/* * Copyright (C) 2001-2003, Richard J. Moore <rich@kde.org> * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either * version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Library General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License * along with this library; see the file COPYING.LIB. If not, write to * the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, * Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. */ #include <tqobject.h> #include <tqobjectlist.h> #include <tqmetaobject.h> #include <tqregexp.h> #include <tqsignal.h> #include <tqstrlist.h> #include <tqvariant.h> #include <private/qucomextra_p.h> #include <kjs/interpreter.h> #include <kjs/types.h> #include <kjs/ustring.h> #include "kjsembedpart.h" #include "jssecuritypolicy.h" #include "jsfactory.h" #include "global.h" #include "jsobjectproxy.h" #include "jsobjectproxy_imp.h" #include "jsobjecteventproxy.h" #include "jseventmapper.h" #include "slotutils.h" #include "bindings/bindingobject.h" //#include "kjsembedpart_imp.h" #include "jsfactory_imp.h" using namespace KJS; namespace KJSEmbed { typedef Bindings::JSObjectProxyImp JSObjectProxyImp; JSObjectProxy::JSObjectProxy( KJSEmbedPart *part, TQObject *target, TQObject *r, const JSSecurityPolicy *sp ) : JSProxy( JSProxy::ObjectProxy ), jspart( part ), js( part->interpreter() ), obj( target ), root( r ) { policy = sp ? sp : JSSecurityPolicy::defaultPolicy(); } JSObjectProxy::JSObjectProxy( KJSEmbedPart *part, TQObject *target, TQObject *r ) : JSProxy( JSProxy::ObjectProxy ), jspart( part ), js( part->interpreter() ), obj( target ), root( r ) { policy = JSSecurityPolicy::defaultPolicy(); } JSObjectProxy::JSObjectProxy( KJSEmbedPart *part, TQObject *target ) : JSProxy( JSProxy::ObjectProxy ), jspart( part ), js( part->interpreter() ), obj( target ), root( target ) { policy = JSSecurityPolicy::defaultPolicy(); } JSObjectProxy::~JSObjectProxy() { if ( owner() == JavaScript && obj->parent() == 0 ) delete obj; } void JSObjectProxy::setSecurityPolicy( const JSSecurityPolicy *pol ) { policy = pol ? pol : new JSSecurityPolicy(); } bool JSObjectProxy::isAllowed( KJS::Interpreter *js ) const { return policy->isInterpreterAllowed( this, js ); } KJS::UString JSObjectProxy::toString( KJS::ExecState *exec ) const { if ( !exec ) { kdWarning() << "JS toString with null state, ignoring" << endl; return KJS::UString(); } if ( !isAllowed( exec->interpreter() ) ) { kdWarning() << "JS toString request from unknown interpreter, ignoring" << endl; return KJS::UString(); } TQString s( "%1 (%2)" ); s = s.arg( obj ? obj->name() : "Dead Object" ); s = s.arg( obj ? obj->className() : "" ); return KJS::UString( s ); } KJS::Value JSObjectProxy::get( KJS::ExecState *exec, const KJS::Identifier &p ) const { if ( !isAllowed( exec->interpreter() ) ) { kdWarning() << "JS get request from unknown interpreter, ignoring" << endl; return KJS::Null(); } if ( !policy->isPropertyAllowed( this, obj, p.ascii() ) ) return ObjectImp::get( exec, p ); if ( !obj ) { kdDebug( 80001 ) << "JS getting '" << p.ustring().qstring() << "' but qobj has died" << endl; return ObjectImp::get( exec, p ); } kdDebug( 80001 ) << "JS getting '" << p.ascii() << endl; // Properties TQString prop = p.ustring().qstring(); TQMetaObject *meta = obj->metaObject(); if ( meta->findProperty( p.ascii(), true ) != -1 ) { TQVariant val = obj->property( prop.ascii() ); kdDebug( 80001 ) << "JS getting '" << p.ascii() << "' ( " << val.typeName() << ")" << endl; return convertToValue( exec, val ); } return ObjectImp::get ( exec, p ); } void JSObjectProxy::put( KJS::ExecState *exec, const KJS::Identifier &p, const KJS::Value &v, int attr ) { if ( !isAllowed( exec->interpreter() ) ) { kdWarning() << "JS put request from unknown interpreter, ignoring" << endl; return ; } if ( !policy->hasCapability( JSSecurityPolicy::CapabilitySetProperties ) ) { ObjectImp::put( exec, p, v, attr ); return ; } if ( !obj ) { kdDebug( 80001 ) << "JS setting '" << p.ascii() << "' but qobj has died" << endl; ObjectImp::put( exec, p, v, attr ); return ; } // Properties TQMetaObject *meta = obj->metaObject(); int propIndex = meta->findProperty( p.ascii(), true ); if ( propIndex != -1 ) { TQVariant val = convertToVariant( exec, v ); if ( meta->property(propIndex, true)->isEnumType() ) { obj->setProperty( p.ascii(), val.toUInt() ); } else if ( val.isValid() ) { obj->setProperty( p.ascii(), val ); } else { kdWarning(80001) << "Error setting value." << endl; } } else { ObjectImp::put( exec, p, v, attr ); } if ( jspart->factory() ->eventMapper() ->isEventHandler( p ) ) { if ( evproxy.isNull() ) evproxy = new KJSEmbed::JSObjectEventProxy( this ); evproxy->addFilter( jspart->factory() ->eventMapper() ->findEventType( p ) ); kdDebug( 80001 ) << "Adding event handler " << p.ascii() << endl; } } // // Implementation of JS Method Bindings // void JSObjectProxy::addBindings( KJS::ExecState *exec, KJS::Object &object ) { kdDebug( 80001 ) << "JSObjectProxy::addBindings() " << ( obj->name() ? obj->name() : "dunno" ) << ", class " << obj->className() << endl; if ( policy->hasCapability( JSSecurityPolicy::CapabilityGetProperties | JSSecurityPolicy::CapabilitySetProperties ) ) { object.put( exec, "properties", KJS::Object( new JSObjectProxyImp( exec, JSObjectProxyImp::MethodProps, this ) ) ); } if ( policy->hasCapability( JSSecurityPolicy::CapabilityTree ) ) { JSObjectProxyImp::addBindingsTree( exec, object, this ); JSObjectProxyImp::addBindingsDOM( exec, object, this ); } if ( policy->hasCapability( JSSecurityPolicy::CapabilitySlots ) ) { addBindingsSlots( exec, object ); JSObjectProxyImp::addBindingsConnect( exec, object, this ); } addBindingsClass( exec, object ); } void JSObjectProxy::addBindingsClass( KJS::ExecState *exec, KJS::Object & /*object*/ ) { KJS::Identifier clazzid; TQObject *o = obj; Bindings::BindingObject *bo = dynamic_cast<Bindings::BindingObject *>( o ); if ( bo ) { clazzid = KJS::Identifier( bo->jsClassName() ? bo->jsClassName() : obj->className() ); } else { clazzid = KJS::Identifier( obj->className() ); } KJS::Object global = js->globalObject(); if ( global.hasProperty( exec, clazzid ) ) { kdDebug( 80001 ) << "addBindingsClass() " << clazzid.qstring() << " already known" << endl; KJS::Object clazz = global.get( exec, clazzid ).toObject( exec ); Bindings::JSFactoryImp *imp = dynamic_cast<Bindings::JSFactoryImp *>( clazz.imp() ); if ( !imp ) { kdWarning() << "addBindingsClass() Class was not created by normal means" << endl; return ; } kdDebug( 80001 ) << "addBindingsClass() Adding enums" << endl; imp->setDefaultValue( js->builtinObject().construct( exec, KJS::List() ) ); addBindingsEnum( exec, clazz ); } else { kdWarning() << "addBindingsClass() " << clazzid.qstring() << " not known" << endl; } } void JSObjectProxy::addBindingsEnum( KJS::ExecState *exec, KJS::Object &object ) { TQMetaObject * mo = obj->metaObject(); TQStrList enumList = mo->enumeratorNames( true ); for ( TQStrListIterator iter( enumList ); iter.current(); ++iter ) { const TQMetaEnum *me = mo->enumerator( iter.current(), true ); for ( uint i = 0 ; i < me->count ; i++ ) { TQCString key( ( me->items ) [ i ].key ); int val = ( me->items ) [ i ].value; object.put( exec, key.data(), KJS::Number( val ), KJS::ReadOnly ); } } } void JSObjectProxy::addBindingsSlots( KJS::ExecState *exec, KJS::Object &object ) { // Publish slots with supported signatures as methods. TQMetaObject * mo = obj->metaObject(); TQStrList slotList( mo->slotNames( true ) ); for ( TQStrListIterator iter( slotList ); iter.current(); ++iter ) { addSlotBinding( iter.current(), exec, object ); } } void JSObjectProxy::addSlotBinding( const TQCString &name, KJS::ExecState *exec, KJS::Object &object ) { // Lookup and bind slot TQMetaObject * mo = obj->metaObject(); int slotid = mo->findSlot( name.data(), true ); if ( slotid == -1 ) return ; const TQMetaData *md = mo->slot( slotid, true ); if ( md->access != TQMetaData::Public ) return ; // Find signature int id = Bindings::JSSlotUtils::findSignature( name ); // kdDebug( 80001 )<<"JSObjectProxy::addSlotBinding()::slot:"<<name<<" id:"<<id<<endl; if ( id < 0 ) return ; TQCString jsname = name; jsname.detach(); jsname.replace( TQRegExp( "\\([^\\)]*\\)" ), "" ); // Find the return type, we only care if it is a pointer type const TQUMethod *m = md->method; const char *retclass = 0; TQCString ptr( "ptr" ); if ( m->count && ( m->parameters->inOut == TQUParameter::Out ) && ( ptr == m->parameters->type->desc() ) ) { retclass = ( const char * ) m->parameters->typeExtra; // kdDebug(80001) << "Return type is a pointer, type " << retclass << endl; } // Create the Imp JSObjectProxyImp *imp = new JSObjectProxyImp( exec, JSObjectProxyImp::MethodSlot, retclass ? retclass : "", id, name, this ); if ( !object.hasProperty( exec, KJS::Identifier( jsname ) ) ) { // The identifier is unused object.put( exec, KJS::Identifier( jsname.data() ), KJS::Object( imp ) ); } else { // The identifier has already been used TQString s( name ); TQCString cs = TQString( "%1%2" ).arg( jsname ).arg( s.contains( ',' ) + 1 ).ascii(); //kdDebug(80001) << "Method " << jsname << " exists, using " << cs << " for " << s << endl; object.put( exec, KJS::Identifier( cs.data() ), KJS::Object( imp ) ); } } } // namespace KJSEmbed // Local Variables: // c-basic-offset: 4 // End: