<?xml version = '1.0' encoding = 'UTF-8'?>
<!DOCTYPE kvtml SYSTEM "kvoctrain.dtd">
This is a machine generated file.
Be careful when editing here.

Short definition:

lesson     lesson group
 desc    name
   %no     its index
   %query  is in query selection
   %current  is current lesson
type     type group
 desc    name
   %no     its index
e      entry of dictionary
  %s     is selected
  %m     lesson member
  %t     common expression type
 o       original
   %q    in query ("o" is given, "t" is wanted)
   %l    language code
   %r    remark
   %p    pronunciation
   %width  column width
   %t    expression type (see QueryManager.h)
   %tf     false friend from
   %ff     false friend to
   %a    antonym
   %y    synonym
   %x    example
   %u    usage label
   %h    paraphrase
 t       translation ..
   %q    in query ("t" is given, "o" is wanted)
   %l    language code
   %r    remark
   %p    pronunciation
   %width  column width
   %t    expression type
   %tf     false friend from
   %ff     false friend to
   %a    antonym
   %y    synonym
   %x    example
   %u    usage label
   %h    paraphrase

   %d    last query date (from;to)
   %w    dito, compressed and deprecated
   %g    grade (from;to)
   %c    count (from;to)
   %b    bad count (from;to)

Valid xml means:
 - Close all tags
 - Keep proper hierarchy
 - All attributes are quoted
--><kvtml title="People" remark="Infuential people of history" cols="0" generator="kanagram" lines="11" encoding="UTF-8" >
  <sort on="1" />
  <o width="150" l="original" r="Influential Greek philosopher" >aristotle</o>
  <o r="Composer" >beethoven</o>
  <o r="This explorer discovered the Americas" >columbus</o>
  <o r="Theory of Evolution" >darwin</o>
  <o r="Inventor of the Light Bulb" >edison</o>
  <o r="Theory of Relativity" >einstein</o>
  <o r="Discovered Penicillin" >fleming</o>
  <o r="'The Earth revolves around the Sun'" >galileo</o>
  <o r="Non-violent independence for India" >gandhi</o>
  <o r="Helped end Communism in USSR" >gorbachev</o>
  <o r="Ended apartheid in South Africa" >mandela</o>
  <o r="Inventor of radio" >marconi</o>
  <o r="A painter, sculptor and architect" >michelangelo</o>
  <o r="French conqueror" >napoleon</o>
  <o r="Discovered Gravity" >newton</o>
  <o r="Invented Vaccination" >pasteur</o>
  <o r="First president of United States" >washington</o>