=head1 kdocAstUtil Utilities for syntax trees. =cut package kdocAstUtil; use Ast; use Carp; use File::Basename; use kdocUtil; use Iter; use strict; use vars qw/ $depth $refcalls $refiters @noreflist %noref /; sub BEGIN { # statistics for findRef $depth = 0; $refcalls = 0; $refiters = 0; # findRef will ignore these words @noreflist = qw( const int char long double template unsigned signed float void bool true false uint uint32 uint64 extern static inline virtual operator ); foreach my $r ( @noreflist ) { $noref{ $r } = 1; } } =head2 findNodes Parameters: outlist ref, full list ref, key, value Find all nodes in full list that have property "key=value". All resulting nodes are stored in outlist. =cut sub findNodes { my( $rOutList, $rInList, $key, $value ) = @_; my $node; foreach $node ( @{$rInList} ) { next if !exists $node->{ $key }; if ( $node->{ $key } eq $value ) { push @$rOutList, $node; } } } =head2 allTypes Parameters: node list ref returns: list Returns a sorted list of all distinct "NodeType"s in the nodes in the list. =cut sub allTypes { my ( $lref ) = @_; my %types = (); foreach my $node ( @{$lref} ) { $types{ $node->{NodeType} } = 1; } return sort keys %types; } =head2 findRef Parameters: root, ident, report-on-fail Returns: node, or undef Given a root node and a fully qualified identifier (:: separated), this function will try to find a child of the root node that matches the identifier. =cut sub findRef { my( $root, $name, $r ) = @_; confess "findRef: no name" if !defined $name || $name eq ""; $name =~ s/\s+//g; return undef if exists $noref{ $name }; $name =~ s/^#//g; my ($iter, @tree) = split /(?:\:\:|#)/, $name; my $kid; $refcalls++; # Upward search for the first token return undef if !defined $iter; while ( !defined findIn( $root, $iter ) ) { return undef if !defined $root->{Parent}; $root = $root->{Parent}; } $root = $root->{KidHash}->{$iter}; carp if !defined $root; # first token found, resolve the rest of the tree downwards foreach $iter ( @tree ) { confess "iter in $name is undefined\n" if !defined $iter; next if $iter =~ /^\s*$/; unless ( defined findIn( $root, $iter ) ) { confess "findRef: failed on '$name' at '$iter'\n" if defined $r; return undef; } $root = $root->{KidHash}->{ $iter }; carp if !defined $root; } return $root; } =head2 findIn node, name: search for a child =cut sub findIn { return undef unless defined $_[0]->{KidHash}; my $ret = $_[0]->{KidHash}->{ $_[1] }; return $ret; } =head2 linkReferences Parameters: root, node Recursively links references in the documentation for each node to real nodes if they can be found. This should be called once the entire parse tree is filled. =cut sub linkReferences { my( $root, $node ) = @_; if ( exists $node->{DocNode} ) { linkDocRefs( $root, $node, $node->{DocNode} ); if( exists $node->{Compound} ) { linkSee( $root, $node, $node->{DocNode} ); } } my $kids = $node->{Kids}; return unless defined $kids; foreach my $kid ( @$kids ) { # only continue in a leaf node if it has documentation. next if !exists $kid->{Kids} && !exists $kid->{DocNode}; if( !exists $kid->{Compound} ) { linkSee( $root, $node, $kid->{DocNode} ); } linkReferences( $root, $kid ); } } sub linkNamespaces { my ( $node ) = @_; if ( defined $node->{ImpNames} ) { foreach my $space ( @{$node->{ImpNames}} ) { my $spnode = findRef( $node, $space ); if( defined $spnode ) { $node->AddPropList( "ExtNames", $spnode ); } else { warn "namespace not found: $space\n"; } } } return unless defined $node->{Compound} || !defined $node->{Kids}; foreach my $kid ( @{$node->{Kids}} ) { next unless localComp( $kid ); linkNamespaces( $kid ); } } sub calcStats { my ( $stats, $root, $node ) = @_; # stats: # num types # num nested # num global funcs # num methods my $type = $node->{NodeType}; if ( $node eq $root ) { # global methods if ( defined $node->{Kids} ) { foreach my $kid ( @{$node->{Kids}} ) { $stats->{Global}++ if $kid->{NodeType} eq "method"; } } $node->AddProp( "Stats", $stats ); } elsif ( kdocAstUtil::localComp( $node ) || $type eq "enum" || $type eq "typedef" ) { $stats->{Types}++; $stats->{Nested}++ if $node->{Parent} ne $root; } elsif( $type eq "method" ) { $stats->{Methods}++; } return unless defined $node->{Compound} || !defined $node->{Kids}; foreach my $kid ( @{$node->{Kids}} ) { next if defined $kid->{ExtSource}; calcStats( $stats, $root, $kid ); } } =head2 linkDocRefs Parameters: root, node, docnode Link references in the docs if they can be found. This should be called once the entire parse tree is filled. =cut sub linkDocRefs { my ( $root, $node, $docNode ) = @_; return unless exists $docNode->{Text}; my ($text, $ref, $item, $tosearch); foreach $item ( @{$docNode->{Text}} ) { next if $item->{NodeType} ne 'Ref'; $text = $item->{astNodeName}; if ( $text =~ /^(?:#|::)/ ) { $text = $'; $tosearch = $node; } else { $tosearch = $root; } $ref = findRef( $tosearch, $text ); $item->AddProp( 'Ref', $ref ) if defined $ref; confess "Ref failed for ", $item->{astNodeName}, "\n" unless defined $ref; } } sub linkSee { my ( $root, $node, $docNode ) = @_; return unless exists $docNode->{See}; my ( $text, $tosearch, $ref ); foreach $text ( @{$docNode->{See}} ) { if ( $text =~ /^\s*(?:#|::)/ ) { $text = $'; $tosearch = $node; } else { $tosearch = $root; } $ref = findRef( $tosearch, $text ); $docNode->AddPropList( 'SeeRef', $ref ) if defined $ref; } } # # Inheritance utilities # =head2 makeInherit Parameter: $rootnode, $parentnode Make an inheritance graph from the parse tree that begins at rootnode. parentnode is the node that is the parent of all base class nodes. =cut sub makeInherit { my( $rnode, $parent ) = @_; foreach my $node ( @{ $rnode->{Kids} } ) { next if !defined $node->{Compound}; # set parent to root if no inheritance if ( !exists $node->{InList} ) { newInherit( $node, "Global", $parent ); $parent->AddPropList( 'InBy', $node ); makeInherit( $node, $parent ); next; } # link each ancestor my $acount = 0; ANITER: foreach my $in ( @{ $node->{InList} } ) { unless ( defined $in ) { Carp::cluck "warning: $node->{astNodeName} " ." has undef in InList."; next ANITER; } my $ref = kdocAstUtil::findRef( $rnode, $in->{astNodeName} ); if( !defined $ref ) { # ancestor undefined warn "warning: ", $node->{astNodeName}, " inherits unknown class '", $in->{astNodeName},"'\n"; $parent->AddPropList( 'InBy', $node ); } else { # found ancestor $in->AddProp( "Node", $ref ); $ref->AddPropList( 'InBy', $node ); $acount++; } } if ( $acount == 0 ) { # inherits no known class: just parent it to global newInherit( $node, "Global", $parent ); $parent->AddPropList( 'InBy', $node ); } makeInherit( $node, $parent ); } } =head2 newInherit p: $node, $name, $lnode? Add a new ancestor to $node with raw name = $name and node = lnode. =cut sub newInherit { my ( $node, $name, $link ) = @_; my $n = Ast::New( $name ); $n->AddProp( "Node", $link ) unless !defined $link; $node->AddPropList( "InList", $n ); return $n; } =head2 inheritName pr: $inheritance node. Returns the name of the inherited node. This checks for existence of a linked node and will use the "raw" name if it is not found. =cut sub inheritName { my ( $innode ) = @_; return defined $innode->{Node} ? $innode->{Node}->{astNodeName} : $innode->{astNodeName}; } =head2 inheritedBy Parameters: out listref, node Recursively searches for nodes that inherit from this one, returning a list of inheriting nodes in the list ref. =cut sub inheritedBy { my ( $list, $node ) = @_; return unless exists $node->{InBy}; foreach my $kid ( @{ $node->{InBy} } ) { push @$list, $kid; inheritedBy( $list, $kid ); } } =head2 inheritsAsVirtual Parameters: (selfNode) classNode Tells if C<classNode> is a virtual ancestor of C<selfNode> e.g: $self->kdocAstUtil::inheritsAsVirtual($other) =cut sub inheritsAsVirtual { my ( $self, $node ) = @_; return 0 unless exists $self->{InList}; for my $in( @{ $self->{InList} } ) { return 1 if inheritName($in) eq $node->{astNodeName} and $in->{Type} =~ /virtual/; return 1 if $in->{Node} && $in->{Node}->kdocAstUtil::inheritsAsVirtual( $node ); } return 0 } =head2 hasLocalInheritor Parameter: node Returns: 0 on fail Checks if the node has an inheritor that is defined within the current library. This is useful for drawing the class hierarchy, since you don't want to display classes that have no relationship with classes within this library. NOTE: perhaps we should cache the value to reduce recursion on subsequent calls. =cut sub hasLocalInheritor { my $node = shift; return 0 if !exists $node->{InBy}; my $in; foreach $in ( @{$node->{InBy}} ) { return 1 if !exists $in->{ExtSource} || hasLocalInheritor( $in ); } return 0; } =head2 allMembers Parameters: hashref outlist, node, $type Fills the outlist hashref with all the methods of outlist, recursively traversing the inheritance tree. If type is not specified, it is assumed to be "method" =cut sub allMembers { my ( $outlist, $n, $type ) = @_; my $in; $type = "method" if !defined $type; if ( exists $n->{InList} ) { foreach $in ( @{$n->{InList}} ) { next if !defined $in->{Node}; my $i = $in->{Node}; allMembers( $outlist, $i ) unless $i == $main::rootNode; } } return unless exists $n->{Kids}; foreach $in ( @{$n->{Kids}} ) { next if $in->{NodeType} ne $type; $outlist->{ $in->{astNodeName} } = $in; } } =head2 findOverride Parameters: root, node, name Looks for nodes of the same name as the parameter, in its parent and the parent's ancestors. It returns a node if it finds one. =cut sub findOverride { my ( $root, $node, $name ) = @_; return undef if !exists $node->{InList}; foreach my $in ( @{$node->{InList}} ) { my $n = $in->{Node}; next unless defined $n && $n != $root && exists $n->{KidHash}; my $ref = $n->{KidHash}->{ $name }; return $n if defined $ref && $ref->{NodeType} eq "method"; if ( exists $n->{InList} ) { $ref = findOverride( $root, $n, $name ); return $ref if defined $ref; } } return undef; } =head2 attachChild Parameters: parent, child Attaches child to the parent, setting Access, Kids and KidHash of respective nodes. =cut sub attachChild { my ( $parent, $child ) = @_; confess "Attempt to attach ".$child->{astNodeName}." to an ". "undefined parent\n" if !defined $parent; $child->AddProp( "Access", $parent->{KidAccess} ); $child->AddProp( "Parent", $parent ); $parent->AddPropList( "Kids", $child ); if( !exists $parent->{KidHash} ) { my $kh = Ast::New( "LookupTable" ); $parent->AddProp( "KidHash", $kh ); } $parent->{KidHash}->AddProp( $child->{astNodeName}, $child ); } =head2 makeClassList Parameters: node, outlist ref fills outlist with a sorted list of all direct, non-external compound children of node. =cut sub makeClassList { my ( $rootnode, $list ) = @_; @$list = (); Iter::LocalCompounds( $rootnode, sub { my $node = shift; my $her = join ( "::", heritage( $node ) ); $node->AddProp( "FullName", $her ); if ( !exists $node->{DocNode}->{Internal} || !$main::skipInternal ) { push @$list, $node; } } ); @$list = sort { $a->{FullName} cmp $b->{FullName} } @$list; } # # Debugging utilities # =head2 dumpAst Parameters: node, deep Returns: none Does a recursive dump of the node and its children. If deep is set, it is used as the recursion property, otherwise "Kids" is used. =cut sub dumpAst { my ( $node, $deep ) = @_; $deep = "Kids" if !defined $deep; print "\t" x $depth, $node->{astNodeName}, " (", $node->{NodeType}, ")\n"; my $kid; foreach $kid ( $node->GetProps() ) { print "\t" x $depth, " -\t", $kid, " -> ", $node->{$kid},"\n" unless $kid =~ /^(astNodeName|NodeType|$deep)$/; } if ( exists $node->{InList} ) { print "\t" x $depth, " -\tAncestors -> "; foreach my $innode ( @{$node->{InList}} ) { print $innode->{astNodeName} . ","; } print "\n"; } print "\t" x $depth, " -\n" if (defined $node->{ $deep } && scalar(@{$node->{ $deep }}) != 0); $depth++; foreach $kid ( @{$node->{ $deep }} ) { dumpAst( $kid ); } print "\t" x $depth, "Documentation nodes:\n" if defined @{ $node->{Doc}->{ "Text" }}; foreach $kid ( @{ $node->{Doc}->{ "Text" }} ) { dumpAst( $kid ); } $depth--; } =head2 testRef Parameters: rootnode Interactive testing of referencing system. Calling this will use the readline library to allow interactive entering of identifiers. If a matching node is found, its node name will be printed. =cut sub testRef { require Term::ReadLine; my $rootNode = $_[ 0 ]; my $term = new Term::ReadLine 'Testing findRef'; my $OUT = $term->OUT || *STDOUT{IO}; my $prompt = "Identifier: "; while( defined ($_ = $term->readline($prompt)) ) { my $node = kdocAstUtil::findRef( $rootNode, $_ ); if( defined $node ) { print $OUT "Reference: '", $node->{astNodeName}, "', Type: '", $node->{NodeType},"'\n"; } else { print $OUT "No reference found.\n"; } $term->addhistory( $_ ) if /\S/; } } sub printDebugStats { print "findRef: ", $refcalls, " calls, ", $refiters, " iterations.\n"; } sub External { return defined $_[0]->{ExtSource}; } sub Compound { return defined $_[0]->{Compound}; } sub localComp { my ( $node ) = $_[0]; return defined $node->{Compound} && !defined $node->{ExtSource} && $node->{NodeType} ne "Forward"; } sub hasDoc { return defined $_[0]->{DocNode}; } ### Warning: this returns the list of parents, e.g. the 3 words in KParts::ReadOnlyPart::SomeEnum ### It has nothing do to with inheritance. sub heritage { my $node = shift; my @heritage; while( 1 ) { push @heritage, $node->{astNodeName}; last unless defined $node->{Parent}; $node = $node->{Parent}; last unless defined $node->{Parent}; } return reverse @heritage; } sub refHeritage { my $node = shift; my @heritage; while( 1 ) { push @heritage, $node; last unless defined $node->{Parent}; $node = $node->{Parent}; last unless defined $node->{Parent}; } return reverse @heritage; } 1;