<chapter id="installation"> <title>Installation</title> <sect1 id="installation.requirements"> <title>Requirements</title> <para> Dependencies: </para> <itemizedlist> <listitem><para> TDE >=14.0.9 </para></listitem> <listitem><para> Openobex >=1.5 </para></listitem> <listitem><para> TQt >=14.0.9 </para></listitem> <listitem><para> bluez5 >=5.14 </para></listitem> </itemizedlist> <!--<para>For the handsfree client you will also need ofono and pulseaudio.</para>--> </sect1> <sect1 id="installation.compilation"> <title>Compilation and Installation</title> <para> Create build directory and "cd build". </para> <para> Run cmake .. </para> <para> make install </para> </sect1> <sect1 id="installation.setup"> <title>Setup</title> <para> The TDE Bluetooth Framework itself does not need any setup. </para> <para> Use hciconfig and sdptool to check low level if needed: </para> <screen> root:~# hciconfig <- Check if adaptor was found and is up hci0: Type: USB BD Address: 00:10:60:A3:8B:DE ACL MTU: 192:8 SCO MTU: 64:8 UP RUNNING PSCAN ISCAN AUTH ENCRYPT RX bytes:176023 acl:2046 sco:0 events:1809 errors:0 TX bytes:23000 acl:971 sco:0 commands:469 errors:0 root:~# hcitool inq <- Try to seach for other discoverable devices Intquiring ... 00:A0:32:1A:B0:27 clock offset: 0x122b class: 0x000100 root:~# sdptool browse FF:FF:FF:00:00:00 Browsing FF:FF:FF:00:00:00 ... Service Name: SDP Server Service Description: Bluetooth service discovery server Service Provider: BlueZ Service RecHandle: 0x0 ... root:~# </screen> <para> The first command checks if your bluetooth device is up, the second searches for other devices in range (they must be set to be discoverable). The last command lists the services that are offered by you to other bluetooth devices. If you have tdebluez running already, you will get the full list of active services here, including obex push etc. If that succeeds you should be able to use tdebluez without any further setup. </para> </sect1> </chapter>