2005-10-23 Richard Dale * Fixed the KScribble example: Changed KMainWindow.statusBar() to KMainWindow.kstatusBar() Changed '&' to '&' in the button text in the pen size dialog 2005-10-23 Richard Dale * Regenerated the java bindings from the KDE 3.5 headers 2005-02-02 Richard Dale * Added missing TDEGlobal class 2005-02-02 Richard Dale * Regenerated the the java bindings against the KDE 3.4 headers 2004-06-07 Richard Dale * Regenerated KListViewItem to fix 'unwanted copy constructor' problem reported by Maik Schulz. KCatalog now builds again. 2004-06-01 Richard Dale * Regenerated the java bindings against the KDE 3.3 headers * Added new StoredTransferJob class * The methods KMainWindow.menuBar() and KMainWindow.statusBar() have been renamed kmenuBar() and kstatusBar(), as java doesn't allow covariant return types 2004-04-03 Richard Dale * Re-added a couple of java source files, as KDevelop lost them 2004-02-08 Richard Dale * Regenerated the KSSLKeyGen binding as it no longer builds - reported by Peter Hyman 2004-01-16 Richard Dale * Added BrowserHostExtension, BrowserRun, PartManager, URLArgs and WindowArgs classes. Needed to be able to use KHTMLPart correctly. 2004-01-14 Richard Dale * Added JavaSlot proxy types for various new signal types in KDE 3.2 - a bit late, but this adds critical missing functionality needed for the release 2004-01-12 Richard Dale * Restored the KNamedCommand class to the project. Although it is deprecated the non-deprecated KMacroCommand is a subclass. 2004-01-05 Richard Dale * When a java method needed to be renamed, because in the type signature only the return type differed in C++, when that isn't allowed in java, the JNI function name was not using the new name. * Fixed error in JNI function names when the C++ method had an underscore. * Added missing KSSLCertBox.cpp source to the project 2004-01-03 Richard Dale * Added some more KDE classes 2003-12-30 Richard Dale * Fixed/removed some compiler warnings from the generated code * Removed -lkjs, -lkscipt and -lkmid libs from the link options * Removed KDockWindow, KLineEditDlg, KPrinter, KNamedCommand, KSocket and KRegExpr classes * Added KInputDialog, KExtendedSocket, KBufferedIO, KAsyncIO, KDirLister, RenameDlg, AuthInfo and Observer classes * Converted '\c' tags in comments to pairs tags * Improved conversion of C++ code snippets to java * Fixed bug in KIO Scheduler.connect(), and the example in test/kioslave now works correctly * Added some long long types, converted to java longs (both 64 bit) 2003-12-23 Richard Dale * Regenerated the KDE Koala Java bindings from the tdelibs headers on 20/12/2003 - Code generation greatly improved, and no manual edits or patches needed anymore. The bindings code could now be generated as part of the tdebindings configure, and doesn't need to be checked into the cvs. - Added operator methods, and named them 'op_*', eg op_plus(). - Various friend functions in the global namespace, added as static methods to the Qt or KDE classes. For instance, BarIconSet() is now a static method KDE.BarIconSet(), and bitBlt() is Qt.bitBlt(). - Added new classes KMdi* and assorted others. Removed the midi classes, as they didn't look too useful for most users. - Updated the example programs to work with the current bindings - Improved the conversion of kdoc/doxygen comments to javadoc format. The KDE 3.2 api looks great in javadoc, and even the code snippets are quite successfully translated into 'cod java'. The perfect Xmas read.. :) - Non const string arguments are correctly converted to StringBuffers, and ordinary immutable args are still Strings. - The code for boolean[] and int[] arg types is now generated correctly - More virtual method callbacks are generated than before. All methods of type 'void foo(void)', 'bool foo(void)' and 'void foo(someobject)' in TQObject instances now have callbacks. This is still the biggest limitation of the bindings, and the next ones for KDE 3.3 will be based on the Smoke library, and have the full range of callback types. 2003-10-26 Richard Dale * KDateInternalYearSelector, KDateInternalMonthPicker classes removed * Fixed some compile errors against current tdelibs 2002-12-01 * Made KStdAccel methods static 2002-11-27 * Removed KHTMLView.closeChildDialogs() and KHTMLView.dialogsAllowed() as they're now private. 