########################################### # # # Improvements and feedback are welcome # # # # This file is released under GPL >= 3 # # # ########################################### # required stuff find_package( TQt ) find_package( TDE ) tde_setup_architecture_flags( ) include(TestBigEndian) test_big_endian(WORDS_BIGENDIAN) tde_setup_largefiles( ) ##### check for gcc visibility support if( WITH_GCC_VISIBILITY ) tde_setup_gcc_visibility( ) endif( WITH_GCC_VISIBILITY ) ##### check for Doxygen if( BUILD_DOC AND BUILD_KIG ) find_program( DOXYGEN_BINARY NAMES doxygen ) if( NOT DOXYGEN_BINARY ) tde_message_fatal( "Doxygen is required to build Kig scripting api documentation, but was not found on your system" ) endif( ) endif( ) ##### check for arts support if( WITH_ARTS ) if( NOT TARGET artskde-shared ) tde_message_fatal( "aRts support through tdelibs is requested but was not found on your system" ) endif() set( ARTSKDE_LIBRARIES artskde-shared ) else() set( WITHOUT_ARTS 1 ) endif() ##### check for boost if( BUILD_KBRUCH ) find_package( Boost ) if( NOT Boost_FOUND ) tde_message_fatal( "Boost is required, but was not found on your system" ) endif() endif( BUILD_KBRUCH ) ##### check for Python if( BUILD_KIG ) if( ${CMAKE_VERSION} VERSION_LESS "3.12" ) find_package( PythonInterp ) find_package( PythonLibs ) if( NOT PYTHONLIBS_FOUND ) tde_message_fatal( "Python is required, but was not found on your system" ) endif( NOT PYTHONLIBS_FOUND ) else( ) find_package( Python COMPONENTS Interpreter Development ) if( NOT Python_Development_FOUND ) tde_message_fatal( "Python is required, but was not found on your system" ) endif( ) set( PYTHON_VERSION_STRING "${Python_VERSION}" ) set( PYTHON_VERSION_MAJOR "${Python_VERSION_MAJOR}" ) set( PYTHON_VERSION_MINOR "${Python_VERSION_MINOR}" ) set( PYTHON_INCLUDE_DIRS "${Python_INCLUDE_DIRS}" ) set( PYTHON_LIBRARIES "${Python_LIBRARIES}" ) endif( ) if( "${PYTHON_VERSION_STRING}" VERSION_LESS "3.0" ) set( KIG_Python_init "initkig" CACHE STRING "KIG: Init function for python-boost" ) else( ) set( KIG_Python_init "PyInit_kig" CACHE STRING "KIG: Init function for python-boost" ) endif( ) endif( BUILD_KIG ) # Check for Python Boost if( BUILD_KIG AND WITH_KIG_PYTHON_SCRIPTING ) find_package( Boost COMPONENTS python${PYTHON_VERSION_MAJOR}${PYTHON_VERSION_MINOR} ) if( NOT Boost_FOUND ) find_package( Boost COMPONENTS python${PYTHON_VERSION_MAJOR} ) endif( ) if( NOT Boost_FOUND ) find_package( Boost COMPONENTS python ) endif( ) if( NOT Boost_FOUND ) tde_message_fatal( "Boost Python Library is required, but was not found on your system" ) else() set( KIG_ENABLE_PYTHON_SCRIPTING 1 ) endif( NOT Boost_FOUND ) if( NOT Boost_PYTHON_LIBRARY AND Boost_PYTHON${PYTHON_VERSION_MAJOR}_LIBRARY ) set( Boost_PYTHON_LIBRARY "${Boost_PYTHON${PYTHON_VERSION_MAJOR}_LIBRARY}" ) endif( ) if( NOT Boost_PYTHON_LIBRARY AND Boost_PYTHON${PYTHON_VERSION_MAJOR}${PYTHON_VERSION_MINOR}_LIBRARY ) set( Boost_PYTHON_LIBRARY "${Boost_PYTHON${PYTHON_VERSION_MAJOR}${PYTHON_VERSION_MINOR}_LIBRARY}" ) endif( ) endif( BUILD_KIG AND WITH_KIG_PYTHON_SCRIPTING ) ##### check for headers check_include_file( stdint.h HAVE_STDINT_H ) check_include_file( ieeefp.h HAVE_IEEEFP_H ) ##### check for TIMEZONE_IS_INT check_cxx_source_compiles(" #include <time.h> int main() { daylight = 0; timezone = 0; return 0; }" TIMEZONE_IS_INT)