                Notify::raise( Notify::ShadeDown );

    assert( decoration != NULL ); // noborder windows can't be shaded
    GeometryUpdatesPostponer blocker( this );
    // decorations may turn off some borders when shaded
    decoration->borders( border_left, border_right, border_top, border_bottom );

    int as = options->animateShade? 10 : 1;
// TODO all this unmapping, resizing etc. feels too much duplicated from elsewhere
    if ( isShade()) 
        { // shade_mode == ShadeNormal
        // we're about to shade, texx xcompmgr to prepare
        long _shade = 1;
        XChangeProperty(qt_xdisplay(), frameId(), atoms->net_wm_window_shade, XA_CARDINAL, 32, PropModeReplace, (unsigned char *) &_shade, 1L);
        // shade
        int h = height();
        shade_geometry_change = true;
        TQSize s( sizeForClientSize( TQSize( clientSize())));
        s.setHeight( border_top + border_bottom );
        XSelectInput( qt_xdisplay(), wrapper, ClientWinMask ); // avoid getting UnmapNotify
        XUnmapWindow( qt_xdisplay(), wrapper );
        XUnmapWindow( qt_xdisplay(), client );
        XSelectInput( qt_xdisplay(), wrapper, ClientWinMask | SubstructureNotifyMask );
        //as we hid the unmap event, xcompmgr didn't recognize the client wid has vanished, so we'll extra inform it        
        //done xcompmgr workaround
// FRAME       repaint( FALSE );
//        bool wasStaticContents = testWFlags( WStaticContents );
//        setWFlags( WStaticContents );
        int step = QMAX( 4, QABS( h - s.height() ) / as )+1;
            h -= step;
            XResizeWindow( qt_xdisplay(), frameId(), s.width(), h );
            resizeDecoration( TQSize( s.width(), h ));
            } while ( h > s.height() + step );
//        if ( !wasStaticContents )
//            clearWFlags( WStaticContents );
        plainResize( s );
        shade_geometry_change = false;
        if( isActive())
            if( was_shade_mode == ShadeHover )
                workspace()->activateNextClient( this );
        // tell xcompmgr shade's done
        _shade = 2;
        XChangeProperty(qt_xdisplay(), frameId(), atoms->net_wm_window_shade, XA_CARDINAL, 32, PropModeReplace, (unsigned char *) &_shade, 1L);    
        int h = height();
        shade_geometry_change = true;
        TQSize s( sizeForClientSize( clientSize()));
// FRAME       bool wasStaticContents = testWFlags( WStaticContents );
//        setWFlags( WStaticContents );
        int step = QMAX( 4, QABS( h - s.height() ) / as )+1;
            h += step;
            XResizeWindow( qt_xdisplay(), frameId(), s.width(), h );
            resizeDecoration( TQSize( s.width(), h ));
            // assume a border
            // we do not have time to wait for X to send us paint events
// FRAME           repaint( 0, h - step-5, width(), step+5, TRUE);
            } while ( h < s.height() - step );
//        if ( !wasStaticContents )
//            clearWFlags( WStaticContents );
        shade_geometry_change = false;
        plainResize( s );
        if( shade_mode == ShadeHover || shade_mode == ShadeActivated )
            setActive( TRUE );
        XMapWindow( qt_xdisplay(), wrapperId());
        XMapWindow( qt_xdisplay(), window());
        XDeleteProperty (qt_xdisplay(), client, atoms->net_wm_window_shade);
	if (options->shadowEnabled(false))
    	    for (ClientList::ConstIterator it = transients().begin();
        	it != transients().end(); ++it)

        if ( isActive() )
            workspace()->requestFocus( this );
    info->setState( isShade() ? NET::Shaded : 0, NET::Shaded );
    info->setState( isShown( false ) ? 0 : NET::Hidden, NET::Hidden );
    workspace()->updateMinimizedOfTransients( this );

void Client::shadeHover()
    setShade( ShadeHover );

void Client::cancelShadeHover()
    delete shadeHoverTimer;
    shadeHoverTimer = 0;

void Client::toggleShade()
    // if the mode is ShadeHover or ShadeActive, cancel shade too
    setShade( shade_mode == ShadeNone ? ShadeNormal : ShadeNone );

void Client::updateVisibility()
    if( deleting )
    bool show = true;
    if( hidden )
        setMappingState( IconicState );
        info->setState( NET::Hidden, NET::Hidden );
        setSkipTaskbar( true, false ); // also hide from taskbar
        show = false;
        setSkipTaskbar( original_skip_taskbar, false );
    if( minimized )
        setMappingState( IconicState );
        info->setState( NET::Hidden, NET::Hidden );
        show = false;
    if( show )
        info->setState( 0, NET::Hidden );
    if( !isOnCurrentDesktop())
        setMappingState( IconicState );
        show = false;
    if( show )
        bool belongs_to_desktop = false;
        for( ClientList::ConstIterator it = group()->members().begin();
             it != group()->members().end();
             ++it )
            if( (*it)->isDesktop())
                belongs_to_desktop = true;
        if( !belongs_to_desktop && workspace()->showingDesktop())
            workspace()->resetShowingDesktop( true );
        if( isShade())
            setMappingState( IconicState );
            setMappingState( NormalState );

void Client::setShadowed(bool shadowed)
    bool wasShadowed;

    wasShadowed = isShadowed();
    shadowMe = options->shadowEnabled(isActive()) ? shadowed : false;

    if (shadowMe) {
        if (!wasShadowed)
    else {
        if (wasShadowed) {

            if (!activeOpacityCache.isNull())
            if (!inactiveOpacityCache.isNull())

void Client::updateOpacityCache()
    if (!activeOpacityCache.isNull())
    if (!inactiveOpacityCache.isNull())

    if (!moveResizeMode) {
        // If the user is manually resizing, let Client::finishMoveResize()
        // decide when to redraw the shadow
        if (options->shadowEnabled(isActive()))

   Redraw shadows that were previously occluding or occluded by this window,
   to avoid visual glitches.
void Client::drawIntersectingShadows() {
    //Client *reshadowClient;
    TQRegion region;
    //TQPtrList<Client> reshadowClients;
    TQValueList<Client *> reshadowClients;
    TQValueListIterator<ShadowRegion> it;
    TQValueListIterator<Client *> it2;

    if (!options->shadowEnabled(false))
        // No point in redrawing overlapping/overlapped shadows if only the
        // active window has a shadow.

    region = shapeBoundingRegion;

    // Generate list of Clients whose shadows need to be redrawn. That is,
    // those that are currently intersecting or intersected by other windows or
    // shadows.
    for (it = shadowRegions.begin(); it != shadowRegions.end(); ++it)
        if ((isOnAllDesktops() || (*it).client->isOnCurrentDesktop()) &&

    // Redraw shadows for each of the Clients in the list generated above
    for (it2 = reshadowClients.begin(); it2 != reshadowClients.end();
            ++it2) {

   Redraw shadows that are above the current window in the stacking order.
   Furthermore, redraw them in the same order as they come in the stacking order
   from bottom to top.
void Client::drawOverlappingShadows(bool waitForMe)
    Client *aClient;
    TQRegion region;
    TQValueList<Client *> reshadowClients;
    ClientList stacking_order;
    ClientList::ConstIterator it;
    TQValueListIterator<ShadowRegion> it2;
    TQValueListIterator<Client *> it3;

    if (!options->shadowEnabled(false))
        // No point in redrawing overlapping/overlapped shadows if only the
        // active window has a shadow.

    region = shapeBoundingRegion;

    stacking_order = workspace()->stackingOrder();
    for (it = stacking_order.fromLast(); it != stacking_order.end(); --it) {
        // Find the position of this window in the stacking order.
        if ((*it) == this)
    while (it != stacking_order.end()) {
        if ((*it)->windowType() == NET::Dock) {
            // This function is only interested in windows whose shadows don't
            // have weird stacking rules.

