path: root/tdejava/koala/org/trinitydesktop/koala/
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1 files changed, 314 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/tdejava/koala/org/trinitydesktop/koala/ b/tdejava/koala/org/trinitydesktop/koala/
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+//Auto-generated by kalyptus. DO NOT EDIT.
+package org.trinitydesktop.koala;
+import org.trinitydesktop.qt.Qt;
+import org.trinitydesktop.qt.TQMetaObject;
+import org.trinitydesktop.qt.QtSupport;
+import org.trinitydesktop.qt.TQPopupMenu;
+import org.trinitydesktop.qt.TQSize;
+import org.trinitydesktop.qt.TQWidget;
+import org.trinitydesktop.qt.TQFrame;
+ Panel extensions
+ <li>
+ Are small applications living in the Window Manager dock managed by the panel.
+ </li>
+ <li>
+ Are implemented as DSOs (Dynamic Shared Objects).
+ </li>
+ Note: For security and stability reasons the panel won't load
+ untrusted third party extensions directly into its namespace but via an
+ external wrapper process.
+ The panel locates available extensions by searching for extension desktop
+ files in (ALL_TDEDIRS)/share/apps/kicker/extensions. Every panel extension should
+ install a desktop file there to be recognized by the panel.
+ Besides standard keys like "Name", "Comment" and "Icon" there are
+ two panel extension specific keys:
+ <li><b>X-TDE-Library </b></li>
+ Used by the panel to locate the extension DSO (Dynamic Shared Object)
+ Example: X-TDE-Library=libexampleextension
+ <li><b>X-TDE-UniqueExtension </b></li>
+ Similar to TDEApplication and KUniqueApplication there are
+ two types of panel extensions. Use unique extensions when it makes no
+ sence to run more than one instance of an extension in the panel. A
+ good example for unique extensions is the taskbar extension. Use normal
+ extensions when you need instance specific configuration. An example
+ is a subpanel extension where you might want to run more than one instances.
+ X-TDE-UniqueExtension is a booleanean key which defaults
+ to "false". Example: X-TDE-UniqueExtension=true
+ Back to panel extension DSOs, the following conventions are used for KDE:
+ Name: lib<extensionname>
+ LDFLAGS: -module -no-undefined
+ To implement a panel extension it is not enough to write a class
+ inheriting from KPanelExtension but you also have to provide a
+ factory function in your DSO. A sample factory function could look
+ like this:
+ <pre>
+ extern "C"
+ {
+ KPanelExtension init(TQWidget parent, String configFile)
+ {
+ TDEGlobal.locale().insertCatalogue("exampleextension");
+ return new ExampleExtension(configFile, KPanelExtension.Normal,
+ KPanelExtension.About | KPanelExtension.Help | KPanelExtension.Preferences,
+ parent, "exampleextension");
+ }
+ }
+ </pre>
+ Note: Don't change the factory function signature or the panel will
+ fail to load your extension.
+ See {@link KPanelExtensionSignals} for signals emitted by KPanelExtension
+ @author Matthias Elter <[email protected]>
+ @short %TDE Panel Extension class.
+public class KPanelExtension extends TQFrame {
+ protected KPanelExtension(Class dummy){super((Class) null);}
+ public static final int Normal = 0;
+ public static final int Stretch = 1;
+ public static final int About = 1;
+ public static final int Help = 2;
+ public static final int Preferences = 4;
+ public static final int ReportBug = 8;
+ public static final int Left = 0;
+ public static final int Right = 1;
+ public static final int Top = 2;
+ public static final int Bottom = 3;
+ public static final int Floating = 4;
+ public static final int LeftTop = 0;
+ public static final int Center = 1;
+ public static final int RightBottom = 2;
+ public static final int SizeTiny = 0;
+ public static final int SizeSmall = 1;
+ public static final int SizeNormal = 2;
+ public static final int SizeLarge = 3;
+ public static final int SizeCustom = 4;
+ public native TQMetaObject metaObject();
+ public native String className();
+ /**
+ Constructs a KPanelExtension just like any other widget.
+ @param configFile The configFile handed over in the factory function.
+ @param t The extension type().
+ @param actions Standard RMB menu actions supported by the extension (see action() ).
+ @param parent The pointer to the parent widget handed over in the factory function.
+ @param name A Qt object name for your extension.
+ @short Constructs a KPanelExtension just like any other widget.
+ */
+ public KPanelExtension(String configFile, int t, int actions, TQWidget parent, String name) {
+ super((Class) null);
+ newKPanelExtension(configFile,t,actions,parent,name);
+ }
+ private native void newKPanelExtension(String configFile, int t, int actions, TQWidget parent, String name);
+ public KPanelExtension(String configFile, int t, int actions, TQWidget parent) {
+ super((Class) null);
+ newKPanelExtension(configFile,t,actions,parent);
+ }
+ private native void newKPanelExtension(String configFile, int t, int actions, TQWidget parent);
+ public KPanelExtension(String configFile, int t, int actions) {
+ super((Class) null);
+ newKPanelExtension(configFile,t,actions);
+ }
+ private native void newKPanelExtension(String configFile, int t, int actions);
+ public KPanelExtension(String configFile, int t) {
+ super((Class) null);
+ newKPanelExtension(configFile,t);
+ }
+ private native void newKPanelExtension(String configFile, int t);
+ public KPanelExtension(String configFile) {
+ super((Class) null);
+ newKPanelExtension(configFile);
+ }
+ private native void newKPanelExtension(String configFile);
+ /**
+ Returns the preferred size for a given Position.
+ Every extension should reimplement this function.
