 KWin - the KDE window manager
 This file is part of the KDE project.

Copyright (C) 1999, 2000 Matthias Ettrich <ettrich@kde.org>
Copyright (C) 2003 Lubos Lunak <l.lunak@kde.org>

You can Freely distribute this program under the GNU General Public
License. See the file "COPYING" for the exact licensing terms.


 This file contains things relevant to handling incoming events.


#include "client.h"
#include "workspace.h"
#include "atoms.h"
#include "tabbox.h"
#include "group.h"
#include "rules.h"

#include <tqwhatsthis.h>
#include <kkeynative.h>
#include <tqapplication.h>

#include <X11/extensions/shape.h>
#include <X11/Xatom.h>
#include <stdlib.h>

extern Atom qt_window_role;

namespace KWinInternal

// ****************************************
// WinInfo
// ****************************************

WinInfo::WinInfo( Client * c, Display * display, Window window,
    Window rwin, const unsigned long pr[], int pr_size )
    : NETWinInfo( display, window, rwin, pr, pr_size, NET::WindowManager ), m_client( c )

void WinInfo::changeDesktop(int desktop)
    m_client->workspace()->sendClientToDesktop( m_client, desktop, true );

void WinInfo::changeState( unsigned long state, unsigned long mask )
    mask &= ~NET::Sticky; // KWin doesn't support large desktops, ignore
    mask &= ~NET::Hidden; // clients are not allowed to change this directly
    state &= mask; // for safety, clear all other bits

    if(( mask & NET::FullScreen ) != 0 && ( state & NET::FullScreen ) == 0 )
        m_client->setFullScreen( false, false );
    if ( (mask & NET::Max) == NET::Max )
        m_client->setMaximize( state & NET::MaxVert, state & NET::MaxHoriz );
    else if ( mask & NET::MaxVert )
        m_client->setMaximize( state & NET::MaxVert, m_client->maximizeMode() & Client::MaximizeHorizontal );
    else if ( mask & NET::MaxHoriz )
        m_client->setMaximize( m_client->maximizeMode() & Client::MaximizeVertical, state & NET::MaxHoriz );

    if ( mask & NET::Shaded )
        m_client->setShade( state & NET::Shaded ? ShadeNormal : ShadeNone );
    if ( mask & NET::KeepAbove)
        m_client->setKeepAbove( (state & NET::KeepAbove) != 0 );
    if ( mask & NET::KeepBelow)
        m_client->setKeepBelow( (state & NET::KeepBelow) != 0 );
    if( mask & NET::SkipTaskbar )
        m_client->setSkipTaskbar( ( state & NET::SkipTaskbar ) != 0, true );
    if( mask & NET::SkipPager )
        m_client->setSkipPager( ( state & NET::SkipPager ) != 0 );
    if( mask & NET::DemandsAttention )
        m_client->demandAttention(( state & NET::DemandsAttention ) != 0 );
    if( mask & NET::Modal )
        m_client->setModal( ( state & NET::Modal ) != 0 );
    // unsetting fullscreen first, setting it last (because e.g. maximize works only for !isFullScreen() )
    if(( mask & NET::FullScreen ) != 0 && ( state & NET::FullScreen ) != 0 )
        m_client->setFullScreen( true, false );

// ****************************************
// RootInfo
// ****************************************

RootInfo::RootInfo( Workspace* ws, Display *dpy, Window w, const char *name, unsigned long pr[], int pr_num, int scr )
    : NETRootInfo4( dpy, w, name, pr, pr_num, scr )
    workspace = ws;

void RootInfo::changeNumberOfDesktops(int n)
    workspace->setNumberOfDesktops( n );

void RootInfo::changeCurrentDesktop(int d)
    workspace->setCurrentDesktop( d );

void RootInfo::changeActiveWindow( Window w, NET::RequestSource src, Time timestamp, Window active_window )
    if( Client* c = workspace->findClient( WindowMatchPredicate( w )))
        if( timestamp == CurrentTime )
            timestamp = c->userTime();
        if( src != NET::FromApplication && src != FromTool )
            src = NET::FromTool;
        if( src == NET::FromTool )
            workspace->activateClient( c, true ); // force
        else // NET::FromApplication
            Client* c2;
            if( workspace->allowClientActivation( c, timestamp ))
                workspace->activateClient( c );
            // if activation of the requestor's window would be allowed, allow activation too
            else if( active_window != None
                && ( c2 = workspace->findClient( WindowMatchPredicate( active_window ))) != NULL
                && workspace->allowClientActivation( c2,
                    timestampCompare( timestamp, c2->userTime() > 0 ? timestamp : c2->userTime())))
                workspace->activateClient( c );

void RootInfo::restackWindow( Window w, RequestSource src, Window above, int detail, Time timestamp )
    if( Client* c = workspace->findClient( WindowMatchPredicate( w )))
        if( timestamp == CurrentTime )
            timestamp = c->userTime();
        if( src != NET::FromApplication && src != FromTool )
            src = NET::FromTool;
        c->restackWindow( above, detail, src, timestamp, true );

void RootInfo::gotTakeActivity( Window w, Time timestamp, long flags )
    if( Client* c = workspace->findClient( WindowMatchPredicate( w )))
        workspace->handleTakeActivity( c, timestamp, flags );

void RootInfo::closeWindow(Window w)
    Client* c = workspace->findClient( WindowMatchPredicate( w ));
    if ( c )

void RootInfo::moveResize(Window w, int x_root, int y_root, unsigned long direction)
    Client* c = workspace->findClient( WindowMatchPredicate( w ));
    if ( c )
        updateXTime(); // otherwise grabbing may have old timestamp - this message should include timestamp
        c->NETMoveResize( x_root, y_root, (Direction)direction);

void RootInfo::moveResizeWindow(Window w, int flags, int x, int y, int width, int height )
    Client* c = workspace->findClient( WindowMatchPredicate( w ));
    if ( c )
        c->NETMoveResizeWindow( flags, x, y, width, height );

void RootInfo::gotPing( Window w, Time timestamp )
    if( Client* c = workspace->findClient( WindowMatchPredicate( w )))
        c->gotPing( timestamp );

void RootInfo::changeShowingDesktop( bool showing )
    workspace->setShowingDesktop( showing );

// ****************************************
// Workspace
// ****************************************

  Handles workspace specific XEvents
bool Workspace::workspaceEvent( XEvent * e )
    if ( mouse_emulation && (e->type == ButtonPress || e->type == ButtonRelease ) ) 
        mouse_emulation = FALSE;
        XUngrabKeyboard( qt_xdisplay(), GET_QT_X_TIME() );

    if( e->type == PropertyNotify || e->type == ClientMessage )
        unsigned long dirty[ NETRootInfo::PROPERTIES_SIZE ];
        rootInfo->event( e, dirty, NETRootInfo::PROPERTIES_SIZE );
        if( dirty[ NETRootInfo::PROTOCOLS ] & NET::DesktopNames )
        if( dirty[ NETRootInfo::PROTOCOLS2 ] & NET::WM2DesktopLayout )