        // Generate list of Clients whose shadows need to be redrawn. That is,
        // those that are currently overlapping or overlapped by other windows
        // or shadows. The list should be in order from bottom to top in the
        // stacking order.
        for (it2 = shadowRegions.begin(); it2 != shadowRegions.end(); ++it2) {
            if ((*it2).client == (*it)) {
                if ((isOnAllDesktops() || (*it2).client->isOnCurrentDesktop())
                        && !(*it2).region.intersect(region).isEmpty())

    // Redraw shadows for each of the Clients in the list generated above
    for (it3 = reshadowClients.begin(); it3 != reshadowClients.end(); ++it3) {
        if (it3 == reshadowClients.begin()) {
            if (waitForMe)
        else {
            aClient = (*it3);

   Draw shadow after some time has elapsed, to give recently exposed windows a
   chance to repaint before a shadow gradient is drawn over them.
void Client::drawDelayedShadow()
    shadowDelayTimer->start(SHADOW_DELAY, true);

   Draw shadow immediately after the specified Client's shadow finishes drawing.
void Client::drawShadowAfter(Client *after)
    shadowAfterClient = after;
    connect(after, TQT_SIGNAL(shadowDrawn()), TQT_SLOT(drawShadow()));

   Draw a shadow under this window and XShape the shadow accordingly.
void Client::drawShadow()
    Window shadows[2];
    XRectangle *shapes;
    int i, count, ordering;

    // If we are waiting for another Client's shadow to be drawn, stop waiting now
    if (shadowAfterClient != NULL) {
        disconnect(shadowAfterClient, TQT_SIGNAL(shadowDrawn()), this, TQT_SLOT(drawShadow()));
        shadowAfterClient = NULL;

    if (!isOnCurrentDesktop())

    /* Store this window's ShapeBoundingRegion even if shadows aren't drawn for
     * this type of window. Otherwise, drawIntersectingShadows() won't update
     * properly when this window is moved/resized/hidden/closed.
    shapes = XShapeGetRectangles(qt_xdisplay(), frameId(), ShapeBounding,
            &count, &ordering);
    if (!shapes)
        // XShape extension not supported
        shapeBoundingRegion = TQRegion(x(), y(), width(), height());
    else {
        shapeBoundingRegion = TQRegion();
        for (i = 0; i < count; i++) {
            // Translate XShaped window into a TQRegion
            TQRegion shapeRectangle(shapes[i].x, shapes[i].y, shapes[i].width,
            shapeBoundingRegion += shapeRectangle;
        if (isShade())
            // Since XResize() doesn't change a window's XShape regions, ensure that
            // shapeBoundingRegion is not taller than the window's shaded height,
            // or the bottom shadow will appear to be missing
            shapeBoundingRegion &= TQRegion(0, 0, width(), height());
        shapeBoundingRegion.translate(x(), y());

    if (!isShadowed() || hidden || isMinimized() ||
            maximizeMode() == MaximizeFull ||
            !options->shadowWindowType(windowType())) {

        // Tell whatever Clients are listening that this Client's shadow has been drawn.
        // It hasn't, but there's no sense waiting for something that won't happen.
        emit shadowDrawn();



    TQMemArray<QRgb> pixelData;
    TQPixmap shadowPixmap;
    TQRect shadow;
    TQRegion exposedRegion;
    ShadowRegion shadowRegion;
    int thickness, xOffset, yOffset;

    thickness = options->shadowThickness(isActive());
    xOffset = options->shadowXOffset(isActive());
    yOffset = options->shadowYOffset(isActive());
    opacityCache = active? &activeOpacityCache : &inactiveOpacityCache;

    shadow.setRect(x() - thickness + xOffset, y() - thickness + yOffset,
            width() + thickness * 2, height() + thickness * 2);

    // Create a fake drop-down shadow effect via blended Xwindows
    shadowWidget = new TQWidget(0, 0, (WFlags)(WStyle_Customize | WX11BypassWM));
    XSelectInput(qt_xdisplay(), shadowWidget->winId(),
            ButtonPressMask | ButtonReleaseMask | StructureNotifyMask);

    if (!shapes) {
        // XShape extension not supported
        exposedRegion = getExposedRegion(shapeBoundingRegion, shadow.x(),
                shadow.y(), shadow.width(), shadow.height(), thickness,
                xOffset, yOffset);
        shadowRegion.region = exposedRegion;
        shadowRegion.client = this;

        if (opacityCache->isNull())
            imposeRegionShadow(shadowPixmap, shapeBoundingRegion,
                    exposedRegion, thickness,
            imposeCachedShadow(shadowPixmap, exposedRegion);
    else {
        TQMemArray<TQRect> exposedRects;
        TQMemArray<TQRect>::Iterator it, itEnd;
        XRectangle *shadowShapes;

        exposedRegion = getExposedRegion(shapeBoundingRegion, shadow.x(),
                shadow.y(), shadow.width(), shadow.height(), thickness,
                xOffset, yOffset);
        shadowRegion.region = exposedRegion;
        shadowRegion.client = this;

        // XShape the shadow
        exposedRects = exposedRegion.rects();
        i = 0;
        itEnd = exposedRects.end();
        shadowShapes = new XRectangle[exposedRects.count()];
        for (it = exposedRects.begin(); it != itEnd; ++it) {
            shadowShapes[i].x = (*it).x();
            shadowShapes[i].y = (*it).y();
            shadowShapes[i].width = (*it).width();
            shadowShapes[i].height = (*it).height();
        XShapeCombineRectangles(qt_xdisplay(), shadowWidget->winId(),
                ShapeBounding, -x() + thickness - xOffset,
                -y() + thickness - yOffset, shadowShapes, i, ShapeSet,
        delete [] shadowShapes;

        if (opacityCache->isNull())
            imposeRegionShadow(shadowPixmap, shapeBoundingRegion,
                    exposedRegion, thickness,
            imposeCachedShadow(shadowPixmap, exposedRegion);


    // Set the background pixmap

    // Restack shadows under this window so that shadows drawn for a newly
    // focused (but not raised) window don't overlap any windows above it.
    if (isDock()) {
        ClientList stacking_order = workspace()->stackingOrder();
        for (ClientList::ConstIterator it = stacking_order.begin(); it != stacking_order.end(); ++it)
            if ((*it)->isDesktop())
                shadows[0] = (*it)->frameId();
                shadows[1] = shadowWidget->winId();
    else {
        shadows[0] = frameId();
        if (shadowWidget != NULL)
            shadows[1] = shadowWidget->winId();

    XRestackWindows(qt_xdisplay(), shadows, 2);

    // Don't use TQWidget::show() so we don't confuse QEffects, thus causing
    // broken focus.
    XMapWindow(qt_xdisplay(), shadowWidget->winId());

    // Tell whatever Clients are listening that this Client's shadow has been drawn.
    emit shadowDrawn();

   Remove shadow under this window.
void Client::removeShadow()
    TQValueList<ShadowRegion>::Iterator it;


    if (shadowWidget != NULL) {
        for (it = shadowRegions.begin(); it != shadowRegions.end(); ++it)
            if ((*it).client == this) {
        delete shadowWidget;
        shadowWidget = NULL;

