// Copyright (C)  2002  Dominique Devriese <devriese@kde.org>

// This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
// modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
// as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
// of the License, or (at your option) any later version.

// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU General Public License for more details.

// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
// along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
// Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA
// 02110-1301, USA.

#include "bogus_imp.h"

#include <tqcstring.h>
#include <tqstringlist.h>
#include <klocale.h>

#include "../misc/rect.h"

Coordinate BogusImp::attachPoint( ) const
  return Coordinate::invalidCoord();

void BogusImp::draw( KigPainter& ) const

bool BogusImp::contains( const Coordinate&, int, const KigWidget& ) const
  return false;

bool BogusImp::inRect( const Rect&, int, const KigWidget& ) const
  return false;

DoubleImp::DoubleImp( const double d )
  : mdata( d )

IntImp::IntImp( const int d )
  : mdata( d )

StringImp::StringImp( const TQString& d )
  : mdata( d )

DoubleImp* DoubleImp::copy() const
  return new DoubleImp( mdata );

IntImp* IntImp::copy() const
  return new IntImp( mdata );

StringImp* StringImp::copy() const
  return new StringImp( mdata );

ObjectImp* BogusImp::transform( const Transformation& ) const
  return copy();

InvalidImp* InvalidImp::copy() const
  return new InvalidImp();


void InvalidImp::fillInNextEscape( TQString& s, const KigDocument& ) const
  s = s.arg( "[invalid]" );

void DoubleImp::fillInNextEscape( TQString& s, const KigDocument& ) const
  s = s.arg( mdata );

void IntImp::fillInNextEscape( TQString& s, const KigDocument& ) const
  s = s.arg( mdata );

void StringImp::fillInNextEscape( TQString& s, const KigDocument& ) const
  s = s.arg( mdata );

HierarchyImp::HierarchyImp( const ObjectHierarchy& h )
  : BogusImp(), mdata( h )

HierarchyImp* HierarchyImp::copy() const
  return new HierarchyImp( mdata );

void InvalidImp::visit( ObjectImpVisitor* vtor ) const
  vtor->visit( this );

void DoubleImp::visit( ObjectImpVisitor* vtor ) const
  vtor->visit( this );

void IntImp::visit( ObjectImpVisitor* vtor ) const
  vtor->visit( this );

void StringImp::visit( ObjectImpVisitor* vtor ) const
  vtor->visit( this );

void HierarchyImp::visit( ObjectImpVisitor* vtor ) const
  vtor->visit( this );

TransformationImp::TransformationImp( const Transformation& h )
  : mdata( h )

TransformationImp* TransformationImp::copy() const
  return new TransformationImp( mdata );

void TransformationImp::visit( ObjectImpVisitor* vtor ) const
  vtor->visit( this );

bool InvalidImp::equals( const ObjectImp& rhs ) const
  return !rhs.valid();

bool DoubleImp::equals( const ObjectImp& rhs ) const
  return rhs.inherits( DoubleImp::stype() ) &&
    static_cast<const DoubleImp&>( rhs ).data() == mdata;

bool IntImp::equals( const ObjectImp& rhs ) const
  return rhs.inherits( IntImp::stype() ) &&
    static_cast<const IntImp&>( rhs ).data() == mdata;

bool StringImp::equals( const ObjectImp& rhs ) const
  return rhs.inherits( StringImp::stype() ) &&
    static_cast<const StringImp&>( rhs ).data() == mdata;

bool HierarchyImp::equals( const ObjectImp& rhs ) const
  return rhs.inherits( HierarchyImp::stype() ) &&
    static_cast<const HierarchyImp&>( rhs ).data() == mdata;

bool TransformationImp::equals( const ObjectImp& rhs ) const
  return rhs.inherits( TransformationImp::stype() ) &&
    static_cast<const TransformationImp&>( rhs ).data() == mdata;

bool InvalidImp::canFillInNextEscape() const
  return true;

bool DoubleImp::canFillInNextEscape() const
  return true;

