import org.trinitydesktop.qt.*; public class ApplicationWindow extends TQMainWindow { private TQPrinter printer; private TQMultiLineEdit e; private String filename; private final String fileOpenText = " "+ "Click this button to open a new file.

"+ "You can also select the Open command from the File menu."; private final String fileSaveText = "Click this button to save the file you are "+ "editing. You will be prompted for a file name.\n\n"+ "You can also select the Save command from the File menu.\n\n"+ "Note that implementing this function is left as an exercise for the reader."; private final String filePrintText = "Click this button to print the file you "+ "are editing.\n\n"+ "You can also select the Print command from the File menu."; private final String[] fileopen = { " 16 13 5 1", ". c #040404", "# c #808304", "a c None", "b c #f3f704", "c c #f3f7f3", "aaaaaaaaa...aaaa", "", "aaaaaaaaaaaaa..a", "a...aaaaaaaa...a", ".bcb.......aaaaa", ".cbcbcbcbc.aaaaa", ".bcbcbcbcb.aaaaa", ".cbcb...........", ".bcb.#########.a", ".cb.#########.aa", "", "..#########.aaaa", "...........aaaaa" }; private final String[] filesave = { " 14 14 4 1", ". c #040404", "# c #808304", "a c #bfc2bf", "b c None", "..............", ".#.aaaaaaaa.a.", ".#.aaaaaaaa...", ".#.aaaaaaaa.#.", ".#.aaaaaaaa.#.", ".#.aaaaaaaa.#.", ".#.aaaaaaaa.#.", ".##........##.", ".############.", ".##.........#.", ".##......aa.#.", ".##......aa.#.", ".##......aa.#.", "b............." }; private final String[] fileprint = { " 16 14 6 1", ". c #000000", "# c #848284", "a c #c6c3c6", "b c #ffff00", "c c #ffffff", "d c None", "ddddd.........dd", "dddd.cccccccc.dd", "dddd.c.....c.ddd", "ddd.cccccccc.ddd", "ddd.c.....c....d", "dd.cccccccc.a.a.", "d..........a.a..", ".aaaaaaaaaa.a.a.", ".............aa.", ".aaaaaa###aa.a.d", ".aaaaaabbbaa...d", ".............a.d", "d.aaaaaaaaa.a.dd", "dd...........ddd" }; public ApplicationWindow() { super(null, "example application main window", WDestructiveClose); // create a printer printer = new TQPrinter(); // create user interface actions TQAction fileNewAction, fileOpenAction, fileSaveAction, fileSaveAsAction, filePrintAction, fileCloseAction, fileQuitAction; fileNewAction = new TQAction("New", "&New", new TQKeySequence(CTRL+Key_N), this, "new", false); connect(fileNewAction, TQ_SIGNAL("activated()"), this, TQ_SLOT("newDoc()")); fileOpenAction = new TQAction("Open File", new TQIconSet(new TQPixmap(fileopen)), "&Open", new TQKeySequence(CTRL+Key_O), this, "open", false); connect(fileOpenAction, TQ_SIGNAL("activated()"), this, TQ_SLOT("load()")); TQMimeSourceFactory.defaultFactory().setPixmap("fileopen", new TQPixmap(fileopen)); fileOpenAction.setWhatsThis(fileOpenText); fileSaveAction = new TQAction("Save File", new TQIconSet(new TQPixmap(filesave)), "&Save", new TQKeySequence(CTRL+Key_S), this, "save", false); connect(fileSaveAction, TQ_SIGNAL("activated()"), this, TQ_SLOT("save()")); fileSaveAction.setWhatsThis(fileSaveText); fileSaveAsAction = new TQAction("Save File As", "Save &as", new TQKeySequence(), this, "save as", false); connect(fileSaveAsAction, TQ_SIGNAL("activated()"), this, TQ_SLOT("saveAs()")); fileSaveAsAction.setWhatsThis(fileSaveText); filePrintAction = new TQAction("Print File", new TQIconSet(new TQPixmap(fileprint)), "&Print", new TQKeySequence(CTRL+Key_P), this, "print", false); connect(filePrintAction, TQ_SIGNAL("activated()"), this, TQ_SLOT("print()")); filePrintAction.setWhatsThis(filePrintText); fileCloseAction = new TQAction("Close", "&Close", new TQKeySequence(CTRL+Key_W), this, "close", false); connect(fileCloseAction, TQ_SIGNAL("activated()"), this, TQ_SLOT("close()")); fileQuitAction = new TQAction("Quit", "&Quit", new TQKeySequence(CTRL+Key_Q), this, "quit", false); connect(fileQuitAction, TQ_SIGNAL("activated()"), tqApp(), TQ_SLOT("closeAllWindows()")); // populate a tool bar with some actions TQToolBar fileTools = new TQToolBar(this, "file