// Copyright (C)  2002  Dominique Devriese <devriese@kde.org>

// This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
// modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
// as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
// of the License, or (at your option) any later version.

// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU General Public License for more details.

// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
// along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
// Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA
// 02110-1301, USA.


#include "../objects/common.h"

 * This function sorts \p os such that they're in the right order for
 * calc()-ing.  This means that child objects must appear after their
 * parents ( for you graph people, this is just a topological sort.. )
std::vector<ObjectCalcer*> calcPath( const std::vector<ObjectCalcer*>& os );

 * This is a different function for more or less the same purpose.  It
 * takes a few Objects, which are considered to have been calced
 * already.  Then, it puts the necessary part of their children in the
 * right order, so that calc()-ing correctly updates all of their data
 * ( they're calc'ed in the right order, i mean... ).  The objects in
 * from are normally not included in the output, unless they appear
 * somewhere in the middle of the calc-path towards to...
std::vector<ObjectCalcer*> calcPath( const std::vector<ObjectCalcer*>& from, const ObjectCalcer* to );

 * This function returns all objects on the side of the path through
 * the dependency tree from from down to to.  This means that we look
 * for any objects that don't depend on any of the objects in from
 * themselves, but of which one of the direct children does.  We need
 * this function for Locus stuff...
std::vector<ObjectCalcer*> sideOfTreePath( const std::vector<ObjectCalcer*>& from, const ObjectCalcer* to );

 * This function returns all objects above the \p given in the
 * dependency graph.  The \p given objects are also included
 * themselves..
std::vector<ObjectCalcer*> getAllParents( const std::vector<ObjectCalcer*>& objs );
 * \overload
std::vector<ObjectCalcer*> getAllParents( ObjectCalcer* obj );

 * This function returns all objects below the objects in \p objs in the
 * dependency graphy.  The objects in \p objs are also included
 * themselves..
std::set<ObjectCalcer*> getAllChildren( const std::vector<ObjectCalcer*> objs );

 * \overload
std::set<ObjectCalcer*> getAllChildren( ObjectCalcer* obj );

 * Returns true if \p o is a descendant of any of the objects in \p os..
bool isChild( const ObjectCalcer* o, const std::vector<ObjectCalcer*>& os );

 * Return true if the given \p point is ( by construction ) on the given
 * \p curve.  This means that it is either a constrained point on the
 * curve, or the curve is constructed through the point, or the point
 * is an intersection point of the curve with another curve.
 * Note that it is assumed that the given point is in fact a point and the
 * given curve is in fact a curve.
bool isPointOnCurve( const ObjectCalcer* point, const ObjectCalcer* curve );
