** Definition of extended range date classe
** (c) 2004 by Michel Guitel <michel.guitel@sap.ap-hop-paris.fr>
** modifications by Jason Harris <kstars@30doradus.org>
** This file may be distributed and/or modified under the terms of the
** GNU General Public License version 2 as published by the Free Software
** Foundation and appearing in the file LICENSE.GPL included in the
** packaging of this file.
** This file is provided AS IS with NO WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, INCLUDING THE

#include "extdatetime.h"
#include <tqregexp.h>

#include <kglobal.h>
#include <klocale.h>
#include <kdebug.h>
#include <assert.h>
#include <time.h>

static const uint SECS_PER_DAY  = 86400;
static const uint MSECS_PER_DAY = 86400000;
static const uint SECS_PER_HOUR = 3600;
static const uint MSECS_PER_HOUR= 3600000;
static const uint SECS_PER_MIN  = 60;
static const uint MSECS_PER_MIN = 60000;

  ExtDate class

 * Concepts :
 * a date is represented internally by its Julian Day number, a simple count
 * of the number of days since a remote, arbitrary date (01 January, 4713 BC).
 * This date has Julian Day number zero.
 * ***************************************************************************/

uint ExtDate::m_monthLength[] = {31, 28, 31, 30,  31,  30,  31,  31,  30,  31,  30,  31};
uint ExtDate::m_monthOrigin[] = { 0, 30, 59, 90, 120, 151, 181, 212, 243, 273, 304, 334};

TQString ExtDate::m_shortMonthNames[12] = {
	i18n("Short month name", "Jan"), i18n("Short month name", "Feb"), 
	i18n("Short month name", "Mar"), i18n("Short month name", "Apr"), 
	i18n("Short month name", "May"), i18n("Short month name", "Jun"),
	i18n("Short month name", "Jul"), i18n("Short month name", "Aug"), 
	i18n("Short month name", "Sep"), i18n("Short month name", "Oct"), 
	i18n("Short month name", "Nov"), i18n("Short month name", "Dec")
TQString ExtDate::m_shortDayNames[7] = {
	i18n("Short day name", "Mon"), i18n("Short day name", "Tue"), 
	i18n("Short day name", "Wed"), i18n("Short day name", "Thu"), 
	i18n("Short day name", "Fri"), i18n("Short day name", "Sat"), 
	i18n("Short day name", "Sun")
TQString ExtDate::m_longMonthNames[12] = {
	i18n("Long month name", "January"), i18n("Long month name", "February"), 
	i18n("Long month name", "March"), i18n("Long month name", "April"), 
	i18n("Long month name", "May"), i18n("Long month name", "June"), 
	i18n("Long month name", "July"), i18n("Long month name", "August"), 
	i18n("Long month name", "September"), i18n("Long month name", "October"),
	i18n("Long month name", "November"), i18n("Long month name", "December")
TQString ExtDate::m_longDayNames[7] = {
	i18n("Long day name", "Monday"), i18n("Long day name", "Tuesday"), 
	i18n("Long day name", "Wednesday"), i18n("Long day name", "Thursday"),
	i18n("Long day name", "Friday"), i18n("Long day name", "Saturday"), 
	i18n("Long day name", "Sunday")

ExtDate::ExtDate( int y, int m, int d)
	if ( !isValid(y,m,d) ) {
#if defined(QT_CHECK_RANGE)
		qWarning( "ExtDate: Invalid date %04d-%02d-%02d", y, m, d );
		m_year = 0;
		m_month = 0;
		m_day = 0;
		m_jd = INVALID_DAY;
	} else {
		m_year = y;
		m_month = m;
		m_day = d;
		m_jd = GregorianToJD(y, m, d);

ExtDate::ExtDate( long int jd ) {
	m_jd = jd;
	JDToGregorian( jd, m_year, m_month, m_day );

long int ExtDate::GregorianToJD( int year, int month, int day )
	int m, y, A, B, C, D;

	if (month > 2) {
		m = month;
		y = year;
	} else {
		y = year - 1;
		m = month + 12;