    // events that should be handled before Clients can get them
    switch (e->type) 
        case ButtonPress:
        case ButtonRelease:
            was_user_interaction = true;
        // fallthrough
        case MotionNotify:
            if ( tab_grab || control_grab )
                tab_box->handleMouseEvent( e );
                return TRUE;
        case KeyPress:
            was_user_interaction = true;
            KKeyNative keyX( (XEvent*)e );
            uint keyQt = keyX.keyCodeQt();
            kdDebug(125) << "Workspace::keyPress( " << keyX.key().toString() << " )" << endl;
            if (movingClient)
                return true;
            if( tab_grab || control_grab )
                tabBoxKeyPress( keyX );
                return true;
        case KeyRelease:
            was_user_interaction = true;
            if( tab_grab || control_grab )
                tabBoxKeyRelease( e->xkey );
                return true;

    if( Client* c = findClient( WindowMatchPredicate( e->xany.window )))
        if( c->windowEvent( e ))
            return true;
    else if( Client* c = findClient( WrapperIdMatchPredicate( e->xany.window )))
        if( c->windowEvent( e ))
            return true;
    else if( Client* c = findClient( FrameIdMatchPredicate( e->xany.window )))
        if( c->windowEvent( e ))
            return true;
        Window special = findSpecialEventWindow( e );
        if( special != None )
            if( Client* c = findClient( WindowMatchPredicate( special )))
                if( c->windowEvent( e ))
                    return true;
    if( movingClient != NULL && movingClient->moveResizeGrabWindow() == e->xany.window
        && ( e->type == MotionNotify || e->type == ButtonPress || e->type == ButtonRelease ))
        if( movingClient->windowEvent( e ))
            return true;

    switch (e->type) 
        case CreateNotify:
            if ( e->xcreatewindow.parent == root &&
                 !TQWidget::find( e->xcreatewindow.window) &&
                 !e->xcreatewindow.override_redirect )
        // see comments for allowClientActivation()
            Time my_qtx_time = GET_QT_X_TIME();
            XChangeProperty(qt_xdisplay(), e->xcreatewindow.window,
                            atoms->kde_net_wm_user_creation_time, XA_CARDINAL,
                            32, PropModeReplace, (unsigned char *)&my_qtx_time, 1);

    case UnmapNotify:
        // check for system tray windows
            if ( removeSystemTrayWin( e->xunmap.window, true ) ) 
	    // If the system tray gets destroyed, the system tray
	    // icons automatically get unmapped, reparented and mapped
	    // again to the closest non-client ancestor due to
	    // QXEmbed's SaveSet feature. Unfortunatly with kicker
	    // this closest ancestor is not the root window, but our
	    // decoration, so we reparent explicitely back to the root
	    // window.
                XEvent ev;
                WId w = e->xunmap.window;
                if ( XCheckTypedWindowEvent (qt_xdisplay(), w,
                                             ReparentNotify, &ev) )
                    if ( ev.xreparent.parent != root ) 
                        XReparentWindow( qt_xdisplay(), w, root, 0, 0 );
                        addSystemTrayWin( w );
                return TRUE;

            return ( e->xunmap.event != e->xunmap.window ); // hide wm typical event from Qt
        case MapNotify:

            return ( e->xmap.event != e->xmap.window ); // hide wm typical event from Qt

        case ReparentNotify:
        //do not confuse Qt with these events. After all, _we_ are the
        //window manager who does the reparenting.
            return TRUE;
        case DestroyNotify:
            if ( removeSystemTrayWin( e->xdestroywindow.window, false ) )
                return TRUE;
            return false;
        case MapRequest:

            // e->xmaprequest.window is different from e->xany.window
            // TODO this shouldn't be necessary now
            Client* c = findClient( WindowMatchPredicate( e->xmaprequest.window ));
            if ( !c ) 
// don't check for the parent being the root window, this breaks when some app unmaps
// a window, changes something and immediately maps it back, without giving KWin
// a chance to reparent it back to root
// since KWin can get MapRequest only for root window children and
// children of WindowWrapper (=clients), the check is AFAIK useless anyway
// Note: Now the save-set support in Client::mapRequestEvent() actually requires that
// this code doesn't check the parent to be root.
//            if ( e->xmaprequest.parent == root ) { //###TODO store previously destroyed client ids
                if ( addSystemTrayWin( e->xmaprequest.window ) )
                    return TRUE;
                c = createClient( e->xmaprequest.window, false );
                if ( c != NULL && root != qt_xrootwin() ) 
                    { // TODO what is this?
                    // TODO may use TQWidget::create
                    XReparentWindow( qt_xdisplay(), c->frameId(), root, 0, 0 );
                if( c == NULL ) // refused to manage, simply map it (most probably override redirect)
                    XMapRaised( qt_xdisplay(), e->xmaprequest.window );
                return true;
            if( c )
                c->windowEvent( e );
                updateFocusChains( c, FocusChainUpdate );
                return true;
        case EnterNotify:
            if ( TQWhatsThis::inWhatsThisMode() )
                TQWidget* w = TQWidget::find( e->xcrossing.window );
                if ( w )
            if( electricBorder(e))
                return true;
        case LeaveNotify:
            if ( !TQWhatsThis::inWhatsThisMode() )
            // TODO is this cliente ever found, given that client events are searched above?
            Client* c = findClient( FrameIdMatchPredicate( e->xcrossing.window ));
            if ( c && e->xcrossing.detail != NotifyInferior )
        case ConfigureRequest:
            if ( e->xconfigurerequest.parent == root ) 
                XWindowChanges wc;
                wc.border_width = e->xconfigurerequest.border_width;
                wc.x = e->xconfigurerequest.x;
                wc.y = e->xconfigurerequest.y;
                wc.width = e->xconfigurerequest.width;
                wc.height = e->xconfigurerequest.height;
                wc.sibling = None;
                wc.stack_mode = Above;
                unsigned int value_mask = e->xconfigurerequest.value_mask
                    & ( CWX | CWY | CWWidth | CWHeight | CWBorderWidth );
                XConfigureWindow( qt_xdisplay(), e->xconfigurerequest.window, value_mask, &wc );
                return true;
        case KeyPress:
            if ( mouse_emulation )
                return keyPressMouseEmulation( e->xkey );
        case KeyRelease:
            if ( mouse_emulation )
                return FALSE;
        case FocusIn:
            if( e->xfocus.window == rootWin() && TQCString( getenv("TDE_MULTIHEAD")).lower() != "true"
                && ( e->xfocus.detail == NotifyDetailNone || e->xfocus.detail == NotifyPointerRoot ))
                updateXTime(); // focusToNull() uses qt_x_time, which is old now (FocusIn has no timestamp)
                Window focus;
                int revert;
                XGetInputFocus( qt_xdisplay(), &focus, &revert );
                if( focus == None || focus == PointerRoot )
                    //kdWarning( 1212 ) << "X focus set to None/PointerRoot, reseting focus" << endl;
                    Client *c = mostRecentlyActivatedClient();
                    if( c != NULL )
                        requestFocus( c, true );
                    else if( activateNextClient( NULL ))
                        ; // ok, activated
            // fall through
        case FocusOut:
            return true; // always eat these, they would tell Qt that KWin is the active app
        case ClientMessage:
            if( electricBorder( e ))
                return true;
    return FALSE;