   Calculate regions in which the shadow will be visible given the window's
   origin, height and width and the shadow's thickness, and X- and Y-offsets.
TQRegion Client::getExposedRegion(TQRegion occludedRegion, int x, int y, int w,
        int h, int thickness, int xOffset, int yOffset)
    TQRegion exposedRegion;

    exposedRegion = TQRegion(x, y, w, h);
    exposedRegion -= occludedRegion;

    if (thickness > 0) {
        // Limit exposedRegion to include only where a shadow of the specified
        // thickness will be drawn
        TQMemArray<TQRect> occludedRects;
        TQMemArray<TQRect>::Iterator it, itEnd;
        TQRegion shadowRegion;

        occludedRects = occludedRegion.rects();
        itEnd = occludedRects.end();
        for (it = occludedRects.begin(); it != itEnd; ++it) {
            // Expand each of the occluded region's shape rectangles to contain
            // where a shadow of the specified thickness will be drawn. Create
            // a new TQRegion that contains the expanded occluded region
            it->setTop(it->top() - thickness + yOffset);
            it->setLeft(it->left() - thickness + xOffset);
            it->setRight(it->right() + thickness + xOffset);
            it->setBottom(it->bottom() + thickness + yOffset);
            shadowRegion += TQRegion(*it);
        exposedRegion -= exposedRegion - shadowRegion;

    return exposedRegion;

   Draw shadow gradient around this window using cached opacity values.
void Client::imposeCachedShadow(TQPixmap &pixmap, TQRegion exposed)
    QRgb pixel;
    double opacity;
    int red, green, blue, pixelRed, pixelGreen, pixelBlue;
    int subW, subH, w, h, x, y, zeroX, zeroY;
    TQImage image;
    TQMemArray<TQRect>::Iterator it, itEnd;
    TQMemArray<TQRect> rectangles;
    TQPixmap subPixmap;
    Window rootWindow;
    int thickness, windowX, windowY, xOffset, yOffset;

    rectangles = exposed.rects();
    rootWindow = qt_xrootwin();
    thickness = options->shadowThickness(isActive());
    windowX = this->x();
    windowY = this->y();
    xOffset = options->shadowXOffset(isActive());
    yOffset = options->shadowYOffset(isActive());
    options->shadowColour(isActive()).rgb(&red, &green, &blue);
    w = pixmap.width();
    h = pixmap.height();

    itEnd = rectangles.end();
    for (it = rectangles.begin(); it != itEnd; ++it) {
        subW = (*it).width();
        subH = (*it).height();
        subPixmap = TQPixmap::grabWindow(rootWindow, (*it).x(), (*it).y(),
                subW, subH);
        zeroX = (*it).x() - windowX + thickness - xOffset;
        zeroY = (*it).y() - windowY + thickness - yOffset;
        image = subPixmap.convertToImage();

        for (x = 0; x < subW; x++) {
            for (y = 0; y < subH; y++) {
                opacity = (*(opacityCache))[(zeroY + y) * w + zeroX + x];
                pixel = image.pixel(x, y);
                pixelRed = tqRed(pixel);
                pixelGreen = tqGreen(pixel);
                pixelBlue = tqBlue(pixel);
                image.setPixel(x, y,
                        tqRgb((int)(pixelRed + (red - pixelRed) * opacity),
                            (int)(pixelGreen + (green - pixelGreen) * opacity),
                            (int)(pixelBlue + (blue - pixelBlue) * opacity)));

        bitBlt(&pixmap, zeroX, zeroY, &subPixmap);

   Draw shadow around this window using calculated opacity values.
void Client::imposeRegionShadow(TQPixmap &pixmap, TQRegion occluded,
        TQRegion exposed, int thickness, double maxOpacity)
    register int distance, intersectCount, i, j, x, y;
    QRgb pixel;
    double decay, factor, opacity;
    int red, green, blue, pixelRed, pixelGreen, pixelBlue;
    int halfMaxIntersects, lineIntersects, maxIntersects, maxY;
    int irBottom, irLeft, irRight, irTop, yIncrement;
    int subW, subH, w, h, zeroX, zeroY;
    TQImage image;
    TQMemArray<TQRect>::Iterator it, itEnd;
    TQMemArray<TQRect> rectangles;
    TQPixmap subPixmap;
    Window rootWindow;
    int windowX, windowY, xOffset, yOffset;

    rectangles = exposed.rects();
    rootWindow = qt_xrootwin();
    windowX = this->x();
    windowY = this->y();
    xOffset = options->shadowXOffset(isActive());
    yOffset = options->shadowYOffset(isActive());
    options->shadowColour(isActive()).rgb(&red, &green, &blue);
    maxIntersects = thickness * thickness * 4 + (thickness * 4) + 1;
    halfMaxIntersects = maxIntersects / 2;
    lineIntersects = thickness * 2 + 1;
    factor = maxIntersects / maxOpacity;
    decay = (lineIntersects / 0.0125 - factor) / pow((double)maxIntersects, 3.0);
    w = pixmap.width();
    h = pixmap.height();
    xOffset = options->shadowXOffset(isActive());
    yOffset = options->shadowYOffset(isActive());

    opacityCache->resize(w * h);
    occluded.translate(-windowX + thickness, -windowY + thickness);

    itEnd = rectangles.end();
    for (it = rectangles.begin(); it != itEnd; ++it) {
        subW = (*it).width();
        subH = (*it).height();
        subPixmap = TQPixmap::grabWindow(rootWindow, (*it).x(), (*it).y(),
                subW, subH);
        maxY = subH;
        zeroX = (*it).x() - windowX + thickness - xOffset;
        zeroY = (*it).y() - windowY + thickness - yOffset;
        image = subPixmap.convertToImage();

        intersectCount = 0;
        opacity = -1;
        y = 0;
        yIncrement = 1;
        for (x = 0; x < subW; x++) {
            irLeft = zeroX + x - thickness;
            irRight = zeroX + x + thickness;

            while (y != maxY) {
                // horizontal row about to leave the intersect region, not
                // necessarily the top row
                irTop = zeroY + y - thickness * yIncrement;
                // horizontal row that just came into the intersect region,
                // not necessarily the bottom row
                irBottom = zeroY + y + thickness * yIncrement;

                if (opacity == -1) {
                    // If occluded pixels caused an intersect count to be
                    // skipped, recount it
                    intersectCount = 0;

                    for (j = irTop; j != irBottom; j += yIncrement) {
                        // irTop is not necessarily larger than irBottom and
                        // yIncrement isn't necessarily positive
                        for (i = irLeft; i <= irRight; i++) {
                            if (occluded.contains(TQPoint(i, j)))
                else {
                    if (intersectCount < 0)
                        intersectCount = 0;

                    for (i = irLeft; i <= irRight; i++) {
                        if (occluded.contains(TQPoint(i, irBottom)))

                distance = maxIntersects - intersectCount;
                opacity = intersectCount / (factor + pow((double)distance, 3.0) * decay);

                (*(opacityCache))[(zeroY + y) * w + zeroX + x] = opacity;
                pixel = image.pixel(x, y);
                pixelRed = tqRed(pixel);
                pixelGreen = tqGreen(pixel);
                pixelBlue = tqBlue(pixel);
                image.setPixel(x, y,
                        tqRgb((int)(pixelRed + (red - pixelRed) * opacity),
                            (int)(pixelGreen + (green - pixelGreen) * opacity),
                            (int)(pixelBlue + (blue - pixelBlue) * opacity)));

                for (i = irLeft; i <= irRight; i++) {
                    if (occluded.contains(TQPoint(i, irTop)))

                y += yIncrement;
            y -= yIncrement;

            irTop += yIncrement;
            for (j = irTop; j != irBottom; j += yIncrement) {
                if (occluded.contains(TQPoint(irLeft, j)))
            for (j = irTop; j != irBottom; j += yIncrement) {
                if (occluded.contains(TQPoint(irRight, j)))

            yIncrement *= -1;
            if (yIncrement < 0)
                // Scan Y-axis bottom-up for next X-coordinate iteration
                maxY = -1;
                // Scan Y-axis top-down for next X-coordinate iteration
                maxY = subH;

        bitBlt(&pixmap, zeroX, zeroY, &subPixmap);