2002-11-26 * Changed license from GPL to LGPL. * Removed redundant event handling interfaces 2002-11-24 * Changed KScribble event handler methods access type to protected * Re-added classes from kcolordialog.h * Restored missing readEntry() and writeEntry() methods to KConfigBase * Methods in namespace derived classes KIO and KStdAction made static again 2002-11-18 Richard Dale * Re-added KAccelAction and KAccelActions dummy classes 2002-11-17 Richard Dale * Koala java bindings regenerated from KDE 3.1 headers 2002-05-12 Richard Dale * Removed constructors from KAutoMount and KAutoUnmount 2002-04-16 Richard Dale * Restore KKeySequence.h/cpp to the project * Removed all native methods from KAccelAction.java and KAccelActions.java as they aren't public classes. 2002-04-12 Richard Dale * Added missing methods to KStandardDirs.java 2002-03-31 Richard Dale * Some fixes for current build problems from Patrick Dempster 2002-03-26 Richard Dale * Added missing java 'KURL,URLArgs' to C++ 'const KURL&,const KParts::URLArgs&' slot/signal type mapping 2002-03-24 Richard Dale * Added new ioslave classes to Makefile.am's 2002-03-22 Richard Dale * Added missing KMainWindow constructor * Added KIO slot/signal types for writing as well as reading. * Added missing kioslave classes * Added new KIO classes Scheduler, KIO, ProgressBase and StatusbarProgress * Fixed various method linking problems 2002-03-19 Richard Dale * KCharSelectTest.java test app from KJP added. 2002-03-18 Richard Dale * Added KBlendTest.java test app from KJP 2002-03-18 Richard Dale * Added missing KMessageBox methods with default values * KJP added missing constructors to KHTMPart, and KSimpleBrowser test app * Added import statements to KdeMenuSample test app * Added KDatePickTest.java test app from Kenneth Pouncey 2002-03-18 Richard Dale * Fixed build errors against tdelibs HEAD branch 2002-03-15 Richard Dale * Regenerated classes which no longer built against the KDE_3_0_RELEASE branch. * Removed Kab and KFileBookmark classes * Regenerated classes which no longer built 2002-03-14 Richard Dale * Added Simple Browser test app from Kenneth Pouncey 2002-03-13 Richard Dale * Simple mail bug fix and extra README info from Werner Punz. 2002-03-12 Richard Dale * Added SimpleMail example app from Werner Punz, showing how to add a KDE front end to the the Sun JavaMail library. 2002-03-11 Richard Dale * Definitive JNI local reference leak fixes for KDEJavaSlot.cpp 2002-03-11 Richard Dale * Moved KBase example to test/kbase * Added KHelpers.java test app from Kenneth Pouncey * Added missing methods to KFileDialog and KMainWindow * Fixed JNI local reference leaks in KDEJavaSlot.cpp 2002-03-10 Richard Dale * Added KdeMenuSample.java test app from Werner Punz * Changed NetAccess.download() in KBase test app to use a StringBuffer * Added kdejava.initialize() method, changed sample code to use it. * Moved misspelt 'kprogess' directory name to 'kprogress' * Kenneth Pouncey added missing KProgress constructors 2002-03-01 Richard Dale * Added KProgressTest.java test app from KJP * KScribble: KJP added accelerators and fixed the author information. 2002-02-25 Richard Dale * Removed KFileTreeBranch::createBranchRoot() method. 2002-02-24 Richard Dale * Test app KFontDialogTest.java from KJP * Fixed KFontDialog.getFontDiff() and other methods. 2002-02-22 Richard Dale * Test app KComboBoxTest.java from Kenneth Pouncey 2002-02-21 Richard Dale * Sources for KKey class regenerated by Kenneth Pouncey 2002-02-19 Richard Dale * Fixed incorrect classname strings in KHTMLPart event handler callbacks 2002-02-13 Richard Dale * KConfigBase - Fixed readListEntry(), writeListEntry() methods. * Functions in KIconLoader, such as BarIcon(), converted to java static methods. * KAccel - Fixed java slot connections * JNI function name link problems in KURL.directory() and KImageIO.pattern() fixed. * Added KMainWindow.memberList() method. * Ralf Nolden's KScribble app translated from C++ by Kenneth Pouncey. 2002-02-02 Dirk Mueller * koala/kdejava/Makefile.am: removed KKeyChooser as it doesn't compile anymore with current tdelibs. * Remove private method bindings from khtml/MouseEvent * Removed KAccelAction (private header) 2002-02-01 Richard Dale * Removed KToolBarButtonList class * Restored missing source files to kdejava/koala/org/kde/koala/Makefile.am 2002-01-31 Richard Dale * Java bindings regenerated for KDE 3 beta2 2002-01-04 Richard Dale * Regenerated KImageEffect for mosfet's new effects methods 2002-01-02 Richard Dale C++ slot type signature matching. 2001-07-29 Richard Dale * Qt 2.2.4/KDE 2.0.1 java Beta 0.3 baseline * Regenerated sources for KDE 2.0.1