// Some events don't have the actual window which caused the event
// as e->xany.window (e.g. ConfigureRequest), but as some other
// field in the XEvent structure.
Window Workspace::findSpecialEventWindow( XEvent* e )
    switch( e->type )
        case CreateNotify:
            return e->xcreatewindow.window;
        case DestroyNotify:
            return e->xdestroywindow.window;
        case UnmapNotify:
            return e->xunmap.window;
        case MapNotify:
            return e->xmap.window;
        case MapRequest:
            return e->xmaprequest.window;
        case ReparentNotify:
            return e->xreparent.window;
        case ConfigureNotify:
            return e->xconfigure.window;
        case GravityNotify:
            return e->xgravity.window;
        case ConfigureRequest:
            return e->xconfigurerequest.window;
        case CirculateNotify:
            return e->xcirculate.window;
        case CirculateRequest:
            return e->xcirculaterequest.window;
            return None;

// ****************************************
// Client
// ****************************************

  General handler for XEvents concerning the client window
bool Client::windowEvent( XEvent* e )
    if( e->xany.window == window()) // avoid doing stuff on frame or wrapper
        unsigned long dirty[ 2 ];
        info->event( e, dirty, 2 ); // pass through the NET stuff

        if ( ( dirty[ WinInfo::PROTOCOLS ] & NET::WMName ) != 0 )
        if ( ( dirty[ WinInfo::PROTOCOLS ] & NET::WMIconName ) != 0 )
        if ( ( dirty[ WinInfo::PROTOCOLS ] & NET::WMStrut ) != 0
            || ( dirty[ WinInfo::PROTOCOLS2 ] & NET::WM2ExtendedStrut ) != 0 )
            if( isTopMenu())  // the fallback mode of KMenuBar may alter the strut
                checkWorkspacePosition();  // restore it
        if ( ( dirty[ WinInfo::PROTOCOLS ] & NET::WMIcon) != 0 )
        // Note there's a difference between userTime() and info->userTime()
        // info->userTime() is the value of the property, userTime() also includes
        // updates of the time done by KWin (ButtonPress on windowrapper etc.).
        if(( dirty[ WinInfo::PROTOCOLS2 ] & NET::WM2UserTime ) != 0 )
            updateUserTime( info->userTime());
        if(( dirty[ WinInfo::PROTOCOLS2 ] & NET::WM2StartupId ) != 0 )
        if( dirty[ WinInfo::PROTOCOLS ] & NET::WMIconGeometry )
            if( demandAttentionKNotifyTimer != NULL )

// TODO move all focus handling stuff to separate file?
    switch (e->type) 
        case UnmapNotify:
            unmapNotifyEvent( &e->xunmap );
        case DestroyNotify:
            destroyNotifyEvent( &e->xdestroywindow );
        case MapRequest:
            // this one may pass the event to workspace
            return mapRequestEvent( &e->xmaprequest );
        case ConfigureRequest:
            configureRequestEvent( &e->xconfigurerequest );
        case PropertyNotify:
            propertyNotifyEvent( &e->xproperty );
        case KeyPress:
        case ButtonPress:
            buttonPressEvent( e->xbutton.window, e->xbutton.button, e->xbutton.state,
                e->xbutton.x, e->xbutton.y, e->xbutton.x_root, e->xbutton.y_root );
        case KeyRelease:
    // don't update user time on releases
    // e.g. if the user presses Alt+F2, the Alt release
    // would appear as user input to the currently active window
        case ButtonRelease:
    // don't update user time on releases
    // e.g. if the user presses Alt+F2, the Alt release
    // would appear as user input to the currently active window
            buttonReleaseEvent( e->xbutton.window, e->xbutton.button, e->xbutton.state,
                e->xbutton.x, e->xbutton.y, e->xbutton.x_root, e->xbutton.y_root );
        case MotionNotify:
            motionNotifyEvent( e->xmotion.window, e->xmotion.state,
                e->xmotion.x, e->xmotion.y, e->xmotion.x_root, e->xmotion.y_root );
            workspace()->updateFocusMousePosition( TQPoint( e->xmotion.x_root, e->xmotion.y_root ));
        case EnterNotify:
            enterNotifyEvent( &e->xcrossing );
            // MotionNotify is guaranteed to be generated only if the mouse
            // move start and ends in the window; for cases when it only
            // starts or only ends there, Enter/LeaveNotify are generated.
            // Fake a MotionEvent in such cases to make handle of mouse
            // events simpler (Qt does that too).
            motionNotifyEvent( e->xcrossing.window, e->xcrossing.state,
                e->xcrossing.x, e->xcrossing.y, e->xcrossing.x_root, e->xcrossing.y_root );
            workspace()->updateFocusMousePosition( TQPoint( e->xcrossing.x_root, e->xcrossing.y_root ));
        case LeaveNotify:
            motionNotifyEvent( e->xcrossing.window, e->xcrossing.state,
                e->xcrossing.x, e->xcrossing.y, e->xcrossing.x_root, e->xcrossing.y_root );
            leaveNotifyEvent( &e->xcrossing );
            // not here, it'd break following enter notify handling
            // workspace()->updateFocusMousePosition( TQPoint( e->xcrossing.x_root, e->xcrossing.y_root ));
        case FocusIn:
            focusInEvent( &e->xfocus );
        case FocusOut:
            focusOutEvent( &e->xfocus );
        case ReparentNotify:
        case ClientMessage:
            clientMessageEvent( &e->xclient );
        case ColormapChangeMask:
            if( e->xany.window == window())
            cmap = e->xcolormap.colormap;
            if ( isActive() )
            if( e->xany.window == window())
            if( e->type == Shape::shapeEvent() )
                is_shape = Shape::hasShape( window()); // workaround for #19644
    return true; // eat all events

