/** This file is part of Kiten, a KDE Japanese Reference Tool... Copyright (C) 2001 Jason Katz-Brown (C) 2005 Paul Temple This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA **/ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "kitenconfig.h" #include "rad.h" Rad::Rad() : TQObject() { loaded = false; } void Rad::load() { if (loaded) return; TDEStandardDirs *dirs = TDEGlobal::dirs(); TQString radkfile = dirs->findResource("data", "kiten/radkfile"); if (radkfile.isNull()) { KMessageBox::error(0, i18n("Kanji radical information file not installed, so radical searching cannot be used.")); return; } TQFile f(radkfile); if (!f.open(IO_ReadOnly)) { KMessageBox::error(0, i18n("Kanji radical information could not be loaded, so radical searching cannot be used.")); } TQTextStream t(&f); t.setCodec(TQTextCodec::codecForName("eucJP")); Radical cur; while (!t.eof()) { TQString s = t.readLine(); TQChar first = s.at(0); if (first == '#') // comment! { // nothing } else if (first == '$') // header { // save previous one if( !cur.kanji().isNull() ) list.append(cur); //first entry is trim(last 4 chars).. unsigned int strokes = s.right(2).toUInt(); TQString radical = TQString(s.at(2)); cur = Radical(radical, strokes); } else // continuation { cur.addKanji(s); } } // we gotta append the last one!! // this nagged jasonkb for a bit wondering why fue wasn't showing up ;) list.append(cur); f.close(); loaded = true; } TQStringList Rad::radByStrokes(unsigned int strokes) { load(); TQStringList ret; bool hadOne = false; TQValueListIterator it = list.begin(); do { if ((*it).strokes() == strokes) { ret.append((*it).radical()); hadOne = true; } else if(hadOne) // shortcut because it's a sorted list { return ret; } } while (++it != list.end()); return ret; } TQStringList Rad::kanjiByRad(const TQString &text) { //kdDebug() << "kanjiByRad, text is " << text << endl; load(); TQStringList ret; TQValueListIterator it; for (it = list.begin(); it != list.end() && (*it).radical() != text; ++it) { //kdDebug() << "kanjiByRad, looping, radical is " << (*it).radical() << endl; } TQString kanji = (*it).kanji(); for (unsigned i = 0; i < kanji.length(); ++i) { //kdDebug() << "kanjiByRad, i is " << i << endl; ret.append(TQString(kanji.at(i))); } return ret; } TQStringList Rad::kanjiByRad(const TQStringList &list) { //kdDebug() << "kanjiByRad (list version)\n"; TQStringList ret; TQValueList lists; for (TQStringList::ConstIterator it = list.begin(); it != list.end(); ++it) { //kdDebug() << "loading radical " << *it << endl; lists.append(kanjiByRad(*it)); } TQStringList first = lists.first(); lists.pop_front(); for (TQStringList::Iterator kit = first.begin(); kit != first.end(); ++kit) { //kdDebug() << "kit is " << *kit << endl; TQValueList outcomes; for (TQValueList::Iterator it = lists.begin(); it != lists.end(); ++it) { //kdDebug() << "looping through lists\n"; outcomes.append((*it).contains(*kit) > 0); } const bool containsBool = false; if ((outcomes.contains(containsBool) < 1)) { //kdDebug() << "appending " << *kit << endl; ret.append(*kit); } else { //kdDebug() << "not appending " << *kit << endl; } } return ret; } Radical Rad::radByKanji(const TQString &text) { load(); TQString ret; TQValueListIterator it; for (it = list.end(); it != list.begin() && (*it).kanji().find(text) == -1; --it); return (*it); } unsigned int Rad::strokesByRad(const TQString &text) { load(); TQValueListIterator it; for(it = list.begin(); it != list.end() && (*it).radical() != text; ++it); return (*it).strokes(); } Rad::~Rad() { } /////////////////////////////////////////////// RadWidget::RadWidget(Rad *_rad, TQWidget *parent, const char *name) : TQWidget(parent, name) { hotlistNum = 3; rad = _rad; TQHBoxLayout *hlayout = new TQHBoxLayout(this, KDialog::marginHint(), KDialog::spacingHint()); TQVBoxLayout *vlayout = new TQVBoxLayout(hlayout, KDialog::spacingHint()); hotlistGroup = new TQButtonGroup(1,TQt::Horizontal, i18n("Hotlist"), this); //hotlistGroup->setRadioButtonExclusive(true); vlayout->addWidget(hotlistGroup); Config* config = Config::self(); hotlist = config->hotlist(); while (hotlist.size() > hotlistNum) hotlist.pop_front(); for (unsigned int i = 0; i < hotlistNum; ++i) { if (i >= hotlistNum) break; hotlistGroup->insert(new KPushButton(*hotlist.at(i), hotlistGroup), i); } connect(hotlistGroup, TQ_SIGNAL(clicked(int)), TQ_SLOT(hotlistClicked(int))); TQVBoxLayout *layout = new TQVBoxLayout(vlayout, KDialog::spacingHint()); totalStrokes = new TQCheckBox(i18n("Search by total