<link href="kjsembed.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css">
<title>KJSEmbed Types</title>
<h1>KJSEmbed Types</h1>

KJSEmbed adds a number of custom types to those defined by ECMA in
addition to the objects themselves. These types are used to pass
complex datatypes between scripts and the C++ code that is hosting the
script. This document describes the representations used to pass
information in each direction.


It should be noted that currently only a single representation is
available to scripts accessing native types. Scripts should not rely
on this behaviour as the restriction may be removed in a future
release of KJSEmbed so this, though the current script API will
continue to be supported.

<h2>Fundamental Types</h2>

<li>int -> Number
<li>uint -> Number
<li>float -> Number
<li>double -> Number
<li>Number -> int
<li>Number -> uint
<li>Number -> float
<li>Number -> double

<li>QString -> String
<li>QCString -> String
<li>const char * -> String
<li>String -> QString
<li>String -> QCString
<li>String -> const char *

<h2>Qt Object Types</h2>

Represents a color, possibly including an alpha channel.
<li>QColor -> '#rrggbb'
<li>'#rrggbb' -> QColor
<li>'#rrggbbaa' -> QColor

Represents a point.
<li>QPoint -> [x,y]
<li>[x,y] -> QPoint
<li>obj.x obj.y -> QPoint

Represents a size.
<li>QSize -> [w,h]
<li>[w,h] -> QSize
<li>obj.w obj.h -> QSize

Represents a rectangle.
<li>QRect -> [x,y,w,h]
<li>[x,y,w,h] -> QRect
<li>obj.x obj.y obj.w obj.h -> QRect

Represents a date.
<li>QDate -> ''

Represents a time.
<li>QTime -> ''

Represents a date/time pair.
<li>QDateTime -> ''

Represents a sequence of keys, eg. it is used for accelerators.
<li>QKeySequence -> ''

Represents a font.
<li>QFont -> ''

<h2>KDE Object Types</h2>

Represents a URL.
<li>KURL -> ''
<li>'' -> KURL