  Handles map requests of the client window
bool Client::mapRequestEvent( XMapRequestEvent* e )
    if( e->window != window())
        // Special support for the save-set feature, which is a bit broken.
        // If there's a window from one client embedded in another one,
        // e.g. using XEMBED, and the embedder suddenly looses its X connection,
        // save-set will reparent the embedded window to its closest ancestor
        // that will remains. Unfortunately, with reparenting window managers,
        // this is not the root window, but the frame (or in KWin's case,
        // it's the wrapper for the client window). In this case,
        // the wrapper will get ReparentNotify for a window it won't know,
        // which will be ignored, and then it gets MapRequest, as save-set
        // always maps. Returning true here means that Workspace::workspaceEvent()
        // will handle this MapRequest and manage this window (i.e. act as if
        // it was reparented to root window).
        if( e->parent == wrapperId())
            return false;
        return true; // no messing with frame etc.
    if( isTopMenu() && workspace()->managingTopMenus())
        return true; // twin controls these
    switch ( mappingState() )
        case WithdrawnState:
            assert( false ); // WMs are not supposed to manage clients in Withdrawn state,
//        manage();      // after initial mapping manage() is called from createClient()
        case IconicState:
	// also copied in clientMessage()
            if( isMinimized())
            if( isShade())
                setShade( ShadeNone );
            if( !isOnCurrentDesktop())
                if( workspace()->allowClientActivation( this ))
                    workspace()->activateClient( this );
        case NormalState:
	    // TODO fake MapNotify?
    return true;

  Handles unmap notify events of the client window
void Client::unmapNotifyEvent( XUnmapEvent* e )
    if( e->window != window())
    if( e->event != wrapperId())
        { // most probably event from root window when initially reparenting
        bool ignore = true;
        if( e->event == workspace()->rootWin() && e->send_event )
            ignore = false; // XWithdrawWindow()
        if( ignore )
    switch( mappingState())
        case IconicState:
        case NormalState:
            // maybe we will be destroyed soon. Check this first.
            XEvent ev;
            if( XCheckTypedWindowEvent (qt_xdisplay(), window(),
                DestroyNotify, &ev) ) // TODO I don't like this much
                destroyClient(); // deletes this
        assert( false );

void Client::destroyNotifyEvent( XDestroyWindowEvent* e )
    if( e->window != window())
bool         blockAnimation = FALSE;

   Handles client messages for the client window
void Client::clientMessageEvent( XClientMessageEvent* e )
    if( e->window != window())
        return; // ignore frame/wrapper
    // WM_STATE
    if ( e->message_type == atoms->kde_wm_change_state )
        if( isTopMenu() && workspace()->managingTopMenus())
            return; // twin controls these
        if( e->data.l[ 1 ] )
            blockAnimation = true;
        if( e->data.l[ 0 ] == IconicState )
        else if( e->data.l[ 0 ] == NormalState )
            { // copied from mapRequest()
            if( isMinimized())
            if( isShade())
                setShade( ShadeNone );
            if( !isOnCurrentDesktop())
                if( workspace()->allowClientActivation( this ))
                    workspace()->activateClient( this );
        blockAnimation = false;
    else if ( e->message_type == atoms->wm_change_state)
        if( isTopMenu() && workspace()->managingTopMenus())
            return; // twin controls these
        if ( e->data.l[0] == IconicState )

  Handles configure  requests of the client window
void Client::configureRequestEvent( XConfigureRequestEvent* e )
    if( e->window != window())
        return; // ignore frame/wrapper
    if ( isResize() || isMove())
        return; // we have better things to do right now

    if( fullscreen_mode == FullScreenNormal ) // refuse resizing of fullscreen windows
        { // but allow resizing fullscreen hacks in order to let them cancel fullscreen mode
    if( isSplash() // no manipulations with splashscreens either
        || isTopMenu()) // topmenus neither

    if ( e->value_mask & CWBorderWidth ) 
        // first, get rid of a window border
        XWindowChanges wc;
        unsigned int value_mask = 0;

        wc.border_width = 0;
        value_mask = CWBorderWidth;
        XConfigureWindow( qt_xdisplay(), window(), value_mask, & wc );

    if( e->value_mask & ( CWX | CWY | CWHeight | CWWidth ))
        configureRequest( e->value_mask, e->x, e->y, e->width, e->height, 0, false );

    if ( e->value_mask & CWStackMode )
        restackWindow( e->above, e->detail, NET::FromApplication, userTime(), false );

    // TODO sending a synthetic configure notify always is fine, even in cases where
    // the ICCCM doesn't require this - it can be though of as 'the WM decided to move
    // the window later'. The client should not cause that many configure request,
    // so this should not have any significant impact. With user moving/resizing
    // the it should be optimized though (see also Client::setGeometry()/plainResize()/move()).

    // SELI TODO accept configure requests for isDesktop windows (because kdesktop
    // may get XRANDR resize event before twin), but check it's still at the bottom?

  Handles property changes of the client window
void Client::propertyNotifyEvent( XPropertyEvent* e )
    if( e->window != window())
        return; // ignore frame/wrapper
    switch ( e->atom ) 
        case XA_WM_NORMAL_HINTS:
        case XA_WM_NAME:
        case XA_WM_ICON_NAME:
        case XA_WM_TRANSIENT_FOR:
        case XA_WM_HINTS:
            getIcons(); // because KWin::icon() uses WMHints as fallback
            if ( e->atom == atoms->wm_protocols )
            else if (e->atom == atoms->wm_client_leader )
            else if( e->atom == qt_window_role )
                window_role = staticWindowRole( window());
            else if( e->atom == atoms->motif_wm_hints )

void Client::enterNotifyEvent( XCrossingEvent* e )
    if( e->window != frameId())
        return; // care only about entering the whole frame
    if( e->mode == NotifyNormal ||
         ( !options->focusPolicyIsReasonable() &&
             e->mode == NotifyUngrab ) ) 

        if (options->shadeHover && isShade()) 
            delete shadeHoverTimer;
            shadeHoverTimer = new TQTimer( this );
            connect( shadeHoverTimer, TQT_SIGNAL( timeout() ), this, TQT_SLOT( shadeHover() ));
            shadeHoverTimer->start( options->shadeHoverInterval, TRUE );

        if ( options->focusPolicy == Options::ClickToFocus )

        if ( options->autoRaise && !isDesktop() &&
             !isDock() && !isTopMenu() && workspace()->focusChangeEnabled() &&
             workspace()->topClientOnDesktop( workspace()->currentDesktop()) != this ) 
            delete autoRaiseTimer;
            autoRaiseTimer = new TQTimer( this );
            connect( autoRaiseTimer, TQT_SIGNAL( timeout() ), this, TQT_SLOT( autoRaise() ) );
            autoRaiseTimer->start( options->autoRaiseInterval, TRUE  );

        TQPoint currentPos( e->x_root, e->y_root );
        if ( options->focusPolicy != Options::FocusStrictlyUnderMouse && ( isDesktop() || isDock() || isTopMenu() ) )
        // for FocusFollowsMouse, change focus only if the mouse has actually been moved, not if the focus
        // change came because of window changes (e.g. closing a window) - #92290
        if( options->focusPolicy != Options::FocusFollowsMouse
            || currentPos != workspace()->focusMousePosition())
            if ( options->delayFocus )
                workspace()->requestDelayFocus( this );
                workspace()->requestFocus( this );

void Client::leaveNotifyEvent( XCrossingEvent* e )
    if( e->window != frameId())
        return; // care only about leaving the whole frame
    if ( e->mode == NotifyNormal ) 
        if ( !buttonDown ) 
            mode = PositionCenter;
            setCursor( tqarrowCursor );
        bool lostMouse = !rect().contains( TQPoint( e->x, e->y ) );
        // 'lostMouse' wouldn't work with e.g. B2 or Keramik, which have non-rectangular decorations
        // (i.e. the LeaveNotify event comes before leaving the rect and no LeaveNotify event
        // comes after leaving the rect) - so lets check if the pointer is really outside the window