/*  If the date is after 10/15/1582, then take Pope Gregory's modification
	to the Julian calendar into account */

	if ( ( year  >1582 ) ||
		( year ==1582 && month  >9 ) ||
		( year ==1582 && month ==9 && day >15 ))
		A = int(y/100);
		B = 2 - A + int(A/4);
	} else {
		B = 0;

	if (y < 0) {
		C = int((365.25*y) - 0.75);
	} else {
		C = int(365.25*y);

	D = int(30.6001*(m+1));

	long int jd = B + C + D + day + 1720995;

	return jd;

void	ExtDate::JDToGregorian( long int jd, int &year, int &month, int &day )
	int a, b, c, d, e, alpha;

	if (jd<2299161) {
		a = jd;
	} else {
		alpha = int ((jd-1867216.25)/ 36524.25);
		a = jd + 1 + alpha - int(alpha / 4.0);
	b = a + 1524;
	c = int ((b-122.1)/ 365.25);
	d = int (365.25*c);
	e = int ((b-d)/ 30.6001);

	day = b-d-int(30.6001*e);
	month = (e<14) ? e-1 : e-13;
	year  = (month>2)  ? c-4716 : c-4715;

bool ExtDate::isValid() const
	return ( jd() != INVALID_DAY && isValid( year(), month(), day() ) );

int ExtDate::dayOfWeek() const
	//JD 2451545 (01 Jan 2000) was a Saturday, which is dayOfWeek=6.
	int a_day = (( jd() - 2451545 + 6 ) % 7);
	if ( a_day < 0 ) a_day += 7;
	return (a_day == 0) ? 7 : a_day;

int ExtDate::dayOfYear() const
	return jd() - GregorianToJD( year(), 1, 1) + 1;

int ExtDate::daysInMonth() const
	if ( isValid() ) {
	  int m = month();
	  int d = m_monthLength[m-1];
	  if (m==2 && leapYear(year())) d++;
	  return d;
	} else {
	  return 31;

int ExtDate::daysInYear() const
	if ( ! isValid() ) return 365;
	return (leapYear(year()) ? 366 : 365);

int ExtDate::weekNumber( int *yearNum ) const
  //ISO 8601:
  //Week 1 is the week containing the first Thursday of the year.
  ExtDate day1( year(), 1, 1 ); //First day of the year
  if ( day1.dayOfWeek() > 4 ) { 
    //Jan 1 is after Thursday, so it's in the previous year's last week.
    //Set day1 to be the following Monday, which is the start of week 1
    day1 = day1.addDays( 7 - day1.dayOfWeek() + 1 );
  } else {
    //Jan 1 is before Friday, so it is in Week 1.
    //Set day1 to be the preceding Monday
    day1 = day1.addDays( 1 - day1.dayOfWeek() );

  //Is the target date prior to day1?  If so, the target is in the 
  //last week of the previous year.
  if ( day1.daysTo( *this ) < 0 ) {
    if ( yearNum ) *yearNum = year() - 1;

    //The last week of the year always contains Dec 28th (ISO 8601)
    ExtDate lastDec28( year()-1, 12, 28 );
    return lastDec28.weekNumber();

  //If the target date is after Dec 28th, it's possible that it is in 
  //Week 1 of the following year.
  ExtDate dec28( year(), 12, 28 );
  if ( dayOfYear() > dec28.dayOfYear() && dayOfWeek() < 4 ) {
    if ( yearNum ) *yearNum = year() + 1;
    return 1;

  //If we reach here, the week number will be in this year.
  int week = 1 + int( day1.daysTo( *this )/7 );

  if ( yearNum ) *yearNum = year();
  return week;

TQString ExtDate::shortMonthName( int month ) {return m_shortMonthNames[month-1];}
TQString ExtDate::shortDayName( int weekday ) {return m_shortDayNames[weekday-1];}
TQString ExtDate::longMonthName( int month ) {return m_longMonthNames[month-1];}
TQString ExtDate::longDayName( int weekday ) {return m_longDayNames[weekday-1];}