bool IntImp::canFillInNextEscape() const
  return true;

bool StringImp::canFillInNextEscape() const
  return true;

const ObjectImpType* InvalidImp::stype()
  static const ObjectImpType t(
    Parent::stype(), "invalid", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "" );
  return &t;

const ObjectImpType* StringImp::stype()
  static const ObjectImpType t(
    Parent::stype(), "string",
    "string", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "" );
  return &t;
const ObjectImpType* HierarchyImp::stype()
  static const ObjectImpType t(
    Parent::stype(), "hierarchy", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "" );
  return &t;
const ObjectImpType* TransformationImp::stype()
  static const ObjectImpType t(
    Parent::stype(), "transformation", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "");
  return &t;

const ObjectImpType* InvalidImp::type() const
  return InvalidImp::stype();

const ObjectImpType* DoubleImp::type() const
  return DoubleImp::stype();

const ObjectImpType* IntImp::type() const
  return IntImp::stype();

const ObjectImpType* StringImp::type() const
  return StringImp::stype();

const ObjectImpType* HierarchyImp::type() const
  return HierarchyImp::stype();

const ObjectImpType* TransformationImp::type() const
  return TransformationImp::stype();

const ObjectImpType* DoubleImp::stype()
  static const ObjectImpType t(
    Parent::stype(), "double",
    "double", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "" );
  return &t;

const ObjectImpType* IntImp::stype()
  static const ObjectImpType t(
    Parent::stype(), "int",
    "int", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "" );
  return &t;

const ObjectImpType* BogusImp::stype()
  static const ObjectImpType t(
    Parent::stype(), "bogus",
    "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "" );
  return &t;

const ObjectImpType* TestResultImp::stype()
  static const ObjectImpType t(
    Parent::stype(), "testresult", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "" );
  return &t;


TestResultImp::TestResultImp( const TQString& s )
  : mdata( s )

TestResultImp* TestResultImp::copy() const
  return new TestResultImp( mdata );

const ObjectImpType* TestResultImp::type() const
  return stype();

void TestResultImp::visit( ObjectImpVisitor* vtor ) const
  vtor->visit( this );

bool TestResultImp::equals( const ObjectImp& rhs ) const
  return rhs.inherits( TestResultImp::stype() ) &&
    static_cast<const TestResultImp&>( rhs ).mdata == mdata;


const uint TestResultImp::numberOfProperties() const
  return Parent::numberOfProperties() + 1;

const QCStringList TestResultImp::properties() const
  QCStringList l = Parent::properties();
  l << I18N_NOOP( "Test Result" );
  assert( l.size() == TestResultImp::numberOfProperties() );
  return l;

const QCStringList TestResultImp::propertiesInternalNames() const
  QCStringList s = Parent::propertiesInternalNames();
  s << "test-result";
  assert( s.size() == TestResultImp::numberOfProperties() );
  return s;

ObjectImp* TestResultImp::property( uint which, const KigDocument& d ) const
  if ( which < Parent::numberOfProperties() )
    return Parent::property( which, d );
  if ( which == Parent::numberOfProperties() )
    return new StringImp( data() );
  else assert( false );
  return new InvalidImp;

const char* TestResultImp::iconForProperty( uint which ) const
  if ( which < Parent::numberOfProperties() )
    return Parent::iconForProperty( which );
  if ( which == Parent::numberOfProperties() )
    return ""; // test-result
  else assert( false );
  return "";

const ObjectImpType* TestResultImp::impRequirementForProperty( uint which ) const
  if ( which < Parent::numberOfProperties() )
    return Parent::impRequirementForProperty( which );
  else return TestResultImp::stype();

bool TestResultImp::isPropertyDefinedOnOrThroughThisImp( uint which ) const
  if ( which < Parent::numberOfProperties() )
    return Parent::impRequirementForProperty( which );
  else return false;

Rect BogusImp::surroundingRect() const
  return Rect::invalidRect();