require 'Korundum' class MainWindow < KDE::MainWindow slots 'fileOpen()', 'fileSave()' def initialize( name ) super(nil, name) setCaption("KDE Tutorial - p3") filemenu = filemenu.insertItem( i18n( "&Open" ), self, TQ_SLOT('fileOpen()') ) filemenu.insertItem( i18n( "&Save" ), self, TQ_SLOT('fileSave()') ) filemenu.insertItem( i18n( "&Quit" ), $tdeApp, TQ_SLOT('quit()') ) about = i18n("p3 1.0\n\n" + "(C) 1999-2002 Antonio Larrosa Jimenez\n" + "\t\\n" + "Malaga (Spain)\n\n" + "Simple KDE Tutorial\n" + "This tutorial comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY\n" + "This is free software, and you are welcome to redistribute it\n" + "under certain conditions\n") helpmenu = helpMenu( about ) menu = menuBar() menu.insertItem( i18n( "&File" ), filemenu ) menu.insertSeparator() menu.insertItem( i18n( "&Help" ), helpmenu ) hello = i18n("

Hello World !

This is a simple" + " window with Rich Text" + " capabilities
Try to resize" + " this window, all this is automatic !"), "", self ) setCentralWidget(hello) end def fileOpen() filename = KDE::FileDialog.getOpenURL( nil, "*", self ) msg = i18n("Now this app should open the url #{filename.url()}") KDE::MessageBox.information( nil, msg, i18n( "Information" ), "fileOpenInformationDialog" ) end def fileSave() filename = KDE::FileDialog.getSaveURL( nil, "*", self ) end end about ="p3", "Tutorial - p3", "0.1") KDE::CmdLineArgs.init(ARGV, about) a = window = "Tutorial - p3" ) window.resize( 400, 300 ) a.mainWidget = window a.exec