  Sets the client window's mapping state. Possible values are
  WithdrawnState, IconicState, NormalState.
void Client::setMappingState(int s)
    assert( client != None );
    assert( !deleting || s == WithdrawnState );
    if( mapping_state == s )
    bool was_unmanaged = ( mapping_state == WithdrawnState );
    mapping_state = s;
    if( mapping_state == WithdrawnState )
        XDeleteProperty( qt_xdisplay(), window(), qt_wm_state );
    assert( s == NormalState || s == IconicState );

    unsigned long data[2];
    data[0] = (unsigned long) s;
    data[1] = (unsigned long) None;
    XChangeProperty(qt_xdisplay(), window(), qt_wm_state, qt_wm_state, 32,
        PropModeReplace, (unsigned char *)data, 2);

    if( was_unmanaged ) // manage() did postpone_geometry_updates = 1, now it's ok to finally set the geometry
        postponeGeometryUpdates( false );

  Reimplemented to map the managed window in the window wrapper.
  Proper mapping state should be set before showing the client.
void Client::rawShow()
    if( decoration != NULL )
        decoration->widget()->show(); // not really necessary, but let it know the state
    XMapWindow( qt_xdisplay(), frame );
    if( !isShade())
        XMapWindow( qt_xdisplay(), wrapper );
        XMapWindow( qt_xdisplay(), client );
    if (options->shadowEnabled(isActive()))

  Reimplemented to unmap the managed window in the window wrapper.
  Also informs the workspace.
  Proper mapping state should be set before hiding the client.
void Client::rawHide()
// Here it may look like a race condition, as some other client might try to unmap
// the window between these two XSelectInput() calls. However, they're supposed to
// use XWithdrawWindow(), which also sends a synthetic event to the root window,
// which won't be missed, so this shouldn't be a problem. The chance the real UnmapNotify
// will be missed is also very minimal, so I don't think it's needed to grab the server
// here.
    XSelectInput( qt_xdisplay(), wrapper, ClientWinMask ); // avoid getting UnmapNotify
    XUnmapWindow( qt_xdisplay(), frame );
    XUnmapWindow( qt_xdisplay(), wrapper );
    XUnmapWindow( qt_xdisplay(), client );
    XSelectInput( qt_xdisplay(), wrapper, ClientWinMask | SubstructureNotifyMask );
    if( decoration != NULL )
        decoration->widget()->hide(); // not really necessary, but let it know the state
    workspace()->clientHidden( this );

void Client::sendClientMessage(Window w, Atom a, Atom protocol, long data1, long data2, long data3)
    XEvent ev;
    long mask;

    memset(&ev, 0, sizeof(ev));
    ev.xclient.type = ClientMessage;
    ev.xclient.window = w;
    ev.xclient.message_type = a;
    ev.xclient.format = 32;
    ev.xclient.data.l[0] = protocol;
    ev.xclient.data.l[1] = GET_QT_X_TIME();
    ev.xclient.data.l[2] = data1;
    ev.xclient.data.l[3] = data2;
    ev.xclient.data.l[4] = data3;
    mask = 0L;
    if (w == qt_xrootwin())
      mask = SubstructureRedirectMask;        /* magic! */
    XSendEvent(qt_xdisplay(), w, False, mask, &ev);

  Returns whether the window may be closed (have a close button)
bool Client::isCloseable() const
    if( isModalSystemNotification())
        return false;
    return rules()->checkCloseable( motif_may_close && !isSpecialWindow());

  Closes the window by either sending a delete_window message or
  using XKill.
void Client::closeWindow()
    if( !isCloseable())
    // Update user time, because the window may create a confirming dialog.
    if ( Pdeletewindow )
        Notify::raise( Notify::Close );
        sendClientMessage( window(), atoms->wm_protocols, atoms->wm_delete_window);
        // client will not react on wm_delete_window. We have not choice
        // but destroy his connection to the XServer.

  Kills the window via XKill
void Client::killWindow()
    kdDebug( 1212 ) << "Client::killWindow():" << caption() << endl;
    // not sure if we need an Notify::Kill or not.. until then, use
    // Notify::Close
    Notify::raise( Notify::Close );

    if( isDialog())
        Notify::raise( Notify::TransDelete );
    if( isNormalWindow())
        Notify::raise( Notify::Delete );
    killProcess( false );
    // always kill this client at the server
    XKillClient(qt_xdisplay(), window() );

// send a ping to the window using _NET_WM_PING if possible
// if it doesn't respond within a reasonable time, it will be
// killed
void Client::pingWindow()
    if( !Pping )
        return; // can't ping :(
    if( options->killPingTimeout == 0 )
        return; // turned off
    if( ping_timer != NULL )
        return; // pinging already
    ping_timer = new TQTimer( this );
    connect( ping_timer, TQT_SIGNAL( timeout()), TQT_SLOT( pingTimeout()));
    ping_timer->start( options->killPingTimeout, true );
    ping_timestamp = GET_QT_X_TIME();
    workspace()->sendPingToWindow( window(), ping_timestamp );

void Client::gotPing( Time timestamp )
    // just plain compare is not good enough because of 64bit and truncating and whatnot
    if( NET::timestampCompare( timestamp, ping_timestamp ) != 0 )
    delete ping_timer;
    ping_timer = NULL;
    if( process_killer != NULL )
        delete process_killer;
        process_killer = NULL;

void Client::pingTimeout()
    kdDebug( 1212 ) << "Ping timeout:" << caption() << endl;
    delete ping_timer;
    ping_timer = NULL;
    killProcess( true, ping_timestamp );

void Client::killProcess( bool ask, Time timestamp )
    if( process_killer != NULL )
    Q_ASSERT( !ask || timestamp != CurrentTime );
    TQCString machine = wmClientMachine( true );
    pid_t pid = info->pid();
    if( pid <= 0 || machine.isEmpty()) // needed properties missing
    kdDebug( 1212 ) << "Kill process:" << pid << "(" << machine << ")" << endl;
    if( !ask )
        if( machine != "localhost" )
            KProcess proc;
            proc << "xon" << machine << "kill" << pid;
            proc.start( KProcess::DontCare );
            ::kill( pid, SIGTERM );
        { // SELI TODO handle the window created by handler specially (on top,urgent?)
        process_killer = new KProcess( this );
        *process_killer << KStandardDirs::findExe( "twin_killer_helper" )
            << "--pid" << TQCString().setNum( pid ) << "--hostname" << machine
            << "--windowname" << caption().utf8()
            << "--applicationname" << resourceClass()
            << "--wid" << TQCString().setNum( window())
            << "--timestamp" << TQCString().setNum( timestamp );
        connect( process_killer, TQT_SIGNAL( processExited( KProcess* )),
            TQT_SLOT( processKillerExited()));
        if( !process_killer->start( KProcess::NotifyOnExit ))
            delete process_killer;
            process_killer = NULL;

void Client::processKillerExited()
    kdDebug( 1212 ) << "Killer exited" << endl;
    delete process_killer;
    process_killer = NULL;

