## KStars TODO list:  updated August 2004
## Announce interest in working on these on kstars-devel@kde.org
## suggest new items on the same list or at http://bugs.trinitydesktop.org

1. Bug reports to be resolved:

- 69818: Empty Sky on PPC 

- 71434: Date boxes too small [cannot reproduce]

- 77564: Sun and other planets overlay in dumped image [cannot reproduce]

- 81303: KStars crashes with segfault after loading

- 85322: Cannot start INDI service [cannot reproduce]

2. Other Required Fixes:

- Improve opaque ground polygon

- Fix custom catalogs, make it *much* easier to add custom objects.

- UI file for Location dialog (and others?)

- "Engage Tracking" menu/toolbar action jumps to previous tracked object

- INDI device manager: Close button instead of Ok/Cancel

- ExtDatePicker highlights wrong day for year<2000 (correct day selected,
	just highlighting is wrong)

- OpsDialog: zoomed-out faint limit not restricted to be <= zoomed-in limit

- OpsDialog: child widgets should disable when parent deselected:
	   Stars, Asteroids, Comets, CNames, MW, Hide obj.

- OpsDialog: Remove All Trails button does nothing

- OpsDialog: modifying the Hide Objects timestep should trigger Apply button

- AltVsTime: can add custom object more than once, because coords are 

- Details: Messier object with no long name display M name twice

- Details: "Edit Link" button should allow link text to be changed

- Details: Log window: get rid of Save button; text should silently autosave

- ScriptBuilder: Does not warn if Save As target already exists

- ScriptBuilder: Sometimes, opening a script file sets UnsavedChanges

- Removing a User Label does not cause it to disappear immediately

- Showing star mag label, but not name label, prepends "star" to label

3.  Wishlist Items

- 51299: Marking of important points on celestial lines

- 63369: Display multiple views [Low priority]

- 66177: Screen saver mode

- 68529: Occultation detection

- 77748: Show Magelanic Cloud contours

- 78068: Option to startup with clock paused

- 79671: Ability to add individual custom objects or "pushpin" markers

- 81617: Ability to save and reload "view profiles"

- 81760: Add "Goto" button to Details/WUT

- 82946: Include Constellation in object details

- 83125: Add new cities in Sweden

4.  New Features

- Almanac tool (sun events, moon events, planet events, etc)

- Observing list tool (under development by Jeff Woods)

- Solar system viewer: more interactive; independent clock; include minor bodies

- JMoons tool: show dates rather than day offset; show position of moons at t0

- Countour lines for nebulae

- Alternative sky-projection schemes

- Indicate binarity/variability of stars on map?

- DCOP functions for overlay drawing of text and lines

- add light grey "dd:mm:ss" text to dmsBoxes, which disappears when it gets focus

- Better rendering of comets and asteroids

5.  Large projects:
- OpenGL rendering

- Add more planet satellites

- Add Earth satellites (man-made)

- Update moon position code to Meeus 1998.

6.  Ever-present needs
- Translations

- Improve documentation

- More AstroInfo articles

- More internet links