+ Depending on the panel position the extensions can choose a preferred size for that
+ location in the Window Manager Dock. Please note that the size can not be larger than the
+ maxsize given by the handler.
+ @short Returns the preferred size for a given Position.
+ */
+ public native TQSize sizeHint(int arg1, TQSize maxsize);
+ /**
+ Always use this TDEConfig object to save/load your extensions configuration.
+ For unique extensions this config object will write to a config file called
+ \<extensionname\>rc in the users local KDE directory.
+ For normal extensions this config object will write to a instance specific config file
+ called \<extensionname\>\<instanceid\>rc in the users local KDE directory.
+ @short Always use this TDEConfig object to save/load your extensions configuration.
+ */
+ public native TDEConfig config();
+ /**
+ @return Type indicating the extensions type.
+ Type
+ @short
+ */
+ public native int type();
+ /**
+ @return int indicating the supported RMB menu actions.
+ Action
+ @short
+ */
+ public native int actions();
+ /**
+ Generic action dispatcher. Called when the user selects an item
+ from the extensions RMB menu.
+ Reimplement this function to handle actions.
+ For About, Help, Preferences and ReportBug use the convenience handlers
+ ref about(), help(), preferences(), reportBug()
+ @short Generic action dispatcher.
+ */
+ public native void action(int a);
+ /**
+ Reimplement this function to set a preferred dock position for your extension.
+ The extension manager will try to place new instances of this extension according
+ to this setting.
+ @return Position
+ @short Reimplement this function to set a preferred dock position for your extension.
+ */
+ public native int preferedPosition();
+ /**
+ @short
+ */
+ public native void setPosition(int p);
+ /**
+ @short
+ */
+ public native void setAlignment(int a);
+ /**
+ @short
+ */
+ public native void setSize(int size, int customSize);
+ /**
+ @return the extension's size
+ @short
+ */
+ public native int sizeSetting();
+ /**
+ @return the custom sizel setting in pixels
+ @short
+ */
+ public native int customSize();
+ /**
+ @return the extension's custom menu, usually the same as the context menu, or 0 if none
+ @short
+ @see #setCustomMenu(TQPopupMenu*)
+ */
+ public native TQPopupMenu customMenu();
+ /**
+ @return whether or not to set a desktop geometry claiming strut for this panel
+ defaults to true
+ @short
+ @see #setReservetrut(boolean)
+ */
+ public native boolean reserveStrut();
+ /**
+ Is called when the user selects "About" from the extensions RMB menu.
+ Reimplement this function to launch a about dialog.
+ Note that this is called only when your extension supports the About action.
+ See Action.
+ @short Is called when the user selects "About" from the extensions RMB menu.
+ */
+ protected native void about();
+ /**
+ Is called when the user selects "Help" from the extensions RMB menu.
+ Reimplement this function to launch a manual or help page.
+ Note that this is called only when your extension supports the Help action.
+ See Action.
+ @short Is called when the user selects "Help" from the extensions RMB menu.
+ */
+ protected native void help();
+ /**
+ Is called when the user selects "Preferences" from the extensions RMB menu.
+ Reimplement this function to launch a preferences dialog or kcontrol module.
+ Note that this is called only when your extension supports the preferences action.
+ See Action.
+ @short Is called when the user selects "Preferences" from the extensions RMB menu.
+ */
+ protected native void preferences();
+ /**
+ Is called when the user selects "Report bug" from the applet's RMB menu.
+ Reimplement this function to launch a bug reporting dialog.
+ Note that this is called only when your applet supports the ReportBug
+ action.
+ See Action.
+ @short Is called when the user selects "Report bug" from the applet's RMB menu.
+ */
+ protected native void reportBug();
+ /**
+ @return the extension's position. (left, right, top, bottom)
+ @short
+ */
+ protected native int position();
+ /**
+ @return the extension's alignment. (left/top, center, or right/bottom)
+ @short
+ */
+ protected native int alignment();
+ /**
+ @return the extensions orientation. (horizontal or vertical)
+ @short
+ */
+ protected native int orientation();
+ /**
+ @return the appropriate size in pixels for the panel
+ @short
+ */
+ protected native int sizeInPixels();
+ /**
+ This extension has changed its position.
+ Reimplement this change handler in order to adjust the look of your
+ applet.
+ @short This extension has changed its position.
+ */
+ protected native void positionChange(int arg1);
+ /**
+ This extension has changed its alignment.
+ Reimplement this change handler in order to adjust the look of your
+ applet.
+ @short This extension has changed its alignment.
+ */
+ protected native void alignmentChange(int arg1);
+ /**
+ Use this method to set the custom menu for this extensions so that it can be shown
+ at the appropriate places/times that the extension many not itself
+ be aware of. The extension itself is still responsible for deleting and managing the
+ the menu.
+ If the menu is deleted during the life of the extension, be sure to call this method again
+ with the new menu (or 0) to avoid crashes
+ @short Use this method to set the custom menu for this extensions so that it can be shown at the appropriate places/times that the extension many not itself be aware of.
+ */
+ protected native void setCustomMenu(TQPopupMenu arg1);
+ /**
+ Use this method to set the return value for reserveStrut
+ @short Use this method to set the return value for reserveStrut
+ @see #reserveStrut
+ */
+ protected native void setReserveStrut(boolean shouldUseStrut);
+ /** Deletes the wrapped C++ instance */
+ protected native void finalize() throws InternalError;
+ /** Delete the wrapped C++ instance ahead of finalize() */
+ public native void dispose();
+ /** Has the wrapped C++ instance been deleted? */
+ public native boolean isDisposed();