void Client::setSkipTaskbar( bool b, bool from_outside )
    int was_wants_tab_focus = wantsTabFocus();
    if( from_outside )
        b = rules()->checkSkipTaskbar( b );
        original_skip_taskbar = b;
    if ( b == skipTaskbar() )
    skip_taskbar = b;
    info->setState( b?NET::SkipTaskbar:0, NET::SkipTaskbar );
    if( was_wants_tab_focus != wantsTabFocus())
        workspace()->updateFocusChains( this,
            isActive() ? Workspace::FocusChainMakeFirst : Workspace::FocusChainUpdate );

void Client::setSkipPager( bool b )
    b = rules()->checkSkipPager( b );
    if ( b == skipPager() )
    skip_pager = b;
    info->setState( b?NET::SkipPager:0, NET::SkipPager );

void Client::setModal( bool m )
    { // Qt-3.2 can have even modal normal windows :(
    if( modal == m )
    modal = m;
    if( !modal )
    // changing modality for a mapped window is weird (?)
    // _NET_WM_STATE_MODAL should possibly rather be _NET_WM_WINDOW_TYPE_MODAL_DIALOG

void Client::setDesktop( int desktop )
    if( desktop != NET::OnAllDesktops ) // do range check
        desktop = KMAX( 1, KMIN( workspace()->numberOfDesktops(), desktop ));
    desktop = rules()->checkDesktop( desktop );
    if( desk == desktop )
    int was_desk = desk;
    desk = desktop;
    info->setDesktop( desktop );
    if(( was_desk == NET::OnAllDesktops ) != ( desktop == NET::OnAllDesktops ))
        { // onAllDesktops changed
        if ( isShown( true ))
            Notify::raise( isOnAllDesktops() ? Notify::OnAllDesktops : Notify::NotOnAllDesktops );
        workspace()->updateOnAllDesktopsOfTransients( this );
    if( decoration != NULL )
    workspace()->updateFocusChains( this, Workspace::FocusChainMakeFirst );

void Client::setOnAllDesktops( bool b )
    if(( b && isOnAllDesktops())
        || ( !b && !isOnAllDesktops()))
    if( b )
        setDesktop( NET::OnAllDesktops );
        setDesktop( workspace()->currentDesktop());

bool Client::isOnCurrentDesktop() const
    return isOnDesktop( workspace()->currentDesktop());

int Client::screen() const
    if( !options->xineramaEnabled )
        return 0;
    return workspace()->screenNumber( geometry().center());

bool Client::isOnScreen( int screen ) const
    if( !options->xineramaEnabled )
        return screen == 0;
    return workspace()->screenGeometry( screen ).intersects( geometry());

// performs activation and/or raising of the window
void Client::takeActivity( int flags, bool handled, allowed_t )
    if( !handled || !Ptakeactivity )
        if( flags & ActivityFocus )
            takeFocus( Allowed );
        if( flags & ActivityRaise )
            workspace()->raiseClient( this );

#ifndef NDEBUG
    static Time previous_activity_timestamp;
    static Client* previous_client;
    if( previous_activity_timestamp == GET_QT_X_TIME() && previous_client != this )
        kdDebug( 1212 ) << "Repeated use of the same X timestamp for activity" << endl;
        kdDebug( 1212 ) << kdBacktrace() << endl;
    previous_activity_timestamp = GET_QT_X_TIME();
    previous_client = this;
    workspace()->sendTakeActivity( this, GET_QT_X_TIME(), flags );

// performs the actual focusing of the window using XSetInputFocus and WM_TAKE_FOCUS
void Client::takeFocus( allowed_t )
#ifndef NDEBUG
    static Time previous_focus_timestamp;
    static Client* previous_client;
    if( previous_focus_timestamp == GET_QT_X_TIME() && previous_client != this )
        kdDebug( 1212 ) << "Repeated use of the same X timestamp for focus" << endl;
        kdDebug( 1212 ) << kdBacktrace() << endl;
    previous_focus_timestamp = GET_QT_X_TIME();
    previous_client = this;
    if ( rules()->checkAcceptFocus( input ))
        XSetInputFocus( qt_xdisplay(), window(), RevertToPointerRoot, GET_QT_X_TIME() );
    if ( Ptakefocus )
        sendClientMessage(window(), atoms->wm_protocols, atoms->wm_take_focus);
    workspace()->setShouldGetFocus( this );

  Returns whether the window provides context help or not. If it does,
  you should show a help menu item or a help button like '?' and call
  contextHelp() if this is invoked.

  \sa contextHelp()
bool Client::providesContextHelp() const
    if (isModalSystemNotification())
        return false;
    return Pcontexthelp;

  Invokes context help on the window. Only works if the window
  actually provides context help.

  \sa providesContextHelp()
void Client::showContextHelp()
    if ( Pcontexthelp ) 
        sendClientMessage(window(), atoms->wm_protocols, atoms->net_wm_context_help);
        TQWhatsThis::enterWhatsThisMode(); // SELI?

  Fetches the window's caption (WM_NAME property). It will be
  stored in the client's caption().
void Client::fetchName()
    setCaption( readName());

TQString Client::readName() const
    if ( info->name() && info->name()[ 0 ] != '\0' ) 
        return TQString::fromUtf8( info->name() );
        return KWin::readNameProperty( window(), XA_WM_NAME );
KWIN_COMPARE_PREDICATE( FetchNameInternalPredicate, const Client*, (!cl->isSpecialWindow() || cl->isToolbar()) && cl != value && cl->caption() == value->caption());

void Client::setCaption( const TQString& s, bool force )
    if ( s != cap_normal || force ) 
        bool reset_name = force;
        for( unsigned int i = 0;
             i < s.length();
             ++i )
            if( !s[ i ].isPrint())
                s[ i ] = ' ';
        cap_normal = s;
        bool was_suffix = ( !cap_suffix.isEmpty());
        TQString machine_suffix;
        if( wmClientMachine( false ) != "localhost" && !isLocalMachine( wmClientMachine( false )))
            machine_suffix = " <@" + wmClientMachine( true ) + ">";
        TQString shortcut_suffix = !shortcut().isNull() ? ( " {" + shortcut().toString() + "}" ) : "";
        cap_suffix = machine_suffix + shortcut_suffix;
        if ( ( !isSpecialWindow() || isToolbar()) && workspace()->findClient( FetchNameInternalPredicate( this ))) 
            int i = 2;
                cap_suffix = machine_suffix + " <" + TQString::number(i) + ">" + shortcut_suffix;
                } while ( workspace()->findClient( FetchNameInternalPredicate( this )));
            info->setVisibleName( caption().utf8() );
            reset_name = false;
        if(( was_suffix && cap_suffix.isEmpty()
            || reset_name )) // if it was new window, it may have old value still set, if the window is reused
            info->setVisibleName( "" ); // remove
            info->setVisibleIconName( "" ); // remove
        else if( !cap_suffix.isEmpty() && !cap_iconic.isEmpty()) // keep the same suffix in iconic name if it's set
            info->setVisibleIconName( ( cap_iconic + cap_suffix ).utf8() );

        if( isManaged() && decoration != NULL )

void Client::updateCaption()
    setCaption( cap_normal, true );

void Client::fetchIconicName()
    TQString s;
    if ( info->iconName() && info->iconName()[ 0 ] != '\0' ) 
        s = TQString::fromUtf8( info->iconName() );
        s = KWin::readNameProperty( window(), XA_WM_ICON_NAME );
    if ( s != cap_iconic ) 
	bool was_set = !cap_iconic.isEmpty();
        cap_iconic = s;
        if( !cap_suffix.isEmpty())
	    if( !cap_iconic.isEmpty()) // keep the same suffix in iconic name if it's set
        	info->setVisibleIconName( ( s + cap_suffix ).utf8() );
	    else if( was_set )
		info->setVisibleIconName( "" ); //remove