        // TODO this still sucks if a window appears above this one - it should lose the mouse
        // if this window is another client, but not if it's a popup ... maybe after KDE3.1 :(
        // (repeat after me 'AARGHL!')
        if ( !lostMouse && e->detail != NotifyInferior ) 
            int d1, d2, d3, d4;
            unsigned int d5;
            Window w, child;
            if( XQueryPointer( qt_xdisplay(), frameId(), &w, &child, &d1, &d2, &d3, &d4, &d5 ) == False
                || child == None )
                lostMouse = true; // really lost the mouse
        if ( lostMouse ) 
            if ( shade_mode == ShadeHover && !moveResizeMode && !buttonDown )
               setShade( ShadeNormal );
        if ( options->focusPolicy == Options::FocusStrictlyUnderMouse )
            if ( isActive() && lostMouse )
                workspace()->requestFocus( 0 ) ;

#define XCapL KKeyNative::modXLock()
#define XNumL KKeyNative::modXNumLock()
#define XScrL KKeyNative::modXScrollLock()
void Client::grabButton( int modifier )
    unsigned int mods[ 8 ] = 
        0, XCapL, XNumL, XNumL | XCapL,
        XScrL, XScrL | XCapL,
        XScrL | XNumL, XScrL | XNumL | XCapL
    for( int i = 0;
         i < 8;
         ++i )
        XGrabButton( qt_xdisplay(), AnyButton,
            modifier | mods[ i ],
            wrapperId(),  FALSE, ButtonPressMask,
            GrabModeSync, GrabModeAsync, None, None );

void Client::ungrabButton( int modifier )
    unsigned int mods[ 8 ] = 
        0, XCapL, XNumL, XNumL | XCapL,
        XScrL, XScrL | XCapL,
        XScrL | XNumL, XScrL | XNumL | XCapL
    for( int i = 0;
         i < 8;
         ++i )
        XUngrabButton( qt_xdisplay(), AnyButton,
            modifier | mods[ i ], wrapperId());
#undef XCapL
#undef XNumL
#undef XScrL

  Releases the passive grab for some modifier combinations when a
  window becomes active. This helps broken X programs that
  missinterpret LeaveNotify events in grab mode to work properly
  (Motif, AWT, Tk, ...)
void Client::updateMouseGrab()
    if( workspace()->globalShortcutsDisabled())
        XUngrabButton( qt_xdisplay(), AnyButton, AnyModifier, wrapperId());
        // keep grab for the simple click without modifiers if needed (see below)
        bool not_obscured = workspace()->topClientOnDesktop( workspace()->currentDesktop(), true, false ) == this;
        if( !( !options->clickRaise || not_obscured ))
            grabButton( None );
    if( isActive() && !workspace()->forcedGlobalMouseGrab()) // see Workspace::establishTabBoxGrab()
        // first grab all modifier combinations
        XGrabButton(qt_xdisplay(), AnyButton, AnyModifier, wrapperId(), FALSE,
            GrabModeSync, GrabModeAsync,
            None, None );
        // remove the grab for no modifiers only if the window
        // is unobscured or if the user doesn't want click raise
        // (it is unobscured if it the topmost in the unconstrained stacking order, i.e. it is
        // the most recently raised window)
        bool not_obscured = workspace()->topClientOnDesktop( workspace()->currentDesktop(), true, false ) == this;
        if( !options->clickRaise || not_obscured )
            ungrabButton( None );
            grabButton( None );
        ungrabButton( ShiftMask );
        ungrabButton( ControlMask );
        ungrabButton( ControlMask | ShiftMask );
        XUngrabButton( qt_xdisplay(), AnyButton, AnyModifier, wrapperId());
        // simply grab all modifier combinations
        XGrabButton(qt_xdisplay(), AnyButton, AnyModifier, wrapperId(), FALSE,
            GrabModeSync, GrabModeAsync,
            None, None );

int qtToX11Button( TQt::ButtonState button )
    if( button == Qt::LeftButton )
        return Button1;
    else if( button == Qt::MidButton )
        return Button2;
    else if( button == Qt::RightButton )
        return Button3;
    return AnyButton;
int qtToX11State( TQt::ButtonState state )
    int ret = 0;
    if( state & Qt::LeftButton )
        ret |= Button1Mask;
    if( state & Qt::MidButton )
        ret |= Button2Mask;
    if( state & Qt::RightButton )
        ret |= Button3Mask;
    if( state & TQt::ShiftButton )
        ret |= ShiftMask;
    if( state & TQt::ControlButton )
        ret |= ControlMask;
    if( state & TQt::AltButton )
        ret |= KKeyNative::modX(KKey::ALT);
    if( state & TQt::MetaButton )
        ret |= KKeyNative::modX(KKey::WIN);
    return ret;

// Qt propagates mouse events up the widget hierachy, which means events
// for the decoration window cannot be (easily) intercepted as X11 events
bool Client::eventFilter( TQObject* o, TQEvent* e )
    if (TQT_BASE_OBJECT(o) == TQT_BASE_OBJECT(shadowWidget))
        if (e->type() == TQEvent::MouseButtonRelease)
            int buttonMask, buttonPressed, x, y, x_root, y_root;
            unsigned int mask;
            TQMouseEvent *qe = (TQMouseEvent *)e;
            Window inner_window, parent_window, pointer_window, root_window;
            XButtonEvent xe;

            switch (qe->button())
                case Qt::MidButton:
                    buttonMask = Button2Mask;
                    buttonPressed = Button2;
                case Qt::RightButton:
                    buttonMask = Button3Mask;
                    buttonPressed = Button3;
                    buttonMask = Button1Mask;
                    buttonPressed = Button1;

            // find the window under the cursor that should receive the
            // simulated events
            root_window = qt_xrootwin();
            XQueryPointer(qt_xdisplay(), root_window, &root_window,
                    &pointer_window, &x_root, &y_root, &x, &y, &mask);

            if (pointer_window != None)
                // Save the child window immediately under the window
                // decoration, if any. This is so that we can send an event to
                // the immediate descendant of a window's window decoration,
                // which causes KWin to refocus windows properly
                parent_window = pointer_window;
                XQueryPointer(qt_xdisplay(), parent_window, &root_window,
                        &pointer_window, &x_root, &y_root, &x, &y, &mask);
                inner_window = pointer_window;

                while (pointer_window != None)
                    // Recursively query for the child window under the pointer,
                    // using the returned child window as the parent window for
                    // the subsequent query. When no child window is left, we've
                    // found the child that will receive the simulated event
                    parent_window = pointer_window;
                    XQueryPointer(qt_xdisplay(), parent_window, &root_window,
                            &pointer_window, &x_root, &y_root, &x, &y, &mask);
                pointer_window = parent_window;
                inner_window = None;

