<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<kcfg xmlns="http://www.kde.org/standards/kcfg/1.0"
      http://www.kde.org/standards/kcfg/1.0/kcfg.xsd" >
  <kcfgfile name="kalziumrc"/>
  <group name="Periodic Table">
    <entry name="schemaPSE" type="Int">
        <label>Selects the PSE</label>
	<whatsthis>Select the PSE you want</whatsthis>
    <entry name="colorschemebox" type="Int">
	<label>Selects the default color scheme</label>
	<whatsthis>Select the color scheme you prefer by clicking on the corresponding radio button</whatsthis>
    <entry name="gradient" type="Int">
	<label>Selects the default gradient</label>
	<whatsthis>Select the gradient you want by clicking on the menu entry</whatsthis>
    <entry name="numeration" type="Int">
	<label>Selects the default numeration (IUPAC)</label>
	<whatsthis>Select the numeration you want</whatsthis>
    <entry name="showlegend" type="Bool">
	<label>Show or hide the legend</label>
	<whatsthis>Show or hide the legend</whatsthis>
    <entry name="tooltip" type="Bool">
	<label>Show or hide the tooltips</label>
	<whatsthis>Show or hide the tooltips</whatsthis>
    <entry name="pselook" type="Int">
	<label>whether the atomic mass will be displayed in the PSE-Table</label>
	<whatsthis>Display the atomic mass in the PSE</whatsthis>
  <group name="Colors">
	  <entry name="noscheme" type="Color">
		  <label>Selects the color if no scheme is selected</label>
		  <whatsthis>Selects the color of the elements if no scheme is selected</whatsthis>
	  <entry name="color_liquid" type="Color">
		  <label>Selects the color of liquid elements</label>
		  <whatsthis>Selects the color of liquid elements</whatsthis>
	  <entry name="color_solid" type="Color">
		  <label>Selects the color of solid elements</label>
		  <whatsthis>Selects the color of solid elements</whatsthis>
	  <entry name="color_vapor" type="Color">
		  <label>Selects the color of vaporous elements</label>
		  <whatsthis>Selects the color of vaporous elements</whatsthis>
	  <entry name="color_radioactive" type="Color">
		  <label>Selects the color of radioactive elements</label>
		  <whatsthis>Selects the color of radioactive elements</whatsthis>
	  <entry name="color_artificial" type="Color">
		  <label>Selects the color of artificial elements</label>
		  <whatsthis>Selects the color of artificial elements</whatsthis>
	  <entry name="block_s" type="Color">
		  <label>Selects the color of the elements in block s</label>
		  <whatsthis>Selects the color of the elements in block s</whatsthis>
	  <entry name="block_p" type="Color">
		  <label>Selects the color of the elements in block p</label>
		  <whatsthis>Selects the color of the elements in block p</whatsthis>
	  <entry name="block_d" type="Color">
		  <label>Selects the color of the elements in block d</label>
		  <whatsthis>Selects the color of the elements in block d</whatsthis>
	  <entry name="block_f" type="Color">
		  <label>Selects the color of the elements in block f</label>
		  <whatsthis>Selects the color of the elements in block f</whatsthis>
	  <entry name="group_1" type="Color">
		  <label>Selects the color of the elements in group 1</label>
		  <whatsthis>Selects the color of the elements in group 1</whatsthis>
	  <entry name="group_2" type="Color">
		  <label>Selects the color of the elements in group 2</label>
		  <whatsthis>Selects the color of the elements in group 2</whatsthis>
	  <entry name="group_3" type="Color">
		  <label>Selects the color of the elements in group 3</label>
		  <whatsthis>Selects the color of the elements in group 3</whatsthis>
	  <entry name="group_4" type="Color">
		  <label>Selects the color of the elements in group 4</label>
		  <whatsthis>Selects the color of the elements in group 4</whatsthis>
	  <entry name="group_5" type="Color">
		  <label>Selects the color of the elements in group 5</label>
		  <whatsthis>Selects the color of the elements in group 5</whatsthis>
	  <entry name="group_6" type="Color">
		  <label>Selects the color of the elements in group 6</label>
		  <whatsthis>Selects the color of the elements in group 6</whatsthis>
	  <entry name="group_7" type="Color">
		  <label>Selects the color of the elements in group 7</label>
		  <whatsthis>Selects the color of the elements in group 7</whatsthis>
	  <entry name="group_8" type="Color">
		  <label>Selects the color of the elements in group 8</label>
		  <whatsthis>Selects the color of the elements in group 8</whatsthis>
	  <entry name="beh_acidic" type="Color">
		  <label>Selects the color of the elements with acidic behaviour</label>
		  <whatsthis>Selects the color of the elements with acidic behaviour</whatsthis>
	  <entry name="beh_basic" type="Color">
		  <label>Selects the color of the elements with basic behaviour</label>
		  <whatsthis>Selects the color of the elements with basic behaviour</whatsthis>
	  <entry name="beh_amphoteric" type="Color">
		  <label>Selects the color of the elements with amphoteric behaviour</label>
		  <whatsthis>Selects the color of the elements with amphoteric behaviour</whatsthis>
	  <entry name="beh_neutral" type="Color">
		  <label>Selects the color of the elements with neutral behaviour</label>
		  <whatsthis>Selects the color of the elements with neutral behaviour</whatsthis>
	  <entry name="alkalie" type="Color">
		  <label>Selects the color of the alkali metals</label>
		  <whatsthis>Selects the color of the alkali metals</whatsthis>
	  <entry name="rare" type="Color">
		  <label>Selects the color of the rare-earth elements</label>
		  <whatsthis>Selects the color of the rare-earth elements</whatsthis>
	  <entry name="nonmetal" type="Color">
		  <label>Selects the color of the non-metal elements</label>
		  <whatsthis>Selects the color of the non-metal elements</whatsthis>
	  <entry name="alkaline" type="Color">
		  <label>Selects the color of the alkaline earth metals</label>
		  <whatsthis>Selects the color of the alkaline earth metals</whatsthis>
	  <entry name="other_metal" type="Color">
		  <label>Selects the color of the metals which do not fit into the other categories</label>
		  <whatsthis>Selects the color of the metals which do not fit into the other categories</whatsthis>
	  <entry name="halogene" type="Color">
		  <label>Selects the color of the halogen elements</label>
		  <whatsthis>Selects the color of the halogen elements</whatsthis>
	  <entry name="transition" type="Color">
		  <label>Selects the color of the transition elements</label>
		  <whatsthis>Selects the color of the transition elements</whatsthis>
	  <entry name="noble_gas" type="Color">
		  <label>Selects the color of the noble gases</label>
		  <whatsthis>Selects the color of the noble gases</whatsthis>
	  <entry name="metalloid" type="Color">
		  <label>Selects the color of the metalloid elements</label>
		  <whatsthis>Selects the color of the metalloid elements</whatsthis>
  <group name="Units">
    <entry name="energies" type="Int">
	<label>This value defines whether eV or kJ/mol should be used within Kalzium</label>
	<whatsthis>Use eV or kJ/mol</whatsthis>
    <entry name="temperature" type="Int">
	<label>This value defines which temperature scale should be used within Kalzium</label>
	<whatsthis>Select the scale for the temperature</whatsthis>
  <group name="Sidebar">
	  <entry name="showsidebar" type="Bool">
		  <label>Show or hide the sidebar</label>
		  <whatsthis>Show or hide the sidebar</whatsthis>