#!/usr/bin/env kjscmd
// Script to create an image gallery for a set of images.
var default_title = 'Image Gallery';
var default_intro = 'Here are some images, the larger ones have been scaled down to '
+ 'ensure this page loads tquickly. Click on an image or filename '
+ 'to see it full size.';
var default_width = 250;
var default_height = 160;
function write_header( title, intro )
println( '' );
println( '
' );
println( ''+title+'' );
println( '' );
println( '' );
println( ''+title+'
' );
println( '
' );
println( ''+intro+'
' );
println( '' );
function write_footer()
println( '
' );
println( '' );
function write_image( name, w, h, thumb, tw, th, desc )
println( '' );
print( '' );
print( '' );
print( ' ' );
print( '' );
println( ' | ' );
print( '' );
print( ''+name+''+' ('+w+'x'+h+')' );
// println( ' ' );
println( ''+desc+' ' );
println( ' | ' );
println( '
' );
// Create a thumbnail and write the img tag.
function process_image( name, desc )
var img = new Image();
img.load( name );
if ( !img.isOk() ) {
warn( 'Failed to load image '+name);
return null;
var w = img.width();
var h = img.height();
if ( (w > default_width) || (h > default_height) ) {
img.smoothScaleMin( default_width, default_height );
var tw = img.width();
var th = img.height();
var thumb = 'thumb-'+name;
img.save( thumb );
if ( !img.isOk() ) {
warn( 'Failed to save thumbnail '+thumb);
return null;
write_image( name, w, h, thumb, tw, th, desc );
if ( application.args.length == 0 ) {
System.stderr.println( 'Usage:' );
System.stderr.println( '\timagegallery imgfile ...' );
else {
write_header( default_title, default_intro );
for ( var i = 0 ; i < application.args.length ; i++ ) {
var name = application.args[i];
if ( name.match( /^thumb-/ ) ) {
// Ignore thumbnails
else {
var desc_file = name.replace( /\.[^\.]+$/, '.htm' );
var desc;
try {
desc = System.readFile( desc_file );
catch(x) {
desc = 'No Description';
process_image( name, desc );