            // simulate a mouse button press
            xe.type = ButtonPress;
            xe.display = qt_xdisplay();
            xe.root = qt_xrootwin();
            xe.subwindow = None;
            xe.time = CurrentTime;
            xe.x = x;
            xe.y = y;
            xe.x_root = x_root;
            xe.y_root = y_root;
            xe.state = 0;
            xe.button = buttonPressed;
            xe.same_screen = True;
            if (inner_window != None && inner_window != pointer_window)
                xe.window = inner_window;
                XSendEvent(qt_xdisplay(), inner_window, True, ButtonPressMask,
                        (XEvent *)&xe);
            xe.window = pointer_window;
            XSendEvent(qt_xdisplay(), pointer_window, True, ButtonPressMask,
                    (XEvent *)&xe);

            // simulate a mouse button release
            xe.type = ButtonRelease;
            xe.display = qt_xdisplay();
            xe.root = qt_xrootwin();
            xe.subwindow = None;
            xe.time = CurrentTime;
            xe.x = x;
            xe.y = y;
            xe.x_root = x_root;
            xe.y_root = y_root;
            xe.state = buttonMask;
            xe.button = buttonPressed;
            xe.same_screen = True;
            if (inner_window != None && inner_window != pointer_window)
                xe.window = inner_window;
                XSendEvent(qt_xdisplay(), inner_window, True, ButtonReleaseMask,
                        (XEvent *)&xe);
            xe.window = pointer_window;
            XSendEvent(qt_xdisplay(), pointer_window, True, ButtonReleaseMask,
                    (XEvent *)&xe);


            return true;
        else if (e->type() == TQEvent::Wheel)
            int x, y, x_root, y_root;
            unsigned int buttonMask, buttonPressed, mask;
            TQWheelEvent *wheelEvent = (TQWheelEvent *)e;
            Window inner_window, parent_window, pointer_window,
            XButtonEvent xe;


            // state and button parameters passed to XSendEvent depend on the
            // direction in which the mouse wheel was rolled
            buttonMask = wheelEvent->delta() > 0 ? Button4Mask : Button5Mask;
            buttonPressed = wheelEvent->delta() > 0 ? Button4 : Button5;

            // find the window under the cursor that should receive the
            // simulated events
            root_window = qt_xrootwin();
            XQueryPointer(qt_xdisplay(), root_window, &root_window,
                    &pointer_window, &x_root, &y_root, &x, &y, &mask);

            if (pointer_window != None)
                // Save the child window immediately under the window
                // decoration, if any. This is so that we can send an event to
                // the immediate descendant of a window's window decoration,
                // which causes KWin to refocus windows properly
                parent_window = pointer_window;
                XQueryPointer(qt_xdisplay(), parent_window, &root_window,
                        &pointer_window, &x_root, &y_root, &x, &y, &mask);
                inner_window = pointer_window;

                while (pointer_window != None)
                    // Recursively query for the child window under the pointer,
                    // using the returned child window as the parent window for
                    // the subsequent query. When no child window is left, we've
                    // found the child that will receive the simulated event
                    parent_window = pointer_window;
                    XQueryPointer(qt_xdisplay(), parent_window, &root_window,
                            &pointer_window, &x_root, &y_root, &x, &y, &mask);
                pointer_window = parent_window;
                inner_window = None;

            // simulate a mouse button press
            xe.type = ButtonPress;
            xe.display = qt_xdisplay();
            xe.root = qt_xrootwin();
            xe.subwindow = None;
            xe.time = CurrentTime;
            xe.x = x;
            xe.y = y;
            xe.x_root = x_root;
            xe.y_root = y_root;
            xe.state = 0;
            xe.same_screen = True;
            if (inner_window != None && inner_window != pointer_window)
                xe.button = buttonPressed;
                xe.window = inner_window;
                XSendEvent(qt_xdisplay(), inner_window, True, ButtonPressMask,
                        (XEvent *)&xe);
            xe.button = buttonPressed;
            xe.window = pointer_window;
            XSendEvent(qt_xdisplay(), pointer_window, True, ButtonPressMask,
                    (XEvent *)&xe);

            // simulate a mouse button release
            xe.type = ButtonRelease;
            xe.display = qt_xdisplay();
            xe.root = qt_xrootwin();
            xe.subwindow = None;
            xe.time = CurrentTime;
            xe.x = x;
            xe.y = y;
            xe.x_root = x_root;
            xe.y_root = y_root;
            xe.same_screen = True;
            if (inner_window != None && inner_window != pointer_window)
                xe.window = inner_window;
                xe.state = buttonMask;
                xe.button = buttonPressed;
                XSendEvent(qt_xdisplay(), inner_window, True, ButtonReleaseMask,
                        (XEvent *)&xe);
            xe.state = buttonMask;
            xe.button = buttonPressed;
            xe.window = pointer_window;
            XSendEvent(qt_xdisplay(), pointer_window, True, ButtonReleaseMask,
                    (XEvent *)&xe);


            return true;
    if( decoration == NULL
        || TQT_BASE_OBJECT(o) != TQT_BASE_OBJECT(decoration->widget()))
        return false;
    if( e->type() == TQEvent::MouseButtonPress )
        TQMouseEvent* ev = TQT_TQMOUSEEVENT( e );
        return buttonPressEvent( decorationId(), qtToX11Button( ev->button()), qtToX11State( ev->state()),
            ev->x(), ev->y(), ev->globalX(), ev->globalY() );
    if( e->type() == TQEvent::MouseButtonRelease )
        TQMouseEvent* ev = TQT_TQMOUSEEVENT( e );
        return buttonReleaseEvent( decorationId(), qtToX11Button( ev->button()), qtToX11State( ev->state()),
            ev->x(), ev->y(), ev->globalX(), ev->globalY() );
    if( e->type() == TQEvent::MouseMove ) // FRAME i fake z enter/leave?
        TQMouseEvent* ev = TQT_TQMOUSEEVENT( e );
        return motionNotifyEvent( decorationId(), qtToX11State( ev->state()),
            ev->x(), ev->y(), ev->globalX(), ev->globalY() );
    if( e->type() == TQEvent::Wheel )
        TQWheelEvent* ev = TQT_TQWHEELEVENT( e );
        bool r = buttonPressEvent( decorationId(), ev->delta() > 0 ? Button4 : Button5, qtToX11State( ev->state()),
            ev->x(), ev->y(), ev->globalX(), ev->globalY() );
        r = r || buttonReleaseEvent( decorationId(), ev->delta() > 0 ? Button4 : Button5, qtToX11State( ev->state()),
            ev->x(), ev->y(), ev->globalX(), ev->globalY() );
        return r;
    if( e->type() == TQEvent::Resize )
        TQResizeEvent* ev = TQT_TQRESIZEEVENT( e );
        // Filter out resize events that inform about size different than frame size.
        // This will ensure that decoration->width() etc. and decoration->widget()->width() will be in sync.
        // These events only seem to be delayed events from initial resizing before show() was called
        // on the decoration widget.
        if( ev->size() != size())
            return true;
    return false;