strokes"), this); connect(totalStrokes, TQ_SIGNAL(clicked()), this, TQ_SLOT(totalClicked())); layout->addWidget(totalStrokes); TQHBoxLayout *strokesLayout = new TQHBoxLayout(layout, KDialog::spacingHint()); totalSpin = new TQSpinBox(1, 30, 1, this); strokesLayout->addWidget(totalSpin); strokesLayout->addStretch(); totalErrLabel = new TQLabel(i18n("+/-"), this); strokesLayout->addWidget(totalErrLabel); totalErrSpin = new TQSpinBox(0, 15, 1, this); strokesLayout->addWidget(totalErrSpin); ok = new KPushButton(i18n("&Look Up"), this); ok->setEnabled(false); connect(ok, TQ_SIGNAL(clicked()), TQ_SLOT(apply())); layout->addWidget(ok); cancel = new KPushButton( KStdGuiItem::cancel(), this ); connect(cancel, TQ_SIGNAL(clicked()), TQ_SLOT(close())); layout->addWidget(cancel); TQVBoxLayout *middlevLayout = new TQVBoxLayout(hlayout, KDialog::spacingHint()); strokesSpin = new TQSpinBox(1, 17, 1, this); TQToolTip::add(strokesSpin, i18n("Show radicals having this number of strokes")); middlevLayout->addWidget(strokesSpin); List = new TDEListBox(this); middlevLayout->addWidget(List); connect(List, TQ_SIGNAL(executed(TQListBoxItem *)), this, TQ_SLOT(executed(TQListBoxItem *))); connect(strokesSpin, TQ_SIGNAL(valueChanged(int)), this, TQ_SLOT(updateList(int))); TQVBoxLayout *rightvlayout = new TQVBoxLayout(hlayout, KDialog::spacingHint()); selectedList = new TDEListBox(this); rightvlayout->addWidget(selectedList); connect(selectedList, TQ_SIGNAL(selectionChanged()), this, TQ_SLOT(selectionChanged())); remove = new KPushButton(i18n("&Remove"), this); rightvlayout->addWidget(remove); connect(remove, TQ_SIGNAL(clicked()), this, TQ_SLOT(removeSelected())); remove->setEnabled(false); clear = new KPushButton(KStdGuiItem::clear(), this); rightvlayout->addWidget(clear); connect(clear, TQ_SIGNAL(clicked()), this, TQ_SLOT(clearSelected())); clear->setEnabled(false); setCaption(tdeApp->makeStdCaption(i18n("Radical Selector"))); strokesSpin->setValue(config->strokes()); strokesSpin->setFocus(); totalSpin->setValue(config->totalStrokes()); totalErrSpin->setValue(config->totalStrokesErrorMargin()); totalStrokes->setChecked(config->searchByTotal()); // make sure the right parts of the total stroke // selection system are enabled totalClicked(); // initially show the list of radicals to choose from updateList(strokesSpin->value()); } RadWidget::~RadWidget() { } void RadWidget::hotlistClicked(int num) { addToSelected(*hotlist.at(num)); } void RadWidget::executed(TQListBoxItem *item) { addToSelected(item->text()); } void RadWidget::clearSelected() { selectedList->clear(); selected.clear(); numChanged(); } void RadWidget::removeSelected() { int currentItem = selectedList->currentItem(); if (currentItem != -1) { selectedList->removeItem(currentItem); selected.remove(selected.at(currentItem)); numChanged(); selectionChanged(); } } void RadWidget::numChanged() { ok->setEnabled(selectedList->count() > 0); clear->setEnabled(selectedList->count() > 0); } void RadWidget::addRadical(const TQString &radical) { addToSelected(radical); } void RadWidget::addToSelected(const TQString &text) { if (!text.isNull() && !selected.contains(text)) { selectedList->insertItem(text); selected.append(text); numChanged(); selectionChanged(); } } void RadWidget::selectionChanged() { //kdDebug() << "selectionChanged()" << endl; remove->setEnabled(selectedList->currentItem() != -1); } void RadWidget::updateList(int strokes) { List->clear(); List->insertStringList(rad->radByStrokes(static_cast(strokes))); } void RadWidget::apply() { if (selected.count() < 1) return; emit set(selected, totalStrokes->isChecked() ? totalSpin->value() : 0, totalErrSpin->value()); Config* config = Config::self(); config->setStrokes(strokesSpin->value()); config->setTotalStrokes(totalSpin->value()); config->setTotalStrokesErrorMargin(totalErrSpin->value()); config->setSearchByTotal(totalStrokes->isChecked()); for (TQStringList::Iterator it = selected.begin(); it != selected.end(); ++it) { if (hotlist.find(*it) == hotlist.end()) { if (hotlist.size() >= hotlistNum) hotlist.pop_front(); // stupid stl functions in TQt .. ;) hotlist.append(*it); config->setHotlist(hotlist); } } config->writeConfig(); close(); } void RadWidget::totalClicked() { bool enable = totalStrokes->isChecked(); totalSpin->setEnabled(enable); totalErrSpin->setEnabled(enable); totalErrLabel->setEnabled(enable); } ////////////////////////////////////////////// Radical::Radical(TQString text, unsigned int strokes) { _Radical = text; Strokes = strokes; } void Radical::addKanji(const TQString &text) { Kanji.append(text); } #include "rad.moc"