In this file:

* Notes for end users
* Notes for developers

Notes for end users

You only need this package when something else requires it.

Notes for developers

This package contains:
+ working:
  * dcopperl: DCOP bindings for Perl
  * kjsembed: javascript scripting support library for TDE applications
  * tdejava: TDE bindings for Java JNI to use Qt/TDE classes with Java
  * korundum: TDE bindings for ruby
  * python: a copy of SIP/pyQt/pyTDE bindings from
  * qtjava: Qt bindings for Java JNI to use Qt/TDE classes with Java
  * qtruby: Qt bindings for Ruby
  * smoke: Language independent library for Qt and TDE bindings. Used by QtRuby
    and PerlQt.
  * kalyptus: a header parser and bindings generator for Qt/TDE. Used for
    Smoke, Java, C# and KSVG bindings generation at present.
  * dcoppython: DCOP bindings for Python

+ possibly broken: 
  * dcopc: DCOP bindings for C 
  * dcopjava: DCOP bindings for JAVA
  * xparts: allows you to embed non-TDE apps as a KPart

+ broken: 
  * qtsharp: C# bindings for Qt (badly broken after qtc removal)