// return value matters only when filtering events before decoration gets them
bool Client::buttonPressEvent( Window w, int button, int state, int x, int y, int x_root, int y_root )
    if (buttonDown)
        if( w == wrapperId())
            XAllowEvents(qt_xdisplay(), SyncPointer, CurrentTime ); //qt_x_time);
        return true;

    if( w == wrapperId() || w == frameId() || w == decorationId())
        { // FRAME neco s tohohle by se melo zpracovat, nez to dostane dekorace
          // FRAME something out of this would be processed before it gets decorations
        uint keyModX = (options->keyCmdAllModKey() == Qt::Key_Meta) ?
            KKeyNative::modX(KKey::WIN) :
        bool bModKeyHeld = keyModX != 0 && ( state & KKeyNative::accelModMaskX()) == keyModX;

        if( isSplash()
            && button == Button1 && !bModKeyHeld )
            { // hide splashwindow if the user clicks on it
            hideClient( true );
            if( w == wrapperId())
                    XAllowEvents(qt_xdisplay(), SyncPointer, CurrentTime ); //qt_x_time);
            return true;

        Options::MouseCommand com = Options::MouseNothing;
        bool was_action = false;
        bool perform_handled = false;
        if ( bModKeyHeld )
            was_action = true;
            switch (button) 
                case Button1:
                    com = options->commandAll1();
                case Button2:
                    com = options->commandAll2();
                case Button3:
                    com = options->commandAll3();
                case Button4:
                case Button5:
                    com = options->operationWindowMouseWheel( button == Button4 ? 120 : -120 );
            { // inactive inner window
            if( !isActive() && w == wrapperId())
                was_action = true;
                perform_handled = true;
                switch (button) 
                    case Button1:
                        com = options->commandWindow1();
                    case Button2:
                        com = options->commandWindow2();
                    case Button3:
                        com = options->commandWindow3();
                        com = Options::MouseActivateAndPassClick;
            // active inner window
            if( isActive() && w == wrapperId()
                && options->clickRaise && button < 4 ) // exclude wheel
                com = Options::MouseActivateRaiseAndPassClick;
                was_action = true;
                perform_handled = true;
        if( was_action )
            bool replay = performMouseCommand( com, TQPoint( x_root, y_root), perform_handled );

            if ( isSpecialWindow())
                replay = TRUE;

            if( w == wrapperId()) // these can come only from a grab
                XAllowEvents(qt_xdisplay(), replay? ReplayPointer : SyncPointer, CurrentTime ); //qt_x_time);
            return true;

    if( w == wrapperId()) // these can come only from a grab
        XAllowEvents(qt_xdisplay(), ReplayPointer, CurrentTime ); //qt_x_time);
        return true;
    if( w == decorationId())
        return false; // don't eat decoration events
    if( w == frameId())
        processDecorationButtonPress( button, state, x, y, x_root, y_root );
    return true;

// this function processes button press events only after decoration decides not to handle them,
// unlike buttonPressEvent(), which (when the window is decoration) filters events before decoration gets them
void Client::processDecorationButtonPress( int button, int /*state*/, int x, int y, int x_root, int y_root )
    Options::MouseCommand com = Options::MouseNothing;
    bool active = isActive();
    if ( !wantsInput() ) // we cannot be active, use it anyway
        active = TRUE;

    if ( button == Button1 )
        com = active ? options->commandActiveTitlebar1() : options->commandInactiveTitlebar1();
    else if ( button == Button2 )
        com = active ? options->commandActiveTitlebar2() : options->commandInactiveTitlebar2();
    else if ( button == Button3 )
        com = active ? options->commandActiveTitlebar3() : options->commandInactiveTitlebar3();
    if( button == Button1
        && com != Options::MouseOperationsMenu // actions where it's not possible to get the matching
        && com != Options::MouseMinimize )  // mouse release event
        mode = mousePosition( TQPoint( x, y ));
        buttonDown = TRUE;
        moveOffset = TQPoint( x, y );
        invertedMoveOffset = rect().bottomRight() - moveOffset;
        unrestrictedMoveResize = false;
        setCursor( mode ); // update to sizeAllCursor if about to move
    performMouseCommand( com, TQPoint( x_root, y_root ));

// called from decoration
void Client::processMousePressEvent( TQMouseEvent* e )
    if( e->type() != TQEvent::MouseButtonPress )
        kdWarning() << "processMousePressEvent()" << endl;
    int button;
    switch( e->button())
        case Qt::LeftButton:
            button = Button1;
        case Qt::MidButton:
            button = Button2;
        case Qt::RightButton:
            button = Button3;
    processDecorationButtonPress( button, e->state(), e->x(), e->y(), e->globalX(), e->globalY());

// return value matters only when filtering events before decoration gets them
bool Client::buttonReleaseEvent( Window w, int /*button*/, int state, int x, int y, int x_root, int y_root )
    if( w == decorationId() && !buttonDown)
        return false;
    if( w == wrapperId())
        XAllowEvents(qt_xdisplay(), SyncPointer, CurrentTime ); //qt_x_time);
        return true;
    if( w != frameId() && w != decorationId() && w != moveResizeGrabWindow())
        return true;
    x = this->x(); // translate from grab window to local coords
    y = this->y();
    if ( (state & ( Button1Mask & Button2Mask & Button3Mask )) == 0 )
        buttonDown = FALSE;
        if ( moveResizeMode ) 
            finishMoveResize( false );
            // mouse position is still relative to old Client position, adjust it
            TQPoint mousepos( x_root - x, y_root - y );
            mode = mousePosition( mousepos );
        setCursor( mode );
    return true;

static bool was_motion = false;
static Time next_motion_time = CurrentTime;
// Check whole incoming X queue for MotionNotify events
// checking whole queue is done by always returning False in the predicate.
// If there are more MotionNotify events in the queue, all until the last
// one may be safely discarded (if a ButtonRelease event comes, a MotionNotify
// will be faked from it, so there's no need to check other events).
// This helps avoiding being overloaded by being flooded from many events
// from the XServer.
static Bool motion_predicate( Display*, XEvent* ev, XPointer )
    if( ev->type == MotionNotify )
	was_motion = true;
        next_motion_time = ev->xmotion.time;  // for setting time
    return False;

static bool waitingMotionEvent()
// The queue doesn't need to be checked until the X timestamp
// of processes events reaches the timestamp of the last suitable
// MotionNotify event in the queue.
    if( next_motion_time != CurrentTime
        && timestampCompare( GET_QT_X_TIME(), next_motion_time ) < 0 )
        return true;
    was_motion = false;
    XSync( qt_xdisplay(), False ); // this helps to discard more MotionNotify events
    XEvent dummy;
    XCheckIfEvent( qt_xdisplay(), &dummy, motion_predicate, NULL );
    return was_motion;