#if !defined(QT_NO_SPRINTF)
TQString ExtDate::toString( Qt::DateFormat f) const
	QString	a_format;

	if ( ! isValid() ) return TQString::null;

	switch (f)
		case Qt::TextDate :	// Sat May 20 1995
			a_format = "%a %b %e %Y";

		case Qt::ISODate :	// YYYY-MM-DD
			a_format = "%Y-%m-%d";

		case Qt::LocalDate :	// local settings
			a_format = KGlobal::locale()->dateFormat();

		default :
			a_format = "toString : unknown format";

	return toString(a_format);

TQString ExtDate::toString( const TQString& format ) const
	if ( ! isValid() ) return TQString::null;

	//We use the KDE Date format specs.
	//Replace occurences of the following tokens with their
	//corresponding values:
	// %Y The year, including centuries prefix (e.g., "1984")
	// %y The year, excluding centuries prefix (e.g., "84")
	// %n Numerical month value (e.g., "3" for March)
	// %m Numerical month value, two digits (e.g., "03" for March)
	// %e Numerical day value (e.g., "3" on March 3rd)
	// %d Numerical day value, two digits (e.g., "03" on March 3rd)
	// %b Month name, short form (e.g., "Mar" for March)
	// %B Month name, long form (e.g., "March")
	// %a Weekday name, short form (e.g., "Wed" for Wednesday)
	// %A Weekday name, long form (e.g., "Wednesday")

	//All other characters are left as-is.

	TQString result( format );

	result.replace( "%Y", TQString().sprintf( "%d", year() ) );
	result.replace( "%y", TQString().sprintf( "%02d", (year() % 100) ) );
	result.replace( "%n", TQString().sprintf( "%d", month() ) );
	result.replace( "%m", TQString().sprintf( "%02d", month() ) );
	result.replace( "%e", TQString().sprintf( "%d", day() ) );
	result.replace( "%d", TQString().sprintf( "%02d", day() ) );
	result.replace( "%b", shortMonthName( month() ) );
	result.replace( "%B", longMonthName( month() ) );
	result.replace( "%a", shortDayName( dayOfWeek() ) );
	result.replace( "%A", longDayName( dayOfWeek() ) );

	return result;

bool ExtDate::setYMD( int y, int m, int d )
	if ( ! isValid(y,m,d) ) {
#if defined(QT_CHECK_RANGE)
		qWarning( "ExtDate: Invalid date %04d-%02d-%02d", y, m, d );
		m_year = 0;
		m_month = 0;
		m_day = 0;
		m_jd = INVALID_DAY;
		return false;
	} else {
		m_year = y;
		m_month = m;
		m_day = d;
		m_jd = GregorianToJD( y, m, d );
		return true;

bool ExtDate::setJD( long int _jd ) {
	if ( _jd == INVALID_DAY ) {
		m_jd = _jd;
		m_year = 0;
		m_month = 0;
		m_day = 0;
		return false;
	} else {
		m_jd = _jd;
		JDToGregorian( _jd, m_year, m_month, m_day );
		return true;

ExtDate ExtDate::addDays( int days ) const
	ExtDate a_date;
	a_date.setJD( jd() + days );
	return a_date;

ExtDate  ExtDate::addMonths( int months ) const
	int a_month = month() + months%12;
	int a_year  = year()  + int(months/12);

	while ( a_month < 1 ) {
		a_month += 12;

	while ( a_month > 12 ) {
		a_month -= 12;

	return ExtDate(a_year, a_month, day());

ExtDate  ExtDate::addYears( int years ) const
	return ExtDate(year() + years, month(), day());

int   ExtDate::daysTo( const ExtDate & a_date) const
	return a_date.jd() - jd();

ExtDate ExtDate::currentDate(Qt::TimeSpec ts)
	time_t a_current_time;
	struct tm a_current_time_tm;

	switch (ts)
		case Qt::LocalTime :
			localtime_r(&a_current_time, &a_current_time_tm);

		case Qt::UTC :
			gmtime_r(&a_current_time, &a_current_time_tm);

		default :
	return ExtDate(a_current_time_tm.tm_year + 1900, a_current_time_tm.tm_mon + 1, a_current_time_tm.tm_mday);

//Try both DateFormat values
ExtDate ExtDate::fromString( const TQString& s )
	ExtDate dResult = ExtDate::fromString( s, Qt::TextDate );
	if ( dResult.isValid() ) return dResult;

	dResult = ExtDate::fromString( s, Qt::ISODate );
	if ( dResult.isValid() ) return dResult;
	else return ExtDate(); //invalid	

ExtDate ExtDate::fromString( const TQString& s, Qt::DateFormat f )
	ExtDate dt = ExtDate();  //initialize invalid date
	if ( s.isEmpty() ) { return dt; }
	if ( f == Qt::LocalDate ) { //can't use LocalFormat
#if defined(QT_CHECK_RANGE)
		qWarning( "TQDate::fromString: Parameter out of range" );
		return dt;

	switch( f ) {
		case Qt::ISODate :
			int year( s.mid( 0, 4 ).toInt() );
			int month( s.mid( 5, 2 ).toInt() );
			int day( s.mid( 8, 2 ).toInt() );

			if ( year && month && day )
				return ExtDate( year, month, day );

		default :
		case Qt::TextDate :
			//Three possible date formats:
			//dd mth yyyy; mth dd yyyy; wkd mth dd yyyy
			//"mth" is the word for the month (long or short form)
			TQStringList ss = TQStringList::split( " ", s );
			bool ok = false;
			int month = -1;
			uint imonth = 0;
			uint iyear = 0;

			//If neither of the first two words is a number, then we'll assume
			//the first word is a superfluous "weekday" string
			int day = ss[0].toInt( &ok );
			if ( ! ok ) {
				day = ss[1].toInt( &ok );
				if ( ! ok ) {
						day = ss[2].toInt( &ok );
						if ( !ok ) return dt;  //could not find a valid day number in first three words
						imonth = 1;  //the month must be the second word
						iyear = 3;  //the year must be the fourth word
				} else {
					//the month is either the first word, or the third.
					imonth = 0;
					iyear = 2;
			} else {
				//month is the second word
				imonth = 1;
				iyear = 2;

			for ( uint i = 0; i < 12; i++ ) {
				if ( ss[imonth] == shortMonthName( i+1 ) || ss[imonth] == longMonthName( i+1 ) ) {
						month = i + 1;

			if ( month == -1 && imonth == 0 ) { //try the third word
				imonth = 2;
				iyear = 3;
				for ( uint i = 0; i < 12; i++ ) {
					if ( ss[imonth] == shortMonthName( i+1 ) || ss[imonth] == longMonthName( i+1 ) ) {
							month = i + 1;

			if ( month > -1 ) ok = true;
			if ( ! ok ) return dt; //could not parse month; return invalid

			int year = ss[iyear].toInt( &ok );
			if ( ! ok ) return dt; //could not parse year; return invalid

			return ExtDate( year, month, day );

#endif  //ifndef QT_NO_TEXTDATE

	return dt;
#endif  //ifndef QT_NO_DATESTRING

bool ExtDate::isValid( int y, int m, int d )
	if (m < 1 || m > 12) return false;
	if (d < 1) return false;
	if (m != 2 && d > (int) m_monthLength[m-1]) return false;
	if (m == 2 && d > ( (int) m_monthLength[1] + (leapYear(y) ? 1 : 0))) return false;
	return true;

TQDate ExtDate::qdate() const {
	TQDate q( year(), month(), day() );

	if ( q.isValid() )
		return q;
		return TQDate();

bool	ExtDate::leapYear( int year )
	// year is the year-number where JC birth is 0
	if ((year % 4) != 0) return false;
	// multiple of 4 : can be a leap year
	// centennial years are NOT leap, but quadri-centennial ARE.
	if ((year % 400) == 0) return true;
	if ((year % 100) == 0) return false;
	// year is multiple of 4 but not centennial so leap year !
	return true;

int ExtDate::dayOfYear(int y, int m, int d)
	return m_monthOrigin[m-1] + d + ((m > 1) ? (leapYear(y) ? 1 : 0) : 0);

  ExtDateTime member functions

    \class ExtDateTime extdatetime.h
    \brief The ExtDateTime class provides date and time functions.

    \ingroup time

    A ExtDateTime object contains a calendar date and a clock time (a
    "datetime"). It is a combination of the ExtDate and TQTime classes.
    It can read the current datetime from the system clock. It
    provides functions for comparing datetimes and for manipulating a
    datetime by adding a number of seconds, days, months or years.

    A ExtDateTime object is typically created either by giving a date
    and time explicitly in the constructor, or by using the static
    function currentDateTime(), which returns a ExtDateTime object set
    to the system clock's time. The date and time can be changed with
    setDate() and setTime(). A datetime can also be set using the
    setTime_t() function, which takes a POSIX-standard "number of
    seconds since 00:00:00 on January 1, 1970" value. The fromString()
    function returns a ExtDateTime given a string and a date format
    which is used to interpret the date within the string.

    The date() and time() functions provide access to the date and
    time parts of the datetime. The same information is provided in
    textual format by the toString() function.

    ExtDateTime provides a full set of operators to compare two
    ExtDateTime objects where smaller means earlier and larger means

    You can increment (or decrement) a datetime by a given number of
    seconds using addSecs() or days using addDays(). Similarly you can
    use addMonths() and addYears(). The daysTo() function returns the
    number of days between two datetimes, and secsTo() returns the
    number of seconds between two datetimes.

    The range of a datetime object is constrained to the ranges of the
    ExtDate and TQTime objects which it embodies.

    Methods in this class are reentrant.

    \sa ExtDate TQTime ExtDateTimeEdit

    \fn ExtDateTime::ExtDateTime()

    Constructs a null datetime (i.e. null date and null time). A null
    datetime is invalid, since the date is invalid.

    \sa isValid()

    Constructs a datetime with date \a date and null (but valid) time

ExtDateTime::ExtDateTime( const ExtDate &date )
    : d(date)

    Constructs a datetime with date \a date and time \a time.

ExtDateTime::ExtDateTime( const ExtDate &date, const TQTime &time )
    : d(date), t(time)

    \fn bool ExtDateTime::isNull() const

    Returns TRUE if both the date and the time are null; otherwise
    returns FALSE. A null datetime is invalid.

    \sa ExtDate::isNull(), TQTime::isNull()

    \fn bool ExtDateTime::isValid() const

    Returns TRUE if both the date and the time are valid; otherwise
    returns FALSE.

    \sa ExtDate::isValid(), TQTime::isValid()

    \fn ExtDate ExtDateTime::date() const

    Returns the date part of the datetime.

    \sa setDate(), time()

    \fn TQTime ExtDateTime::time() const

    Returns the time part of the datetime.

    \sa setTime(), date()

    \fn void ExtDateTime::setDate( const ExtDate &date )

    Sets the date part of this datetime to \a date.

    \sa date(), setTime()

    \fn void ExtDateTime::setTime( const TQTime &time )

    Sets the time part of this datetime to \a time.

    \sa time(), setDate()

    Returns the datetime as the number of seconds that have passed
    since 1970-01-01T00:00:00, Coordinated Universal Time (UTC).

    On systems that do not support timezones, this function will
    behave as if local time were UTC.

    \sa setTime_t()

uint ExtDateTime::toTime_t() const
    tm brokenDown;
    brokenDown.tm_sec = t.second();
    brokenDown.tm_min = t.minute();
    brokenDown.tm_hour = t.hour();
    brokenDown.tm_mday = d.day();
    brokenDown.tm_mon = d.month() - 1;
    brokenDown.tm_year = d.year() - 1900;
    brokenDown.tm_isdst = -1;
    int secsSince1Jan1970UTC = (int) mktime( &brokenDown );
    if ( secsSince1Jan1970UTC < -1 )
	secsSince1Jan1970UTC = -1;
    return (uint) secsSince1Jan1970UTC;


    Convenience function that sets the date and time to local time
    based on the given UTC time.

void ExtDateTime::setTime_t( uint secsSince1Jan1970UTC )
    setTime_t( secsSince1Jan1970UTC, Qt::LocalTime );

    Sets the date and time to \a ts time (\c Qt::LocalTime or \c
    Qt::UTC) given the number of seconds that have passed since
    1970-01-01T00:00:00, Coordinated Universal Time (UTC). On systems
    that do not support timezones this function will behave as if
    local time were UTC.

    On Windows, only a subset of \a secsSince1Jan1970UTC values are
    supported, as Windows starts counting from 1980.

    \sa toTime_t()
void ExtDateTime::setTime_t( uint secsSince1Jan1970UTC, Qt::TimeSpec ts )
    time_t tmp = (time_t) secsSince1Jan1970UTC;
    tm *brokenDown = 0;

#if defined(Q_OS_UNIX) && defined(QT_THREAD_SUPPORT) && defined(_POSIX_THREAD_SAFE_FUNCTIONS)
    // posix compliant system
    // use the reentrant versions of localtime() and gmtime() where available
    tm res;
    if ( ts == Qt::LocalTime )
	brokenDown = localtime_r( &tmp, &res );
    if ( !brokenDown ) {
	brokenDown = gmtime_r( &tmp, &res );
	if ( !brokenDown ) {
	    d.setJD( ExtDate::GregorianToJD( 1970, 1, 1 ) );
			//	    t.ds = 0;
    if ( ts == Qt::LocalTime )
	brokenDown = localtime( &tmp );
    if ( !brokenDown ) {
	brokenDown = gmtime( &tmp );
	if ( !brokenDown ) {
	    d.setJD( ExtDate::GregorianToJD( 1970, 1, 1 ) );
//	    t.ds = 0;

    d.setJD( ExtDate::GregorianToJD( brokenDown->tm_year + 1900,
				     brokenDown->tm_mon + 1,
				     brokenDown->tm_mday ) );
    t.setHMS( brokenDown->tm_hour, brokenDown->tm_min, brokenDown->tm_sec );
//		t.ds = MSECS_PER_HOUR * brokenDown->tm_hour +
//	   MSECS_PER_MIN * brokenDown->tm_min +
//	   1000 * brokenDown->tm_sec;

    Returns the datetime as a string. The \a f parameter determines
    the format of the string.

    If \a f is \c Qt::TextDate, the string format is "Wed May 20
    03:40:13 1998" (using ExtDate::shortDayName(), ExtDate::shortMonthName(),
    and TQTime::toString() to generate the string, so the day and month
    names will have localized names).

    If \a f is \c Qt::ISODate, the string format corresponds to the
    ISO 8601 extended specification for representations of dates and
    times, which is YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS.

    If \a f is \c Qt::LocalDate, the string format depends on the
    locale settings of the system.

    If the format \a f is invalid or the datetime is invalid, toString()
    returns a null string.

    \sa ExtDate::toString() TQTime::toString()

TQString ExtDateTime::toString( Qt::DateFormat f ) const
	if ( !isValid() )
		return TQString::null;

	if ( f == Qt::ISODate ) {
		return d.toString( Qt::ISODate ) + "T" + t.toString( Qt::ISODate );
	else if ( f == Qt::TextDate ) {
		return toString( "%a %b %e %Y %H:%M:%S" );
	else if ( f == Qt::LocalDate ) {
		return toString( KGlobal::locale()->dateFormat()
						+ " " + KGlobal::locale()->timeFormat() );

	return TQString::null;

TQString ExtDateTime::toString( const TQString& format ) const
	if ( !isValid() )
		return TQString::null;

	//Parse the date portion of the format string
	TQString result = date().toString( format );

	//For the time format, use the following KDE format specs:
	//Replace occurences of the following tokens with their
	//corresponding values:
	// %H Hour in 24h format, 2 digits
	// %k Hour in 24h format, 1-2 digits
	// %I Hour in 12h format, 2 digits
	// %l Hour in 12h format, 1-2 digits
	// %M Minute, 2 digits
	// %S Seconds, 2 digits
	// %p pm/am

	int h = time().hour();

	result.replace( "%H", TQString().sprintf( "%02d", h ) );
	result.replace( "%k", TQString().sprintf( "%d", h ) );
	result.replace( "%I", TQString().sprintf( "%02d", ( h > 12 ) ? h-12 : h ) );
	result.replace( "%l", TQString().sprintf( "%d", ( h > 12 ) ? h-12 : h ) );
	result.replace( "%M", TQString().sprintf( "%02d", time().minute() ) );
	result.replace( "%S", TQString().sprintf( "%02d", time().second() ) );
	result.replace( "%p", TQString().sprintf( "%s", ( h > 12 ) ? "pm" : "am" ) );

	return result;

    Returns a ExtDateTime object containing a datetime \a ndays days
    later than the datetime of this object (or earlier if \a ndays is

    \sa daysTo(), addMonths(), addYears(), addSecs()

ExtDateTime ExtDateTime::addDays( int ndays ) const
    return ExtDateTime( d.addDays(ndays), t );

    Returns a ExtDateTime object containing a datetime \a nmonths months
    later than the datetime of this object (or earlier if \a nmonths
    is negative).

