/*************************************************************************** main.c - description ------------------- begin : Wed Mar 21 21:39:53 EST 2001 copyright : (C) 2001 by Haavard Froeiland 2264228 email : havard@student.unsw.edu.au ***************************************************************************/ #ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H #include <config.h> #endif #include <string.h> #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <stdbool.h> #include <ctype.h> #include <time.h> #define max 50 typedef struct WordNode *WordList; struct WordNode { char *word; struct WordNode *next; }; void *addWord(WordList first, char w[]) { struct WordNode *ptr; ptr=malloc(sizeof(struct WordNode)); ptr->word=strdup(w); ptr->next=first; return ptr; } void printWordList(WordList l) { struct WordNode *ptr=l; /* loop throug the linked list */ while(ptr!=NULL) { printf("%s\n",ptr->word); ptr=ptr->next; } } void printLevel(FILE *f,char *l[]) { int pos=0; int line=0; int arrayMax=0; int arrayPos=0; while(l[arrayMax]!=NULL) { arrayMax++; } if (arrayMax == 0) return; /* loop throug the linked list */ while(line<30) { arrayPos=((float)rand()/RAND_MAX)*arrayMax; pos=pos+strlen(l[arrayPos]); fprintf(f,"%s",l[arrayPos]); if(pos>40) { fprintf(f,"\n"); pos=0; line++; } else { pos++; fprintf(f," "); } } } void creatLevelList(WordList l,char *levelList[],char s_or[], char s_and[]) { struct WordNode *ptr=l; int i; int j; int pos=0; bool or_failed; bool and_failed; /* loop throug the linked list */ while(ptr!=NULL) { /* loop through the word */ /* printf("%s\n",ptr->word); */ i=strlen(ptr->word)-1; for(;i>=0;i--) { or_failed=true; j=strlen(s_or)-1; for(;j>=0;j--) { if(ptr->word[i]==s_or[j]) { or_failed=false; j=-1; } } and_failed=true; j=strlen(s_and)-1; for(;j>=0;j--) { if(ptr->word[i]==s_and[j]) { and_failed=false; j=-1; } } if(or_failed==true) { i=-1; } } if(or_failed==false && and_failed==false) { levelList[pos]=ptr->word; pos++; /* printf("%d\n",pos); */ } ptr=ptr->next; } levelList[pos]=NULL; } int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { time_t lt; FILE *file; WordList list=NULL; char *levelList[100000]; char word[max]; char test[100]; int i=0; char *s[50]; if(argc<4) { printf("\nUsage: ktouchgen ConfigFile WordFile TrainingFile\n"); exit(0); } /** * Read in the configFile * */ if((file = fopen(argv[1],"r"))==NULL) { printf("can't open config_file:%s for reading",argv[2]); } i=0; while(!feof(file)) { fscanf(file,"%s",word); s[i]=strdup(word); printf("%s\n",s[i]); i++; } s[i]=NULL; fclose(file); /** * Read in the wordFile and add each word to the list * */ printf("Starting reading words"); if((file = fopen(argv[2],"r"))==NULL) { printf("can't open word_file:%s for reading",argv[2]); } while(!feof(file)) { fscanf(file,"%s",word); list=addWord(list, word); } fclose(file); if((file = fopen(argv[3],"w"))==NULL) { printf("Error when writing to file:%s",argv[3]); } lt = time(NULL); fprintf(file,"#############################################################\n"); fprintf(file,"# Rrainingfile genereated %s",ctime(<)); fprintf(file,"# Program written by H�vard Fr�iland\n"); fprintf(file,"#############################################################\n\n"); strcpy(test,""); i=0; while(s[i]!=NULL) { if (strlen(test) + strlen(s[i]) + 1 > sizeof(test)) { printf("Buffer overflow.\n"); exit(1); } strcat(test,s[i]); fprintf(file,"# Level %d\n",i+1); fprintf(file,"%s\n", s[i]); creatLevelList(list,levelList,test,s[i]); printLevel(file,levelList); fprintf(file,"\n"); i++; } fclose(file); return EXIT_SUCCESS; }