TQString Client::caption( bool full ) const
    return full ? cap_normal + cap_suffix : cap_normal;

void Client::getWMHints()
    XWMHints *hints = XGetWMHints(qt_xdisplay(), window() );
    input = true;
    window_group = None;
    urgency = false;
    if ( hints )
        if( hints->flags & InputHint )
            input = hints->input;
        if( hints->flags & WindowGroupHint )
            window_group = hints->window_group;
        urgency = ( hints->flags & UrgencyHint ) ? true : false; // true/false needed, it's uint bitfield
        XFree( (char*)hints );
    updateAllowedActions(); // group affects isMinimizable()

void Client::getMotifHints()
    bool mnoborder, mresize, mmove, mminimize, mmaximize, mclose;
    Motif::readFlags( client, mnoborder, mresize, mmove, mminimize, mmaximize, mclose );
    motif_noborder = mnoborder;
    if( !hasNETSupport()) // NETWM apps should set type and size constraints
        motif_may_resize = mresize; // this should be set using minsize==maxsize, but oh well
        motif_may_move = mmove;
        motif_may_resize = motif_may_move = true;
    // mminimize; - ignore, bogus - e.g. shading or sending to another desktop is "minimizing" too
    // mmaximize; - ignore, bogus - maximizing is basically just resizing
    motif_may_close = mclose; // motif apps like to crash when they set this hint and WM closes them anyway
    if( isManaged())
        updateDecoration( true ); // check if noborder state has changed

void Client::readIcons( Window win, TQPixmap* icon, TQPixmap* miniicon )
    // get the icons, allow scaling
    if( icon != NULL )
        *icon = KWin::icon( win, 32, 32, TRUE, KWin::NETWM | KWin::WMHints );
    if( miniicon != NULL )
        if( icon == NULL || !icon->isNull())
            *miniicon = KWin::icon( win, 16, 16, TRUE, KWin::NETWM | KWin::WMHints );
            *miniicon = TQPixmap();

void Client::getIcons()
    // first read icons from the window itself
    readIcons( window(), &icon_pix, &miniicon_pix );
    if( icon_pix.isNull())
        { // then try window group
        icon_pix = group()->icon();
        miniicon_pix = group()->miniIcon();
    if( icon_pix.isNull() && isTransient())
        { // then mainclients
        ClientList mainclients = mainClients();
        for( ClientList::ConstIterator it = mainclients.begin();
             it != mainclients.end() && icon_pix.isNull();
             ++it )
            icon_pix = (*it)->icon();
            miniicon_pix = (*it)->miniIcon();
    if( icon_pix.isNull())
        { // and if nothing else, load icon from classhint or xapp icon
        icon_pix = KWin::icon( window(), 32, 32, TRUE, KWin::ClassHint | KWin::XApp );
        miniicon_pix = KWin::icon( window(), 16, 16, TRUE, KWin::ClassHint | KWin::XApp );
    if( isManaged() && decoration != NULL )

void Client::getWindowProtocols()
    Atom *p;
    int i,n;

    Pdeletewindow = 0;
    Ptakefocus = 0;
    Ptakeactivity = 0;
    Pcontexthelp = 0;
    Pping = 0;

    if (XGetWMProtocols(qt_xdisplay(), window(), &p, &n))
        for (i = 0; i < n; i++)
            if (p[i] == atoms->wm_delete_window)
                Pdeletewindow = 1;
            else if (p[i] == atoms->wm_take_focus)
                Ptakefocus = 1;
            else if (p[i] == atoms->net_wm_take_activity)
                Ptakeactivity = 1;
            else if (p[i] == atoms->net_wm_context_help)
                Pcontexthelp = 1;
            else if (p[i] == atoms->net_wm_ping)
                Pping = 1;
        if (n>0)

static int nullErrorHandler(Display *, XErrorEvent *)
    return 0;

  Returns WM_WINDOW_ROLE property for a given window.
TQCString Client::staticWindowRole(WId w)
    return getStringProperty(w, qt_window_role).lower();

  Returns SM_CLIENT_ID property for a given window.
TQCString Client::staticSessionId(WId w)
    return getStringProperty(w, qt_sm_client_id);

  Returns WM_COMMAND property for a given window.
TQCString Client::staticWmCommand(WId w)
    return getStringProperty(w, XA_WM_COMMAND, ' ');

  Returns WM_CLIENT_LEADER property for a given window.
Window Client::staticWmClientLeader(WId w)
    Atom type;
    int format, status;
    unsigned long nitems = 0;
    unsigned long extra = 0;
    unsigned char *data = 0;
    Window result = w;
    XErrorHandler oldHandler = XSetErrorHandler(nullErrorHandler);
    status = XGetWindowProperty( qt_xdisplay(), w, atoms->wm_client_leader, 0, 10000,
                                 FALSE, XA_WINDOW, &type, &format,
                                 &nitems, &extra, &data );
    if (status  == Success ) 
        if (data && nitems > 0)
            result = *((Window*) data);
    return result;

void Client::getWmClientLeader()
    wmClientLeaderWin = staticWmClientLeader(window());

  Returns sessionId for this client,
  taken either from its window or from the leader window.
TQCString Client::sessionId()
    TQCString result = staticSessionId(window());
    if (result.isEmpty() && wmClientLeaderWin && wmClientLeaderWin!=window())
        result = staticSessionId(wmClientLeaderWin);
    return result;

  Returns command property for this client,
  taken either from its window or from the leader window.
TQCString Client::wmCommand()
    TQCString result = staticWmCommand(window());
    if (result.isEmpty() && wmClientLeaderWin && wmClientLeaderWin!=window())
        result = staticWmCommand(wmClientLeaderWin);
    return result;

void Client::getWmClientMachine()
    client_machine = getStringProperty(window(), XA_WM_CLIENT_MACHINE);
    if( client_machine.isEmpty() && wmClientLeaderWin && wmClientLeaderWin!=window())
        client_machine = getStringProperty(wmClientLeaderWin, XA_WM_CLIENT_MACHINE);
    if( client_machine.isEmpty())
        client_machine = "localhost";

  Returns client machine for this client,
  taken either from its window or from the leader window.
TQCString Client::wmClientMachine( bool use_localhost ) const
    TQCString result = client_machine;
    if( use_localhost )
        { // special name for the local machine (localhost)
        if( result != "localhost" && isLocalMachine( result ))
            result = "localhost";
    return result;

  Returns client leader window for this client.
  Returns the client window itself if no leader window is defined.
Window Client::wmClientLeader() const
    if (wmClientLeaderWin)
        return wmClientLeaderWin;
    return window();

bool Client::wantsTabFocus() const
    return ( isNormalWindow() || isDialog()) && wantsInput() && !skip_taskbar;

bool Client::wantsInput() const
    return rules()->checkAcceptFocus( input || Ptakefocus );

bool Client::isDesktop() const
    return windowType() == NET::Desktop;

bool Client::isDock() const
    return windowType() == NET::Dock;

bool Client::isTopMenu() const
    return windowType() == NET::TopMenu;

bool Client::isMenu() const
    return windowType() == NET::Menu && !isTopMenu(); // because of backwards comp.