    \sa daysTo(), addDays(), addYears(), addSecs()

ExtDateTime ExtDateTime::addMonths( int nmonths ) const
    return ExtDateTime( d.addMonths(nmonths), t );

    Returns a ExtDateTime object containing a datetime \a nyears years
    later than the datetime of this object (or earlier if \a nyears is

    \sa daysTo(), addDays(), addMonths(), addSecs()

ExtDateTime ExtDateTime::addYears( int nyears ) const
    return ExtDateTime( d.addYears(nyears), t );

    Returns a ExtDateTime object containing a datetime \a nsecs seconds
    later than the datetime of this object (or earlier if \a nsecs is

    \sa secsTo(), addDays(), addMonths(), addYears()

ExtDateTime ExtDateTime::addSecs( int nsecs ) const
	long int dd = d.jd();
	int tt = MSECS_PER_HOUR*t.hour() + MSECS_PER_MIN*t.minute() + 1000*t.second() + t.msec();
	tt += nsecs*1000;

	while ( tt < 0 ) {
		tt += MSECS_PER_DAY;

	while ( tt > int(MSECS_PER_DAY) ) {
		tt -= MSECS_PER_DAY;

	ExtDateTime ret;
	ret.setTime( TQTime().addMSecs( tt ) );
	ret.setDate( ExtDate( dd ) );

	return ret;

    Returns the number of days from this datetime to \a dt (which is
    negative if \a dt is earlier than this datetime).

    \sa addDays(), secsTo()

int ExtDateTime::daysTo( const ExtDateTime &dt ) const
    return d.daysTo( dt.d );

    Returns the number of seconds from this datetime to \a dt (which
    is negative if \a dt is earlier than this datetime).

    ExtDateTime dt = ExtDateTime::currentDateTime();
    ExtDateTime xmas( ExtDate(dt.date().year(),12,24), TQTime(17,00) );
    kdDebug( ) << "There are " << dt.secsTo(xmas) << " seconds to Christmas" << endl;

    \sa addSecs(), daysTo(), TQTime::secsTo()

int ExtDateTime::secsTo( const ExtDateTime &dt ) const
    return t.secsTo(dt.t) + d.daysTo(dt.d)*SECS_PER_DAY;

    Returns TRUE if this datetime is equal to \a dt; otherwise returns FALSE.

    \sa operator!=()

bool ExtDateTime::operator==( const ExtDateTime &dt ) const
    return  t == dt.t && d == dt.d;

    Returns TRUE if this datetime is different from \a dt; otherwise
    returns FALSE.

    \sa operator==()

bool ExtDateTime::operator!=( const ExtDateTime &dt ) const
    return  t != dt.t || d != dt.d;

    Returns TRUE if this datetime is earlier than \a dt; otherwise
    returns FALSE.

bool ExtDateTime::operator<( const ExtDateTime &dt ) const
    if ( d < dt.d )
	return true;
    return d == dt.d ? t < dt.t : false;

    Returns TRUE if this datetime is earlier than or equal to \a dt;
    otherwise returns FALSE.

bool ExtDateTime::operator<=( const ExtDateTime &dt ) const
    if ( d < dt.d )
	return true;
    return d == dt.d ? t <= dt.t : false;

    Returns TRUE if this datetime is later than \a dt; otherwise
    returns FALSE.

bool ExtDateTime::operator>( const ExtDateTime &dt ) const
    if ( d > dt.d )
	return true;
    return d == dt.d ? t > dt.t : false;

    Returns TRUE if this datetime is later than or equal to \a dt;
    otherwise returns FALSE.

bool ExtDateTime::operator>=( const ExtDateTime &dt ) const
    if ( d > dt.d )
	return true;
    return d == dt.d ? t >= dt.t : false;


    Returns the current datetime, as reported by the system clock.

    \sa ExtDate::currentDate(), TQTime::currentTime()

ExtDateTime ExtDateTime::currentDateTime()
    return currentDateTime( Qt::LocalTime );

  Returns the current datetime, as reported by the system clock, for the
  TimeSpec \a ts. The default TimeSpec is LocalTime.

  \sa ExtDate::currentDate(), TQTime::currentTime(), Qt::TimeSpec

ExtDateTime ExtDateTime::currentDateTime( Qt::TimeSpec ts )
    ExtDateTime dt;
    dt.setDate( ExtDate::currentDate(ts) );
    TQTime t = t.currentTime(ts);
    if ( t.hour()==0 && t.minute()==0 )         // midnight or right after?
        dt.setDate( ExtDate::currentDate(ts) ); // fetch date again
    dt.setTime( t );
    return dt;

    Returns the ExtDateTime represented by the string \a s, using the
    format \a f, or an invalid datetime if this is not possible.

    Note for \c Qt::TextDate: It is recommended that you use the
    English short month names (e.g. "Jan"). Although localized month
    names can also be used, they depend on the user's locale settings.

    \warning Note that \c Qt::LocalDate cannot be used here.
ExtDateTime ExtDateTime::fromString( const TQString& s )
	ExtDateTime dtResult = ExtDateTime::fromString( s, Qt::TextDate );
	if ( dtResult.isValid() ) return dtResult;

	dtResult = ExtDateTime::fromString( s, Qt::ISODate );

	if ( dtResult.isValid() ) return dtResult;
	else return ExtDateTime(); //invalid

ExtDateTime ExtDateTime::fromString( const TQString& s, Qt::DateFormat f )
	ExtDateTime dt;

	if ( ( s.isEmpty() ) || ( f == Qt::LocalDate ) ) {
#if defined(QT_CHECK_RANGE)
		qWarning( "ExtDateTime::fromString: Parameter out of range" );
		dt.d.setJD( INVALID_DAY );
		return dt;

	if ( f == Qt::ISODate ) {
		if ( s.length() <= 10 || ! s.contains( ':' )  ) { //no time specified
			TQTime t = TQTime(0,0,0);
			return ExtDateTime( ExtDate::fromString( s.mid(0,10), Qt::ISODate ) );
		} else {
			return ExtDateTime( ExtDate::fromString( s.mid(0,10), Qt::ISODate ),
					TQTime::fromString( s.mid(11), Qt::ISODate ) );
#if !defined(QT_NO_REGEXP) && !defined(QT_NO_TEXTDATE)
	else if ( f == Qt::TextDate ) {

		//parse the time, if it exists.
		TQTime time;
		TQString sd = s;
		int hour, minute, second;
		int pivot = s.find( TQRegExp(TQString::fromLatin1("[0-9][0-9]:[0-9][0-9]:[0-9][0-9]")) );
		if ( pivot != -1 ) {
			hour = s.mid( pivot, 2 ).toInt();
			minute = s.mid( pivot+3, 2 ).toInt();
			second = s.mid( pivot+6, 2 ).toInt();
			time.setHMS( hour, minute, second );

			sd = s.left( pivot - 1 );

		//sd is now just the date string.
		ExtDate date = ExtDate::fromString( s, Qt::TextDate );
		return ExtDateTime( date, time );

#endif //QT_NO_REGEXP
	return ExtDateTime();

KDE_EXPORT TQDataStream &operator<<( TQDataStream & ostream, const ExtDate & date)
	return ostream << (Q_UINT32)(date.jd());

KDE_EXPORT TQDataStream &operator>>( TQDataStream & ostream, ExtDate & date)
	Q_UINT32 julday;
	ostream >> julday;
	date.setJD( julday );
	return ostream;

KDE_EXPORT TQDataStream &operator<<( TQDataStream & ostream, const ExtDateTime & dt)
	return ostream << dt.d << dt.t;

KDE_EXPORT TQDataStream &operator>>( TQDataStream & ostream, ExtDateTime & dt)
	ostream >> dt.d >> dt.t;
	return ostream;