#!/usr/bin/env ruby # This is an example of a DCOP enabled application written in Ruby, using # Korundum. Taken from the PyKDE example_dcopexport.py example which was # derived from server.py example in kdebindings written by Torben Weis # and Julian Rockey require 'Korundum' # An object with DCOP slots needn't be a subclass of DCOPObject, but # this DeadParrotObject is one class DeadParrotObject < KDE::DCOPObject k_dcop 'QString getParrotType()', 'void setParrotType(QString)', 'QString squawk()', 'QStringList adjectives()', 'int age()', 'void setAge(int)' def initialize(id = 'dead parrot') super(id) @parrot_type = "Norwegian Blue" @age = 7 end def getParrotType() @parrot_type end def setParrotType(parrot_type) @parrot_type = parrot_type end def age() @age end def setAge(a) @age = a end def squawk if rand(2) == 0 "This parrot, a #{@parrot_type}, is pining for the fjords" else "This parrot, #{@age} months old, is a #{@parrot_type}" end end def adjectives return ["passed on", "is no more", "ceased to be", "expired", "gone to meet his maker", "a stiff", "bereft of life", "rests in peace", "metabolic processes are now history", "off the twig", "kicked the bucket", "shuffled off his mortal coil", "run down his curtain", "joined the bleedin' choir invisible", "THIS IS AN EX-PARROT"] end end description = "A basic application template" version = "1.0" aboutData = KDE::AboutData.new("petshop", "Dead Parrot Test", version, description, KDE::AboutData::License_GPL, "(C) 2003 whoever the author is") aboutData.addAuthor("author1", "whatever they did", "email@somedomain") aboutData.addAuthor("author2", "they did something else", "another@email.address") KDE::CmdLineArgs.init(ARGV, aboutData) KDE::CmdLineArgs.addCmdLineOptions([["+files", "File to open", ""]]) app = KDE::UniqueApplication.new dcop = app.dcopClient puts "DCOP Application: #{dcop.appId} starting" parrot = DeadParrotObject.new another_parrot = DeadParrotObject.new('polly') message = <