bool Client::isToolbar() const
    return windowType() == NET::Toolbar;

bool Client::isSplash() const
    return windowType() == NET::Splash;

bool Client::isUtility() const
    return windowType() == NET::Utility;

bool Client::isDialog() const
    return windowType() == NET::Dialog;

bool Client::isNormalWindow() const
    return windowType() == NET::Normal;

bool Client::isSpecialWindow() const
    return isDesktop() || isDock() || isSplash() || isTopMenu()
        || isToolbar(); // TODO

NET::WindowType Client::windowType( bool direct, int supported_types ) const
    NET::WindowType wt = info->windowType( supported_types );
    if( direct )
        return wt;
    NET::WindowType wt2 = rules()->checkType( wt );
    if( wt != wt2 )
        wt = wt2;
        info->setWindowType( wt ); // force hint change
    // hacks here
    if( wt == NET::Menu )
        // ugly hack to support the times when NET::Menu meant NET::TopMenu
        // if it's as wide as the screen, not very high and has its upper-left
        // corner a bit above the screen's upper-left cornet, it's a topmenu
        if( x() == 0 && y() < 0 && y() > -10 && height() < 100
            && abs( width() - workspace()->clientArea( FullArea, this ).width()) < 10 )
            wt = NET::TopMenu;
    // TODO change this to rule
    const char* const oo_prefix = "openoffice.org"; // TQCString has no startsWith()
    // oo_prefix is lowercase, because resourceClass() is forced to be lowercase
    if( tqstrncmp( resourceClass(), oo_prefix, strlen( oo_prefix )) == 0 && wt == NET::Dialog )
        wt = NET::Normal; // see bug #66065
    if( wt == NET::Unknown ) // this is more or less suggested in NETWM spec
        wt = isTransient() ? NET::Dialog : NET::Normal;
    return wt;

  Sets an appropriate cursor shape for the logical mouse position \a m

void Client::setCursor( Position m )
    if( !isResizable() || isShade())
        m = PositionCenter;
    switch ( m ) 
        case PositionTopLeft:
        case PositionBottomRight:
            setCursor( tqsizeFDiagCursor );
        case PositionBottomLeft:
        case PositionTopRight:
            setCursor( tqsizeBDiagCursor );
        case PositionTop:
        case PositionBottom:
            setCursor( tqsizeVerCursor );
        case PositionLeft:
        case PositionRight:
            setCursor( tqsizeHorCursor );
            if( buttonDown && isMovable())
                setCursor( tqsizeAllCursor );
                setCursor( tqarrowCursor );

// TODO mit nejake checkCursor(), ktere se zavola v manage() a pri vecech, kdy by se kurzor mohl zmenit?
void Client::setCursor( const TQCursor& c )
    if( c.handle() == cursor.handle())
    cursor = c;
    if( decoration != NULL )
        decoration->widget()->setCursor( cursor );
    XDefineCursor( qt_xdisplay(), frameId(), cursor.handle());

Client::Position Client::mousePosition( const TQPoint& p ) const
    if( decoration != NULL )
        return decoration->mousePosition( p );
    return PositionCenter;

void Client::updateAllowedActions( bool force )
    if( !isManaged() && !force )
    unsigned long old_allowed_actions = allowed_actions;
    allowed_actions = 0;
    if( isMovable())
        allowed_actions |= NET::ActionMove;
    if( isResizable())
        allowed_actions |= NET::ActionResize;
    if( isMinimizable())
        allowed_actions |= NET::ActionMinimize;
    if( isShadeable())
        allowed_actions |= NET::ActionShade;
    // sticky state not supported
    if( isMaximizable())
        allowed_actions |= NET::ActionMax;
    if( userCanSetFullScreen())
        allowed_actions |= NET::ActionFullScreen;
    allowed_actions |= NET::ActionChangeDesktop; // always (pagers shouldn't show Docks etc.)
    if( isCloseable())
        allowed_actions |= NET::ActionClose;
    if( old_allowed_actions == allowed_actions )
    // TODO this could be delayed and compressed - it's only for pagers etc. anyway
    info->setAllowedActions( allowed_actions );
    // TODO this should also tell the decoration, so that it can update the buttons

void Client::autoRaise()
    workspace()->raiseClient( this );
void Client::cancelAutoRaise()
    delete autoRaiseTimer;
    autoRaiseTimer = 0;

void Client::setOpacity(bool translucent, uint opacity)
    if (isDesktop())
        return; // xcompmgr does not like non solid desktops and the user could set it accidently by mouse scrolling
//     qWarning("setting opacity for %d",qt_xdisplay());
    //rule out activated translulcency with 100% opacity
    if (!translucent || opacity ==  0xFFFFFFFF)
        opacity_ = 0xFFFFFFFF;
        XDeleteProperty (qt_xdisplay(), frameId(), atoms->net_wm_window_opacity);
        XDeleteProperty (qt_xdisplay(), window(), atoms->net_wm_window_opacity); // ??? frameId() is necessary for visible changes, window() is the winId() that would be set by apps - we set both to be sure the app knows what's currently displayd
        if(opacity == opacity_)
        opacity_ = opacity;
        long data = opacity; // 32bit XChangeProperty needs long
        XChangeProperty(qt_xdisplay(), frameId(), atoms->net_wm_window_opacity, XA_CARDINAL, 32, PropModeReplace, (unsigned char *) &data, 1L);
        XChangeProperty(qt_xdisplay(), window(), atoms->net_wm_window_opacity, XA_CARDINAL, 32, PropModeReplace, (unsigned char *) &data, 1L);
void Client::setShadowSize(uint shadowSize)
    // ignoring all individual settings - if we control a window, we control it's shadow
    // TODO somehow handle individual settings for docks (besides custom sizes)
    long data = shadowSize;
    XChangeProperty(qt_xdisplay(), frameId(), atoms->net_wm_window_shadow, XA_CARDINAL, 32, PropModeReplace, (unsigned char *) &data, 1L);
void Client::updateOpacity()
// extra syncscreen flag allows to avoid double syncs when active state changes (as it will usually change for two windows)
    if (!(isNormalWindow() || isDialog() || isUtility() )|| custom_opacity)
    if (isActive())
        if( ruleOpacityActive() )
            setOpacity(rule_opacity_active < 0xFFFFFFFF, rule_opacity_active);
            setOpacity(options->translucentActiveWindows, options->activeWindowOpacity);
        if (isBMP())
        // beep-media-player, only undecorated windows (gtk2 xmms, xmms doesn't work with compmgr at all - s.e.p. :P )
            ClientList tmpGroupMembers = group()->members();
            ClientList activeGroupMembers;
            ClientList::Iterator it = tmpGroupMembers.begin();
            while (it != tmpGroupMembers.end())
            // search for next attached and not activated client and repeat if found
                if ((*it) != this && (*it)->isBMP())
                // potential "to activate" client found
//                     qWarning("client found");
                    if ((*it)->touches(this)) // first test, if the new client touches the just activated one
//                         qWarning("found client touches me");
                        if( ruleOpacityActive() )
                            (*it)->setOpacity(rule_opacity_active < 0xFFFFFFFF, rule_opacity_active);
                            (*it)->setOpacity(options->translucentActiveWindows, options->activeWindowOpacity);
//                         qWarning("activated, search restarted (1)");
                        it = tmpGroupMembers.begin(); // restart, search next client
                        { // pot. client does not touch c, so we have to search if it touches some other activated client
                        bool found = false;
                        for( ClientList::ConstIterator it2 = activeGroupMembers.begin(); it2 != activeGroupMembers.end(); it2++ )
                            if ((*it2) != this && (*it2) != (*it) && (*it)->touches(*it2))
//                                 qWarning("found client touches other active client");
                                if( ruleOpacityActive() )
                                    (*it)->setOpacity(rule_opacity_active < 0xFFFFFFFF, rule_opacity_active);
                                    (*it)->setOpacity(options->translucentActiveWindows, options->activeWindowOpacity);
                                it = tmpGroupMembers.begin(); // reset potential client search
                                found = true;
//                                 qWarning("activated, search restarted (2)");
                                break; // skip this loop
                        if (found) continue;
        else if (isNormalWindow())
        // activate dependend minor windows as well
            for( ClientList::ConstIterator it = group()->members().begin(); it != group()->members().end(); it++ )
                if ((*it)->isDialog() || (*it)->isUtility())
                    if( (*it)->ruleOpacityActive() )
                        (*it)->setOpacity((*it)->ruleOpacityActive() < 0xFFFFFFFF, (*it)->ruleOpacityActive());
                        (*it)->setOpacity(options->translucentActiveWindows, options->activeWindowOpacity);
        if( ruleOpacityInactive() )
            setOpacity(rule_opacity_inactive < 0xFFFFFFFF, rule_opacity_inactive);
            setOpacity(options->translucentInactiveWindows && !(keepAbove() && options->keepAboveAsActive),
        // deactivate dependend minor windows as well
        if (isBMP())
        // beep-media-player, only undecorated windows (gtk2 xmms, xmms doesn't work with compmgr at all - s.e.p. :P )
            ClientList tmpGroupMembers = group()->members();
            ClientList inactiveGroupMembers;
            ClientList::Iterator it = tmpGroupMembers.begin();
            while ( it != tmpGroupMembers.end() )
            // search for next attached and not activated client and repeat if found
                if ((*it) != this && (*it)->isBMP())
                // potential "to activate" client found
//                     qWarning("client found");
                    if ((*it)->touches(this)) // first test, if the new client touches the just activated one
//                         qWarning("found client touches me");
                        if( (*it)->ruleOpacityInactive() )
                            (*it)->setOpacity((*it)->ruleOpacityInactive() < 0xFFFFFFFF, (*it)->ruleOpacityInactive());
                            (*it)->setOpacity(options->translucentInactiveWindows && !((*it)->keepAbove() && options->keepAboveAsActive), options->inactiveWindowOpacity);
//                         qWarning("deactivated, search restarted (1)");
                        it = tmpGroupMembers.begin(); // restart, search next client
                    else // pot. client does not touch c, so we have to search if it touches some other activated client
                        bool found = false;
                        for( ClientList::ConstIterator it2 = inactiveGroupMembers.begin(); it2 != inactiveGroupMembers.end(); it2++ )
                            if ((*it2) != this && (*it2) != (*it) && (*it)->touches(*it2))
//                                 qWarning("found client touches other inactive client");
                                if( (*it)->ruleOpacityInactive() )
                                    (*it)->setOpacity((*it)->ruleOpacityInactive() < 0xFFFFFFFF, (*it)->ruleOpacityInactive());
                                    (*it)->setOpacity(options->translucentInactiveWindows && !((*it)->keepAbove() && options->keepAboveAsActive), options->inactiveWindowOpacity);
//                                 qWarning("deactivated, search restarted (2)");
                                it = tmpGroupMembers.begin(); // reset potential client search
                                found = true;
                                break; // skip this loop
                            if (found) continue;
        else if (isNormalWindow())
            for( ClientList::ConstIterator it = group()->members().begin(); it != group()->members().end(); it++ )
                if ((*it)->isUtility()) //don't deactivate dialogs...
                    if( (*it)->ruleOpacityInactive() )
                        (*it)->setOpacity((*it)->ruleOpacityInactive() < 0xFFFFFFFF, (*it)->ruleOpacityInactive());
                        (*it)->setOpacity(options->translucentInactiveWindows && !((*it)->keepAbove() && options->keepAboveAsActive), options->inactiveWindowOpacity);
void Client::updateShadowSize()
// extra syncscreen flag allows to avoid double syncs when active state changes (as it will usually change for two windows)
    if (!(isNormalWindow() || isDialog() || isUtility() ))
    if (isActive())

uint Client::ruleOpacityInactive()
    return rule_opacity_inactive;// != 0 ;

uint Client::ruleOpacityActive()
    return rule_opacity_active;// != 0;
bool Client::getWindowOpacity() //query translucency settings from X, returns true if window opacity is set
    unsigned char *data = 0;
    Atom actual;
    int format, result;
    unsigned long n, left;
    result = XGetWindowProperty(qt_xdisplay(), window(), atoms->net_wm_window_opacity, 0L, 1L, False, XA_CARDINAL, &actual, &format, &n, &left, /*(unsigned char **)*/ &data);
    if (result == Success && data != None && format == 32 )
        opacity_ = *reinterpret_cast< long* >( data );
        custom_opacity = true;
//         setOpacity(opacity_ < 0xFFFFFFFF, opacity_);
        XFree ((char*)data);
        return TRUE;
    return FALSE;
void Client::setCustomOpacityFlag(bool custom)
    custom_opacity = custom;
uint Client::opacity()
    return opacity_;

int Client::opacityPercentage()
    return int(100*((double)opacity_/0xffffffff));
bool Client::touches(const Client* c)
// checks if this client borders c, needed to test beep media player window state
    if (y() == c->y() + c->height()) // this bottom to c
        return TRUE;
    if (y() + height() == c->y()) // this top to c
        return TRUE;
    if (x() == c->x() + c->width()) // this right to c
        return TRUE;
    if (x() + width() == c->x()) // this left to c
        return TRUE;
    return FALSE;
void Client::setDecoHashProperty(uint topHeight, uint rightWidth, uint bottomHeight, uint leftWidth)
   long data = (topHeight < 255 ? topHeight : 255) << 24 |
               (rightWidth < 255 ? rightWidth : 255) << 16 |
               (bottomHeight < 255 ? bottomHeight : 255) << 8 |
               (leftWidth < 255 ? leftWidth : 255);
    XChangeProperty(qt_xdisplay(), frameId(), atoms->net_wm_window_decohash, XA_CARDINAL, 32, PropModeReplace, (unsigned char *) &data, 1L);

void Client::unsetDecoHashProperty()
   XDeleteProperty( qt_xdisplay(), frameId(), atoms->net_wm_window_decohash);
#ifndef NDEBUG
kdbgstream& operator<<( kdbgstream& stream, const Client* cl )
    if( cl == NULL )
        return stream << "\'NULL_CLIENT\'";
    return stream << "\'ID:" << cl->window() << ";WMCLASS:" << cl->resourceClass() << ":" << cl->resourceName() << ";Caption:" << cl->caption() << "\'";
kdbgstream& operator<<( kdbgstream& stream, const ClientList& list )
    stream << "LIST:(";
    bool first = true;
    for( ClientList::ConstIterator it = list.begin();
         it != list.end();
         ++it )
        if( !first )
            stream << ":";
        first = false;
        stream << *it;
    stream << ")";
    return stream;
kdbgstream& operator<<( kdbgstream& stream, const ConstClientList& list )
    stream << "LIST:(";
    bool first = true;
    for( ConstClientList::ConstIterator it = list.begin();
         it != list.end();
         ++it )
        if( !first )
            stream << ":";
        first = false;
        stream << *it;
    stream << ")";
    return stream;

TQPixmap * twin_get_menu_pix_hack()
    static TQPixmap p;
    if ( p.isNull() )
        p = SmallIcon( "bx2" );
    return &p;

} // namespace

#include "client.moc"