operations"); fileTools.setLabel(tr("File Operations")); fileOpenAction.addTo(fileTools); fileSaveAction.addTo(fileTools); filePrintAction.addTo(fileTools); TQWhatsThis.whatsThisButton(fileTools); // popuplate a menu with all actions TQPopupMenu file = new TQPopupMenu(this, "file"); menuBar().insertItem("&File", file); fileNewAction.addTo(file); fileOpenAction.addTo(file); fileSaveAction.addTo(file); fileSaveAsAction.addTo(file); file.insertSeparator(); filePrintAction.addTo(file); file.insertSeparator(); fileCloseAction.addTo(file); fileQuitAction.addTo(file); // add a help menu TQPopupMenu help = new TQPopupMenu(this, "help"); menuBar().insertSeparator(); menuBar().insertItem("&Help", help); help.insertItem("&About", this, TQ_SLOT("about()"), new TQKeySequence(Key_F1), -1, -1); help.insertItem("About &Qt", this, TQ_SLOT("aboutTQt()")); help.insertSeparator(); help.insertItem("What's &This", this, TQ_SLOT("whatsThis()"), new TQKeySequence(SHIFT+Key_F1), -1, -1); // create and define the central widget e = new TQMultiLineEdit(this, "editor"); e.setFocus(); setCentralWidget(e); statusBar().message("Ready", 2000); resize(450, 600); } private void newDoc() { ApplicationWindow ed = new ApplicationWindow();; } private void load() { String fn = TQFileDialog.getOpenFileName("", "", this); if (!(fn.length()==0)) load(fn); else statusBar().message("Loading aborted", 2000); } private void load(String fileName) { TQFile f = new TQFile(fileName); if (! return; filename = fileName; e.setAutoUpdate(false); e.clear(); TQTextStream t = new TQTextStream(f); while (!t.eof()) { String s = t.readLine(); e.append(s); } f.close(); e.setAutoUpdate(true); e.repaint(); e.setEdited(false); setCaption(fileName); String s = "Loaded document "+fileName; statusBar().message(s, 2000); } private void save() { if (filename.length()==0) { saveAs(); return; } String text = e.text(); TQFile f = new TQFile(filename); if (! { statusBar().message("Could not write to "+filename, 2000); return; } TQTextStream t = new TQTextStream(f); t.writeRawBytes(text, text.length()); f.close(); e.setEdited(false); setCaption(filename); statusBar().message("File "+filename+" saved", 2000); } private void saveAs() { String fn = TQFileDialog.getSaveFileName("", "", this); if (!(fn.length()==0)) { filename = fn; save(); } else { statusBar().message("Saving aborted", 2000); } } private void print() { final int Margin = 10; int pageNo = 1; if (printer.setup(this)) { // printer dialog statusBar().message("Printing..."); TQPainter p = new TQPainter(); p.begin(printer); // paint on printer p.setFont(e.font()); int yPos = 0; // y position for each line TQFontMetrics fm = p.fontMetrics(); // need width/height of printer surface TQPaintDeviceMetrics metrics = new TQPaintDeviceMetrics(printer); for(int i = 0 ; i < e.numLines() ; i++) { if (Margin + yPos > metrics.height() - Margin) { String msg = "Printing (page "; msg += ++pageNo; msg += ")..."; statusBar().message(msg); printer.newPage(); // no more room on this page yPos = 0; // back to top of page } p.drawText(Margin, Margin + yPos, metrics.width(), fm.lineSpacing(), ExpandTabs | DontClip, e.textLine(i)); yPos = yPos + fm.lineSpacing(); } p.end(); // send job to printer statusBar().message("Printing completed", 2000); } else { statusBar().message("Printing aborted", 2000); } } protected void closeEvent(TQCloseEvent ce) { if (!e.edited()) { ce.accept(); return; } switch(TQMessageBox.information(this, "Qt Application Example", "The document has been changed since the last save.", "Save Now", "Cancel", "Leave Anyway", 0, 1)) { case 0: save(); ce.accept(); break; case 1: default: // just for sanity ce.ignore(); break; case 2: ce.accept(); break; } } private void about() { TQMessageBox.about(this, "Qt Application Example", "This example demonstrates simple use of "+ "TQMainWindow,\nTQMenuBar and TQToolBar."); } private void aboutTQt() { TQMessageBox.aboutTQt(this, "Qt Application Example"); } }