// return value matters only when filtering events before decoration gets them
bool Client::motionNotifyEvent( Window w, int /*state*/, int x, int y, int x_root, int y_root )
    if( w != frameId() && w != decorationId() && w != moveResizeGrabWindow())
        return true; // care only about the whole frame
    if ( !buttonDown ) 
        Position newmode = mousePosition( TQPoint( x, y ));
        if( newmode != mode )
            setCursor( newmode );
        mode = newmode;
        // reset the timestamp for the optimization, otherwise with long passivity
        // the option in waitingMotionEvent() may be always true
        next_motion_time = CurrentTime;
        return false;
    if( w == moveResizeGrabWindow())
        x = this->x(); // translate from grab window to local coords
        y = this->y();
    if( !waitingMotionEvent())
        handleMoveResize( x, y, x_root, y_root );
    return true;
void Client::focusInEvent( XFocusInEvent* e )
    if( e->window != window())
        return; // only window gets focus
    if ( e->mode == NotifyUngrab )
        return; // we don't care
    if ( e->detail == NotifyPointer )
        return;  // we don't care
    if( !isShown( false ) || !isOnCurrentDesktop()) // we unmapped it, but it got focus meanwhile ->
        return;            // activateNextClient() already transferred focus elsewhere
    // check if this client is in should_get_focus list or if activation is allowed
    bool activate =  workspace()->allowClientActivation( this, -1U, true );
    workspace()->gotFocusIn( this ); // remove from should_get_focus list
    if( activate )
        setActive( TRUE );

// When a client loses focus, FocusOut events are usually immediatelly
// followed by FocusIn events for another client that gains the focus
// (unless the focus goes to another screen, or to the nofocus widget).
// Without this check, the former focused client would have to be
// deactivated, and after that, the new one would be activated, with
// a short time when there would be no active client. This can cause
// flicker sometimes, e.g. when a fullscreen is shown, and focus is transferred
// from it to its transient, the fullscreen would be kept in the Active layer
// at the beginning and at the end, but not in the middle, when the active
// client would be temporarily none (see Client::belongToLayer() ).
// Therefore, the events queue is checked, whether it contains the matching
// FocusIn event, and if yes, deactivation of the previous client will
// be skipped, as activation of the new one will automatically deactivate
// previously active client.
static bool follows_focusin = false;
static bool follows_focusin_failed = false;
static Bool predicate_follows_focusin( Display*, XEvent* e, XPointer arg )
    if( follows_focusin || follows_focusin_failed )
        return False;
    Client* c = ( Client* ) arg;
    if( e->type == FocusIn && c->workspace()->findClient( WindowMatchPredicate( e->xfocus.window )))
        { // found FocusIn
        follows_focusin = true;
        return False;
    // events that may be in the queue before the FocusIn event that's being
    // searched for
    if( e->type == FocusIn || e->type == FocusOut || e->type == KeymapNotify )
        return False;
    follows_focusin_failed = true; // a different event - stop search
    return False;

static bool check_follows_focusin( Client* c )
    follows_focusin = follows_focusin_failed = false;
    XEvent dummy;
    // XCheckIfEvent() is used to make the search non-blocking, the predicate
    // always returns False, so nothing is removed from the events queue.
    // XPeekIfEvent() would block.
    XCheckIfEvent( qt_xdisplay(), &dummy, predicate_follows_focusin, (XPointer)c );
    return follows_focusin;

void Client::focusOutEvent( XFocusOutEvent* e )
    if( e->window != window())
        return; // only window gets focus
    if ( e->mode == NotifyGrab )
        return; // we don't care
    if ( isShade() )
        return; // here neither
    if ( e->detail != NotifyNonlinear
        && e->detail != NotifyNonlinearVirtual )
        // SELI check all this
        return; // hack for motif apps like netscape
    if ( TQApplication::activePopupWidget() )
    if( !check_follows_focusin( this ))
        setActive( FALSE );

// performs _NET_WM_MOVERESIZE
void Client::NETMoveResize( int x_root, int y_root, NET::Direction direction )
    if( direction == NET::Move )
        performMouseCommand( Options::MouseMove, TQPoint( x_root, y_root ));
    else if( moveResizeMode && direction == NET::MoveResizeCancel )
        finishMoveResize( true );
        buttonDown = FALSE;
        setCursor( mode );
    else if( direction >= NET::TopLeft && direction <= NET::Left ) 
        static const Position convert[] =
        if(!isResizable() || isShade())
        if( moveResizeMode )
            finishMoveResize( false );
        buttonDown = TRUE;
        moveOffset = TQPoint( x_root - x(), y_root - y()); // map from global
        invertedMoveOffset = rect().bottomRight() - moveOffset;
        unrestrictedMoveResize = false;
        mode = convert[ direction ];
        setCursor( mode );
        if( !startMoveResize())
            buttonDown = false;
            setCursor( mode );
    else if( direction == NET::KeyboardMove )
        { // ignore mouse coordinates given in the message, mouse position is used by the moving algorithm
        TQCursor::setPos( geometry().center() );
        performMouseCommand( Options::MouseUnrestrictedMove, geometry().center());
    else if( direction == NET::KeyboardSize )
        { // ignore mouse coordinates given in the message, mouse position is used by the resizing algorithm
        TQCursor::setPos( geometry().bottomRight());
        performMouseCommand( Options::MouseUnrestrictedResize, geometry().bottomRight());

void Client::keyPressEvent( uint key_code )
    if ( !isMove() && !isResize() )
    bool is_control = key_code & Qt::CTRL;
    bool is_alt = key_code & Qt::ALT;
    key_code = key_code & 0xffff;
    int delta = is_control?1:is_alt?32:8;
    TQPoint pos = TQCursor::pos();
    switch ( key_code ) 
        case Key_Left:
            pos.rx() -= delta;
        case Key_Right:
            pos.rx() += delta;
        case Key_Up:
            pos.ry() -= delta;
        case Key_Down:
            pos.ry() += delta;
        case Key_Space:
        case Key_Return:
        case Key_Enter:
            finishMoveResize( false );
            buttonDown = FALSE;
            setCursor( mode );
        case Key_Escape:
            finishMoveResize( true );
            buttonDown = FALSE;
            setCursor( mode );
    TQCursor::setPos( pos );

// ****************************************
// Group
// ****************************************

bool Group::groupEvent( XEvent* e )
    unsigned long dirty[ 2 ];
    leader_info->event( e, dirty, 2 ); // pass through the NET stuff
    if ( ( dirty[ WinInfo::PROTOCOLS ] & NET::WMIcon) != 0 )
    if(( dirty[ WinInfo::PROTOCOLS2 ] & NET::WM2StartupId ) != 0 )
    return false;

} // namespace